Multi-Pollutant Emissions Benefits of Transportation Strategies-FHWA
Appendix A: List of Transportation Strategies
This appendix includes a list of transportation emission reduction strategies that is intended to be comprehensive of the full range of strategies that would be examined by transportation agencies as part of transportation conformity analyses or other emissions analyses. Although this list is intended to be comprehensive, it is not exhaustive of all potential strategies. Two primary criteria were applied for inclusion of strategies:
- The strategy can be implemented by policy makers at a state or local level (i.e., it does not require a change in federal law or federal action) - Many strategies in the list below can be funded or implemented directly by transportation agencies (e.g., transit programs, traffic flow improvements). However, we did not limit the list only to those that would be implemented directly by transportation agencies. Some strategies are typically funded by state air agencies (e.g., inspection and maintenance programs, vehicle buy-back programs) or require implementation by local governments (e.g., land use policies, parking policies).
- The strategy is generally considered at least marginally useful as an emission reduction strategy -Some strategies have limited documentation of effectiveness, and may not generate significant emission reductions on their own; however, all strategies included are generally considered to be supportive of other strategies and contributing to emissions reductions.
The strategies are grouped into four broad categories:
- Transportation demand management (TDM) strategies - these strategies generally focus on reducing the amount of vehicle travel;
- Transportation system management (TSM) / driver behavior-oriented strategies - these strategies generally focus on improving the operating characteristics of vehicles, affecting speeds, traffic flow, idling, etc.;
- Vehicle, fuels, and technology strategies - these strategies generally focus on reducing vehicle emission rates; and
- Non-road transportation strategies - these strategies address railroads, marine vessels, airport ground support equipment, and other non-road engines.
Some individual strategies fall into more than one of these categories (e.g., high-occupancy vehicle lanes can be considered both a TDM and TSM strategy since they encourage ridesharing, and also may help to improve traffic flow) but are only listed once in order to avoid duplication.
Within these four broad categories, the strategies have been sub-categorized so that those with similar goals or targets are grouped together (e.g., transit strategies are grouped together, as are bicycle and pedestrian strategies). Often, strategies within a sub-category are implemented together and are analyzed as a package. In total, this memo identifies 137 different strategies in 29 sub-categories. For many of the strategies, examples of specific implementation approaches are provided. Although each of these examples is sometimes listed as a separate strategy in other resource documents, the examples for a given strategy generally serve the same purpose and would typically use the same general methodology for emissions analysis.
Each of the strategies focuses on policy or programmatic approaches that could be implemented by the public sector. Following the strategies, a table identifies specific technologies that can be applied as emission reduction measures.
Transportation demand management (TDM) strategies focus on changing travel behavior - trip rates, trip length, travel mode, time-of-day, etc. Most TDM projects/programs reduce emissions by reducing trips and/or vehicle miles traveled (VMT) by personal motor vehicles, or by shifting trips from peak periods to less congested periods. These strategies are listed below.
1. Shared Ride Programs/Projects
Strategy |
Examples |
Park-and-Ride facilities |
- New park-and-ride facility
- Add parking to existing facilities
High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes |
- Separate roadway for exclusive HOV use
- Barrier separated lanes within freeway right-of-way
- Concurrent flow lane
- Contra-flow lane
- HOV on arterial streets
- Bypass lanes for HOVs at metered freeway entrance ramps
Regional rideshare outreach/matching |
- Implement regional rideshare matching programs
- Upgrade ridematching software (for full regional address recognition, corridor searching, etc.
Regional rideshare incentives |
- Carpool incentives (e.g., free gas card, drawings)
- Vanpool incentives (e.g., subsidized vanpools)
Dynamic rideshare programs |
- Real-time rideshare matching
Encourage shared ride taxis |
Regional vanpool network |
Short-distance vanpools |
- Vanshare program providing access from transit to workplaces
2. Bicycle and Pedestrian Programs/Projects
Strategy |
Examples |
New bicycle paths, lanes, routes, or safety enhancements |
- Bicycle paths/lanes
- On-street bicycle routes
- Multi-use trails
- Rails-to-trails conversions
- Bicycle safety enhancements (lighting, grades, markings, etc.)
