U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration |
Subject: | ACTION: Emergency Relief Requirement in the Fiscal Management Information System (FMIS) | Date: | August 22, 2013 |
From: | /s/ Original signed by Elissa K. Konove Chief Financial Officer Walter C. Waidelich, Jr. |
In Reply Refer to: |
HCFB-1 |
To: | Directors of Field Services Division Administrators Financial Managers |
Beginning August 26, 2013, all projects using program code ER90, and all subsequent emergency relief program codes, will require an Emergency Relief Code (ER Code). The Fiscal Management Information System (FMIS) has been modified to include the ER Code which will allow FHWA to track funding allocations by disaster event to ensure we comply with legislative provisions.
The eight-digit alphanumeric ER Code will be assigned by the Office of Program Administration and will be included in their allocation memoranda. All ER90 and future Emergency Relief (ER) funding will be allocated by ER Code in FMIS. Obligations must occur within the ER Codes as assigned.
The format of the ER Code in FMIS is the State abbreviation (2 digits), the disaster year (4 digits), and the sequence number (2 digits). The use of the ER Code does not eliminate the need to enter the disaster year and sequence number in FMIS. Headquarters will convert all previous ER90 project obligations and allocation memos to include an ER Code prior to implementation.
In addition, a new optional field is available titled "Emergency Relief Eligible?" This feature can be utilized when the Division authorizes non-ER funding on a project. The user can select the "y" or "N" radio button. If "y" is selected, the ER Code and disaster information must be entered. The project type will remain "conventional" until emergency relief funding is added.
It is important that division offices formally communicate this requirement to their respective State Departments of Transportation prior to implementation in FMIS on August 26, 2013.
If you have questions related to the functional use of this feature in FMIS, please contact the FMIS Team at FMISTeamf@dot.gov. If you have questions related to the Emergency Relief Program, please contact Greg Wolf in the Office of Infrastructure at 202-366-4655.