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Publication Number:  FHWA-HRT-13-026    Date:  March 2014
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-13-026
Date: March 2014


Guidance on The Level of Effort Required to Conduct Traffic Analysis Using Microsimulation



A systematic process is required to build a successful base traffic simulation model. The process should include clear documentation of the model structure and calibration criteria. Documenting and following the process ensures that the actual building of the model is done in an orderly way, thereby minimizing coding errors and mistakes.

Experience shows that speeding through the model building in the traffic software interface and relying strictly on the error-checking process to find all of the problems is not a cost effective approach. Although it takes time to set up and carry out the model, utilizing systematic procedures can make a big difference in the timeliness of completing the entire modeling analysis. The time dedicated to building the initial model is fairly small when compared to the overall modeling process. Taking the time to plan the modeling building and executing the work carefully will greatly reduce having to repeat work.

The base model development processes includes the following areas:

Procedures for developing base models have been documented in other guidebooks, such as the Traffic Analysis Toolbox Volume III: Guidelines for Applying Traffic Microsimulation Modeling Software and Traffic Analysis Toolbox Volume IV: Guidelines for Applying CORSIM Microsimulation Modeling Software.(1,7) However, other guidebooks have not documented the development of O‑D matrices for use in simulation. The use of O-D matrices in traffic simulation models has grown and become increasingly important to produce effective and detailed analysis. The following section discusses the development of O‑D matrices.

There is a tradeoff in the level of effort required for preparing accurate O-D information and model quality and reliability. Generally, more complex networks and/or more complex geometric alternatives require more robust O-D efforts. These considerations must be taken into account while determining the scope of the project.


This section addresses the need to include O-D information into microsimulation tools and presents a number of methods for obtaining the O-D data.

Reasons to Use O-D Matrices

Historically, traffic simulation models were set up to have traffic demands entering from the exterior portions of the model study area and applying turning percentages at each junction. As a vehicle approached a junction, the stochastic assignment would use the turn percentages to assign a choice. This process would repeat until the vehicle left the network. The “look ahead” function (i.e., when a driver/vehicle becomes aware of an upcoming decision) varied by model. This function could have been defined by a particular distance or number of links. This approach is adequate in many but not all situations.

Figure 10 illustrates the path of vehicle A entering the system in the lower left corner and exiting the system in the upper right corner. At each junction, there is a turn percentage or volume that is used to determine the path the vehicle takes through the system. Note that in this figure, there are six decision points at which a vehicle gets assigned a path.

Traffic simulation models inherently cannot understand the conditions in the field. That is, vehicles do not know where to go unless the inputs are set up correctly in modeling terms. This is important, for instance, when a simulation model is intended to correctly evaluate weaving operations on a freeway.

In order for the model to correctly represent not only the traffic volume but also the patterns of movement, some type of O-D information is required. Using O-D matrices is particularly helpful in complex networks, especially when parallel facilities are included in the network. If the project purpose involves evaluating operational strategies and determining alternate paths based on congestion or other ITS-related information, then the use of O-D matrices makes the use of the model more efficient, especially when analyzing alternate geometric configurations in future networks. Once the O-Ds are established, it becomes easier to test design alternatives and other more complex strategies.

Every simulation software package has its own method for creating and inputting O-D information. Some software packages can do partial O‑Ds, O‑Ds on freeway facilities, or full zonal- or gate-based O‑Ds. Figure 11 and figure 12 show full O‑D-based models. The path of vehicle A is identified by the zone 3 to zone 10 O-D. (Note that the path of vehicle A is illustrated the same as vehicle A in figure 10.)

This illustration shows the turn percentage origin-destination (O-D)-based approach for a vehicle. It shows the path of vehicle A entering the system in the lower left corner and exiting the system in the upper right corner. The network consists of two north-south arterials connected by an east-west freeway segment with a partial cloverleaf design at the western-most arterial and a diamond interchange at the eastern-most arterial. At each junction, there is a turn percentage or volume that is used to determine the path the vehicle takes through the system. In this illustration, there are six decision points at which vehicle A gets assigned a path to reach the destination where it exits the system.
Figure 10. Illustration. Turn percentage O-D-based approach.


This illustration shows a full origin-destination (O-D)-based model. The network is the same as in figure 10 with the addition of zones (labeled 1 through 16) being placed at all the entry/exit nodes to the network. The path of vehicle A is identified by zones 3 to 10 O-D. The path of the vehicle is the same as in figure 10 except that the path is determined by the model as opposed to a turn percentage as was the case in figure 10.
Figure 11. Illustration. Full O D-based approach.


This illustration shows an alternative full origin-destination (O-D)-based model. The path of vehicle A is identified by zones 3 to 10 O-D as it was in figure 11. However, this time the route is slightly different from figure 10 and figure 11 due to the reconfiguration of the eastern-most freeway ramp to a partial cloverleaf design.
Figure 12. Illustration. Alternate full O-D-based network configuration.


