TPM Implementation Plan
Update on FHWA Planned Implementation Activities
December 31, 2020
The TPM Implementation Plan for 2018-2022 was published in July 2018. Each year, FHWA will report out on annual accomplishments in the plan.
2018 – 2020 Activities
The following table includes all the implementation plan activities with scheduled completion dates between 2018 and 2020. There are 38 of these activities in the plan, 37 of which are completed. Links are provided to the resources produced by these activities.
Activity | Objective | Performance area | Status |
Develop guidance on Transportation Asset Management Plan Development Processes, including Consistency Determination, Certification, and Recertification | 1.1 | Asset Management | Completed |
Provide resources and assistance on the national definition for serious injuries | 1.1 | PM1 | Completed |
Develop CMAQ Performance Plan manual for MPOs | 1.1 | PM3 | Completed |
Develop guidance on Alternative Pavement Condition Methods to Estimate a present serviceability rating (PSR) | 1.1 | PM2 | Completed |
Make applicability determination for CMAQ performance measures and MPO Performance Plans; maintain accurate and publicly available lists | 1.1 | PM3 | Completed |
Share noteworthy examples to State DOTs and MPOs on coordination and planning agreements | 1.1 | Planning | Completed |
Develop informational resources on target setting for multi-state MPOs | 1.1 | Planning | Completed |
Share noteworthy examples for State DOT and MPO system performance reports | 1.1 | Planning | Completed |
Develop guidance on Safety Performance Measure computation methods | 1.2 | PM1 | Completed |
Develop guidance on how to calculate travel-time based performance measures | 1.2 | PM3 | Completed |
Develop Measure Calculation method for Data Quality Improvement in HPMS/integrated transportation information platform (ITIP) integration | 1.2 | PM2 | Completed |
Develop guidance on Pavement and Bridge Condition Measure computation methods and NHPP significant progress determination | 1.2 | PM2 | Completed |
Develop method for calculating the emissions measure | 1.2 | PM3 | Completed |
Develop guidance on freight reliability measure computation method | 1.2 | PM3 | Completed |
Develop guidance on freight bottleneck analysis requirement | 1.2 | PM3 | Completed |
Develop guidance on State reporting of performance metrics to HPMS | 1.2 | PM3 | Completed |
Provide information to State DOTs on how to submit targets and other required condition/performance information | 1.3 | PM2, PM3 | Completed |
Develop processes for FHWA Headquarters and Division offices to coordinate on minimum condition requirements and penalties | 1.3 | PM2 | Completed |
Develop training and resources for Division Office staff for Oversight of Reporting, including target submissions and integration into long range and state freight transportation plans | 1.3 | PM2, PM3 | Completed |
Develop guidance on how performance measures are incorporated into state freight planning requirements | 1.3 | PM3 | Completed |
Develop Safety PM Target Setting Communications Plan and Toolkit for safety practitioners | 1.6 | PM1 | Completed |
Provide web-based training on CMAQ Public Access System | 2.1 | PM3 | Completed |
Develop Transportation Performance Management Overview for the MAP-21 and FAST Acts Web-Based Training (NHI 138005) | 2.2 | All | Completed |
Develop Effective Target Setting for Transportation Performance Management Web Based Training (NHI 138013) | 2.2 | All | Completed |
Develop TPM for Bridges Training Course (NHI 138008) | 2.2 | PM2 | Completed |
Develop TPM for Pavements Training Course (NHI 138009) | 2.2 | PM2 | Completed |
Develop TPM for Congestion Including Freight Course (NHI 138010) | 2.2 | PM2 | Completed |
Conduct workshops for State DOTs on life cycle planning, risk and asset management financial planning | 2.3 | Asset Management | Completed |
Identify noteworthy practices and State DOT needs associated with TAMP development | 2.4 | Asset Management | Completed |
Analyze pavement Data Quality Management Programs for areas of improvement | 2.4 | PM2 | Completed |
Share noteworthy practices of establishing targets for travel time measures – both initial and subsequent years | 2.4 | PM3 | Completed |
Train FHWA Division office staff on how to review analysis for identifying freight bottlenecks and integration into long range and freight transportation plans | 2.5 | PM3 | Completed |
Develop training on bottleneck analysis | 2.6 | PM3 | Completed |
Provide automated data to pre-populate the online Performance Management Form | 2.7 | PM2, PM3 | Completed |
Leverage the Office of Safety’s 2nd Roadway Data Capabilities Assessment for information on where data improvements can be realized and work with those States to enhance their data efforts | 2.7 | PM1 | Completed |
Update Interstate Highway Pavement Sampling data and report to reassess minimum condition level | 2.7 | PM2 | Completed |
Update Practical Guide for Quality Management of Pavement Condition Data | 2.7 | PM2 | Not Yet Complete |
Continue to seek and document ways to improve processes for estimating emissions | 2.8 | PM3 | Completed |
Future and Ongoing Activities
The following table highlights key implementation-related activities with completion dates beyond 2020 or are continuing without a defined end date. Where updates are available, links are provided.
