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Publication Number:  FHWA-HRT-14-086    Date:  November 2014
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-14-086
Date: November 2014


The Use of Phosphoric Acid to Stiffen Hot Mix Asphalt Binders



X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) is an analytical technique by which all the elements in the periodic table from sodium to uranium can be quantitatively and rapidly detected with minimal sample preparation. Test samples are irradiated with an X-ray beam, and the resulting spectrum can be used to provide quantitative information on each element present.

The use of XRF to quantitatively determine the amount of phosphoric acid contained in asphalt binders was developed by Puzic et al.(3) The method has been refined by Reinke et al.(4)

Samples are placed in cups consisting of two concentric polypropylene rings over which a thin plastic film is stretched like a drum skin. The X rays are able penetrate the film with no attenuation of the beam. Initially, 6-micron Mylar® polyester film was chosen for its strength. It was discovered that it contains the equivalent 0.1-percent phosphoric acid and was discarded in favor of polypropylene, which contains none. Pictures of the inverted cups are shown in figure 1 and figure 2. A drop of water has been placed on the film of the empty cup in figure 1 to make the film visible. Warm asphalt is poured into the empty cup while it is sitting on a ¼-inch thick aluminum plate. The plate acts as a heat sink and prevents the heat of the asphalt from melting the plastic film. The asphalt temperature is not critical; the asphalt just needs to be molten. Typical pouring temperatures are 140 °C.

The plastic cup, filled with asphalt, is then placed inside a stainless steel cup holder (figure 3), which is placed inside the spectrometer (figure 4). Each sample takes 20 to 25 min to run. The program runs automatically, and the spectrometer is capable of analyzing up to 52 samples unattended.

This photo shows an inverted plastic x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy  sample cup with a plastic film stretched across the bottom.
Figure 1. Photo. XRF cup (inverted) with plastic membrane.

This photo shows an inverted x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy  cup after it has been filled with asphalt.
Figure 2. Photo. XRF cup (inverted) filled with asphalt.

This photo shows the steel x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy cup holder  in which the plastic sample cup sits
Figure 3. Photo. Steel XRF cup holder.

This photo shows the interior of the x-ray fluorescence spectrometer,  the 52 sample stations where the steel cup holders reside, the crane lifting  them into the x-ray chamber, and the x-ray chamber itself.
Figure 4. Photo. Interior of XRF spectrometer.

All asphalt binders contain a significant amount of sulfur; they do not contain phosphorus. Because sulfur and phosphorus are next to each other in the periodic table they have very similar XRF energies. The major Kα peak energy for phosphorus is 2.013 KeV and for sulfur 2.307 KeV. This proximity causes the peaks in the XRF spectrum from these two elements to overlap. Because the amount of sulfur in asphalt is very much higher than the amounts of phosphoric acid typically used for modification, the sulfur peak is very much larger. It overwhelms the phosphorus peak. This negatively affects the accuracy of the analysis. The XRF spectrometer software "sees" a phosphorus peak when none may be present. This phenomenon is clearly shown in figure 6, the XRF spectrum of asphalt AAB-1. At the energy level of approximately 2.0 KeV on the x-axis, the software has labeled the spectrum P-Ka1 indicating a phosphorus Kα peak when none is present. The software is using the intensity of the first part of the sulfur peak and interprets it incorrectly. Ninety samples of unmodified asphalt binders showed a phosphoric acid level of 0 to 0.2 percent when we know that none was actually present. Compare this with figure 5, the XRF spectrum of the same asphalt, AAB-1, modified with 1 percent of 105-percent phosphoric acid where the phosphorus peak can be clearly seen. There is no fixed detection limit. The results may also depend on the spectrometer used; however, these results suggest that XRF analyses indicating the presence of low levels of approximately 0.2 percent or less might be misleading.

