U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations
This report is an archived publication and may contain dated technical, contact, and link information |
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-11-070 Date: July 2012 |
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-11-070 Date: July 2012 |
Under this track, the concrete pavement research community will attempt to develop a mechanistic approach to pavement restoration and preservation strategies. This track builds off of the comprehensive work done under NCHRP 1-37A that led to the development of the MEPDG and subsequently the AASHTOWare® DARWin-METM product.(1) The problem statements in this chapter will improve the models, designs, rehabilitation efforts, and all aspects of the work done under NCHRP 1-37A. This track relies on a detailed understanding of the MEPDG, committing researchers to the power of modeling and predictions.(1) However, the CP Road Map also identifies the need for simplified mix design procedures for cities and counties, as well as a design catalog approach. Because many materials properties are important to design success, it is critical that the research conducted under this track is coordinated closely with the work in track 1.
Empirical approaches to concrete pavement design are effective when the conditions remain basically the same, the focus is on structural design, and the attention is not on understanding and managing distress or failure modes. Today, the pavement design practice is primarily empirical, although the state of the practice is moving toward mechanistic approaches. The primary source of much of today’s pavement design is still the American Association of State Highway Officials’ (AASHO) road test of the 1950s. This one subgrade, one base, one climate, and limited traffic design guide was constructed using better-than-normal construction practices. Data analysis techniques were also fairly basic, and the incorporation of reliability was insufficiently understood. Moreover, the AASHO road test did not incorporate many of the concepts and products used today in concrete pavement practices, including concrete overlays, permeable bases, different cements, dowel bar retrofits (DBRs), and other necessary repairs.
Today, the state of the practice is rapidly moving toward mechanistic-empirical (M-E) approaches, particularly with the AASHTOWare® release of DARWin-METM and the expressed interest of many States.(1) These M-E approaches will allow the designer to account for new design features and characteristics, many materials properties, changing traffic characteristics, and differing construction procedures (such as curing and day/night construction). The designer now can consider additional design features and focus more on pavement performance, including limiting key distress types.
In continuing this work, this track not only looks to the next generation of modeling improvements, but it considers integrating design with materials, construction, presentation, and surface characteristics. This track also explores the development of new high-speed computer analysis tools for optimizing pavement design that can address changes to multiple inputs and thus offer better data on potential life-cycle costs and reliability.
The following sections summarize the goal and objectives for this track and the gaps and challenges for its research program. A table of estimated costs provides the projected cost range for each problem statement depending on the research priorities and scope determined in implementation. The problem statements, grouped into subtracks, follow.
Mechanistic-based concrete pavement designs will be reliable, economical, constructible, and maintainable throughout their design life and meet or exceed the multiple needs of the traveling public, taxpayers, and the owning highway agencies. The advanced technology developed under this track will increase concrete pavement reliability and durability (with fewer early failures and lane closures) and help develop cost-effective pavement design and rehabilitation.
The track 2 objectives are as follows:
The task 2 research gaps are as follows:
The track 2 research challenges are as follows:
Table 8 shows the estimated costs for this research track.
Problem Statement | Estimated Cost |
Subtrack 2-1. Design Guide Structural Models | |
2-1-1. Development of Benchmark Problems for Concrete Pavement Structural Models Validation | $500,000–$700,000 |
2-1-2. Improvement of Two-Dimensional and/or Three-Dimensional Structural Models for Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement and Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement Used for Reconstruction and Overlays | $5–$6 million |
2-1-3. Development of Model for Erosion Related to Material Properties under Dynamic Wheel Loading | $800,000– $1.2 million |
2-1-4. Improvements to Dynamic Modeling of Concrete Pavement Systems for Use in Design and Analysis | $800,000– $1.2 million |
2-1-5. Structural Models for Special New Types of Concrete Pavements and Overlays | $1–$2 million |
Subtrack 2-2. Design Guide Inputs, Performance Models, and Reliability | |
2-2-1. Enhancement and Validation of Enhanced Integrated Climatic Models for Temperature, Moisture, and Moduli | $1–$2 million |
2-2-2. Development and Enhancement of Concrete Materials Models for Improved Pavement Design | $5–$6 million |
2-2.3. Enhancement and Validation of Traffic Loading Models Unique to Concrete Pavements | $600,000– $1 million |
2-2-4. Improved Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement Deterioration Models | $1.5–$2.5 million |
