U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
Rhode Island Division
The Rhode Island Department of Transportation is an intermodal transportation agency charged with planning, designing, constructing, operating, and maintaining Rhode Island's transportation facilities including highways, marine, and freight rail.
The Rhode Island State Planning Council is the statewide metropolitan planning organization (MPO) for Rhode Island. Established by state legislation and designated by the Governor as the MPO, the RISPC is responsible for developing the State's transportation plan and Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). In addition to its transportation duties, the SPC guides State planning in human services, economic development, energy, recreation, water supply, solid waste disposal, and historic preservation, among other duties.
The Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (RIPTA) is a statewide bus transit system serving 36 of Rhode Island's 39 cities and towns. RIPTA also maintains an expanding paratransit network to serve the needs of the disabled and mobility impaired.
The Rhode Island LTAP Training Center has over 150 on-demand trainings and live webinars geared toward the transportation industry. Before you can register for trainings, sign-up for an account at the following link https://rilearningcenter.myabsorb.com?KeyName=RhodeIslandLTAP. Once the account is setup, use your credentials to access The Rhode Island LTAP Training Center.