The accuracy of the phosphoric acid analysis was improved markedly by entering into the spectrometer software phosphoric acid calibration standards, the known sulfur content of the binder used. The sulfur levels in the binders were determined using XRF. Accuracy was improved further by using the published sulfur contents of the SHRP reference binders.(5)

This chart  shows the phosphorus and sulfur peaks in the x-ray fluorescence spectrum of  reference asphalt AAB-1, which has been modified with 1-percent superphosphoric  acid.
Figure 5. Chart. XRF spectrum of asphalt AAB-1 modified with 1-percent of 105 percent superphosphoric acid.

This chart shows the sulfur peak in the x-ray fluorescence spectrum of  unmodified reference asphalt AAB-1.
Figure 6. Chart. XRF spectrum of asphalt AAB-1.

Reference standards for the XRF analyses were prepared by blending 105-percent phosphoric acid in asphalt at 165 °C while stirring briskly with a propeller stirrer under air for 30 min. The hot asphalt was then poured into XRF cups for analysis. Addition levels of superphosphoric acid used were 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 percent. The correlation chart showing phosphoric acid concentration plotted against the XRF intensity (measured in counts per second per milliamp of current), taken from the spectrometer is shown in figure 7. The R2 correlation is 0.9973.

This chart is a plot of the x-ray fluorescence intensity of the phosphorus  peaks (on the y-axis) for a number of samples of an asphalt binder modified  with different levels of phosphoric acid (on the x-axis). It shows a straight  line correlation between the phosphoric acid content and the peak intensity  with the R2 value of 0.9973.
Figure 7. Chart. XRF Calibration chart for phosphoric acid.

Figure 8 shows that the XRF signals of the four SHRP reference asphalts at zero phosphoric acid addition differ slightly.

Figure 9 shows the same data corrected for the difference in zero acid addition.

This  chart is a plot of the x-ray fluorescence intensity of the phosphorus peaks  plotted against the phosphoric acid concentration for the four reference  asphalt binders, AAD, AAP, AAF, and AAB, used in the study. It shows that the  peak intensities at zero phosphoric acid concentration are not the same for the  four asphalt binders.
Figure 8. Chart. Plot of XRF signal of SHRP reference asphalts modified with superphosphoric acid content.

The XRF up to 1-percent acid modification is the same for the four asphalts. However, at higher modification levels, the curves diverge, indicating some asphalt dependency. Test results were found to be less accurate at higher modification levels as shown in figure 10.

This chart is a plot of the x-ray fluorescence intensity of the phosphorus  peak plotted against the phosphoric acid concentration of the four reference  asphalt binders corrected for the difference in zero phosphoric acid peak  intensities shown in figure 8.
Figure 9. Chart. X-ray fluorescence of SHRP reference asphalts modified with superphosphoric acid corrected for baseline fluorescence.

This bar chart compares the actual versus measured phosphoric acid  contents for 14 polyphosphoric acid modified asphalt samples.
Figure 10. Chart. Accuracy of PPA analysis using XRF.


Because not all State agencies have access to XRF spectrometers, a simple procedure, the "Susan P. Needham Test," was developed. It is a very simple technique; it requires no special equipment-just the use of a few simple chemicals. The test is very sensitive, and care must be taken that the equipment used and chemical used do not contain phosphates. This is particularly true for the use of metal cans that contain a phosphate film on the surface because they will give a positive result. The test has been submitted to AASHTO and is published as provisional test method TP 78-09, "Detecting the Presence of Phosphorus in Asphalt Binder." The following describes the reagents and procedures used in the test method.





This photo shows the blue color developed in the samples contained in six glass test  tubes for test samples having polyphosphoric acid (PPA) contents from 0 to 0.5  percent. It demonstrates the increase in intensity of the blue color with  increasing PPA concentration.
Figure 11. Photo. Phosphoric acid detected by the blue color developed in the Susan P. Needham test.


