U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations
This report is an archived publication and may contain dated technical, contact, and link information |
Publication Number: FHWA-RD-01-163 Date: March 2002 |
Figure 1: Flowchart. Fundamental process for analyzing a concrete MRD sample. The flowchart shows the steps involved in diagnosing an MRD. The steps are as follows:
Figure 1-1: Flowchart. Guidelines for identification, treatment, and prevention of MRD. This flowchart illustrates how the three volumes that comprise this study are connected to the identification, treatment, and prevention of MRD. The first part of the guidelines is about field data collection and is in Volume 1, field distress survey, sampling, and handling procedures. The next part of the guidelines is about laboratory data collection and interpretation and is in Volume 2, laboratory testing and data interpretation for identification of MRD. The final part is about remediation and prevention of MRDs and is in Volume 3, treatment, rehabilitation, and prevention procedures.
Figure 1-2: Graphic. SHRP LTPP distress symbols for jointed concrete pavements (JCP) (SHRP 1993). This figure shows 14 JCP distress map symbols used to indicate various types of distress and their level of severity when sketching pictures of pavement. On a sketch, the symbol would be drawn and the distress type number and its level of severity would be indicated if appropriate. Severity is expressed with the letters L, M, or H, corresponding to low, moderate or high levels of severity. The table below contains the distress number, its name, a description of the symbol, a column to note when the distress severity level should be indicated with the distress number, and a column to note other indications that go with the distress number. (Note that the numbers do not follow numerical order.)
Distress Number |
Distress Name |
Symbol Description |
Severity Indication |
Other Indications |
1 |
Corner breaks |
Arc drawn in corner |
L, M, H |
Number each of the corner breaks |
3 |
Longitudinal cracking |
Vertical line at crack site |
L, M, H |
Length of crack in meters; write the letter S on the map at the distress site if the crack is sealed |
4 |
Transverse cracking |
Horizontal line at crack site |
L, M, H |
Number of cracks and length in meters |
5a |
Joint seal damage of transverse joints |
Shaded box around the horizontal joint where damage is occurring |
L, M, H |
Number of areas of damage |
5b |
Joint seal damage of the longitudinal joints |
Shaded box around the vertical joint where damage is occurring |
No severity levels |
Number of areas of damage |
6 |
Spalling of longitudinal joints |
Series of small, vertical circles around the joint |
L, M, H |
Length in meters |
7 |
Spalling of transverse joints |
Series of small, horizontal circles around the joint |
L, M, H |
Number of joints and length in meters |
8a |
Map cracking |
Rounded plaid/ fishnet pattern |
No severity levels |
Square meters of distress |
8b |
Scaling |
Rounded plaid/ fishnet pattern |
No severity levels |
Square meters of distress |
9 |
Polished aggregate |
Small diagonal lines |
No severity levels |
Square meters of distress |
10 |
Popouts |
Small ovals drawn at an angle |
No severity levels |
Number |
11 |
Blowups |
Curved line over joints |
No severity levels |
Number |
12 |
Faulting of transverse joints and cracks |
Straight line |
No severity levels |
Length of faulting in millimeters |
15 |
Patch/patch deterioration |
Shaded square over patched area |
L, M, H |
Square meters and number of patch; indicate on map an F if flexible or an R if rigid |
16 |
Water bleeding and pumping |
Arrowhead pattern drawn on the crack |
No severity levels |
Number of occurrences; length of affected pavement in meters |
Figure 1-3: Graphic. SHRP LTPP distress symbols for continuously reinforced concrete pavements (CRCP) (SHRP 1993). This figure shows 10 CRCP distress map symbols used to indicate various types of distress and their level of severity when sketching pictures of pavement. On a sketch, the symbol would be drawn and the distress type number and its level of severity would be indicated if appropriate. Severity is expressed with the letters L, M, or H, corresponding to low, moderate or high levels of severity. The table below contains the distress number, its name, a description of the symbol, a column to note when the distress severity level should be indicated with the distress number, and a column to note other indications that go with the distress number. (Note that the numbers do not follow numerical order.)