2-2-5. Improved Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement Cracking and Punchout Prediction Models | $1.5–$2.5 million |
2-2-6. Improved Consideration of Foundation and Subdrainage Models | $1–$1.5 million |
2-2-7. Identify and Implement New and Practical Ways to Incorporate Reliability into Concrete Pavement Design and Rehabilitation | $3–$5 million |
Subtrack 2-3. Special Design and Rehabilitation Issues | |
2-3-1. Concrete Pavement Design Aspects Related to Multiple/Additional Lanes | $800,000– $1.5 million |
2-3-2. Characterization of Existing Concrete or Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement to Provide an Adequate Rehabilitation Design | $3.5–$4.5 million |
2-3-3. Improvements to Concrete Overlay Design Procedures | $4–$4.5 million |
2-3-4. Improvements to Concrete Pavement Restoration/Preservation Procedures | $2–$3 million |
2-3-5. Development of New and Innovative Concrete Pavement Type Designs | $1–$2 million |
2-3-6. Optimizing Procedure for New Design and Future Maintenance and Rehabilitation Capable of Minimizing Total Life-Cycle Costs, Lane Closure Time, and Other Design Goals over the Range of Design Life | $1–$2 million |
Subtrack 2-4. Improved Mechanistic Design Procedures | |
2-4-1. Incremental Improvements to Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide Procedures | $1.5–$2.5 million |
2-4-2. New MEPDG Procedures for Paradigm Shift Capabilities | $2–$4 million |
Subtrack 2-5. Design Guide Implementation | |
2-5-1. Implementation of the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide | $2–$3 million |
Total | $40.5–$59.6 million |
Track 2 problem statements are grouped into the following five subtracks:
Each subtrack is introduced by a brief summary of the subtrack’s focus and a table listing the titles, estimated costs, products, and benefits of each problem statement in the subtrack. The problem statements follow.
This subtrack identifies and frames the next generation of structural models for conventional pavements, as well as the models needed for new and innovative structures. This subtrack is tied closely to the output from the MEPDG.(1) Table 9 provides an overview of this subtrack.
Problem Statement | Estimated Cost | Products | Benefits |
2-1-1. Development of Benchmark Problems for Concrete Pavement Structural Models Validation | $500,000–$700,000 | Data that validates current and future structural models for concrete pavements and accurate structural models that improve the performance prediction of concrete pavements. | Accurate structural models that improve the performance prediction of concrete pavements. |
2-1-2. Improvement of Two-Dimensional and/or Three-Dimensional Structural Models for Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement and Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement Used for Reconstruction and Overlays | $5–$6 million | Improved two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) finite-element model (FEM) that provides significantly improved computation of stresses and deflections for jointed plain concrete pavement (JPCP) and CRCP used in reconstruction and as overlays and pavement performance prediction models that more accurately predict pavement distress and life for incorporation into a new version of the pavement design guide. | Improved characterization of design features, interlayer relationships, and material properties. FEMs incorporated into new versions of the pavement design guide. |
2-1-3. Development of Model for Erosion Related to Material Properties under Dynamic Wheel Loading | $800,000–$1.2 million | A comprehensive base/ subgrade erosion test and model capable of predicting vertical and horizontal displacement of fine particles as a function of traffic loading and climatic conditions and a more efficiently designed base and subbase course for specific site conditions. |
More reliable and cost-effective base and subbase course support for specific site conditions. |
2-1-4. Improvements to Dynamic Modeling of Concrete Pavement Systems for Use in Design and Analysis | $800,000–$1.2 million | A structural model that considers dynamic loading of concrete pavements. | A structural model that considers dynamic loading of concrete pavements that will model traffic loadings more realistically and that can be incorporated into the pavement design guide’s advanced version. |
2-1-5. Structural Models for Special New Types of Concrete Pavements and Overlays | $1–$2 million | FEM models that accurately predict structural responses for the slab and supporting layers in selected structural systems. | The ability to consider new and innovative concrete pavement structures for more cost-effective conventional or special design applications. |
The MEPDG uses a mechanistic model to calculate critical stresses and deflections from traffic and climate factors in JPCP and CRCP. These stresses and deflections are used to predict key distress. The MEPDG development contract (NCHRP 1-37A) could not fully validate these critical stresses and deflections, and concern exists that these stresses and deflections may not be computed accurately by the underlying FEM.(1)
Research performed at various locations over the years has compared measured and predicted strains and deflections (e.g., AASHO road test and Minnesota Road Research Project (MnROAD)). Some of the structural models used include Westergaard, JSLAB®, and ISLAB2000®. Discrepancies between the calculated and measured strains and deflections have always been evident, but they need additional research attention. Loading speed should be fully considered. The tasks include the following:
Benefits: Accurate structural models that improve the performance prediction of concrete pavements.
