U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

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Bridges & Structures


Seismic and Multi-Hazard Resilience

Honeycomb diagram with the terms: Public Safety, Emergency Management, Infrastructure Protection, Infrastructure Protection, Extreme Events, Community Resilience, System Resilience, Asset Management, Transportation Security, ???, Personal Resilience, Risk Management, and Design Engineering.

Extreme events, such as large earthquakes, major hurricanes, extreme floods, and massive vessel/vehicular collisions, are rare, but they affect human activities profoundly. To fulfill the key role in the highway transportation network serving our society, we need to make the bridge population resilient to the disruption or damage from extreme natural events or accidental human actions.

The Seismic and Multi-Hazard Resilience Program's primary goal is to assist State/local governments and metropolitan planning organizations in improving highway network resilience and therefore to best utilize the funding from federal highway programs to protect lives and boost economic growth. It offers technical support, guidance development, research facilitation, and accelerated innovation deployment to accomplish the program goal. Balanced considerations are included in

  1. Bridge life cycle optimization: decision-making in design, construction, management, maintenance, retrofitting, and replacement that optimize investment and performance related to extreme events.
  2. Supporting resilient community: response and recovery preparedness.
  3. Expect the unexpected: adaptive to changes in nature, economy, culture, and policy.


Updated: 02/11/2025
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000