U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

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Custom Training Workshops

Our experts aren’t just speaking theoretically; they have first-hand experience and can deliver information that speaks directly to your challenges. Types of training offered include:

Asphalt 101 Course

 A group of individuals seated in a classroom setting, facing a presenter standing in front of a screen displaying a PowerPoint presentation.

Start your visit by inviting fellow staff members to join the MATC for a learning opportunity. This would be especially beneficial to colleagues at your organization who do not have a background in asphalt materials and construction. They will have a chance to participate in an introductory level, one-day course that covers key concepts related to the cradle-to-construct portion of the life of asphalt pavement.

Quality In The Asphalt Paving Process Workshop

Man teaching about asphalt on a large screen in the front of a room with 30 people at tables.

Following your site visit, take a deeper look into asphalt quality with the MATC experts, who will also discuss how the latest innovations in asphalt paving can impact quality and performance.

Customized Training Sessions

Man explaining to several people wearing personal protection equipment outdoors how to use a dielectric profiling system.

Both virtual and in-person visits for education and troubleshooting can be scheduled, tailored specifically to your needs and challenges.


Screenshot of FHWA InfoMaterials Data webpage showcasing the dataset created for the Mobile Asphalt Technology Center.

Various data from laboratory and field testing activities during site visits are accessible through FHWA InfoMaterials

Whether you need training to use loaned equipment, conduct tests, or just want to have an expert observe your process, count on the MATC to instill confidence and expertise in your team through customized training solutions. We offer insights into equipment, pavement materials, testing, design, and construction and can always connect you with the right people if you have a specialized training need.

Training At Your Fingertips

Consult our FHWA Training YouTube channel for online video resources.

How Can the MATC Help With Your Training Needs?

Contact us at FHWA-MATC@dot.gov today to learn more.

Image Source: FHWA

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Updated: 06/10/2024
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000