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Publication Number:  FHWA-HRT-15-007    Date:  November 2015
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-15-007
Date: November 2015


Multiple Sources of Safety Information From V2V and V2I: Redundancy, Decision Making, and Trust - Safety Message Design Report

Chapter 4. Summary and Conclusions

This report is part of the HFCV research program, whose goal is to minimize driver workload by eliminating CV device-related distractions. The research described in this document is part of an effort to develop initial design guidance for V2I safety messages provided using DIIs and DVIs. Emerging CV technologies and applications have the potential to significantly improve safety on U.S. roads; however, it will take many years for CV technology to reach sufficient penetration levels in the US vehicle fleet for those benefits to be realized. In the meantime, DII displays can effectively communicate safety messages even for vehicles that do not have integrated CV applications. Thus, DII-based approaches provide an important transition to the CV future, in addition to providing additional countermeasure options to address local safety problems. The current report provides a starting point for roadway engineers and other DOT personnel considering developing and implementing infrastructure-based safety measures that include DII components.

Although there is sufficient general and application-specific research related to using DII displays to communicate safety messages to drivers, this area of investigation is still in an early stage. The current effort drew upon on the best available research information to provide initial design guidance for developing effective DIIs. Existing HFCV research, in addition to previous research from related domains, was used to develop this preliminary design guidance. A total of 12 guidelines were developed using this approach.

A clear finding throughout the report was that although there was only a limited body of research covering specific CV applications, a substantial amount of research has been conducted on intelligent infrastructure-based safety applications in general. Therefore, for most of the guideline topics, there was sufficient existing research to develop useful design guidance, typically by adapting research findings obtained from non-CV safety systems that had key operational characteristics in common with the relevant CV applications. This approach was particularly effective for the general design guidance topics presented in the first part of the document (topics 1 through 7).

The application-specific guidelines (topics 8 through 12) also contain more specific design information that relates to individual applications; however, these guidelines should generally be considered preliminary design references at the time of this publication. While every attempt was made to use the most recent information about how these systems are intended to work, their full operational specifications are still being developed. Also, it should be noted that the basic strategy for guideline development in these topics employed an opportunistic approach with regards to the specific type of guidance provided in each topic. That is, the content for each topic was largely determined by focusing on the best available research information. This enabled the inclusion of at least some design information on each topic, and for all the key systems; however, this information was not as uniform across topics. It would be valuable to identify key information gaps that currently exist across the topics, so that they could be addressed in future research. Moreover, real world implementation and evaluation information about these technologies is largely missing.

Consequently, an important avenue for future research is to investigate driver behavior and responses to infrastructure-based CV applications under more realistic driving conditions. This research would be particularly relevant if DII messages were examined in combination with other in-vehicle safety information, since this will likely represent future operating environment in a CV world. These safety systems must strike a fine balance in terms of augmenting drivers’ understanding of their situation with relevant safety information, while at the same time avoiding annoying or distracting drivers with information that is unneeded, presented at the wrong time, or in conflict with other more important safety information. Examining how drivers manage infrastructure-based safety information in the context of the full range of on-road driving tasks, and the priorities that drivers assign to them, represents an important step for ensuring that these systems are developed and implemented in a way that maximizes the benefits to drivers.

In the meantime, the current document provides some of the most comprehensive and detailed design guidance for infrastructure-based CV systems. While individual guidelines discuss key design issues and the associated Human Factors considerations, they also serve as a useful starting point for users to find relevant research sources that provide more detailed information about specific topics or design issues. Importantly, the guidelines presented in this document compliment other Human Factors design references and address key information needs. In particular, the NCHRP Report 600: Human Factors Guidelines for Road Systems provides human factors design guidance for infrastructure, but it does not address connected infrastructure elements.(11) Similarly, the Human Factors for Connected Vehicles Driver-Vehicle Interface Design Principles focuses exclusively on in-vehicle safety applications, and do not cover infrastructure-based systems in detail. Thus, the current guideline document provides useful and complementary information to other recent State transportation department design documents.


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Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000
Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center | 6300 Georgetown Pike | McLean, VA | 22101