U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

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Quality Assurance Review of Work Zones for Maintenance Operations

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Questions and Answers regarding: Traffic Control Training

  1. Do you have a training process in place?
  2. Who is trained and at what level?
  3. How often do you update your training?
  4. How is an individual's training documented and tracked?
  5. What do you think of the quality of external training?
  6. What do you think of the STA Academy Training?
  7. Do you have any recommendations for improving the training?

Questions and Answers regarding: Traffic Control Plan Design

  1. Who handles the Traffic Control Plan (TCP) for STA Maintenance Operations?
  2. What guidelines and standards are used for the design of the TCP for maintenance operations?
  3. Where are these guidelines & standards (physically) located?
  4. Are there any unusual cases not covered in current guidelines or standards that you would like to see added or changed?
  5. How do you currently handle the special cases not covered in the existing standards?
  6. Is a speed limit reduction ever considered for any maintenance activity?
    6a) If "NO", would you like to use a speed limit reduction for maintenance activity work zones?

Questions and Answers regarding: Operational Activities

  1. Do you use a TCP for each type of maintenance activity done on the roadways?
  2. If you do not have a TCP, then what do you use to setup a Work Zone?
  3. Is there a procedure to insure that work zone traffic control devices are properly placed?
    3a) If "Yes" then is this procedure written and where is it located?
  4. Is there a daily log for maintenance activities on the roadways?
    4a) If "YES" then where is the procedure located?
  5. Are procedures, in place, to insure that the traffic control devices used for STA Maintenance Activities are to current standards?
  6. How do you handle a work zone which is left overnight?
    6a) Where are unused traffic control devices stored overnight/or when not in use?
  7. Would you like to suggest any improvements in this area that you think should be made?

Questions and Answers regarding: Incident Management

  1. Do you have procedures for emergencies in or outside the work zone?
  2. Do you have a succession plan stating who is responsible to call the emergency equipment?
  3. Would you like to suggest any improvements in this area that you think should be made?

Recommendations/Good Practices

Updated: 06/27/2017
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000