U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
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Washington, DC 20590

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1999 Measurement & Payment Inspection Guidelines

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  1. .......... 1993 Standard Specifications,
  2. .......... 1994 SI Metric Standard Specifications,
  3. July 1, 1998 Supplemental Specifications,
  4. July 1, 1998 SI Metric Supplemental Specifications,
  5. 1980 Construction Manual (CM),
  6. Material Procedures (MP's), & Construction Division Directives (CD)


The purpose of this inspection is to review the measurement and documentation for either progress or final estimate payments on items being incorporated in the completion of a project. It is suggested that several pay items be selected and thoroughly reviewed. To maximize one's efforts, the items selected should represent a cross section of the items in the contract. A work sheet is attached for reporting the quantities for each item as you review and cross reference the various project documents.

General Project Data:

Project Number: 
Inspection Conducted By: 
In Company With: 
Current Estimate Number: 
Estimate Date: 
  1. Measurement Of Quantities

    Has the documentation of field check measurements, delivery tickets, receipts, quantity calculations, etc. been made in accordance with the State's guidelines to satisfactorily support the basis of payment for the items reviewed?

    State's guidelines:

    • Measurement of Quantities - SS 109.1, CM 109.1.1 to 109.1.2
    • Tickets and Documentation - CM 109.1.2, CD 109, CD 111, CD 127
    • HL-442 - CM 105.10
    • Project Diary - CM 105.9.01 to 105.9.6
  2. Project Records:
    1. Are project records being prepared and maintained in a format that is in accordance with the State's guidelines?
    2. Are the project records providing pertinent information in support of the basis of payment on the pay estimate items reviewed?

      State's guidelines:

      • Project Records and Files - CM 111
      • Quantity Records Sheet - CM 111
      • Materials Report - CM 106
      • Reports - CM 113
  3. Project Estimate:
    1. Does the State's preparation and submission guidelines on progress and/or final voucher estimates provide a reasonable and equitable reimbursement procedure for payment to the contractor?

      State's guidelines:

      • Forms, Lump Sum Items - CM 112.2
      • Preparation and Submission - CM 112, SS 109.6
      • Final Estimate and Reports - CM 112.5
    2. Is the project using computers to work up the estimates?
  4. Project Change Orders, Work Orders, Supplemental Agreements, & Force Account Work:

    Are the processing, accounting, and documentation of these items being done in accordance with the State's directives such that it enables proper handling and subsequent inclusion for payment in the contract estimate (This includes FHWA'S role in the process)?

  5. Closeout Conference

    Hold a closeout conference to discuss findings and reach agreements on corrective actions when required.


Work Sheet

State's guidelines: Extra Work and Force Account Work - CM 110.6, Stan. Specs. 109.4 to 109.4.9
Item No.: 
Unit Of Measurement: 
Inspector's Daily Report Quantity (HL-442): 
Project Materials Record Quantity (HL-440): 
Test Report Quantity: 
Weight Ticket Quantity: 
Invoice Quantity: 
Estimate Quantity: 
Item No.: 
Unit Of Measurement: 
Inspector's Daily Report Quantity (HL-442): 
Project Materials Record Quantity (HL-440): 
Test Report Quantity: 
Weight Ticket Quantity: 
Invoice Quantity: 
Estimate Quantity: 
Item No.: 
Unit Of Measurement: 
Inspector's Daily Report Quantity (HL-442): 
Project Materials Record Quantity (HL-440): 
Test Report Quantity: 
Weight Ticket Quantity: 
Invoice Quantity: 
Estimate Quantity: 
Item No.: 
Unit Of Measurement: 
Inspector's Daily Report Quantity (HL-442): 
Project Materials Record Quantity (HL-440): 
Test Report Quantity: 
Weight Ticket Quantity: 
Invoice Quantity: 
Estimate Quantity: 
Updated: 06/27/2017
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000