Construction Program Guide
Contractor Furnished Equipment/Supplies
In certain cases, FHWA policy allows for participation in the Federal-aid share of the costs associated with contractor furnished equipment and/or supplies for the construction, inspection or administration of Federal-aid projects.
Authority/Legal Basis
- 23 U.S.C. 302 State transportation department (2012) indicates that States shall be "suitably equipped and organized" to administer Federal-aid contracts; however, this provision does not limit the types of indirect costs that are eligible for Federal-aid participation.
- 2 CFR 200 Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (01/01/2016) Subpart A provides the USDOT's definitions of project related 'supplies' and 'equipment'.
- 2 CFR 200.313 Equipment (10/1/2012) lists the USDOT's guidance for equipment use and disposition; however, Federal-aid participation in the initial equipment purchase cost is guided by the Equipment Purchases for State Construction Engineering Use memo (05/05/1993).
- The FHWA Contract Administration Core Curriculum Manual summarizes the FHWA's policies and provides general guidance for bid analysis and the award of contract.
- Equipment Purchases for State Construction Engineering Use (05/05/1993)
- Equipment Rental Rates (12/23/1986)
- Equipment Rental Rates for Contractor Owned Equipment (10/30/1986)