Products: Data that validate current and future structural models for concrete pavements and accurate structural models that improve the performance prediction of concrete pavements.
Implementation: This research will help establish the accuracy of structural response models. Structural responses are used to calculate the design procedure.
The MEPDG uses the ISLAB2000® FEM to structurally model JPCP and CRCP that are built as new and used overlays.(1) FEM calculates critical stresses and deflections from traffic and climate factors and then uses them to predict damage and distress. While this is a good state-of-the-art FEM for design use, models must be developed that will more accurately calculate stresses in all types of concrete pavements and rehabilitation situations.
The tasks include the following:
Benefits: Better characterization of design features, interlayer relationships, and material properties, as well as FEMs incorporated into new versions of the pavement design guide.
Products: Improved 2D and 3D FEM that provides significantly improved computation of stresses and deflections for JPCP and CRCP used in reconstruction and as overlays. Additional products include pavement performance prediction models that more accurately predict pavement distress and life for incorporation into a new version of the pavement design guide.
Implementation: FEM will be incorporated into a design procedure as soon as it is completed. It also will be used for parameter and sensitivity studies.
When excess moisture exists in a pavement with an erodible base or underlying fine-grained subgrade material, repeated vehicle loadings typically force the mixture of water and fine material (fines) from beneath the leave slab corner and eject it to the surface through the transverse joint or along the shoulder. This process, commonly referred to as pumping, eventually results in a void below the leave slab corner. Some of the fines that are not ejected are deposited under the approach slab corner, causing the approach slab to rise. This buildup of material beneath the approach corner and the loss of support under the leave corner can cause significant joint faulting, especially for JPCP without dowels. Significant joint faulting increases the life-cycle cost of the pavement through early rehabilitation and vehicle operating costs. Voids also can develop along the edge of CRCP.
The MEPDG level 1 classification of material erodibility is based on the material type and test results from an appropriate laboratory test that realistically simulates erosion beneath a concrete slab.(1) However, suitable tests that would accurately assess erosion under various concrete pavement types are currently unavailable. Levels 2 and 3 rely on strength tests or otherwise inadequate descriptions of base materials. The M-E models relate erosion potential with concrete corner slab deflections. However, this mechanistic parameter only indicates erosion potential indirectly because it does not reflect horizontal movements of the fine particles in the base/subgrade. Moreover, the available erodibility classification methods cannot account mechanistically for the erodibility of the base and subgrade as a function of traffic loading and climatic conditions.
The tasks include the following:
Benefits: More reliable and cost-effective base and subbase course support for specific site conditions.
Products: A comprehensive base/subgrade erosion test and model capable of predicting vertical and horizontal displacement of fine particles as a function of traffic loading and climatic conditions and a more efficiently designed base and subbase course for specific site conditions.
Implementation: This problem statement will generate an important, currently missing part of the concrete pavement design guide. The model resulting from this research will be able to be incorporated into the design procedure immediately.
Traffic loadings are almost always moving when they impact the pavement surface. If these loads are moving quickly and the pavement is reasonably smooth, these loads cause deflections that are often less than static. However, as roughness increases, impact loading can develop, which may significantly exceed static loading. Modeling concrete pavement dynamically would provide more realistic loading and speed effects on structural behavior and improve accuracy in predicting key stresses and deflections.
The tasks include the following:
Benefits: A structural model that considers dynamic loading of concrete pavements that will more realistically model traffic loadings and that can be incorporated into the pavement design guide’s advanced version.
Products: A structural model that considers dynamic loading of concrete pavements.
Implementation: Dynamic loading impacts pavements every day. Improved understanding may lead to better performance prediction. Results obtained will be implemented immediately into design procedures.
Continually seeking improved and more cost-effective concrete pavement designs is important. New and innovative alternative designs have been constructed, and others will be proposed in the future. As an initial step, it is important to have a capable structural model that accurately calculates stress and deformation of these pavement types. This research will expand or modify the latest FEM to model different types of concrete pavements structurally.
Task: Expand or modify FEMs to model the following concrete pavement types and their layered systems beneath the slabs:
Benefits: The ability to consider new and innovative concrete pavement structures for more cost-effective conventional or special design applications.
Products: FEM models that accurately predict structural responses for the slab and supporting layers in selected structural systems.
Implementation: The effects of new and innovative designs cannot be established without structural models. These structural models will be implemented into design procedures as soon as the feasibility of special designs is established.
This subtrack develops specific improvements to environmental models, long-term concrete properties, the next generation of traffic models, distress models, and easy-to-use reliability analysis tools. Table 10 provides an overview of this subtrack.
