U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations
This summary report is an archived publication and may contain dated technical, contact, and link information |
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-15-067 Date: August 2015 |
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-15-067 Date: August 2015 |
At the end of the first day, the presenters participated in a panel discussion and answered questions from the other workshop participants. The workshop participants directed general questions to all five presenters and also posed specific questions to individual presenters for their response. A summary of the panel discussion is outlined in the following sections.
The panelists noted that when traveling on high-speed roads (e.g., interstate highways), the major visual task for the driver is to be aware of the vehicles ahead. More light is needed on slow-speed roads because of complexities (e.g., intersections and narrow and winding road curvature) associated with such roads. According to the panelists, older drivers tend to decrease the time they spend driving on unfamiliar or high-speed roads at night. In terms of visual capabilities, the panelists suggested that younger drivers have limited experience but have the best vision, whereas older drivers have the most experience but have impaired vision. The panelists mentioned that there is a gap in research in how changes in roadway infrastructure affect drivers familiar with the roadway and that there are various elements that could be included in the redesign to address this issue.
During the discussion, the panelists noted that there are hours of eye-glance data that need to be mined from the second Strategic Highway Research Program's naturalistic driving study. The panelists also highlighted that the California DOT (i.e., CALTRANS) is currently expanding its research on managing lanes. CALTRANS do not want to put up glare screens or glare walls and are investigating how much lighting could be installed to help drivers avoid looking at the glare of oncoming vehicles.
The panelists mentioned that researchers for a study conducted over a 3-year period in Finland collected data from drivers in high-speed and low-speed situations (Kallberg, 1993). Halfway through the experiment, the researchers installed reflector posts. In the high-speed situation, they observed no difference in driver behavior; however, in the low-speed situation, the reflectorization resulted in an increase in crash rates because drivers maintained a higher speed even though the road was complex. Researchers for this study theorized that reflector posts created a false sense of safety. This meant that drivers felt that they could keep their speeds high instead of decreasing them to appropriately and safely maneuver through the terrain.
The panelists spent part of the discussion focusing on virtual windshields and driver perception. They noted that the HUD reduces a driver's peripheral vision and acuity. Moreover, it can even create a hazard by inhibiting the driver's ability to refocus when the image being broadcast onto the screen brings his or her attention "in" instead of "out" (e.g., viewing the world outside of the vehicle). The panelists suggested that this may be worse than looking at the instrument cluster in a vehicle's dashboard. They also noted that the use of these virtual windshields is becoming more widely available. There is new technology moving toward interconnected vehicles and infrastructure that is leading the way for these windshields to project traffic signs and speed limits directly in the driver's immediate field of view. According to the panelists, this creates an increase in information workload and a new environment that the driver needs to adjust to. There is a significant need for human factors research and involvement to ensure high levels of safety with the emergence and adoption of these new technologies.
The panelists mentioned that there are individual differences when it comes to a person's ability to focus and respond to visual information. For example, when the driver has two sets of information (i.e., the projected and the real-world view), the human eye needs to choose which set of information to focus on. When there are two surfaces, including one that is transparent to the other view, people tend to choose to focus on the closest surface. In this scenario, that would be the information projected on the virtual windshield. Panelists noted the importance of a low contrast between surfaces when there is low illumination because there is less ability for the human eye to clearly focus on a specific view.
The panelists also discussed gaps in human factors visibility research. They noted that the interaction between cars and connectivity is an important innovation, particularly in terms of driver perception. Vehicles will be able to send messages to other vehicles without any dependence on conditions. This is because intervehicle communication relies on established infrastructure, including lights, signs, markings, and sounds (e.g., horns). The panelists suggested that the loop needs to be closed between visibility devices and the capabilities of different drivers. More specifically, individual differences need to be studied and accounted for to ensure that these new visibility technologies can adapt to a wide variety of drivers. The panelists mentioned that researchers should study young, old, experienced, and novice drivers, and analyze their varying visibility requirements and mental capacity to understand the world around them.
According to the panelists, the infrastructure currently available encompasses the environment as a system of parts. These parts (e.g., street signs, traffic lights, and lane markings) are not "interconnected," but they work together to ensure safe highway and roadway travel. The panelists mentioned that one goal is to tighten up this system of parts by taking inputs from vehicles as part of future Intelligent Transportation System installations to form a cohesive system. During the discussion, the panelists also noted that researchers have previously conducted studies to analyze the effects of lighting on driver performance to model behaviors. The researchers focused on the direction of drivers' vision and which components of the visual system aided or inhibited a driver's visible acuity. When considering visibility and interconnectivity as a whole system, the panelists suggested that information silos need to be identified and broken down. The panelists put forward two specific questions that need to be answered: (1) does really good retroreflectivity mean that more or less lighting is needed; and (2) is it a better investment for municipalities to install dimmable systems that can be increased or decreased in energy consumption, rather than repainting pavement markings every 3-6 months?
The panelists agreed that there needs to be a better systematic approach to nighttime visibility. For example, the geometries for daytime visibility are different for pavement markings, retroreflectivity, signs, and raised pavement markings. The panelists suggested that research needs to be focused on identifying other performance metrics given that nighttime visibility is integrated. In addition, they agreed that nighttime visibility needs to be better defined, because current research is based on daytime conditions and assumptions. Although driver behavior, specifically in regard to speed, does not generally change between day and night driving, there are many other things that do change at night that are not documented in the MUTCD. The panelists highlighted that local and State governments are looking for objective performance data to justify new lighting infrastructure or to maintain existing surface infrastructure. At this time, it is not known if it is more cost-effective to spend money to install dimmable lighting or to spend money on maintaining existing pavement markings.
The panelists went on to discuss smart vehicle technology. With new "smarter" technology becoming increasingly more available (e.g., rear-visibility cameras, lane-keeping assist, and blind-spot monitoring), the panelists asked why accidents are still happening. They questioned what it is that the human element in this mix is failing to do and asked if onboard data recorders could be used to examine vehicle crashes after the fact and determine the fault. Panelists suggested that augmented systems could possibly help identify this missing link. They agreed that further research is needed to identify the shortfalls of these technologies and to find solutions to enhance their effect on safety.
For the second half of this workshop, workshop participants split into two small groups to brainstorm and answer two different, but related, topics. The first session charged the groups to answer the questions, "What exploratory research do we need to do to get us to the future, and how do we coordinate across disciplines?" While the groups had the charge to consider exploratory and cross-disciplinary research, the discussion for the most part was on applied research with a narrower highway focus.
Session One:
What exploratory research do we need to do to get us to the future, and how do we coordinate across disciplines?
Session Two:
Needed Applied Research and Next Steps
The second session focused on identifying and creating concrete next steps to move research toward addressing the ideas discussed in the first brainstorming session. These are outlined in the following sections.