Solvent separation of asphalt binders (saturate, aromatic, resin, and asphaltene (SARA) analysis) was accomplished using Chromarods® (thin layer chromatography) run on the Iatroscan® TH-10 hydrocarbon analyzer. This method results in the separation of the four operationally defined fractions inherently present in all petroleum-derived asphalt and asphaltic residuals, namely are asphaltenes, resins, aromatics, and saturates.

Asphaltenes are the viscosity builders in asphalt. They are black amorphous solids that contain the bulk of the heteroatoms (nitrogen, sulfur, and oxygen) found in asphalt. Trace elements, such as nickel and vanadium, are also present. Asphaltenes are highly polar aromatic materials of aggregated molecular weights of 750 (number average), and constitute approximately 5 to 25 percent of the weight of asphalt.

Resins (polar aromatics) are dark-colored, solid or semi-solid, very adhesive fractions of relatively high molecular weight present in the maltenes. They are the dispersing agents or peptizers for the asphaltenes, and the ratio of resins to asphaltenes governs, to a degree, the sol- or gel-type character of asphalts. Resins separated from bitumen are found to have molecular weights of 800 to 2,000 (number average) but there is a wide molecular distribution. This component constitutes 15 to 25 percent of the weight of asphalts.

Cyclics (naphthenic aromatics) comprise the compounds of lowest molecular weight in bitumen and represent the major portion of the dispersion medium for the peptized asphaltenes. They constitute 45 to 60 percent by weight of the total asphalt and are dark viscous liquids. They are compounds with aromatic and naphthenic aromatic nuclei with side chain constituents and have molecular weights of 500 to 900 (number average).

Saturates comprise predominately the straight-and-branched-chain aliphatic hydrocarbons present in bitumen, together with alkyl naphthenes and some alkyl aromatics. The average molecular weight range is approximately similar to that of the cyclics, and the components include the waxy and non-waxy saturates. This fraction forms 5 to 20 percent of the weight of asphalts.

The test method used was kindly provided by Dr. Gaylon Baumgardner of Ergon® Inc. A copy of the method is provided in the appendix.

The four test asphalts, AAD-1, AAK-1, AAM-1, and ABM-1 were dosed with the equivalent of 1-percent acid. For phosphorus pentoxide, the stoichiometry calculates to 0.75 percent. The samples were conditioned overnight at 165 °C. Separation was carried out according the aforementioned procedure. The results are shown in figure 12 to figure 15 .

This stacked bar chart shows the  content of resins, cyclics, saturates, and asphaltenes for three samples of  asphalt binder. The first stacked bar is the unmodified control, the second  modified with 0.75 percent of phosphorus pentoxide, and the third with 1  percent of 105-percent superphosphoric acid.
Figure 12. Chart. Results of SARA fractionation of AAD-1 modified with 1 percent of 105-percent superphosphoric acid or 0.75-percent phosphorus pentoxide.

This stacked bar chart shows the  content of resins, cyclics, saturates, and asphaltenes for four samples of  asphalt binder. The first stacked bar is the unmodified control, the second  modified with 0.75 percent of phosphorus pentoxide, and the third and  fourth with 1 percent of 105-percent superphosphoric acid.
Figure 13. Chart. Results of SARA fractionation of asphalt AAK-1 modified with 1 percent of 105-percent superphosphoric acid or 0.75-percent phosphorus pentoxide.

This stacked bar chart shows the content of resins, cyclics, saturates,  and asphaltenes for six samples of asphalt binder. The first two stacked bars  are the unmodified control, the third modified with 0.75 percent of phosphorus  pentoxide, the fourth with 1 percent of 115-percent polyphosphoric acid, and the  fifth and sixth with 1 percent of 105-percent superphosphoric acid.
Figure 14. Chart. Results of SARA fractionation of asphalt AAM-1 modified with 1 percent of 115-percent PPA, 1 percent of 105-percent superphosphoric acid, or 0.75-percent phosphorus pentoxide.