Distress Number |
Distress Name |
Symbol Description |
Severity Indication |
Other Indications |
2 |
Longitudinal cracking |
Vertical line at the crack site |
L, M, H |
Length of crack in meters; write the letter S on the map at the distress site if the crack is sealed |
3 |
Transverse cracking |
Horizontal line at the crack site |
L, M, H |
Number of cracks and length in meters |
4a |
Map cracking |
Rounded plaid/ fishnet pattern |
No severity levels |
Square meters of distress |
4b |
Scaling |
Rounded plaid/ fishnet pattern |
No severity levels |
Square meters of distress |
5 |
Polished aggregate |
Small diagonal lines |
No severity levels |
Square meters of distress |
6 |
Popouts |
Small ovals drawn at an angle |
No severity levels |
Number |
7 |
Blowups |
Curved line over joints |
No severity levels |
Number |
8 |
Transverse construction joint deterioration |
Small X's below joint at site of deterioration |
L, M, H |
Number |
11 |
Patch/Patch deterioration |
Shaded square over patched area |
L, M, H |
Square meters and number of patch; indicate on map an F if flexible or an R if rigid. |
12 |
Punchouts |
Two horizontal, parallel lines with diagonal lines drawn between the parallel lines at punchout site |
L, M, H |
Number |
13 |
Spalling of longitudinal joints |
Series of small, vertical circles around the joint |
L, M, H |
Length in meters |
14 |
Water bleeding and pumping |
Arrowhead pattern drawn on the crack |
No severity levels |
Number of occurrences; length of affected pavement in meters |
15 |
Longitudinal joint seal damage |
Small horizontal lines drawn over longitudinal joint |
No severity levels |
Figure 1-4: Graphic. Example of SHRP LTPP survey form (SHRP 1993). The figure shows a completed survey form for a 30.5 meter or 100 foot long, 3.5 meter, over 11 feet wide sample unit. The survey form has State assigned ID 1 2 3 4, State code 2 8, and SHRP section ID 0 1 0 1. The sample unit has two sealed L joints. The areas of distress are as follows:
Figure 1-5: Graphic. Example of PCI sample unit inspection form (Shahin and Walther 1990). This form is used to record the inspection of a sample unit of a concrete surfaced road or parking lot. The right side of the form has a space for sketching out any distressed areas of the sample unit and is marked with an 11 by 5 grid. The top left part of the form has a list of distress types. Below the list of distress types is a table for the inspector to denote information about any distressed areas found on the sample unit. The table contains columns for the inspector to indicate the distress type number, level of severity, slab number, density, and deduction value.
Figure 1-6: Flowchart. Fundamental process for analyzing a concrete MRD sample. The flowchart shows the steps involved in diagnosing an MRD. The steps are as follows:
1.) Perform visual observation.
2.) Perform either wet chemistry analysis, stereo OM observation, or use staining techniques.
3.) If wet chemistry analysis or staining techniques are chosen, follow both with stereo OM observations
4.) Diagnose the MRD after the stereo OM observations if possible or perform further wet chemistry analysis or staining, or conduct petrographic OM or SEM/EDS observations.
5.) Diagnose the MRD if possible or conduct more stereo OM observations or X-ray diffraction analysis. In some cases, if petrographic OM observation was performed first, researchers might want to follow that with SEM/EDS observation. The same goes for if SEM/EDS observations was performed first.
6.) Once all appropriate observation techniques are conducted and X-ray diffraction has been performed, diagnose the MRD.
Figure 1-7: Graph. Effect of treatment with lithium hydroxide solution (Stark et al., 1993). This chart presents the results of a study to determine the effect of treating hardened concrete with a lithium concrete solution. Overall, the treatment caused the concrete to stop expanding or reduced the rate of expansion. The chart indicates that when concrete was treated with a lithium hydroxide soak, expansion within the concrete continued for approximately 90 days after the treatment. At 90 days, expansion leveled off at slightly more than 0.40 percent. For concrete soaked with lithium hydroxide at 32 days and then resoaked at 90 days, expansion occurred at a steady rate until the first soaking and then at a slower rate until the second soaking. After the re-soak, expansion stopped at 0.20 percent. Expansion increased steadily throughout the entire time period for the control sample of concrete.
Figure 1-8: Graph. Effect of various lithium treatments. This chart presents the results of a study to determine the effect of treating hardened concrete with various lithium treatments. The chart indicates the following effects for three different treatments and a control sample: Concrete treated with lithium carbonate at the 90-day mark expanded rapidly until the four-month mark to approximately 0.30 percent. After the four-month mark, the concrete expanded at a slower rate to a maximum of 0.40 percent by the 25-month mark. Concrete soaked with lithium fluoride expanded to 0.55 percent during the first 15 months after treatment, after which time expansion leveled off. Concrete treated with lithium hydroxide expanded rapidly, by more than 0.40 percent, during the first 90 days prior to treatment. After the 90 days and the treatment occurred, expansion leveled off at approximately 0.43 percent for the remainder of the time period. The control sample continuously expanded throughout the 25-month time period to a maximum of approximately 0.78 percent.
