U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

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Sample Workplan
Special Experimental Project No. 14 (SEP-14)
Alternative Contracting
June 2006

A. Introduction

The State Department of Transportation (State DOT) submits this work plan for review and approval as a design-build project under the provisions of Special Experimental Project No. 14 (SEP 14) for the use of innovative contracting practices. The State DOT has traditionally used the design-bid-build method of constructing highway bridges.

The existing Bridge on S.C. 700 Over the Stono River in Smith County, State has been found to have a substandard sufficiency rating and is functionally obsolete. In this work plan it is proposed that the existing bridge be replaced using the design-build method. Traffic will be maintained during the construction of the replacement bridge. A project location map is attached.

B. Purpose

The proposed design-build contracting method is an innovative process which is being considered by transportation agencies for the construction of highway bridges. The design-build contracting method places the responsibility of design and construction with a single contractor. This contracting method may result in a more cost efficient design as a result of the designer giving greater consideration to construction methods. This contracting method should result in a reduction in the time required from initiation of the project to the placement of traffic on the new bridge. The Department anticipates that use of the design-build method will result in a more cost effective structure with a shorter project duration.

The State DOT also wishes to use the design-build method as a means of exploring innovative contracting methods. Historically the State DOT has used the design-bid-build method and has limited experience with the design-build method. With increasing demands on available highway funds the State DOT is actively pursuing methods that have the potential to enhance the use of each precious tax dollar.

C. Scope

The scope of work for this project will include the design and construction of the bridge identified in Section A. The design work will include the required surveys, geotechnical work, and superstructure and substructure design including seismic analyses. The designs will meet the requirements of State DOT Design Memoranda and AASHTO Standard Specifications for the Design of Highway Bridges, Sixteenth Edition. 1996.

Construction will include the removal and disposal of the existing bridge structure. All necessary foundation work, substructure work, superstructure work, excavation, roadway approach work, and erosion and sediment control work items. Construction engineering, including quality control will be the responsibility of the contractor. Construction will comply with State DOT Standard Specifications for Highway Construction Edition of 1986 and any special provisions.

The contractor will be free to recommend structure type, materials, and construction methods. This freedom will allow the contractor to develop a structure that makes best use of the contractor's abilities and equipment. The State DOT will establish the length, width, and location of the bridge as well as the limits of the approach work. State DOT will secure the necessary permits, any relocation of utilities, and any right of way required for the construction of this project.

A special feature of the design-build contract will be an Owner's Contingency Fund to be used only in the event of differing site conditions or extreme events. The Owner's Contingency Fund will have a value of three to seven percent of the project cost. This fund will provide a method of sharing risk between the owner and the contractor. This fund may prove beneficial in reducing, the cost by reducing the contractor's risk.

The State DOT will advertise and solicit qualifications for this project through a Request For Qualifications (RFQ). The RFQ will require each contractor to submit their qualifications for performing the work required by the project scope. The State DOT will select a minimum of minimum of three and a maximum of six qualified firms from the companies submitting qualifications. Then the State DOT would submit a Request For Proposals (RFP) to each of the selected companies. The RFP will require each of the selected contractors to submit a Technical Proposal and a separate sealed Price Proposal. The Technical Proposal would contain a preliminary plan of the bridge and the time required to complete the project and restore traffic to the bridge. The preliminary plans will show plan and elevation views of the bridge including the span arrangements as well as typical sections through the superstructure and elevation of the proposed substructure units. After the Technical Proposals have been evaluated the selected contractor's Cost Proposal containing the total project price for each phase of work would be evaluated.

State DOT will include in the selection process a provision for reimbursing the selected contractors for preparing a proposal in response to the RFP. This provision will provide reimbursement of 50% of proposal development costs which can be verified by audit with a maximum reimbursement of $30,000. State DOT will include a statement describing this reimbursement procedure in the RFQ and RFP. The successful contractor with whom State DOT executes a contract would not be reimbursed. No reimbursement will be made for the expenses associated with responding to the RFQ.

A Selection Committee has been established to review the contractor's qualifications and/or proposals in accordance with Section E (EVALUATION OF QUALIFICATIONS AND PROPOSALS). As part of the project. the selected contractor will be required to provide a complete set of design computations and plans. The State DOT, in conjunction with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), will approve preliminary and final plans.

D. Schedule

The design-build method will have the following phases:

PHASE I: Preparation of RFQ and RFP (Estimated time: Four months)

The RFQ, which includes a general project scope, will be prepared by the State DOT in consultation with FHWA. The scope will identify the description, location, general design criteria, anticipated items of work, and minimum qualifications of the contractor. The RFQ will include the evaluation criteria and the assigned weights for each criteria.

