Project Management Plans Resources
- Risk Management Tool for Managing the Planning / Environmental Phases of Prospective Major Projects FHWA recommends that sponsors of major projects begin the risk management process while projects are in the planning and environmental phases. This document provides a model of an appropriate risk management approach for the replacement of "Big Bridge" over the Big River in Cavalier City. It is organized around an updated and refined version of the "Checklist of Major Project Questions for DAs to Use during Planning/Environment Stages," which FHWA issued in January 2006. This type of risk management inventory should be prepared close to the date of publication of a Notice of Intent for NEPA, in close consultation with the State DOT. The FHWA Division should update it, in consultation with the State DOT, at major points in the planning/environmental process, including DEIS, FEIS, and MPO Plan updates or amendments.
- Project Management Plan Guidance Questions This list prepared in March 2007 identifies a number of thinking points for states to consider when developing a Project Management Plan for major projects. These issues often take on a different degree of emphasis when planning and executing a mega-project.
- From Community Involvement to the Final Product: Marketing Mega Projects & Public Trust, University of Maryland University College (2004) (.pdf. 0.5 mb) Major projects are defined as projects with an estimated total cost of at least $1 billion or projects approaching $1 billion with a high level of interest by the public, Congress, or the Administration. This University of Maryland Study discusses the key factors in managing public trust and confidence, marketing plans and strategies as well as action/implementation plans for such projects.
- Large Project Management and Oversight (.pdf, 0.2 mb) Prepared by the Department of Transportation for The Senate Subcommittee on Transportation, Treasury and General Government and The House Subcommittee on Transportation, Treasury and Independent Agencies, this report responds to the large project management and oversight issues identified by Congress and covers broad agency-wide initiatives and specific activities related to large Federal-aid highway projects. Strategies for FHWA to Improve Large Project Management and Oversight are presented and discussed.
- Washington State DOT-Project Management The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) employs a number of tools to manage projects effectively and efficiently. WSDOT's project management process provides the framework for project managers to deliver projects on time and within scope and budget. This process is based upon proven industry standards for project management, including the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®) Guide published by the Project Management Institute (PMI).
Project Management Plan Webinars
- Major Project Financial Plan Guidance Update Webinar June 21, 2017
- Presentation (pdf, 0.3 mb)
- Listen to the webinar
Project Management Plan Examples
- US 36 Project - Colorado (Public Private Partnership Method) - 2013 The US 36 Toll Concession Project was developed by the Colorado High Performance Transportation Enterprise (HPTE), the TIFIA sponsor, in partnership with the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and the Regional Transportation District (RTD). The US 36 Toll Concession Project will be combined with the US 36 Managed Lane/BRT Project, the construction of which will proceed and be concurrent with construction of the Concession project. Upon completion and acceptance of the project, the Concessionaire will assume responsibilities for the maintenance and operation of infrastructure and tolling and for the TIFIA loan associated with the project.
- Louisville-Southern Indiana Ohio River Bridges (Bi State Management Teams) - 2013 (.pdf, 3 mb) The selected alternative provides for construction of a new six lane I-65 Bridge to accommodate the I-65 northbound movement. The existing I-65 Bridge will be reconfigured to accommodate the six lane I-65 southbound movement. This alternative also provides for a four lane freeway from I-71 in Kentucky to SR 62 in Indiana, connecting the Gene Snyder Freeway (KY 841) in Kentucky with the Lee Hamilton Highway (SR 265) in Indiana. Lastly, the selected alternative provides for the reconstruction of the Kennedy Interchange primarily within its current right-of-way- footprint. The PMP is a comprehensive, living document including the latest information available to assist the Bi-State Management Team (BSMT) comprised of members from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT), and Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC). The Downtown Crossing procurement and contract will be executed by KYTC using alternative delivery procedures, as defined in the downtown RFP . KYTC and INDOT will use standard consultant selection processes for selecting their respective Technical Teams. The P3 procurement for the East End will be through IFA, as per Indiana's P3 enabling legislation.
- Zoo Interchange Project - Wisconsin (Design Bid Build) - 2012 (.pdf) This is a traditionally-procured project (Design-Bid-Build). The project is also traditionally-funded (Federal and State transportation funding). The project is a large urban Interstate interchange reconstruction project. Construction is scheduled to be completed during a 5-year time frame. It is being managed by a project team that has experience on two other major projects.
- I-95 Betsy Ross Interchange (BRI) & Bridge Street Ramps (BSR) Project - Project Management Plan (Design Bid Build) - February 17, 2011 This 2011 Project Management Plan (PMP) [revised in 2012] establishes the framework for administering the reconstruction of I-95, being undertaken by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), from detail design through construction and project closure. The PMP formulates the project's management methodology and organization while providing guidance for the orderly interaction of multiple parties that are involved for the successful completion of the project. This PMP will be updated annually through the life of the project; significant changes in the project limits, delivery schedule or budget will trigger an update of this document.
- SR 520 Pontoon Construction Project: Project Management Plan Part 1 (Design Build) - July 2009 (.pdf, 4 mb) and SR 520 Pontoon Construction Project: Project Management Plan Part 2 (Design Build). - August 2010 (.pdf, 3 mb) These documents are the recently approved Project Management Plan (PMP) for the SR 520 Pontoon Construction Project being undertaken by the Washington State Department of Transportation. This project will involve the construction of pontoons needed to replace the existing traffic capacity on the Evergreen Point (SR 520 Floating) Bridge across Lake Washington near Seattle. Part 1 of the PMP described preliminary engineering activities during the preconstruction period. Part 2 describes project management during the design-build phase of the project, including final design and construction.
- LBJ-IH 635 Managed Lanes - Texas (Public Private Partnership) - 2010 (.pdf, 2 mb) The IH 635 Managed Lanes project consists of five project sections, totaling approximately 17 miles of the IH 635 and IH 35E corridors in Dallas County, Texas. The Project was jointly proposed by the TxDOT Dallas District, City of Dallas, Dallas County, and City of Farmers Branch. TxDOT and the Developer, with oversight from FHWA, have organized into one group known as the Project Team. The Developer has the obligation under the CDA to finance, develop, design and construct the project in accordance with the CDA documents, applicable law and good industry practice.