National Highway Performance Program (NHPP)
NHPP Program Purpose
The NHPP provides support for the condition and performance of the National Highway System (NHS), for the construction of new facilities on the NHS, and to ensure that investments of Federal-aid funds in highway construction are directed to support progress toward the achievement of performance targets established in a State's asset management plan for the NHS. The NHPP funding is made available through the State transportation agencies. NHPP is an apportioned (formula) program, which means the funds are only made available to the States by a formula contained in law, which is different than a discretionary grant program where eligible applicants may competitively seek funding through a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). If an entity believes they have a project that may be eligible under the NHPP, they should contact their respective State Department of Transportation (DOT) for additional information on projects and project funding. The Federal Highway Administration provides NHPP funding to States by formula, yet the selection of projects for funding under the NHPP is the decision of the State DOT, in accordance with applicable Federal requirements.
NHPP Guidance and Information
- Implementation Guidance for the National Highway Performance Program (NHPP) as Revised by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (.pdf)
- BIL National Highway Performance Program (NHPP) Fact Sheet
Additional Policy, Guidance, and Information
- November 20, 2018 Penalty Decision Pursuant to MAP-21 Section 1106(b) and 23 CFR 515.15(b) (07/10/2018)
- Implementation Guidance for the Condition of National Highway System (NHS) Bridges (10/02/2017)
- Eligibility of Public Outreach Costs Related to All-Electronic Tolling Implementation (01/12/2017)
- Pavement and Bridge Condition Performance Measures Final Rule (01/09/2017)
- Guide to Federal-aid Programs and Projects: National Highway Performance Program (.pdf) (10/18/2012)
- Policy on Sponsorship Acknowledgment and Agreements within the Highway Right-of-Way (04/07/2014)
- FAST Act National Highway Performance Program (NHPP) Implementation Guidance (3/9/16)
- FAST Act Fact Sheet: National Highway Performance Program (NHPP) (February, 2016)
- MAP-21: National Highway Performance Program (NHPP) Implementation Guidance (11/19/2012)
- MAP-21 Fact Sheet: National Highway Performance Program (NHPP)