U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

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Development and Review of Specifications Attachment 3

Specification Review Checklist
Issue Yes No N/A Comments
Continuity of Thought and Logic        
Are sentences and paragraphs limited to single ideas?        
Is there an orderly arrangement of ideas throughout the specification?        
Do requirements follow the natural sequence of the work?        
Method of Presentation and Overall Organization        
Is the five-part format (or agency equivalent) used?        
Is the specification structured so that all information is easily accessible?        
Are headings used to make it easier for readers to find information?        
Language and Style        
Is the language of the specification free of vague and ambiguous words and phrases?        
Does the specification correctly use active voice and imperative mood?        
Does the specification use “must” vs. “shall” and “will” appropriately?        
Is formatting consistent?        
Is capitalization consistent (e.g., work vs. Work, engineer vs. Engineer)?        
Is word choice consistent (e.g., pipe vs. conduit, select fill vs. gravel, reinforcing steel vs. rebar)?        
Measurable Standards        
Does the specification provide a clear description of what is to be measured for payment and the method of measurement?        
Does the specification identify where and when the measurements will be made?        
Can the inspector, using the specification as the standard of performance, determine whether the Contractor has complied with all of the specified work requirements?        
Have escape clauses been avoided (e.g., requirements involving the "opinion of the Engineer")?        
Sampling and Testing Requirements: Does the specification describe how acceptance will be determined? Are the specified tests necessary, or will product certification suffice?        
Submittals: Does the specification describe the necessary submittal requirements? Are the submittal requirements realistic (i.e., are shop drawings really necessary or is catalog information sufficient)?        
Coordinating Information and Requirements        
Has the specification been closely examined for redundancies, contradiction, ambiguities, duplication, and overlap?        
Are the specifications and drawings compatible?        
Are drawings used where needed to amplify the work requirements?        
PS&E Submittals        
Are the current FHWA required standard provisions included as required by 23 CFR 633 Subpart A (i.e. Form FHWA-1273)?        
Are the DBE participation goals identified (49 CFR Section 26)?        
Are Buy America Act provisions included (23 CFR 635.410)?        
Are the standard clauses on differing site conditions, suspensions of work, and significant changes in the character of the work included?        
Do specifications satisfy all state, county, and local requirements and permit conditions?        
Are the current Department of Labor Minimum Wage Rates included?        
For any materials to be provided by the State or from sources designated by the State, has a public interest finding been obtained? Do the bidding documents identify the location and any other conditions to be met for the contractor to secure the materials?        
For the use of publicly-owned equipment, has a cost effectiveness finding been obtained? Do the bidding documents identify the location and any other conditions to be met for the contractor to use the equipment?
Are guarantee or warranty clauses included? (23 CFR 635.413)        
Are alternative contracting procedures included? Is SEP-14 and/or SEP-15 approval needed?        
Are items shown as participating in fact eligible for federal funding?        
Are items shown as non-participating listed separately?        
Are all force account items reasonable (23 CFR 635 Subpart B)?        
Are itemized quantities/costs reasonable?        
Updated: 05/23/2022
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000