The RFP will require each of the selected proposers to submit a Technical Proposal and a Price Proposal. The RFP will include a detailed scope, which identifies the description, location, design criteria, design parameters, construction standards, items of work, and evaluation criteria. The scope will also detail contractual matters such as contract time. method of payment and approval processes.

PHASE II: Selection of design-build-Contractor (Estimated Time: Four months)

This phase includes advertising the RFQ and RFP, selecting a design-build contractor, and awarding the project. The following tasks will be completed:

  1. State DOT will advertise the RFQ.
  2. State DOT will hold a pre-qualifications conference.
  3. Selection committee will review qualifications and select a minimum of three contractors based on the qualification criteria listed in part E.,
  4. State DOT will issue the RFP to the selected contractors. 5. Selection committee will review Technical and Cost Proposals and recommend a firm for contract execution based on the criteria listed in Part F of this Work Plan.
  5. State DOT will execute the contract and issue a notice to proceed.

PHASE III: Project Completion (Design & Construction) (Estimated Time: 36 months)

This phase includes the design and approval of final plans, removal and disposal of the existing bridge, project construction, and final acceptance of the project. The time allowed for this phase of the project will be the time submitted in the proposal of the successful contractor. The time will be counted from the day State DOT issues the notice to proceed.

Selection Committee

The Qualifications and Proposals will be evaluated by a Selection Committee composed of individuals from the following offices:

  • State DOT Deputy Director of Engineering's Office
  • State DOT Bridge Design Office
  • State DOT Engineering District No. 6
  • State DOT Finance and Administration
  • State DOT Legal Division

E. Evaluation Of Qualifications

The State DOT has developed selection procedures in order to provide a balanced assessment of the experience and qualifications of the contractor. These procedures will be used to determine a minimum of three contractors who will each submit a proposal.

Qualifications Evaluation

The Qualifications Evaluation score will be based upon criteria such as quality control plan, ability and experience to perform work, experience of design team, management approach, financial condition, and participation of disadvantage business enterprises. The contractors may be requested to make an oral presentation of their qualifications proposal and answer any questions the State DOT may have with respect to the qualifications proposal before the qualifications proposal is scored.


All Qualifications Proposals will be scored. Scores will be based on a scale of 0 to 100. Three to six firms with the highest scores will be selected and invited to submit a technical and cost proposal in response to the RFP. The following criteria and maximum point values will be used in determining the qualifications score:

Management Criteria

  1. Applicable Experience of Design Team 25
  2. Demonstration of Ability and Experience to Perform work 25
  3. Quality Control Plan 25
  4. Management Team Approach 15
  5. Financial Condition 10

Maximum Score: 100

F. Technical And Cost Proposals

The State DOT has developed selection procedures in order to provide a balanced assessment of the experience and qualifications of the contractor, the proposed structure, the project completion time, the length of time that traffic is detoured, and the project cost. Proposals will be submitted in two separate sealed covers, one containing the Technical Proposal, and one containing the Cost Proposal. All Technical Proposals will be evaluated prior to opening the Cost Proposals.

Technical Proposal Evaluation

The Technical Proposal will be scored first. This score will be based upon those items listed below under scoring. The contractors may be requested to make an oral presentation of their technical proposal and answer any questions the State DOT may have with respect to the technical proposal before the technical proposal is scored.


All Technical Proposals will be scored before any price proposals are opened. Technical scores will be based on a scale of 0 to 100. The following criteria will be considered in determining the technical score:

Technical Criteria Plan Evaluation Possible Points

  1. Innovation of Design / Constructability 30
  2. Project completion time (36 months maximum) 30
  3. Future Maintenance 25
  4. Aesthetics 15

Note: Schedules exceeding the maximum given in b are considered non-responsive.
Maximum Score: 100

Acceptance Criterion

A Technical Proposal receiving a score from the Selection Committee of less than 70 points will not be considered for further evaluation or reimbursement of proposal preparation cost as described under Section C, Scope.

Cost Evaluation

After the Technical Proposal score is calculated, the project costs will be reviewed and a Composite Score will be calculated as follows:

Composite Score = Project Cost / Technical Score

Selection of Contractor

The State DOT will offer a contract to the Contractor with the lowest Composite Score. However, if the parties are unable to execute a contract, the State DOT may offer the contract to the contractor with the next lowest composite score.

G. Reporting

State DOT will prepare and submit initial, interim, and final reports on this project. The initial report will be prepared at the approximate time of award of the contract. The initial report will include industry reaction to the design-build process, any identifiable effects on the proposals received, and a copy of the contractor's costs for categories of "design" and "construction".

An interim report will be submitted midway the construction phase of the project.

A final report will be submitted upon completion of the contract and final State DOT acceptance. The final report will contain an overall evaluation of the project along with any suggestions and recommendations for improving the process.

Updated: 06/27/2017
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000