Bicycle parking |
- Bicycle racks
- Bicycle lockers
- Attended bicycle parking
- Ordinances requiring bicycle parking
Bikes on transit programs |
- Bicycles on buses
- Bicycles on rail
Bicycle information |
- Informational signage (e.g., Share the Road signs, designated bicycle routes)
- Bicycle maps/plans
- Bicycle educational information, including bicycle safety information
- Bicycle coordinators
- Bicycle awareness/safety events
Bicycle share programs |
- Public use bicycles
- Bike stations providing maintenance facilities
Financial incentives to own bicycles |
- Free bikes program
- Cash rebates for bicycle purchases
Pedestrian connections/sidewalks |
- New sidewalks
- Sidewalk improvements (curb ramps, sidewalk gap closure, etc.)
- Pedestrian bridges/tunnels
- Mid-block pedestrian connections
Enhancing the pedestrian environment |
- Wider sidewalks
- Tree plantings
- Crosswalk light fixtures
- Street lights
- Sidewalk furniture (benches, etc.)
- Pedestrian safety modifications (count down pedestrian signals)
3. Transit
Strategy |
Examples |
New transit routes/services |
- New bus routes
- New rail lines
- Demand response shuttle
- Circulator buses
- Express bus service
More frequent service |
- Additional buses in service on existing routes (to reduce headways)
Longer service hours |
- Expansion beyond peak periods
- Late night hours
More capacity on services |
- Larger buses
- Additional railcars on trains
- Redesign of seating/standing
Faster travel times/improved system performance |
- Busways/bus rapid transit (BRT)
- Improved bus/rail integration
- Transit signal prioritization
- Improved connections/reduced transfer times
- Transit centers
- Change routing
Passenger amenities |
- Bus shelters
- Benches/seating at bus stops
- Improved maintenance of buses/trains and stops/stations
Improved transit access |
- Increased parking at transit stations
- Shuttle and feeder bus services
- Improved pedestrian/bicycle access and bicycle parking
Transit information |
- Signage/maps/schedules at bus/train stops
- Signage/maps/schedules at major activity centers (e.g., malls, sports venues, etc.)
- Terminal displays/kiosks with real-time passenger information
- Transit information kiosks (e.g., in suburban employment sites, downtown, tourist sites)
- Web page with transit planning capabilities
- Inclusion of transit information in 511 and other travel planning services
- Real-time text messaging/on-line information on bus schedules
Transit marketing and promotions |
- Transit promotional campaign
- Branding of services / routes
Reduced fares/free services |
- Lower transit fares
- Fare free zones
- Free transit services
Fare structure/convenience improvements |
- Fare structure simplifications
- Elimination of fares for transfers
- SmartCards
- Automated fareboxes
Transit pass programs |
- Monthly passes
- Annual passes
- Ecopasses/universal passes
- Multimodal/Smart passes (for transit, parking, carshare)
- Off-peak pass (low cost pass for unlimited use in off-peak hours)
"Try it" transit pass give-aways |
- Promotional transit pass give aways
- First month free program for new services
4. Parking Management
Strategy |
Examples |
Parking pricing / fees |
- Increase public parking fees
- Increase taxes on parking providers
- Impose or increase fees/surcharges on SOVs
- Free or reduced priced parking for carpools/vanpools
Parking supply limits |
- Parking maximums for new development
- Regional parking caps
- Create parking/traffic-free zones
- Peak-hour parking bans
- Curb-parking restrictions
Preferential parking for carpools/vanpools |
- Premium parking spots for carpools/vanpools
- Guaranteed parking for carpools/vanpools
Parking cash out program |
5. Pricing
Strategy |
Examples |
Road pricing |
- New tolls
- Increase tolls on roads
- Increase bridge tolls
- High Occupancy Toll (HOT) lanes
Cordon pricing |
- Charge vehicles for entering high-use area, such as CBD
Variable priced tolls |
- Peak period surcharge
- Prices vary based on traffic levels
Variable parking fees |
Pay-As-You-Drive Vehicle Insurance |
- Incentives for per-mile vehicle insurance
- Pilot programs for per-mile vehicle insurance
VMT-based registration fees |
Increase in gas tax |
Employee tax credits |
- Tax credit for using transit, HOV, or bicycling
6. Employer-based TDM Programs
Note: A wide range of different employer-based demand management options are available, including: transit passes, vanpool subsidies, rideshare matching, bicycle lockers/showers, telecommuting programs, flexible work hours, compressed work schedules, etc. These programs typically are not promoted individually but as packages of strategies, and would be analyzed as a comprehensive program. As a result, the list below focuses on government policies or programs, not individual TDM program elements. The analysis of these strategies requires an assessment of levels of participation in different types of TDM activities.
