These P3s are structured as design-build-finance-operate-maintain
(DBFOM) concessions that bundle together and transfer to a
private sector partner responsibilities for design, construction, finance,
and long term operations and maintenance over the concession period.
Project Profiles
Profiles of P3 projects, organized by innovative financing
methods, include project description, funding sources and
lenders, participating partners and consultants, and innovations.
P3 project agreements and sample contract documents.
A P3 agreement is the
legal document that establishes the rights and obligations
of transportation infrastructure owners and the private-sector
partners with whom they team to develop P3 projects. P3
agreements describe the service to be provided, standards
to be maintained, and the business and financial relationships
between public agencies and their private sector more
about Agreements
Maps of P3 projects across the U.S., organized by new
build facilities (operational and under construction/financial
close), and by existing facilities, with links to project