Estimating Cumulative Traffic Loads, Volume II:
Traffic Data Assessment and Axle Load Projection for The Sites With Acceptable Axle Weight Data, Final Report for Phase 2
A principal objective of the LTPP program is to quantify the
relationship between pavement performance and traffic loads.
Consequently, traffic data collection and analysis, required to
obtain traffic loads, is the key activity within the LTPP
In 1998, the FHWA sponsored a study to estimate traffic loads on
LTPP sites. Phase 2, described in this report, included the
assessment of the overall quality of traffic data for all 890 LTPP
traffic sites, the distribution of summary traffic data reports to
all participating agencies describing what traffic data are
available for the sites in their jurisdictions, and soliciting
their input regarding traffic projections and the projection of
axle loads for all LTPP sites with adequate traffic data.
Axle load projections were developed for all in–service years
for 558 LTPP traffic sites that had adequate traffic monitoring
data in the IMS database. The axle load projections were expressed
as annual axle load spectra for single, tandem, and triple axles,
and were placed into IMS computed parameter tables.
The main traffic data assessment and traffic projection
activities carried out during the course of the Phase 2 study
- Data assessment and traffic projection carried out for all
individual LTPP traffic sites.
- Preparation of the LTPP Traffic Feedback and Resolution
Packages for all participating agencies; these summarized traffic
data assessment and traffic projection results.
- Review of LTPP Traffic Feedback and Resolution Packages by
- Review of LTPP Traffic Feedback and Resolution Packages by
participating agencies.
- Implementation of review comments received from participating
Because of the large variation in the quality of traffic data
and the uncertainty associated with traffic load projections
developed for individual sites, traffic projections were assigned
projection confidence codes to characterize the level of confidence
associated with projected traffic loads:
- A: Acceptable projection results. Cumulative ESAL
estimates are probably within ±50 percent of the actual cumulative
ESAL values.
- Q: Questionable projection results. Cumulative ESAL
estimates are probably within ±100 percent of actual cumulative
ESAL values.
- N: Not available projection results. Axle load
estimates could not be provided at the time.
Of the 890 LTPP traffic sites, 194 (21.8 percent) were assigned
the acceptable projection confidence code and 364 (40.9 percent)
were assigned the questionable projection confidence code. For 269
sites (30.2 percent), only the projection of AADT truck volumes was
provided because of the unavailability of adequate site–specific
axle load data. Many of these 269 sites had site–specific axle load
data in the database, but the data were considered inadequate to be
used for the projection of axle loads. No traffic projections were
carried out for 63 sites because of lack of traffic data. The
projection results for all 890 sites are summarized in appendix
The projection results were provided for the LTPP sites with
unique traffic identification numbers. The total number of all LTPP
sections is larger than the number of the LTPP sites because one
traffic site may provide traffic data for several sections.
No axle load projections could be developed for 332 LTPP sites
because of inadequate or missing data. Nonetheless, the 332 sites,
representing 37 percent of all LTPP sites, contain a wealth of
information regarding pavement materials, environment, and pavement
performance. Without the required traffic data, this information
cannot be utilized for the development of load–related pavement
performance models. In order to provide traffic projections for
these sites, truck classification and axle load distributions must
be estimated in lieu of missing site–specific data. Any such
estimates must be done judiciously. However, no guidelines exist
for the estimation of truck class and axle load distributions, and
the knowledge of typical or characteristic distributions is widely
To overcome the difficulty of estimating the missing traffic
data, it was proposed to develop the LTPP PLG. This report contains
a description of the purpose, design parameters, and functionality
of the PLG, a blueprint for the development of the PLG, and two
examples of using the PLG to obtain traffic load projections for
LTPP sites without site–specific truck class or axle load
- Traffic data collection in the field is essential for obtaining
reliable traffic load data but not sufficient to obtain traffic
loads for all years the pavement was in service because it is not
possible to collect past traffic data or to collect traffic data
all the time. To obtain pavement loads for all years the LTPP sites
were in service, it is necessary to use the combination of traffic
data (both historical and monitoring) and mathematical modeling
referred to as traffic projection.
- The projection procedure used to estimate traffic loads
reflects the quantity and quality of available historical and
monitoring data. However, the projection procedure cannot fully
overcome limitations caused by the presence of questionable data in
the database and the use of data that has been factored to annual
values. Recommendations to overcome the limitations caused by data
quality concerns and factoring of data to annual values are
presented in the next section.