Problem Statement | Estimated Cost | Products | Benefits |
2-2-1. Enhancement and Validation of Enhanced Integrated Climatic Models for Temperature, Moisture, and Moduli | $1–$2 million | A more capable and accurate enhanced integrated climatic model (EICM) for use with concrete pavements to provide detailed hourly temperature, moisture, subdrainage, and other inputs for the incremental design process. | Full and accurate consideration of climatic factors that provide more cost-effective and reliable concrete pavement designs. |
2-2-2. Development and Enhancement of Concrete Materials Models for Improved Pavement Design | $5–$6 million | A better understanding of concrete materials models that will be incorporated into current and advanced versions of the pavement design guide, making it more reliable and cost effective. | Better quantification of long-term concrete properties to consider these factors in design more accurately. This research will help determine the impact of various key construction aspects on slab behavior and performance and the concrete fatigue of full-scale slabs under various conditions. |
2-2-3. Enhancement and Validation of Traffic Loading Models Unique to Concrete Pavements | $600,000– $1 million |
Improved traffic characterization for use in concrete pavement design. | Better characterization of traffic loadings for use in concrete pavement design. |
2-2-4. Improved Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement Deterioration Models | $1.5–$2.5 million | Improved and more comprehensive distress and smoothness prediction models for JPCP, including JPCP on low-volume roadways. | Reduced prediction uncertainty, resulting in a more cost-effective design for a given level of reliability for JPCP and improved validation of JPCP design for low-volume roadways. |
2-2-5. Improved Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement Cracking and Punchout Prediction Models | $1.5–$2.5 million | Improved and more comprehensive distress and smoothness prediction models for CRCP. | Reduced prediction uncertainty, resulting in a more cost-effective design for a given level of reliability for CRCP. |
2-2-6. Improved Consideration of Foundation and Subdrainage Models | $1–$1.5 million | An improved and more comprehensive design procedure that considers the base layer, subbase layers, subgrade, and subdrainage of concrete pavements more fully, as well as guidelines that will be implemented into a future version of the pavement design guide. |
Improved consideration of the foundation and subdrainage that will be implemented into the pavement design guide to produce more reliable and cost-effective designs. |
2-2-7. Identify and Implement New and Practical Ways to Incorporate Reliability into Concrete Pavement Design and Rehabilitation | $3–$5 million | Improved and more comprehensive reliability methodology that considers individual input, model, and other variabilities for concrete pavement mechanistic design. | Improved procedures that will reduce first costs and improve credibility of the mechanistic design approach since design reliability critically affects pavement costs and performance. |
EICMs in the MEPDG are a major step toward considering the many climate factors in concrete pavement design.(1) The EICM receives the following hourly data from weather stations: solar radiation, temperature, precipitation, wind speed, and cloud cover. The software then applies the weather data to the pavement section under consideration to predict pavement temperature and moisture at various points within each pavement layer and in the subgrade. These temperatures and moistures serve many purposes, including calculation of stress and curling using temperature gradients through the slab, estimation of layer modulus using moisture contents in unbound materials, estimation of the dynamic modulus of asphalt-bound materials, estimation of the frost line and modulus below and above the line, and computation of the load transfer efficiency (LTE) using joint and crack openings. While EICM is an extremely valuable tool, certain aspects must be improved to support more advanced climatic modeling of concrete pavements.
The tasks include the following:
Benefits: Full and accurate consideration of climatic factors that provide more cost-effective and reliable concrete pavement designs.
Products: A more capable and accurate EICM for use with concrete pavements to provide detailed hourly temperature, moisture, subdrainage, and other inputs for the incremental design process.
Implementation: The EICM is the heart of the design procedure, and any improvements will be implemented immediately.
Concrete materials properties significantly affect concrete pavement performance. Improving the characterization of slab concrete will allow researchers to more reliably predict pavement performance. This research will address many key aspects of improving concrete materials and construction.
The tasks include the following:
Benefits: Better quantification of long-term concrete properties to consider these factors in design more accurately. This research will help determine the impact of various key construction aspects on slab behavior and performance and the concrete fatigue of full-scale slabs under various conditions.
Products: A better understanding of concrete materials models that will be incorporated into current and advanced versions of the pavement design guide, making it more reliable and cost effective.
Implementation: The concrete materials models resulting from this research will be immediately incorporated into improved concrete pavement design procedures.
Traffic loading on concrete pavements varies from very low to extremely heavy. A typical concrete pavement located on a major highway could carry 50,000 (on a low-volume road) to more than 200 million (on an urban freeway) heavy trucks over its 30- to 40-year lifetime. Accurately characterizing traffic loadings is critical to good design.
