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Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations

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Publication Number:  FHWA-HRT-17-036    Date:  March 2018
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-17-036
Date: March 2018


Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology Evaluation Final Report: Eco-Logical

Appendix H. Analysis of Eco-Logical Steps

This appendix provides the 2007 grant recipients and how they addressed the individual steps of the Eco-Logical approach.

Table 15. Analysis of steps completed by 2007 MPO grant recipients.
2007 Grant Recipient Step 1:
Step 2:
Eco Status
Step 3:
Develop REF
Step 4:
Assess REF
Step 5:
Step 6:
Step 7:
Step 8:
Step 9:
Update REF
CAPCOG(63) Partnered with regional and local stakeholders. Eco-Logical grant expanded on a previous Greenprint plan to include three more counties and integrated GIS and other data for these counties. Integrated data into a GIS model/ REF. Met with stakeholders to inform regional conservation priorities in REF. Prioritized conservation opportunity areas in a region with a quickly growing population.
H-GAC(65) Partnered with stakeholders to map resources and also performed outreach to get more partners to use the mapping tool.(10) Defined resources to be included in the mapping tool. Created a GIS-based product to identify environmental resource priority areas. Prioritized conservation needs based on resource type. Updated the Eco-Logical tool.
LOSRC(66) Worked with various stakeholders to create resource maps and encouraged local government to use the maps. Compiled various information to create maps and green infrastructure framework. Developed resource assessments and a Regional Green Infrastructure map using State and local GIS data and national spatial data integration tools. Used maps and tools to assess possible development patterns in LRTP and also as baseline data for GroWNC, an HUD Sustainable Communities Grant.
MARC(67) Worked with existing partners and formed new relationships with State and Federal agencies. Identified strategies for integrating environmental data earlier into transportation planning processes. Incorporated an action plan into LRTP and revised project selection criteria.(3)
NCTCOG(70) Worked with partners and improved relationship with resource agencies. Used regional data to develop 10 base maps and 1 composite map of resource priorities by watershed.(12) Utilized a watershed-scale approach to integrate regional conservation data and infrastructure planning into an REF dataset.(12) Developed 10 base maps and 1 composite map of resource priorities by watershed. Worked with partner agencies to refine the priority weightings assigned to different criteria in the REF methodology. Update the REF every 4–5 yr.
TJPDC(74) Coordinated 33 stake-holders in a facilitated engagement process to build consensus for the Free Bridge Area Congestion Relief Project.(97) Finalized a Green Infrastructure Study that compiled existing natural resource data from 12 data layers.(71) Created an REF for the six locality region. Developed tools that use the REF to assess the impacts of transportation projects on natural resources.
TCRPC(75) Developed partnerships and collaborated with regional stakeholders. Gathered environmental, transportation, and other data to create GIS maps. Created GIS maps. Considered various strategies in plan for improving environmental/ conservation outcomes and transportation planning. Determined regional priorities and strategies for land use and infrastructure development.

—No data were collected/steps were not completed.

Table 16. Analysis of steps completed by 2007 State transportation department grant recipient.
2007 Grant Recipient Step 1:
Step 2:
Eco Status
Step 3:
Develop REF
Step 4:
Assess REF
Step 5:
Step 6:
Step 7:
Step 8:
Step 9:
Update REF
CDOT(77) Worked with partners and created committees for project consisting of local, State, Federal, private, and non-profit stakeholders. Gathered environmental data to create an REF. Created an REF matrix for the corridor that incorporated wildlife habitat and crossing data into a GIS database, which was also listed on the Eco-Logical website.(77,29) Assessed REF to prioritize minimizing impacts to wildlife crossing areas. Agreed to use the REF to prioritize conservation areas and followed up with a programmatic EIS. Established and Stream and Wetland Ecological Enhancement Program (SWEEP) MOUs and coordinated with ALIVE and SWEEP committees.(47) Completed twin tunnels environmental assessment matrices to track more than 100 commitments from environmental review process to project implementation. Performed a reassessment of record of decision every 2 yr and maintained CDOT 1-70 Context Sensitive Solutions website.(98)

—No data were collected/steps were not completed.