Figure 1-9: Flowchart. Flowchart for selecting preferred treatment and rehabilitation options. This flowchart shows the process for selecting treatment and rehabilitation options for MRDs. When selecting the preferred treatment and rehabilitation options, the following steps should be followed:
1.) Identify the extent and severity of the durability distress.
2.) Identify potential treatment or repair options. To do this, see the tables for each distress type.
3.) Identify appropriate materials and equipment for use with the identified treatment or repair options
4.) Determine if other durability distress exists. (If other durability distress exists, then go back to step one and identify the extent and durability of the distress. If the answer is no and no other durability distress exists, then continue to the next step.)
5.) Evaluate overall pavement conditions. Note that at this point, other types of distress than durability distress should be identified, along with their severity and extent. Regardless of whether durability or other types of distress are identified, continue with the following steps.
6.) Identify comprehensive feasible treatment or rehabilitation alternatives by evaluating potential constraints and the performance of each alternative and by conducting a life cycle cost analysis for each alternative.
7.) Select the preferred alternative.
8.) Develop a detailed treatment and rehabilitation plan.
Figure 1-10: Diagram. A holistic model of concrete deterioration from environmental effects (Mehta 1997). The starting point of this flow chart indicates that deterioration begins when cracks, microcracks, and pores start to form within a watertight, reinforced concrete structure pores. At this point, the surrounding environment can impact the concrete causing no visible damage but effecting the concrete through either weathering such as cyclic heating and cooling or wetting and drying or from loading such as cyclic loading or impact loading. This stage is known as Stage 1 environmental action. This environmental action leads to the gradual loss of watertightness as cracks, microcracks, and pores become more interconnected. Stage 2 environmental action then occurs, which can cause initiation and propagation damage from either the penetration of water, the penetration of oxygen and carbon dioxide, or the penetration of acidic ions such as chlorine or sulfate ions. Stage 2 environmental action can simultaneously cause two problems. First, it can result in the expansion of the concrete due to increasing hydraulic pressure in pores caused by the corrosion of steel, sulfate attack on aggregates, alkali attack on aggregates, or the freezing of water. Second, it can lead to a reduction in concrete strength and stiffness. Both of these problems can lead to cracking, spalling, and a loss of mass, which can lead once again lead to the gradual loss of watertightness as cracks, microcracks, and pores become more interconnected. If this happens, the cycle begins again.
Figure 1-11: Graphic. General location of projects included in study. This map shows the location of the six projects (four primary and two secondary) conducted for this study. On the map, circles indicate primary project sites and are located along State Route 68 in Boron, California, along I 90 in Spearfish, South Dakota, TH 65 in Mora, Minnesota, and along I 440 in Raleigh, North Carolina. Triangles indicate secondary project sites and are located along State route 14 in Mojave, California and along State route 2 in Nebraska City, Nebraska.
Equation: Method used to assign project identification numbers. The project identification numbers are the two letter state abbreviation followed by a dash and then the three digit highway number followed by a dash and then the beginning milepost number followed by a dash and then the section number.
Equation: Method used to assign core sample identification numbers. The core sample identification numbers are the two letter state abbreviation followed by a dash and then the three digit highway number followed by a dash and then the beginning milepost number followed by a dash and then the section number followed by a dash and then the one letter code designation that indicates core location.
Figure A-1: Diagram. The electrochemical process of steel corrosion. (Mehta and Monteiro 1993). At the top of the diagram are the reaction equations for the cathode and anode processes. The reaction equation for cathode process is one oxygen molecule plus two water plus four free electrons reacts to form four hydroxide. The reaction equation for the anode process is iron represented by uppercase F lowercase E reacts to form iron denoted as uppercase F lowercase E with two positive charges in the superscript plus two free electrons. The graphic depicts oxygen flowing into moist concrete as an electrolyte. Below the moist concrete is a layer of steel where the cathodes and anodes are located. The concrete and steel are separated by a surface film of ferric oxide. A current flows through the steel from the cathodes into the anodes resulting in the release electrons from the anodes into the cathodes and iron molecules back into the moist concrete.