The MEPDG significantly improved traffic loading characterization by considering the full axle spectrum for each type of axle (i.e., single, tandem, tridem, and quads).(1) However, further improvements are needed.
The tasks include the following:
Benefits: Improved characterization of traffic loadings for use in concrete pavement design.
Products: Improved traffic characterization for use in concrete pavement design.
Implementation: The traffic loading models resulting from this research will be immediately incorporated into concrete pavement design procedures.
Used in all levels of streets and highways from low to high traffic volumes, JPCP is the most popular type of concrete in the world. This popularity is due to its relative cost effectiveness and its reliability. The JPCP design has significantly improved through increased knowledge over the past several decades.
The tasks include the following:
Benefits: Reduced prediction uncertainty, resulting in a more cost-effective design for a given level of reliability for JPCP and improved validation of JPCP design for low-volume roadways.
Products: Improved and more comprehensive distress and smoothness prediction models for JPCP, including JPCP on low-volume roadways.
Implementation: The JPCP deterioration models resulting from this research will be incorporated immediately into improved concrete pavement design procedures.
Several States and other countries use CRCP, especially for heavily trafficked highways. In Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) program testing, it has proven to be the smoothest of all pavement types for more than 30 years due to its ability to handle very high traffic loadings over a long period. CRCP design has improved significantly through increased knowledge over the past several decades.
The tasks include the following:
Benefits: Reduced prediction uncertainty, resulting in a more cost-effective design for a given level of reliability for CRCP.
Products: Significantly improved and more comprehensive distress and smoothness prediction models for CRCP.
Implementation: The CRCP cracking and punchout prediction models resulting from this research will be incorporated immediately into improved concrete pavement design procedures.
The base course, subbase courses, and the subgrade are important to the performance of any type of concrete pavement. Imbedded in the foundation is pavement structure subdrainage, as well as a significant portion of the entire concrete pavement cost. The sublayers affect both the structural aspects (deflection and stress) in the slab and critical load transfer across joints and cracks (e.g., the base layer affects the LTE of the joint or crack). In addition, the friction between the slab and base is important for initiating cracks at the joints, and in CRCP, the transverse shrinkage cracks. Many examples have shown that sublayer and subdrainage failures have led to concrete slab failure. Improvements are needed to produce more reliable and cost-effective sublayer designs for concrete pavement.
The tasks include the following:
Benefits: Improved consideration of the foundation and subdrainage that will be implemented into the pavement design guide to produce more reliable and cost-effective designs.
Products: An improved and more comprehensive design procedure that considers the base layer, subbase layers, subgrade, and subdrainage of concrete pavements more fully. Additional products include guidelines that will be implemented into a future version of the pavement design guide.
Implementation: The foundation and subdrainage models resulting from this research will be incorporated immediately into improved concrete pavement design procedures (also see problem statement 2-1-3 on erosion).
Reliability is a critical area of design for which little knowledge exists. Nearly everything associated with pavements (as well as most other structures) is variable or uncertain. This includes factors such as traffic loading estimates, climate prediction estimates, subgrade soils along a project, paving materials variations, construction process variations, and design procedure inadequacies. Designers must consider these uncertainties and variations to produce a design with a chance of success greater than 50-50.
The Texas Department of Transportation first incorporated design reliability into pavement design in the early 1970s, and these procedures were used successfully for more than two decades. The 1986 AASHTO Pavement Design Guide made use of similar but expanded concepts to incorporate design reliability into the asphalt and concrete pavement design procedures.(7) The new mechanistic-based MEPDG incorporated design reliability into the pavement design process differently, using the residual error in the prediction of sections used for calibration.(1)
All of these approaches have significant limitations and inadequacies. Design reliability significantly impacts both performance and pavement structure costs. Some feel that the current AASHTO procedures over design for higher levels of traffic because of the large effect of the multiplier on traffic (e.g., design traffic is three to six times the mean estimated traffic). Extensive research has been conducted on the design reliability of other structures such as buildings, retaining walls, foundations, and hydraulic structures. However, little research has been done on pavement design reliability. Therefore, any improvement to the procedure would impact cost and concrete pavements performance significantly.
The tasks include the following:
Benefits: Improved procedures that will reduce costs and improve credibility of the mechanistic design approach, since design reliability critically affects pavement costs and performance.
Products: Significantly improved and comprehensive reliability methodology that considers individual input, model, and other variabilities for concrete pavement mechanistic design.
Implementation: The results of this research will be incorporated immediately into improved concrete pavement design and rehabilitation procedures for greater reliability.