Table 17. Analysis of steps completed by 2007 other agency grant recipients.
2007 Grant Recipient Step 1:
Step 2:
Eco Status
Step 3:
Develop REF
Step 4:
Assess REF
Step 5:
Step 6:
Step 7:
Step 8:
Step 9:
Update REF
Chicago Department of Transportation(80) Partnered with local and regional entities on the creation of the guidelines.(79) Integrated data and plans on sustainable streetscapes. Prioritized sustainable streetscapes and used quantitative measures to justify the principles. Created sustainable streets guidelines and a demonstration project.(79,78)
Envision Utah(81) Partnered with multiple stakeholders on visioning process for the Jordan River. Created maps and identified priorities as part of creating the Jordan River Blue Print Plan.(81) Combined map analyses to create regional vision for the Jordan River. Identified priorities in plan and created a commission to oversee implementation. Implemented projects with better understanding of impacts due to the Blue Print Plan.
NHA(83) Convened interagency workgroup as part of the project. Defined resources to be included in the mapping tool. Developed a GIS-based wildlife connectivity framework to evaluate the impact of transportation projects on wildlife species. Used tools to look at impacts of transportation projects on wildlife species.
NCDENR(86) Worked with NCDOT and other stakeholders throughout grant process. Provided data on upland and non-riparian wetland habitats that enhance the State Wildlife Action Plan.(84) Digitized cultural resource features to demonstrate their role in the State’s ecosystems. Integrated data into a comprehensive statewide conservation planning tool.(85) Integrated data into a GIS-based CPT that is available to the public.(85) Used the data created for the tool to help identify high-priority, unfragmented wildlife habitats based on occurrence data for indicator species and digital aerial photography. MPOs/regional planning organizations, NCDOT, and other agencies can use these data.
OSU(58) Worked with partners to consolidate disparate data; partnerships continued as OSU showed agencies how to use REF. Compiled data from various places into an internal database to serve as the basis for maps and the REF. Established an REF to identify conservation priority areas in Oregon and compile these data across the State.(58) Identified priority conservation areas as part of the REF development; agencies use this information when evaluating impacts of transportation projects.
TCSWCD(87) Worked with various partners to develop an REF. Collected natural resource and transportation data to populate an online mapping tool for the REF, which was created for use by NYSDOT.(87) Created an REF for NYSDOT. Worked with stakeholders to identify priority areas for keystone species and other key conservation areas. Worked with Upper Susquehanna Coalition so that USC could administer the ILF program. Assisted developing the ILF, Program which has helped implement the REF. Improved working relationships with State agencies to make it possible to streamline funding mechanisms. Update the REF every 4–5 yr.
USEPA Region 6.(88) Coordinated with six States that are included in REAP. Gathered environmental data and characterized priority areas for conservation. Developed a REAP that uses a GIS analysis to classify land on the basis of its ecological significance.

—No data were collected/steps were not completed.

Table 18. Analysis of steps completed by 2013 SHRP2 IAP MPO lead adopters.
2013 SHRP2 Recipient Step 1:
Step 2:
Eco Status
Step 3:
Develop REF
Step 4:
Assess REF
Step 5:
Step 6:
Step 7:
Step 8:
Step 9:
Update REF
ARC(5) Worked with internal and external partners to identify information priorities for developing the Proctor Creek REF. Analyzed fiscal, economic, and environmental impacts of implementing REF for PCED. Adapted regional REF for more detailed, local area for Proctor Creek. Used REF data to create draft maps and decision criteria for inclusion in ARC’s future regional transportation plans.
CA-MPO (part of TJDPC)(5) Worked with stakeholder committee to identify and screen project alternatives for the Free Bridge Area Congestion Relief Project.(97) Collected data for REF as part of TJDPC’s 2007 Eco-Logical grant project. Created and updated REF for TJPDC’s 2007 grant project. Piloted use of REF in evaluating proposed alternatives at the planning phase of project development for the Free Bridge Area Congestion Relief Project.(97) Incorporated REF into a weighted ranking system to evaluate impacts of seven proposed project alternatives. Each project alternative was assigned a score that quantified its environmental impact. Developed REF under 2007 grant updated under 2013 IAP.
NCTCOG(5) Worked with 18 stakeholders to identify priority watershed and potential mitigation areas. Updated REF with current information to ensure it reflects regional conservation priorities. Developed with previous 2007 grant. Applied the REF to a pilot corridor, the Loop 9 Southeast Corridor, to determine the feasibility of using the REF for corridor-level conservation and mitigation. Gathered information on priority areas to update REF.
PPACOG(5) Worked with stakeholder group and committee to identify conservation and mitigation targets. Gathered data on transportation projects and potential impacts on conservation and mitigation areas. Developed a spatial database with a list of mitigation targets and associated acreage.(99) Developed a Conservation Value Summary and related conservation ranking for proposed transportation projects.(99) Updated existing REF to reflect new data developed since SHRP2 C18 project ended.(100)

—No data were collected/steps were not completed.