Strategy |
Examples |
Employer marketing and support |
- Outreach to employers/information programs to encourage commute options
- Recognition/awards programs
Telecommuting support/incentives |
- Support in establishing telecommuting programs
- Telecommuting financial incentives
Telework centers |
- Remote/satellite offices close to residential areas
- Telework centers in communities
On-going incentives for employer-based transit/vanpool/carpool programs |
- Subsidized transit passes
- Subsidized vanpools
- Tax credit for employers that offer TDM programs, employer transportation coordinators, etc.
Start up incentives for employer-based transit/vanpool/carpool programs |
- Short-term (start-up) financial incentives for implementing transit pass program
- Short-term (start-up) financial incentives for implementing vanpool/carpooling program
Implement programs at government worksites |
- Flexible work hours programs
- Compressed work scheduled programs
- Telecommuting
- Promote ridesharing, transit, bicycling, walking
Mandatory commute trip reduction programs |
- Mandatory programs for employers of certain size
- Mandatory program for employers in certain locations/business districts
Regional guaranteed ride home program |
- Guaranteed ride home program
- Emergency ride home program
Support proximate commuting |
- Reassigning employees so they can work at a location closest to home
7. Non-employer-based TDM Programs
Strategy |
Examples |
School-based programs |
- School pools
- Safe Routes to Schools programs
- "Walking bus" programs
Campus programs |
- University parking pricing / TDM programs
Community-based programs |
- Community association/residential building based TDM programs
Development-based programs |
- Require new developments to meet trip reduction targets, implement TDM programs
Airport-based programs |
- Airport parking / TDM programs
Tourism promotions |
- Hotel partnerships to promote transit use, walking/bicycling
- Tourism site partnerships to promote transit use, ridesharing, walking, bicycling
Special events-based programs |
- Stadium events management
- Festivals and other events management
- Combined event ticket/transit pass
8. Outreach/Marketing/Education
Strategy |
Examples |
Regional TDM program outreach |
- Media campaigns/Public service announcements
- Voluntary "No Drive,""Share a Ride" Days
Episodic (Spare the Air / Ozone Action Days) programs |
- Media campaigns
- Ozone Action Coordinators
- Free/reduced price transit on Ozone Action Days
- Special incentives on Spare the Air Days
- Voluntary business closures / business practices
Educational curriculum |
- Incorporate air quality awareness into public school curriculum
- Incorporate information about transit, ridesharing into public school curriculum
Transportation management organizations |
- Regional Commute Management Organizations
- Local Transportation Management Associations
9.Integrated Land Use-Transportation Planning
Note: A wide range of different land use policy mechanisms are available, including: zoning requirements, impact fees, developer incentives, regional growth boundaries, etc. These policies typically would not be analyzed individually but as a package of strategies that affects land use patterns, and hence, travel and emissions. As a result, these strategies are not listed individually. Sometimes, strategies are identified based on the focus of the efforts: transit-oriented development, mixed-use activity centers, pedestrian-oriented design, etc. Five strategies are listed below that are organized around different types of programmatic approaches.
Strategy |
Examples |
Transit-oriented development (TOD) programs |
- Joint-development programs
Programs/requirements/ incentives to encourage better regional land use/transportation coordination |
- Developer incentives (e.g., density bonuses for development near transit/urban core, reduced impact fees in TOD)
- Impact fees
- Zoning requirements
- Regional growth boundaries
- Concurrency requirements (adequate public facilities ordinances)
- Accessibility contracts (e.g., preferred access to road system for land use projects that reduce trips)
Programs/requirements/ incentives to improve community design |
- Design standards (requirements for amenities, layout to street, etc.)