This subtrack addresses the design details from tied shoulders, tie-bars, and pavement preservation and considers better ways to analyze alternative design features using more streamlined computer software. Table 11 provides an overview of this subtrack.
Problem Statement | Estimated Cost | Products | Benefits |
2-3-1. Concrete Pavement Design Aspects Related to Multiple/Additional Lanes | $800,000– $1.5 million |
Specific design methodology, guidelines, and standards for tying together multiple traffic lanes and shoulders. | Fewer unexpected incidents of longitudinal cracking that result from tying too many lanes together or widening longitudinal joints that had been left untied. |
2-3-2. Characterization of Existing Concrete or Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement to Provide an Adequate Rehabilitation Design | $3.5–$4.5 million | Improved characterization of existing pavements, improved estimates of remaining life that will be useful for selecting from alternative rehabilitations, identification of solutions for overcoming existing poor design and material situations, and improved support for unbonded concrete overlay design. |
Proper characterization of the existing pavement critical to reliable and cost-effective rehabilitation design and rehabilitation design improvements to the pavement design guide. |
2-3-3. Improvements to Concrete Overlay Design Procedures | $4–$4.5 million | Improved guidelines and design procedures for several types of concrete overlays, including concrete overlays of difficult existing pavements, ultra-thin slab design that includes improved concrete-to-asphalt bonding procedures, improved layering modeling for unbonded concrete overlays, characterization of underlying concrete slab design and condition for unbonded overlays, and improved bonding between thin concrete overlay and existing concrete slabs. | Concrete overlays of difficult existing pavements, ultra-thin slab design including improved concrete-to-asphalt bonding procedures, improved layering modeling for unbonded concrete overlays, characterization of underlying concrete slab design and condition for unbonded overlays, and improved bonding between thin concrete overlay and existing concrete slabs. |
2-3-4. Improvements to Concrete Pavement Restoration/ Preservation Procedures |
$2–$3 million | Improved guidelines and design procedures for several types of concrete overlays that improve their reliability, viability, and cost effectiveness. | Improved guidelines and design procedures for the several activities involved with restoring and preserving existing concrete pavements, resulting in improved decisionmaking for potential concrete pavement restoration (CPR) projects in terms of selecting needed treatments (such as DBR), predicting remaining life, and further validating CPR as a reliable alternative. |
2-3-5. Development of New and Innovative Concrete Pavement Type Designs |
$1–$2 million | New and innovative types of concrete pavement and a working design procedure for use and demonstrations of new concrete pavement types performed under track 6. | Improved options to consider for the design and cost effective and reliable concrete pavement designs. |
2-3-6. Optimizing Procedure for New Design and Future Maintenance and Rehabilitation Capable of Minimizing Total Life-Cycle Costs, Lane Closure Time, and Other Design Goals over the Range of Design Life | $1–$2 million | A comprehensive system that, for a given design project, analyzes a number of alternative initial designs, future preservation treatments, and rehabilitation options. It also determines the optimum combination to minimize life-cycle costs, initial construction cost, the cost of shoulders and widened slabs, or lane closure time. It also addresses other needs of the designer. Such a system could handle varying design lives from 8 to over 60 years. | New and innovative designs that will improve options to consider for the design and provide more cost-effective and reliable concrete pavement designs. |
There are many design situations where multiple traffic lanes and concrete shoulders are adjacent. For example, a design situation with three lanes in one direction and two tied shoulders on each side would result in a concrete pavement more than 50 ft wide. Also, several critical design decisions must be made regarding the longitudinal joints. The common practice is to tie the shoulders and lanes together with deformed tie-bars, but are they always needed? If needed, what are their proper bar diameters, spacings, and embedment lengths?
Too many tied joints could possibly contribute to longitudinal random cracking. How many is too many for a given design situation? How many lanes/shoulders can be tied together? What should be done if the base course is an unbound aggregate? What should be done if the base course is permeable asphalt? What should be done if the pavement is constructed during wide swings in ambient temperature?
There is not enough research knowledge regarding these issues. This research will consider these questions to develop a design procedure for multiple traffic lanes and adjacent concrete shoulders.
The tasks include the following:
Benefits: Fewer unexpected incidents of longitudinal cracking that result from tying too many lanes together or widening longitudinal joints that had been left untied.
Products: Specific design methodology, guidelines, and standards for tying together multiple traffic lanes and shoulders.
Implementation: The design methodology, guidelines, and standards resulting from this research will be incorporated immediately into improved concrete pavement design procedures.
