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Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations

This report is an archived publication and may contain dated technical, contact, and link information
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-05-157
Date: October 2003-September 2005

Technical Publications Catalog


Fact Sheets

Traffic Research Laboratory Fact Sheet


This fact sheet presents the purpose, description, mission, special capabilities, laboratory composition, products and services, and expertise of the Traffic Research Laboratory (TReL).

TFHRC Technical Reference Center and www.fhwa.dot.gov/publications/research/operations/its/04088/index.cfm

Office of Operations R&D


The Traffic Analysis Toolbox is a set of documents that provide guidance on the role and use of traffic analysis tools in transportation analyses. "Traffic analysis tools" is a collective term used to describe a variety of software-based analytical procedures and methodologies that support different aspects of traffic and transportation analyses. These include methodologies such as sketch-planning, travel demand modeling, traffic signal optimization, and traffic simulation. Documents currently in the toolbox include Volume I: Traffic Analysis Tools Primer, Volume II: Decision Support Methodology for Selecting Traffic Analysis Tools, and Volume III: Guidelines for Applying Traffic Microsimulation Modeling Software.


I-40 Full Closure Feasibility Assessment


Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) identified a section of I-40 east of downtown Knoxville, TN, as a candidate for major rehabilitation, and in 2004, considered various strategies to perform the needed roadwork, keeping in mind construction costs, project duration, and potential impact to road users. TDOT commissioned a traffic study to predict traffic volumes. The study used QuickZone to identify the likelihood of significant congestion.

TFHRC Technical Reference Center

I-95 Operational Analysis for Lane Closures at Night


Maintaining roadway capacity is an important aspect in the ongoing Woodrow Wilson Bridge replacement project in the Washington, DC, metropolitan area. QuickZone was use to estimate delay and duration of the construction project.

TFHRC Technical Reference Center

Responding to Public Concern about Delays During Bridge Repairs


In the spring of 2001, a major structural rehabilitation project started on the Little Bras d'Or bridge in Nova Scotia, Canada. QuickZone enabled the quick testing of a number of alternate phasing plans, and minimized unacceptable delays in a work zone.

TFHRC Technical Reference Center

Justifying the Additional Cost of Night Work in Nova Scotia


In 2001, the intersection of Reeves Street and Trunk 4 in Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia, along a key access route to the Trans-Canada Highway, was slated to be upgraded. QuickZone was used to identify potential queuing and delays through simple intersection analysis, provided the analytical backup to demonstrate the advantages of nighttime construction, and provided estimates of queue length and delays.

TFHRC Technical Reference Center

Cost-Effective Construction Phasing in Yosemite Alley


Yosemite National Park in California is one of the most popular national park destinations in the United States. Due to the shape of Yosemite Valley, public access to the park is limited. Two key roadways are schedule to be under consideration for repaving. QuickZone was used to identify a feasible one-season construction schedule, development of an analytical traffic operations model, and modeling capability of complex geometric changes and traffic control.

TFHRC Technical Reference Center

Preparing for Peak Tourist Season During Repaving Operations, Zion National Park


In 2004, a major rehabilitation of the main road through Zion National Park in Utah was scheduled to take place. QuickZone was used to estimate the length of the queue and number of vehicles in queue for the peak tourist months of June, July, August, September, and October.

TFHRC Technical Reference Center

Cumulative Delay Analysis for Successive Work Zones on Beartooth Highway


The Central Federal Lands Highway Division (CFLHD) has been working with the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service and the National Park Service to reconstruct a 30-kilometer (18.6-mile) section of the scenic Beartooth Highway in Montana. A key capability CFLHD needed from QuickZone was the estimate of cumulative delay a motorist would likely encounter from a series of work zones, including localized bottlenecks, flagging operations, and periodic full closures.

TFHRC Technical Reference Center

Economic Impact of Work Zones with Lengthy Detours in Wyoming


Louis Lake Road is located in Fremont County, WY, and links the town of Lander and the Shoshone National Forest. The one-lane gravel road is unsafe for expected traffic increases. Construction to remedy the situation was considered. CFLHD used QuickZone. QuickZone estimated the delay a traveler would face during flagging operations of different lengths and capacities.

TFHRC Technical Reference Center

Product Briefs

Introducing ProVAL 2.0


What's New in ProVAL 2.0? The improved Graphical User Interface (GUI) is new. The ProVAL 2.0 GUI has been redesigned to improve usability. Extensive profile data utilities (distance adjustment and event markers) are provided in the "Edit Data" window. Analysis types are now easily accessible via the menu, "Analysis," when the "Analysis" window is active. The most significant GUI improvement is to provide the profile data selector in both the "Profiles" (viewer) and "Analysis" windows. The profile data selector in the "Analysis" window for each analysis type is independent and it can provide users with maximum flexibility for the data analyst.

www.fhwa.dot.gov/publications/research/infrastructure/pavements/ltpp/reports/04154/ index.cfm

Technical Reports

Identifying and Assessing Key Weather-Related Parameters and Their Impacts on Traffic Operations Using Simulation


The objectives of this study were to identify how weather events impact traffic operations, assess the sensitivity of weather-related traffic parameters in the CORridor SIMulation (CORSIM) traffic microsimulation model, and develop guidelines for using the CORSIM model to account for the impacts of adverse weather conditions on traffic operations.


High Accuracy-Nationwide Differential Global Positioning System Test and Analysis Phase II Report


The High Accuracy-Nationwide Differential Global Positioning System (HA-NDGPS) program focused on developing compression and broadcast techniques to provide users over a large area wit very accurate radio navigation solutions. The goal was achieve 0 cm (0 inches) in real time over 322-kilometer (200-mile) baselines. The focus of the Phase II effort was on several aspects of HA-NDGPS to refine the navigation solution and demonstrate its usefulness. To that end, this report provides a description and analysis of these tasks as well as conclusions reached.



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Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000
Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center | 6300 Georgetown Pike | McLean, VA | 22101