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Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations

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Publication Number:  FHWA-HRT-16-035    Date:  June 2016
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-16-035
Date: June 2016


Safety Evaluation of Intersection Conflict Warning Systems

Appendix A: Example Installations by State

The following appendix presents Google Street ViewTM images of ICWS installations used in each State.


All sites in Minnesota were post mounted. Figure 8 through figure 10 present examples of signs used in Minnesota.

Figure 8. Photo. Major route blank-out sign with flashing beacon from Google Street ViewTM. This photograph shows a post-mounted blank-out sign on a major road displaying the "ENTERING TRAFFIC" message, "WHEN FLASHING" plaque, and one flashing beacon.

©Google® 2016

Figure 8. Photo. Major route blank-out sign with flashing beacon from Google Street ViewTM.(18)

Figure 9. Photo. Minor route sign with LED arrow-shaped flashers from Google Street ViewTM. This photograph shows a post-mounted warning sign with the message "LOOK FOR TRAFFIC" with light emitting diode left- and right-facing arrows.

©Google® 2016

Figure 9. Photo. Minor route sign with LED arrow-shaped flashers from Google Street ViewTM.(19)

Figure 10. Photo. Minor route visual display from Google Street ViewTM. This photograph shows a post-mounted graphical display of "DIVIDED HIGHWAY" indicating drivers on the minor approach should not to enter the intersection because a vehicle is approaching from the left.

©Google® 2016

Figure 10. Photo. Minor route visual display from Google Street ViewTM.(20)


All sites in Missouri were post mounted. Figure 11 through figure 13 present examples of signs used in Missouri.

Figure 11. Photo. Major route static sign with flashing beacons from Google Street ViewTM. This photograph shows a post-mounted warning sign on a divided highway stating "WATCH FOR ENTERING TRAFFIC" with two flashing beacons.

©Google® 2016

Figure 11. Photo. Major route static sign with flashing beacons from Google Street ViewTM.(21)

Figure 12. Photo. Minor route static sign with flashing beacons from Google Street ViewTM. This photograph shows a post-mounted warning sign stating "WATCH FOR APPROACHING TRAFFIC" with four flashing beacons.

©Google® 2016

Figure 12. Photo. Minor route static sign with flashing beacons from Google Street ViewTM.(22)

Figure 13. Photo. Dual major route static sign with flashing beacons from Google Street ViewTM. This photograph shows a post-mounted warning sign on a divided highway stating "CROSS TRAFFIC AHEAD" with two flashing beacons.

©Google® 2016

Figure 13. Photo. Dual major route static sign with flashing beacons from Google Street ViewTM.(23)

North Carolina

Sites in North Carolina were post mounted and/or mounted overhead. Figure 14 through figure 16 present examples of signs used in North Carolina.

Figure 14. Photo. Major and minor route overhead static signs with flashing beacons from Google Street ViewTM. This photograph shows overhead warning signs stating "VEHICLE ENTERING WHEN FLASHING" on the major road and "WATCH FOR APPROACHING VEHICLE" on the minor road, both with two flashing beacons.

©Google® 2016

Figure 14. Photo. Major and minor route overhead static signs with flashing beacons from Google Street ViewTM.(24)

Figure 15. Photo. Minor route overhead static sign with flashing beacons from Google Street ViewTM. This photograph shows an overhead warning sign on minor road stating "WATCH FOR APPROACHING VEHICLE" with two flashing beacons. There are two flashing beacons on the major road approach.

©Google® 2016

Figure 15. Photo. Minor route overhead static sign with flashing beacons from Google Street ViewTM.(25)

Figure 16. Photo. Major route static sign with flashing beacons from Google Street ViewTM. This photograph shows a post-mounted sign stating "VEHICLE ENTERING WHEN FLASHING" with two flashing beacons.

©Google® 2016

Figure 16. Photo. Major route static sign with flashing beacons from Google Street ViewTM.(26)



Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000
Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center | 6300 Georgetown Pike | McLean, VA | 22101