U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
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SEP-14 Workplan: Missouri

Missouri Department of Transportation
105 West Capitol Avenue
P. 0. Box 270
Jefferson City, MO 65102
(573) 751-2551
Fax (573) 751-6555

Pete K. Rahn. Director

2007 Missouri Quality Award Winner

April 1, 2008

Mr. Alan Masuda
Division Administrator
Federal Highway Administration
3220 W. Edgewood
Suite 8
Jefferson City, Missouri 65109

Re: SEP-14 Request for Procurement on New Mississippi River Bridge - St. Louis, MO

Dear Mr. Masuda:

We are pleased to report that Illinois and Missouri have executed a bi-state agreement to construct a new Mississippi River Crossing in St. Louis. This project will improve the mobility and traffic flow of the bi-state region as well as the Central United States by adding capacity across the River.

In order to deliver the project as efficiently as possible we request approval under SEP-14 to utilize a low-bid procurement process that integrates contractor experience and innovation using alternate technical concepts. The intent is to capture the benefits of contractor's cost and time savings ideas through the use of a competitive process. Delivery of the process will be made within state and federal regulations for design/bid/build jobs. The outline below follows the basic steps that we plan to follow, keep in mind that all of the details are not worked out to this point, but with FHWA involvement throughout the project we can ensure that the final result meets expectations.

Alternate Technical Concept Procurement Process for New MRB Crossing:

  1. Consultant develops the design to a milestone (to be determined later) and prepares for discussions and submittals of alternate technical concepts.
  2. Project team distributes basic configuration concepts to pre-qualified bidders.
  3. Project team evaluates confidential concepts proposed by the bidders.
  4. Project team informs bidders (confidentially) if their concept(s) are approved (or not approved) to be used when bidding on the project.
  5. Common components of contractor ideas that exist in different submittals, may be incorporated as part of the overall bid documents.
  6. Pre-qualified bidders submit bids based (in part) on their approved concept(s).
  7. The project team completes the final design and quantities.
  8. Project is awarded to low bidder.

The tentative schedule for the project is as follows:

Consultant Notice to Proceed: June 2008
Letting of Bridge Contract: October 2009
Award of Bridge Contract: November 2009
Evaluation and Reporting of Alternate Technical Concepts: December 2009
Contractor Notice to Proceed: January 2010
Project Completion Date: December 2013

To monitor the progress for this method of contractor involvement during procurement the following documentation will take place: Record an outline of the exact procedure with the design consultant to be used as a baseline for the internal process; Create an outline of the procedure for the bidders to have as a guideline for the process; Document the happenings of every meeting with the contractors regarding alternate technical concepts; Prepare a final report at the end of the procurement process and after the selected alternate technical concepts are in place. This final report will summarize the process used and identify the pros and cons to this type of low bid process.

We believe that a complex project such as the new river crossing will benefit from such a process in several ways including cost, design efficiency, less contractor risk and decrease the potential for claims during construction. Thank you for your consideration and we ask that you reply as soon as possible as we are eager to add this vital link in our transportation system. If you have any questions about the process don't hesitate to contact me at 314-340-4201.

Gregory J. Horn, PE
Project Director MoDOT
New Mississippi River Bridge

Brooks Brestal, IDOT
Illinois FHWA
David Nichols, MoDOT

Updated: 06/27/2017
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000