Advantages of Using Full O-D Matrices in Simulation

The process and procedures for developing a sound O-D matrix can be time consuming and complex. The collected field data, license plate surveys (if available), and a trip table available from the local MPO are used to develop an O‑D matrix for use in simulation. Approaches and techniques for developing O‑D matrices, known as O-D matrix estimation (ODME), are discussed in this section.

Once the O-Ds are established, the ability to test design alternatives and other more complex strategies becomes easier. For example, in figure 12, the previously illustrated freeway system is altered. The diamond interchange on the right is changed to a partial cloverleaf interchange. If the O‑D-based system of entering traffic demands is used, then the model only needs be altered geometrically and at the signal controls. The new assignment of trips automatically occurs, and the drivers/vehicles select the appropriate link leading to their destinations.

The advantages of using O-D matrices become even more evident in complex networks, especially when parallel facilities are included in the network. If the project purpose involves evaluating operational strategies and determining alternate paths based on congestion or other ITS-related information, then the full O-D matrix method is even more efficient. Figure 13 shows the same network (as shown in figure 11) with a parallel arterial north of the freeway. These types of complex models are not the focus of this report; however, this case illustrates additional advantages that can be gained in a microsimulation process when ODME techniques are used.

This illustration highlights origin-destination (O-D) parallel facilities. This figure shows the same network as in figure 11 with the addition of a parallel arterial north of the freeway. The path of vehicle A is identified by zones 3 to 10 O-D. However, this time the vehicle proceeds to the arterial north of the freeway as part of the path to reach zone 10.
Figure 13. Illustration. O-D parallel facilities.


ODME Approaches

There are multiple methods for developing O-D inputs into microsimulation models. This is largely dependent on the software, which may have no O‑D inputs, partial O-D inputs, or full O-D inputs. Depending on the size, complexity, available data, and software platform selected for the project, the ODME technique may include one or a combination of the following techniques:

ODME by Traffic Counts

For a small freeway segment or for basic freeway operations (e.g., ramp-to-ramp O-Ds), developing O-D matrices for simulation from traffic counts alone is a straightforward method that can be accomplished with a spreadsheet tool similar to what is typically used to reduce and balance traffic count data. Traffic counts at each on- and off-ramp are required, and mainline volumes between interchanges are required to account for possible errors in ramp counts or at locations where ramp counts are performed on different days.

The primary advantage of this methodology is that it is relatively quick and simple. One disadvantage comes to light when performing an analysis on future scenarios where the growth in traffic is determined in the form of growth percentage and applied to the existing counts. This method has become less desirable in the current state of the practice as it can either overestimate traffic in areas not expected to have growth trends in land use or it can underestimate growth in traffic by not taking into account regional growth and through traffic that may be attracted to the corridor when improvements are made.

Another disadvantage is that the zones for the O-D matrices are in the form of ramp termini or entry points, not true transportation analysis zones (TAZs). This means that for any future scenarios that have interchange or ramp reconfigurations, the O-D matrices will have to be modified by hand to reflect the new ramp termini or interchange reconfiguration. This introduces the potential for errors, and depending on the size of the system, it can be labor intensive.

ODME by Surveys

ODME for simulation can also be developed by conducting O-D surveys through license plate matching, driver intercept surveys, and newer technologies utilizing mobile source data. These procedures provide O-D data by matching a vehicle’s entry and exit points within the system (usually entry and exit ramps to a freeway). Since this methodology is a sample of the traffic within the system, a sampling plan must be prepared containing control counts at key locations within the study area to verify the level of traffic and to ensure that the vehicles included represent a statistically significant sample of the vehicles in the system. In addition to the survey, traffic counts are needed to develop expansion factors to expand the O-D survey data to match the traffic levels in the study area.

The advantage of using this method compared to traffic counts alone is that the O-D matrices for the analysis area are more accurate. The disadvantages are similar to those of the ODME by traffic counts mentioned in this section. An additional disadvantage is that this methodology typically includes only a sampling of the total traffic and may not provide information on through traffic on freeway segments.


ODME for traffic analysis and microsimulation from existing TDMs has become popular as a result of the increased capabilities in software and computing power. However, O-D matrices cannot simply or directly be taken from a TDM and utilized in a microsimulation model. TDMs, however, can serve as the base platform for developing O-D matrices in terms of the network to be analyzed and TAZs to serve as O-D zones. This methodology offers several advantages, including the following:

Disadvantages of this methodology include the following:

ODME Overview

There are several methods and approaches used to develop O-D matrices. Depending on network and study complexity, there are advantages and disadvantages to all of the methods, including the following:


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