Bridge Maintenance - Scour
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Interviewed: ___________________________________ Date: _________________
Bridge Preservation Office
- What is the number of scour critical bridges in the Region?
- How many of those bridges have action plans developed to minimize or eliminate the risk of scour?
- How is the list of scour critical bridges communicated to the Region Bridge Maintenance personnel?
- How are the action plans communicated to the Region Bridge Maintenance personnel?
- What types of scour countermeasures are used by WSDOT?
- What types of scour monitoring devices or techniques have been used by WSDOT?
- Is there a program in place to address bridge scour needs?
- What is its level of funding?
- What is the overall estimate of need?
- How are priorities established for funding countermeasures for scour critical bridges?
- How many bridge countermeasures have been installed to date?
(STA) Region ___________________________________ Date _________________
Interviewed: ___________________________________
Region Bridge Maintenance
- How many people are on the bridge maintenance crew in your Region?
- What types of maintenance work do you do?
- What is the budget for bridge maintenance in your Region?
- What types of maintenance work are contracted out?
- On a scale of 1 - 10 (10 high), how would you rate the following:
- Communication from Bridge Preservation Office (BPO) on maint. needs
- Communication to BPO on maintenance repairs
- Timely completion of needed, high priority repairs
- Completion of routinely scheduled maintenance
- How many scour critical bridges are there in your Region?
- What procedures do you have in place to minimize the risk of scour critical bridges?
- What improvements could be made in the areas of bridge maintenance and inspection?