The United States contains a huge infrastructure of existing highway pavements. Every day, designers grapple with ways to develop an adequate design that will carry traffic reliably over the next design period. To accomplish this task, researchers must characterize or evaluate the existing pavement adequately and overcome its inherent deficiencies with a sufficient rehabilitation design. Several end products related to the characterization of existing concrete or hot mix asphalt (HMA) pavement will result from these research tasks. Improved characterization of existing pavements will be the most significant and valuable accomplishment. Improved estimates of remaining pavement life will be useful for selecting alternative rehabilitations. Identifying and providing solutions to overcome several existing poor design and material situations will be extremely valuable. Finally, improving key unbonded concrete overlay design procedures will lead to greater reliability and cost effectiveness.
The tasks include the following:
Benefits: Proper characterization of the existing pavement critical to reliable and cost-effective rehabilitation design and rehabilitation design improvements to the pavement design guide.
Products: Improved characterization of existing pavements, improved estimates of remaining life that will be useful for selecting from alternative rehabilitations, identification of solutions for overcoming existing poor design and material situations, and improved support for unbonded concrete overlay design.
Implementation: Good rehabilitation requires good evaluation. The results of this research will be implemented immediately into an improved concrete overlay rehabilitation design procedure.
Reliably designing all types of concrete overlays is essential to highway agencies. However, existing procedures lack a number of capabilities. This research will address a variety of those needs for both bonded and separated concrete overlay designs and for both existing concrete and HMA pavements.
The tasks include the following:
Benefits: Concrete overlays of difficult existing pavements, ultra-thin slab design including improved concrete-to-asphalt bonding procedures, improved layering modeling for unbonded concrete overlays, characterization of underlying concrete slab design and condition for unbonded overlays, and improved bonding between thin concrete overlay and existing concrete slabs.
Products: Improved guidelines and design procedures for several types of concrete overlays, including concrete overlays of difficult existing pavements as well as ultra-thin slab design that includes improved concrete-to-asphalt bonding procedures, improved layering modeling for unbonded concrete overlays, characterization of underlying concrete slab design and condition for unbonded overlays, and improved bonding between thin concrete overlay and existing concrete slabs.
Implementation: Concrete overlays must be more cost effective to compete with alternatives. The results of this research will be implemented immediately into concrete pavement design procedures.
Many State highway agencies currently apply preservation techniques to all types of pavements, including concrete. As the Nation’s interstate highways age, more effective CPR and preservation techniques have become daily activities for many State highway agencies. The techniques include joint repair, dowel retrofitting, shoulder replacement (including retrofitting with tied concrete), slab replacement, full-depth patching with concrete, grouting and fill of voids, and diamond grinding.
Though several guidelines explain these tasks, very few mechanistic-based procedures evaluate the effectiveness of such repairs in preventing or delaying future distress and its progression. One design procedure that uses mechanistic-based procedures to evaluate and determine the feasibility of CPR is found in the MEPDG.(1)
The tasks include the following:
Benefits: Improved guidelines and design procedures for the activities involved with restoring and preserving existing concrete pavements, resulting in improved decisionmaking for potential CPR projects in terms of selecting needed treatments (such as DBR), predicting remaining life, and further validating CPR as a reliable alternative.
Products: Improved guidelines and design procedures for several types of concrete overlays that improve their reliability, viability, and cost effectiveness.
Implementation: This research will provide practical technological improvements to CPR that will be implemented immediately into design procedures.
JPCP is the world’s most widely constructed pavement. Many States and other countries have also constructed CRCP, which seems to be gaining popularity. JPCP has been constructed extensively in the United States, but serious problems with joints and intermediate panel cracking have halted their construction in all States and foreign countries. JPCP and CRCP pavement types also have problems and limitations. More innovative, cost-effective, and reliable design alternatives need to be explored.
The tasks include the following:
Benefits: Improved options to consider for the design as well as cost-effective and reliable concrete pavement designs.
Products: New and innovative types of concrete pavement, a working design procedure for use, and demonstrations of new concrete pavement types performed under tracks 6 and 8.
Implementation: The new and innovative concrete pavement types will be demonstrated and evaluated under tracks 6 and 9 and incorporated into a future version of the pavement design guide.
The MEPDG evaluates a trial design provided by the designer.(1) The proposed design must make several trial runs before an acceptable design is established, and this is only for the first performance period. The design procedure does not consider future rehabilitations, nor does it provide optimization procedures to minimize life-cycle costs or even first costs. An optimization procedure to be incorporated into the current and future versions of the pavement design guide is needed.
The tasks include the following:
Benefits: New and innovative design options that will improve options to consider for the design and provide more cost-effective and reliable concrete pavement designs.