- Considering that only about 23 percent of all GPS sites, and
about 10 percent of all SPS sites, have acceptable axle load
estimates, greater attention should be paid to the quality of
traffic data. About 37 percent of all sites (332 sites) had
insufficient or missing site–specific truck class or axle weight
distribution data to carry out axle load projections. To obtain
traffic load estimates for those 37 percent, replacement traffic
data will need to be used.
- The LTPP traffic database provides good representation of
traffic flows on major highways. Of the 558 sites with traffic
projections assigned the acceptable or questionable projection
confidence codes, 471 sites (84.4 percent) are located on rural or
urban interstates and principal arterial highways. The minimum
annual average daily truck volume on LTPP sites ranged from 30
trucks per day for a site located on rural minor collector highway
to 6310 trucks per day on a site located on an urban
- The mean annual growth in truck volumes between 1994 and 1998
ranged from 6.5 percent for urban freeways and expressways to 3.0
percent for rural minor arterial highways. The mean annual growth
in truck volumes on rural interstates was 4.6 percent.
- Since 1993, there has been a steady decline in the amount of
monitoring axle load data available for traffic projection. The
number of annual axle load spectra that could be used for the
projection declined from 231 sections in 1993 to 150 sections in
1998. In other words, in 1998, of the 890 sites, only 150 (16.8
percent) had axle load spectra that could be used for projection of
axle loads that yielded acceptable or questionable confidence
codes. Only 51 sites in 1998 (5.7 percent of all sites) had axle
loads yielding acceptable axle load projections. The decline in the
amount of acceptable traffic data highlights the need for a renewed
data–collection effort. It also highlights the importance of
traffic modeling to extend limited sampling data and to compensate
for the lack of data, and the need for the proposed LTPP
This section describes recommended future analytical, modeling,
and traffic data–management activities needed to improve traffic
load estimates for LTPP sites. There is an obvious need to collect
more traffic data and, particularly, to collect high–quality
traffic data; however, the activities recommended in this section
are concerned only with traffic data analysis and management and
not with data collection. The recommendations are divided into:
- Short–term activities required to carry out traffic projection,
initiated in Phase 2, to completion.
- Long–term activities that go beyond the scope and methodology
of Phase 2 work and are needed for better utilization of the
existing traffic data.
Short–Term Activities
Responding to Participating Agencies
At the conclusion of Phase 2, approximately 60 percent of the
participating agencies had not yet completed the review of the
initial traffic projections. When the agencies' reviews of the
initial traffic projections are completed, the reviews should be
clarified and discussed with the participating agencies, and
utilized to develop reviewed projections.
Developing the LTPP PLG
The LTPP PLG is essential for the estimation of pavement loads
for the LTPP sites that do not have site–specific traffic
monitoring data. Of 890 LTPP sites, 332 are without traffic load
projections. To provide traffic load projections for these sites,
axle load spectra and/or truck classification volumes must be
estimated in lieu of missing data. The proposed PLG will provide a
knowledge base, guidelines, and computational software to
facilitate the estimation of traffic loads for the LTPP sites
without site–specific traffic data. It will also be a very useful
product emerging from the LTPP program for estimating traffic loads
for general pavement design purposes. For these reasons, it is
recommended to proceed with the development of the proposed PLG on
a priority basis.
Completing Traffic Projection for all LTPP Sites
After the development of the LTPP PLG, the initial traffic
projection for the remaining 332 LTPP sites without traffic load
projections should be carried out, sent to the participating
agencies for review, and included in the database. The completion
of the initial traffic projections for all LTPP sites will enable
pavement performance analyses that require the knowledge of traffic
loads for the additional 334 LTPP sites. Potentially, the number of
additional LTPP sections that could be used in the load–dependent
performance modeling could be even greater because more than one
LTPP section could use traffic data from a single LTPP traffic
Traffic projections carried out in Phase 2 were done for the
period from the time the pavement was open to traffic to 1998. The
projections should be updated to incorporate additional traffic
data when the data become available.
Long–Term Activities
The recommended long–term activities include:
- Development of an action plan.
- QA of traffic data.
- Use of monthly traffic data.
- Regional traffic modeling.