- Incentives for developers to incorporate public spaces and other amenities into new developments
Neighborhood schools |
- Locate schools in communities, with access via walking and bicycling
Incentives to live near work/transit/downtown |
- Location Efficient Mortgage
- Energy Efficient Mortgage
- Tax credits for redeveloping in blighted neighborhoods
- Tax credits for living downtown
10. Vehicle Use Restrictions
Strategy |
Examples |
Auto-free zones |
- Pedestrian malls
- Transit malls
- Car bans in CBD
Limit access to HOVs only |
- Require 2+ vehicle occupancy to enter designated congested activity centers/parking facilities during peak periods
No Drive Days |
11. Other Options to Reduce Auto Ownership / Avoid Vehicle Trips
Strategy |
Examples |
Carsharing programs |
- Car-sharing programs
- Station cars
- Incentives for use of carsharing programs
Using technology to avoid vehicle trips |
- E-government initiatives
- Use teleconferences/web conferences
Transportation system management (TSM)strategies focus on changing the operation of the transportation system, typically with a primary focus on improving traffic flow and reducing traveler delay. TSM programs can reduce emissions by changing vehicle speeds, reducing rapid vehicle accelerations and decelerations, and reducing vehicle idling. Many of these strategies are under the umbrella of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). In addition, some strategies focus directly on encouraging changes in driving behavior through educational information, incentives, or restrictions on driving speeds, operating patterns, and idling. These strategies are listed below.
12. Traffic Signal Synchronization
Strategy |
Examples |
Signal retiming |
Advanced traffic signal controls |
- Adjust traffic control/signals based on traffic levels
13. Roadway / Intersection Improvements
Strategy |
Examples |
One-way streets |
- Convert two-way streets to one-way to improve operations
Turn restrictions |
- Restrict left turns on two-way streets
Turning lanes |
- Separate turning vehicles from through traffic to avoid unnecessary backups
Roundabouts |
- Implement traffic circles to improve traffic movement
Limit on-street parking |
- Remove or limit on-street parking during peak hours
- Enforce on-street parking limits
Intersection improvements |
- Construct interchanges instead of signalized intersections
- Develop tunnels/overpasses
- Grade separations at railroad/transit crossings
Bus pullouts |
- Bus pullouts in curbs
- Queue jumper lanes for passenger loading/unloading
14. Incident Management / Operations
Strategy |
Examples |
Incident management programs |
- Intersection/corridor monitoring and response
- Call number to report incidents
- Roadside assistance vehicles
- Motorist aid call boxes
- Rerouting traffic at incidents
- Active/dynamic traffic management systems (e.g., manage speeds; routes)
Ramp metering |
Encourage use of underutilized capacity |
- Route marking directing traffic to underutilized capacity
- Reversible traffic lanes
Allow use of road shoulders during peak periods/to get around incidents |
15. Traveler Information Systems
Strategy |
Examples |
Real-time traveler information systems |
- Variable message signs (directing traffic from incidents)
- Variable message signs and information including comparative travel times
- Real-time information services (including integrated, multi-modal information)
- Web site with real-time traffic information, speed information
- Toll-free phone number (511)
Real-time parking information |
- Availability updates (to reduce unnecessary searching for parking)
- Automated reservations and payment
16. Speed Control
Strategy |
Examples |
Lower speed limits |
Increased speed enforcement |
- Photo speed enforcement
- Increased police enforcement
- Enforcement against aggressive driving (to reduce crashes/incidents, which cause delay)
Driver training/education |
- Information about saving fuel with less vehicle stops/starts
17. Access Management
Strategy |
Examples |
Access management |
- Limit development of access points to arterials/highways
- Parallel access roads
18. Shifting/Separating Freight Movements
Strategy |
Examples |
Shifting freight movement to off-peak periods |
Truck-only lanes/routes |
- Truck-only lanes
- Truck-only roads/routes
Truck restrictions |
- Road restrictions on trucks
- Restrictions during peak hours
Consolidated freight/package delivery |
- Consolidation at peripheral CBD locations or neighborhood locations
Rail shuttles |
- Containers brought to inland distribution center
Container matching services |
- Transport of empty containers minimized
19. Anti-Idling
Strategy |
Examples |
Anti-idling restrictions |
- School bus anti-idling restrictions
- Truck anti-idling restrictions
- Personal vehicle anti-idling restrictions (in specific zones, near schools, etc.)