Activity | Objective | Performance area |
Maintain and regularly update online FAQs on rule requirements and expectations | 1.1 | All |
Develop guidance on Pavement Data Quality Management program | 1.1 | PM2 |
Review HPMS Pavement Data Report Card Results with State DOTs | 1.2 | PM2 |
Partner with NHTSA to ensure coordination with SHSOs on targets and timelines | 1.3 | PM1 |
Develop externally facing materials to communicate to State DOTs, MPOs, and other key partners the process for actions related to reporting, target achievement, and performance assessment | 1.3 | PM2, PM3 |
Develop training and resources for Division Office staff on actions following assessment of target achievement (i.e., significant progress determination) | 1.3 | PM2, PM3 |
Identify areas for improvement based on analysis of biennial performance reports | 1.3 | PM2, PM3 |
Use results from national TPM survey to inform future policy discussions and proposals | 1.4 | PM1, PM2, PM3 |
Gather information from stakeholders to inform future policy discussions and capacity building strategies | 1.4 | PM1, PM2, PM3 |
Work with AASHTO to develop coordinated messaging on communicating performance results | 1.5 | All |
Publish targets and progress made (as available) on U.S. DOT external website | 1.5 | PM1, PM2, PM3 |
Develop comprehensive handout of relevant FHWA resources and when/how to use them to support Asset Management, and Bridge and Pavement Condition | 1.5 | PM2 |
Maintain websites with critical and timely information | 1.5 | PM2, PM3 |
Support regular communication between FHWA HQ, Divisions, States/MPOs, and other stakeholders | 1.5 | PM2, PM3 |
Develop comprehensive handout of relevant FHWA resources and when/how to use them to support freight, congestion, and system performance | 1.5 | PM3 |
Continue to coordinate with NCHRP and AASHTO to develop and maintain Asset Management web and TPM portal | 1.5 | All |
Communicate results of broader biennial Transportation Performance Management survey | 1.6 | PM2, PM3 |
Include relevant information on TPM in the national Conditions and Performance Report | 1.6 | All |
Develop and contribute to regular public communications products (annual or biannual) | 1.6 | All |
Coordinate with FHWA Offices of Policy and Planning to provide consistent information related to implementation at MPOs, including coordination between State DOTs and MPOs | 1.6 | All |
Provide targeted support on Asset Management Plan development and how to conduct an Asset Management Gap Analysis | 2.1 | Asset Management |
Host internal and external webinars focused on how to use NPMRDS data to analyze and calculate measures | 2.1 | PM3 |
Provide targeted support on how to use and interpret data for target setting | 2.1 | All |
Conduct targeted technical assistance on use of the capability maturity model in order to assist DOTs and MPOs with continual self-assessment and program improvement | 2.1 | All |
Provide targeted technical assistance on cross-cutting and program specific topics based and tailored to needs of State DOTs and MPOs | 2.1 | All |
Develop resources such as: best practices reports, templates, peer exchanges/targeted technical assistance, and technical tools and resources | 2.1 | All |
Conduct or assist in PM2 pavement related compliance reviews | 2.2 | PM2 |
Partner with industry groups to provide technical assistance to State DOTs and MPOs | 2.3 | All |
Foster opportunities to learn from peers through peer exchanges, webinars and meetings | 2.3 | All |
Develop a communication forum to link Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and peer practitioners | 2.3 | All |
Coordinate with industry partners such as AASHTO, AMPO, and TRB, to host events and develop resources on relevant topics | 2.3 | All |
Continue and build upon activities of the Asset Management Expert Task Group (ETG) | 2.3 | Asset Management |