Development of an Action Plan
The action plan should identify all issues facing LTPP traffic
data collection and analysis and recommend specific actions for
their resolution. Several components of such an action plan are
recommended here.
Quality Assurance of Traffic Data
The previous traffic data QA process has resulted in traffic
data that cannot be used without reservations. As documented in
chapter 3, about 50 percent of all annual axle load spectra stored
in the IMS database were judged unacceptable for estimating traffic
The scope and effectiveness of the original LTPP traffic data QA
process faced several limitations:
- The previous LTPP traffic data QA reports were carried out for
periods equal to, or less than, 1 year. Consequently, it was not
possible to assess long–term trends in historical and monitoring
traffic data, such as annual differences in monitoring truck
volumes (e.g., to compare AADT truck volumes for two consecutive
years) and axle load spectra.
- Comparisons between historical and monitoring traffic data were
not carried out, and no long–term assessment of trends in traffic
data (spanning the entire time the pavement sections were in
service) was performed.
- When the original traffic data QA work started, monitoring
traffic data was available for only a few years, and often the
amount of data was insufficient to establish trends and to obtain
an understanding of what type of data are expected on a particular
site. This paucity of data has made it difficult to screen data and
reject suspect data confidently.
- Vehicles that could not be properly classified by the
monitoring equipment (usually referred to as Class 14 vehicles)
were typically not included in the traffic data QA process.
These barriers have been removed through: the development of the
computerized procedure to display and summarize long–term trends in
traffic data developed under this project; better understanding of
trends and variation in traffic data; and the availability of
additional traffic data. The anticipated development of the LTPP
PLG will also contribute to the body of knowledge that can be used
to assess and verify traffic data.
In summary, there is a fundamental need to carry out a basic
traffic data QA process to better use traffic data that have been
collected in the field. The traffic data QA process is necessary to
provide reliable traffic load estimates. The collection of traffic
data in the field is very expensive considering the cost of
purchasing, installing, and maintaining AVC or WIM system
equipment, and data collection and processing. The QA process will
help agencies obtain a return on this investment and enhance the
LTPP data.
The following activities may be required to carry out the basic
traffic data QA process and to remove nonsensical data from the
- Reprocessing of some of the raw traffic data (for example, for
agencies that have reported a large percentage of Class 14
- Improvements in the software used to produce LTPP traffic data
QA reports so the graphs displaying traffic data are more
user–friendly and understandable to representatives of
participating agencies.
- Preparation of new LTPP traffic data QA reports (or
re–examination of the old reports) and identification of erroneous
- Purging erroneous data.
Use of Monthly Traffic Data
If an annual axle load spectrum were judged to be unacceptable,
all axle loads constituting the annual spectrum were rejected and
not used in the projection. Yet annual axle loads may consist of an
amalgam of both valid and questionable axle load data collected at
different times of the year. Rejecting the entire annual spectrum
from the projection process could have serious consequences for
sites for which only a few monitoring annual axle load spectra are
Using shorter time periods, such as a month, enables a better
utilization of available traffic data because axle load spectra are
accepted or rejected as monthly, not annual, chunks. Consequently,
a portion of the annual axle load data that would have been
rejected as part of the annual data could be utilized as monthly
data. Monthly axle load spectra are not available and need to be
calculated from the raw binary files. Because of the large
computational requirements, the monthly axle load spectra can be
calculated only through CTDB data managers.
The use of annual data for the projection of traffic loads has
been appropriate as the starting point. However, to overcome the
disadvantages of using annual data, it is recommended to develop
software to calculate monthly traffic data and, in particular,
monthly axle load spectra, and to use the monthly axle load spectra
for the projection of axle loads. The availability of monthly data
will also provide a measure of seasonal variation in traffic
Regional Traffic Modeling
Regional traffic modeling may be the best and most cost
effective way to extend limited LTPP data and supplement them with
data that are not part of the LTPP database. This situation
specifically applies to agencies such as Florida and Texas that
have a large corporate traffic database containing extensive
WIM–type data but relatively little LTPP data. The feasibility of
this approach (utilizing both LTPP and non–LTPP data for LTPP
traffic projection) should be investigated using a pilot study in
one or two agencies.
The proposed PLG, with its database management, display, and
comparison features, will also facilitate the utilization of
regional traffic data in lieu of missing LTPP data.