Superseded by Special Experimental Project No. 14 - Local Labor Hiring Pilot Program
Contracting Initiative Pilot Program Extension
March 30, 2016
From Thomas D. Everett, Director, Office of Program Administration (HIPA-1)
To the Attention of Division Office Leadership:
The US DOT extended the Contracting Initiative pilot program for a period of one year until March 6, 2017.
On March 4, 2016, the Department posted a notice of extension on its Web site at, however, the actual Federal Register posting ( was not published until March 17.
The Department has also posted Additional Questions and Answers Regarding Contracting to its website at:
Recipients and subrecipients should follow the application process described in the March 6, 2015, Federal Register notice (80 FR 12257) except that recipients and subrecipients must also include the required certifications from Section 192 of the FY 2016 Appropriations Act. See my January 8, 2016 Transmittal email on 'the FY 2016 Appropriations Act' and Local Labor Hiring Preference Provisions for more information.
This Office has updated the Local Labor Hiring Pilot Program webpage at to reflect these changes..
Please contact Jerry Yakowenko (202-366-1562), John Huyer (651-291-6111), or Norm Stoner (217-502-9215) with any questions.
Thank you.