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Federal Highway Administration
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Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations

This report is an archived publication and may contain dated technical, contact, and link information
Publication Number: FHWA-RD-01-164
Date: March 2002

Figure I-13

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Figure I-13: Graphic. Distress map symbols for CRCP (adapted from SHRP 1993). This figure shows 10 CRCP distress map symbols used to indicate various types of distress and their level of severity when sketching pictures of pavement. On a sketch, the symbol would be drawn and the distress type number and its level of severity would be indicated if appropriate. Severity is expressed with the letters L, M, or H, corresponding to low, moderate or high levels of severity. The table below contains the distress number, its name, a description of the symbol, a column to note when the distress severity level should be indicated with the distress number, and a column to note other indications that go with the distress number. (Note that the numbers do not follow numerical order.) 

Distress Number

Distress Name

Symbol Description

Severity Indication

Other Indications


Longitudinal cracking

Vertical line at the crack site

L, M, H

Length of crack in meters; write the letter S on the map at the distress site if the crack is sealed


Transverse cracking

Horizontal line at the crack site

L, M, H

Number of cracks and length in meters


Map cracking

Rounded plaid/ fishnet pattern

No severity levels

Square meters of distress



Rounded plaid/ fishnet pattern

No severity levels

Square meters of distress


Polished aggregate

Small diagonal lines

No severity levels

Square meters of distress



Small ovals drawn at an angle

No severity levels




Curved line over joints

No severity levels



Transverse construction joint deterioration

Small X’s below joint at site of deterioration

L, M, H



Patch/Patch deterioration

Shaded square over patched area

L, M, H

Square meters and number of patch; indicate on map an F if flexible or an R if rigid.



Two horizontal, parallel lines with diagonal lines drawn between the parallel lines at punchout site

L, M, H



Spalling of longitudinal joints

Series of small, vertical circles around the joint

L, M, H

Length in meters


Water bleeding and pumping

Arrowhead pattern drawn on the crack

No severity levels

Number of occurrences; length of affected pavement in meters


Longitudinal joint seal damage

Small horizontal lines drawn over longitudinal joint

No severity levels

Length of damage in meters


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Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000
Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center | 6300 Georgetown Pike | McLean, VA | 22101