Anti-idling information campaigns |
- Idling reminder hang-tags for trucks and commercial fleets
- Remote idling reminders (On-Star-type service)
- Inclusion of information in drivers education and at auto dealerships
Restrictions on drive-through services |
Freight facility improvements |
- Expansion/improvement of port terminals, intermodal facilities, etc. to reduce queuing and idling
Vehicle, fuel, and technology projects and programs are designed to change the emission rates of vehicles either by changing the fuel being used, the type of vehicle or emissions control technology, or a combination of both. Some programs also focus on eliminating gross polluters, or vehicles whose emissions controls have failed, or on controlling specific types of emissions (e.g., road dust). These strategies are listed below.
20. Accelerated Vehicle Retirement/Fleet Renewal/Replacement
Strategy |
Examples |
Vehicle buy-back programs |
- Vehicle scrapping program
Fleet renewal / clean vehicle programs |
- School bus replacements
- Transit bus purchases/replacements
- New purchases/replacements of heavy-duty trucks for solid waste trucks, etc.
- New purchases/replacements of light-duty vehicles (e.g., government fleets)
- Repowering / replacing existing older diesel engine with a newer, cleaner engine.
21. Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicle Repowering/Retrofits*
Note: There are a range of technologies that can be used to retrofit heavy duty diesel vehicles, including particulate filters, oxidation catalysts, flow through filters, crankcase filters, NOX reducing catalysts, exhaust gas recirculation (EGR), and selective catalytic reduction. Each of these technologies has a different effect on pollutants of concern, and can be examined as an emissions reduction measure independently. Strategies listed below are those that are policy/program options available to state/local governments.
Strategy |
Examples |
Mandatory fleet retrofits |
Government contracting requirements |
Voluntary programs with funding |
- Carl Moyer, TERP-type programs
* See section "Samples of Technology Samples/Options" for a more detailed list of technology options
22. Idle Reduction Technologies
Strategy |
Examples |
Truck stop electrification |
Purchase of auxiliary power units |
- APUs
- Electronically-driven auxiliary systems
23. Purchases of Advanced Technology and Alternative Fuel Vehicles
Strategy |
Examples |
Cleaner diesel fuels |
- Emulsified diesel
- Oxygenated diesel
- Biodiesel
- Fuel borne catalyst
Purchases of alternative fuel vehicles (buses, other heavy-duty vehicles, light-duty vehicles) |
- LNG vehicles
- CNG vehicles
- Ethanol / methanol
- LPG vehicles
- Electric vehicles
24. Programs to Encourage Purchases of Advanced Technology/Alternative Fuel Vehicles
Strategy |
Examples |
General tax / financial incentives |
- Tax credits for purchase of low emissions vehicles
- Tax credits for purchase of alternative fuel vehicle
- Feebates
- Vehicle emissions fees
Specific target market programs with funding |
HOV lane use allowed for advanced technology/ alternative fuel vehicles |
Preferential/free parking for advanced technology/ alternative fuel vehicles |
Government contracting requirements |
- Contracts requiring alternative fuel/low emissions vehicles
25. Inspection and Maintenance
Strategy |
Examples |
Basic I&M |
Enhanced I&M and on-board diagnostics |
Remote Sensing |
Smoking vehicle programs |
- Toll-free number for reporting high polluting vehicles
Heavy-duty vehicle inspections |
26. Road Dust Reduction Strategies
Strategy |
Examples |
Mitigation for unpaved roads |
- Apply water
- Apply wet gravel
- Apply chemical/organic dust suppressant
- Use vegetative matter to reduce blowing dust
Road paving |
- Pave previously unpaved roads
- Pave road shoulders
Street sweeping |
- Regular street sweeping on paved roads
- Sweeping to remove sand and other de-icing/de-skid materials on paved roads
Transportation construction site mitigation efforts |
- Require water or chemical stabilizers to be applied
- Require wind barriers
Non-road vehicles and equipment include railroads, marine vessels, airport ground support equipment, lawn and garden equipment, construction and agricultural equipment, and other mobile equipment. There are a wide range of technologies and operational strategies available to address these sources. The list of strategies below focuses on policies and programs. Following this strategy list is an appendix that includes more detail on the specific types of modifications that can be made to equipment.