Provide ongoing technical support to the AMPO performance based planning and programming work group | 2.3 | Planning |
Conduct regional workshops jointly with AASHTO, AMPO, and FTA, on performance based planning and programming, and TPM | 2.3 | Planning |
Provide information on general trends and approaches related to target setting and investment tradeoff analysis | 2.4 | All |
Share examples of how State DOTs and MPOs have communicated results | 2.4 | All |
Document noteworthy and effective practices to highlight activities among DOTs and MPOs | 2.4 | All |
Share practices on how States link HSIP investments to targets and long-term safety outcomes | 2.4 | PM1 |
Develop examples of how to use performance management principles to manage the overall system and influence investment decisions | 2.4 | All |
Provide information on each State's annual safety targets and the methodologies used | 2.4 | PM1 |
Develop a synthesis/white paper on how States and MPOs are linking investments to targets | 2.4 | Planning |
Ensure that FHWA Division office staff are aware of available resources to build their own technical skills and support States and MPOs with TPM implementation | 2.5 | All |
Train FHWA Division office staff in how States and MPOs will submit data to the TPM reporting portal | 2.5 | All |
Train FHWA Division office staff on how to review life cycle, risk, and financial analyses for asset management plans | 2.5 | Asset Management |
Train FHWA Division office staff on how to use and analyze HPMS data | 2.5 | PM2, PM3 |
Train FHWA Division office staff on how to use NPMRDS data for analysis of travel time reliability and freight bottle necks | 2.5 | PM3 |
Train FHWA Division office staff on how to use travel time analysis and visualization tools | 2.5 | PM3 |
Develop training and resources on investment strategies and scenarios | 2.6 | All |
Raise awareness of existing tools and how they can be used | 2.6 | All |
Demonstrate how existing data driven safety analysis (DDSA) tools can be used to support a performance-based HSIP | 2.6 | PM1 |
Provide regular webinars and other opportunities to support States and MPOs in use of NPMRDS | 2.6 | PM3 |
Provide technical assistance to improve use of NPMRDS data and associated tools | 2.6 | PM3 |
Conduct research on connections between performance based planning and data sources and tools | 2.6 | PM1, PM2, PM3 |
Promote training on safety analysis tools | 2.6 | PM1 |
Improve capabilities to estimate VMT at the MPO level through the Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) to ensure statewide data quality and consistency | 2.7 | PM1 |
Support efforts in safety data management, governance, and the integration of state and local/MPO safety data | 2.7 | PM1 |
Add and maintain data in HPMS format for use by States and FHWA Divisions | 2.7 | PM2 |
Initiate update to AASHTO Standards on pavement condition data collection and analysis | 2.7 | PM2 |
Provide NPMRDS data to use in calculating metrics for first performance period. FHWA will continue to work to improve the NPMRDS and HPMS conflation | 2.7 | PM3 |
Identify gaps and needs related to data analysis and tools | 2.8 | All |
Identify gaps and needs related to tools and data analysis necessary to implement a performance based HSIP | 2.8 | PM1 |
Promote improvements in nonmotorized data collection related to exposure and interactions with motor vehicles | 2.8 | PM1 |
Continue to develop and update CMAQ Emissions Calculator Toolkit | 2.8 | PM3 |
Continue to enhance the CMAQ Public Access System to incorporate performance measures | 2.8 | PM3 |
Update and maintain CMAQ project tracking system | 2.8 | PM3 |
Participate in pooled fund study with AASHTO and State DOTs and MPOs to develop a tool to assist with travel time data-based measure calculations | 2.8 | PM3 |