Table 19. Analysis of steps completed by 2013 SHRP2 IAP State transportation department lead adopters.
2013 SHRP2 Recipient Step 1:
Step 2:
Eco Status
Step 3:
Develop REF
Step 4:
Assess REF
Step 5:
Step 6:
Step 7:
Step 8:
Step 9:
Update REF
ITD(5) Worked with IDFG and other Federal partners on the project.(101) Developed species of greatest conservation need data layers to improve interagency coordination, streamline transportation project development, and facilitate stewardship of natural resources. Developed a web service that allows ITD to view real-time IDFG data in a cloud-based portal for spatial data.(101)
MaineDOT(5) Worked with partner agencies such as FWS. Completed gap analysis comparing Integrated Ecological Framework with MaineDOT’s existing environmental screening process, analyzed internal workflow for Endangered Species Act (ESA) consultations, and made changes to increase efficiency and improve collaboration with FWS and other agencies using a risk assessment matrix.(102) Developed a GIS-based corridor-level decision support tool that will score projects based on the level of risk.(103) Applied REF to CE projects to create a streamlined ESA Section 7 review process in Maine. Used GIS-based corridor-level decision support tool to score projects based on the level of risk. Completed draft ILF mitigation instrument for Atlantic salmon. Worked with FWS to develop and implement a Programmatic Biological Assessment for Atlantic salmon.
MDOT(5) Established a technical advisory committee (TAC) from 10+ resource, regulatory, and planning agencies to help develop REF and executed an agreement with Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) in May 2015 on interagency collaboration. Worked with TAC to target conservation study areas and create stakeholder groups to evaluate threats in targeted conservation areas. Executed a statewide cooperative GIS agreement in January 2015 with the Michigan DNR to facilitate data sharing between the two agencies. Finalized REF and Conservation Action Plan.(104) Used finalized REF to inform activities for other transportation projects. Used REF and Conservation Action Plan to prioritize sites for mitigation and make more informed decisions.

—No data were collected/steps were not completed.

Table 20. Analysis of steps completed by 2013 SHRP2 IAP MPO user incentives.
2013 SHRP2 Recipient Step 1:
Step 2:
Eco Status
Step 3:
Develop REF
Step 4:
Assess REF
Step 5:
Step 6:
Step 7:
Step 8:
Step 9:
Update REF
AMBAG(5) Worked with State and Federal resource agencies, counties, and non-government organizations to gather data for the REF. Compiled data on sensitive natural resources near locations of planned regional transportation projects. Developed an REF and web-based tool for a three-county area.(105)
OKICOG(5) Worked with State agencies in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana. Collected and compiled natural heritage data for three State region for regionally significant environmental resources. Implemented data sharing agreements with State agencies in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana. Applied the data to produce updated maps of regionally significant environmental resources in the Cincinnati region.
SCAG(5) Worked with stakeholders to identify important conservation areas. Gathered data to feed into an regional open space GIS inventory. Compiled an inventory of 75+ GIS data sources related to open space in the SCAG region. Developed a methodology for identifying and prioritizing important areas for conservation efforts in the report, Conservation Framework and Assessment.(106)

—No data were collected/steps were not completed.

Table 21. Analysis of steps completed by 2013 SHRP2 IAP State transportation department user incentives.
2013 SHRP2 Recipient Step 1:
Step 2:
Eco Status
Step 3:
Develop REF
Step 4:
Assess REF
Step 5:
Step 6:
Step 7:
Step 8:
Step 9:
Update REF
Caltrans(5) Worked with the interagency Highway 89 Stewardship Team to expand teams to make a northern and southern team. Held trainings for the new northern and southern agency teams on transportation ecology and strategic planning for mitigation of animal/vehicle collisions.
ITD(5) Worked with IDFG and other Federal partners on project. Updated an MOU with IDFG to improve data delivery and data sharing, which helps implementation of protocols under the ITD-IDFG IAP Lead Adopter project.(93,90)
MoDOT(5) Coordinated with State and Federal agencies and collaborated with MDC. Revised 26 existing BMPs for species on MD’s Natural Heritage Review website.(94) MoDOT incorporated transportation-specific language into BMPs that MoDOT contractors use. Signed a Memorandum of Agreement with MDC for MDC’s support of the MoDOT project.
NHDOT(5) Collaborated with partners to create a standardized wetland assessment methodology, the EIA.(95) Developed a streamlined scorecard for EIA wetland assessments and completed final report that compares EIA to existing highway methodology. Signed an MOU with the New Hampshire Natural Heritage Bureau to implement a pilot project for a standardized wetland assessment methodology.(107)

—No data were collected/steps were not completed.

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