27. Encourage Replacement/Repowering/Retrofits*
Strategy |
Examples |
Mandatory fleet retrofits |
- Only CA requirements can be adopted
Scrappage programs |
- Equipment buy-back programs
- Replacement of gasoline lawnmowers with electric
- Replace older yard tractors with newer, lower emission ones
Government contracting requirements regarding vehicle/equipment technologies |
Voluntary repower / retrofit programs, with funding* |
- Carl Moyer, TERP-type programs
* See section "Samples of Technology Samples/Options" for a more detailed list of technology options
28. Encourage / Implement Use of Alternative Fuels
Strategy |
Examples |
Encourage use of on-road fuels by non-road diesel vehicles |
- Use of ultra low-sulfur on-road diesel
Purchase alternative fuel vehicles / equipment |
- Purchase CNG street sweepers
Incentives for purchase of alternative fuel vehicles / equipment |
Rail electrification |
- Commuter rail electrification
29. Encourage / Implement Operational Improvements and Anti-Idling Technologies
Strategy |
Examples |
Rail infrastructure improvements |
- Track geometry improvements
- Use of concrete ties/heavier rails
Rail operational strategies/practices |
- Switcher yard locomotives (anti-idling)
- Idle reductions using APUs
- Idle reductions using automatic shut-down
Marine vessel equipment modifications |
- Hull design/larger vessels
- Increased atomization
- Reduction of dead volume/Reduced sack volume
Marine vessel fleet operational strategies/practices |
- Speed reductions
- Vessel route modifications
- Programmable logic controllers
- Hull cleaning
- Cold ironing (anti-idling technologies while in port)
- Shoreside power
Airport operational strategies |
- Idling reduction policy
- Full electrification of gates / ground electrification / HVAC systems at gates
- Improved airport configuration and expanded capacity (to reduce idling)
Government contracting requirements limiting idling |
- Contracting requirements limiting idling during construction/maintenance activities
Approach |
Options |
Heavy-duty diesel engine retrofits (trucks, locomotives, marine vessels, other) |
- Particulate filters
- Flow through filters
- Diesel oxidation catalysts
- Crank case filters
- NOX reducing catalysts
- Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR)
- Selective catalytic reduction
Locomotive engine modifications |
- Low heat rejection
- Bottoming cycles
- Improved engine lubricants
- Use of hybrid switcher locomotives
- Scrappage/fleet renewal
Railroad equipment modifications |
- Tare weight reduction, higher capacity cars
- Use of low-friction bearings
- Use of improved suspensions
- Use of hopper car covers
- Use of steerable rail car trucks
- Energy-minimizing train control
- Improved drive-train lubricants
Railroad alternative fuels |
- Use of natural gas
- Use of cellulosic ethanol
Marine vessel engine modifications
- Cooled exhaust gas recirculation
- Charge air cooling
- Turbocharging
- Electric propulsion
- Podded propulsion
- Pre-injection
- Modified valve timing
- Lower compression ratio
- Detail design of combustion space
- Water injection in cyclinder
- Variable exhaust back pressure
- More uniform injection
- Insulating combustion space
- Shutting off cyclinder at low load
- Delay injector timing; injector upgrade
- Exhaust gas recirculation system or engine cycle modification
- Install an inlet air humidification system
- Modify cylinder heads for direct water injection
Marine vessel alternative fuels |
- Fuel homogenization
- Fuel/water emulsion
- Humid air motor technology
- Use of off-road diesel instead of residual fuel
- Use of ULSD
- Uses of LNG
- Use of Fischer-Tropsch diesel
- Use of Biodiesel
- Use of ethanol-blended diesel
- Use of low sulfur marine diesel fuel (SECA)
- Control fuel oil quality
Airport ground support equipment engine modifications/ alternative fuels |
- Replace GSE with LPG/CNG equipment
- Replace 2-stroke engines with 4-stroke gasoline equipment
- Use of hybrid or electric ground support vehicles
- Replace mobile GSE with fixed, electrically hardwired "at gate" equipment
- Use of alternative fuels in ground support vehicles (e.g., ultra low sulfur diesel)