U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations
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This report is an archived publication and may contain dated technical, contact, and link information |
Publication Number: FHWA-RD-01-163 Date: March 2002 |
Submitted to: Submitted by: March 2002 |
1.1Project Description
1.2 Objectives
1.3Scope of Work
1.4 Report Organization
Chapter 2. MRD in Concrete Pavements
2.1 Background
2.2 Types of MRD
Deterioration Due to Physical Mechanisms
Deterioration Due to Chemical Mechanisms
2.3 Advisory Guidelines
Chapter 3. Development of Advisory Guidelines
3.1 Background for Field Distress survey, Sampling, and Sample Handling Procedures
Review of Selected Distress Survey Methodologies
Procedures Adopted for a Distress Survey of MRD Affected Concrete Pavement
3.2Background for Laboratory and Data Interpretation Procedures
Review of Laboratory Procedures for Investigation of Concrete Deterioration
Recommended Laboratory Procedures for Investigation of MRD in Concrete Pavements
Background to Data Analysis and Interpretation of MRD in Concrete Pavements
Approach to Data Analysis and Interpretation
3.3 Background for Treatment and Prevention of MRD in Concrete Pavements
Background on Treatment and Rehabilitation Methods
Approach for Treatment and Rehabilitation of Concrete Pavements Affected by MRD
Background on the Prevention of MRD in Concrete Pavements
Recommended Approach for Prevention of MRD in Concrete Pavements
Chapter 4. Evaluation of the Field and Laboratory Guidelines
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Project Selection Process
4.3 Field Data Collection and Laboratory Testing
Field Distress Data Collection
Chapter 5. Summary And Conclusions
Appendix A: Distress Mechanisms
A.1 Deterioration Due to Physical Mechanisms
A.2 Deterioration Due to Chemical Attack Mechanisms.
1. Fundamental process for analyzing a concrete
MRD sample
1-1. Flow of guidelines for identification, treatment,
and prevention of MRD
1-2. SHRP LTPP distress symbols for jointed concrete
pavements (JCP)
1-3. SHRP LTPP distress symbols for continuously
reinforced concrete pavements (CRCP)
1-4. Example SHRP LTPP survey form
1-5. Example PCI sample unit inspection form
1-6. Fundamental process for analyzing a concrete
MRD sample
1-7. Effect of treatment with LiOH solution
1-8. Effect of various lithium treatments
1-9. Flowchart for selecting preferred treatment
and rehabilitation options
1-10. A holistic model of concrete deterioration
from environmental effects.
1-11. General location of projects included in
A-1. The electrochemical process of steel corrosion
1. Summary of key MRDs in concrete pavements.
1-1. Summary of key MRDs.
1-2. SHRP LTPP distress types for PCC pavements.
1-3. PCI distress types for PCC roads.
1-4. Simplified ACI survey checklist.
1-5. ASTM sampling standards for concrete and
concrete-making materials.
1-6. Effect of overlay thickness on freeze-thaw
1-7. Available treatment and rehabilitation options.
1-8. Recommended air contents for freeze-thaw
distress resistant concrete.
1-9. Minimum moist curing times for scaling resistance.
1-10. Recommendations
1-11. Improvement in sulfate resistance versus
the R-factor.
1-12. Primary and secondary test sites included
in study.
1-13. Standard photographs taken for each project.
A-1. Preliminary definitions of forms of ettringite
being considered by ACI Committee 116-names and definitions.