Products: A comprehensive system that, for a given design project, analyzes a number of alternative initial designs, future preservation treatments, and rehabilitation options. The system also determines the optimum combination to minimize life-cycle costs, initial construction cost, the cost of shoulders and widened slabs, and lane closure time. It also addresses other needs of the designer. Such a system could handle varying design lives from 8 to over 60 years.
Implementation: Current mechanistic-based procedures in the MEPDG do not optimize.(1) This capability is needed and will be implemented into design procedures immediately.
This subtrack will be used to develop the new generation design procedure and a comprehensive database of performance data needed for calibration and validation. Table 12 provides an overview of this subtrack.
Problem Statement | Estimated Cost | Products | Benefits |
2-4-1. Incremental Improvements to Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide Procedures | $1.5–$2.5 million | An improved and implementable design procedure for new and rehabilitated JPCP and CRCP designs. |
A significantly improved pavement design guide that better considers many of its aspects and several new aspects of pavement design, as well as new and rehabilitated designs that are more reliable and cost effective. |
2-4-2. New Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide Procedures for Paradigm Shift Capabilities | $2–$4 million | New generation pavement design procedures that consider many improvements and new pavement design aspects as well as new and rehabilitated designs that are more reliable and cost effective. |
An advanced paradigm shift in integrated concrete pavement design procedures for new and rehabilitated JPCP, CRCP, and other selected designs. |
The initial MEPDG, delivered to NCHRP in 2004 after 6 years of development, represents a paradigm shift in design capabilities.(1) AASHTOWare® released DARWin-METM in 2011. Nevertheless, many aspects of these products still require incremental improvements before the guide meets the concrete pavement design goal that aims for new and rehabilitated designs to be reliable, economical, constructible, and maintainable throughout their design life and to meet or exceed the multiple needs (in highways, urban streets, low-volume roads, and special applications such as tunnels and ports) of the traveling public, taxpayers, and the owning highway agencies. Achieving this goal will require incorporating the results from each of the research studies into the pavement design guide.
The tasks include the following:
Benefits: A significantly improved pavement design guide that better considers many of its aspects and several new aspects of pavement design, as well as new and rehabilitated designs that are more reliable and cost effective.
Products: An improved implementable design procedure for new and rehabilitated JPCP and CRCP designs.
Implementation: Many States and local governments will use this new pavement design guide. It can be improved incrementally.
This research will develop an advanced version of the pavement design guide that includes major steps forward from the incrementally developed procedures in problem statement 2-4-1. The new, more fully mechanistic-based procedures will require several years to develop (extending to the end of the 10-year period). The goal is to ensure that new and rehabilitated designs for concrete pavement will be more reliable, economical, constructible, and maintainable throughout their design life and meet or exceed the multiple needs (in highways, urban streets, low-volume roads, and special applications such as tunnels and ports) of the traveling public, taxpayers, and the owning highway agencies. Achieving this goal will require incorporating the results from each of the research studies into the pavement design guide. The result will be a paradigm shift in 3D FEM, reliability control, incremental improvements, and advanced capabilities in layering, joints, reinforcement, and long-life design.
The tasks include the following:
Benefits: An advanced paradigm shift in integrated concrete pavement design procedures for new and rehabilitated JPCP, CRCP, and other selected designs.
Products: New generation pavement design procedures that consider many improvements and new pavement design aspects, as well as more reliable and cost-effective new and rehabilitated designs.
Implementation: This research will result in a paradigm shift in pavement design that will produce technology needed to deal with critical problems years from now.
This subtrack addresses implementing the new pavement design guide. Table 13 provides an overview of this subtrack.
Problem Statement | Estimated Cost | Products | Benefits |
2-5-1. Implementation of the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide | $2–$3 million | Strong technology transfer to the workforce concerning the design of new and rehabilitated concrete pavements through workshops, conferences, and Web-based personnel training. | A workforce with the basic knowledge and understanding needed to design concrete pavements and rehabilitation projects using the design procedure properly. |
Implementing a mechanistic-based design procedure fundamentally changes the way concrete pavement design is performed. Designers must develop additional skills in areas such as structural analysis, material characterization, local calibration, software usage, and existing pavement characterization. Successful implementation will require thousands of pavement designers to be extensively trained over a period of several years. Hands-on workshops, online training tools, and national workshops can accomplish this task.
The tasks include the following:
Benefits: A workforce with the basic knowledge and understanding needed to design concrete pavements and rehabilitation projects using the design procedure properly.
Products: Strong technology transfer to the workforce concerning the design of new and rehabilitated concrete pavements through workshops, conferences, and Web-based personnel training.
Implementation: This research will result in technology sharing.