This stacked bar chart shows the  content of resins, cyclics, saturates, and asphaltenes for three samples of  asphalt binder. The first is the unmodified control, the second modified with  0.75 percent of phosphorus pentoxide, and the third with 1 percent of 115-percent  polyphosphoric acid.
Figure 15. Chart. Results of SARA fractionation of asphalt ABM-1 modified with 1 percent of 115-percent PPA or 0.75-percent phosphorus pentoxide.

The Iatroscan® technique is very sensitive to temperature, humidity, and time. Test results in the Turner Fairbank Highway Research Center (TFHRC) chemistry laboratory showed a high degree of variability because, at the time of this research, the building temperature and humidity were not well controlled. This variability precluded the detection of any trend at low levels of acid modification in the components separated by the technique. The tests were repeated, with higher levels of acid than would be expected to be used in practice, to see whether a definite trend could be determined.

Samples of the four SHRP test asphalts were dosed with 115-percent phosphoric acid at acid levels from 1 to 4 percent (based on 100-percent acid) and the samples aged overnight at 165 °C. The variability of the technique is evident from the shapes of the curves shown in the following four charts (figure 16 through figure 20). The data do, however, illustrate trends.

This  chart is a plot of the percentage of asphaltenes, saturates, cyclics, and  resins content against the acid modification level for asphalt AAD-1 modified  with 115-percent polyphosphoric acid at levels between 0 and 4 percent.
Figure 16. Chart. Results of SARA separation of asphalt AAD-1 modified with 115-percent phosphoric acid.

This chart  is a plot of the percentage of asphaltenes, saturates, cyclics, and resins  content against the acid modification level for asphalt AAK-1 modified with 115-percent  polyphosphoric acid at levels between 0 and 4 percent.
Figure 17. Chart. Results of SARA separation of asphalt AAK-1 modified with 115-percent phosphoric acid.

This chart  is a plot of the percentage of asphaltenes, saturates, cyclics, and resins  content against the acid modification level for asphalt AAM-1 modified with 115-percent  polyphosphoric acid at levels between 0 and 4 percent.
Figure 18. Chart. Results SARA separation of asphalt AAM-1 modified with 115-percent phosphoric acid.

This chart  is a plot of the percentage of asphaltenes, saturates, cyclics, and resins  content against the acid modification level for asphalt ABM-1 modified with 115-percent  polyphosphoric acid at levels between zero and four percent.
Figure 19. Chart. Results of SARA separation of asphalt ABM-1 modified with 115-percent phosphoric acid.

This chart is a plot of the percentage of asphaltenes, saturates,  cyclics, and resins content against the acid modification level for asphalt  B6317 (Venezuelan) modified with 115-percent polyphosphoric acid at levels  between 0 and 4 percent.
Figure 20. Chart. Results of SARA separation of B6317 Venezuelan asphalt modified with 115-percent phosphoric acid.


The following findings resulted from the SARA analysis:

  1. Phosphorus pentoxide has less effect on the SARA fractions than does phosphoric acid.
  2. The heptane insoluble fractions (labeled as asphaltenes), of all five asphalt samples increased with increasing acid content.
  3. The increase in the heptane insoluble fraction with increasing acid content was accompanied by a decrease in one or more of the other fractions:
    1. AAD-1: The increase in the heptane insoluble fraction from 19.5 to 31 percent was accompanied by an almost equal decrease in the level of the resin fraction from 31 to 19.4 percent. The cyclic fraction varied a little but was basically unchanged while the saturate fraction level did not change at all.
    2. AAK-1: The increase in the heptane insoluble fraction from 17.5 to 33.6 percent was accompanied by a decrease in the resin content up to the 3-percent acid level when the resin content then increased up to the 4-percent acid level. This increase in the resin fraction was accompanied by a decrease in the cyclic fraction, which was constant up to the 3-percent acid level and then declined. The amount of saturates was unchanged.
    3. AAM-1: The heptane insoluble fraction showed an increase from 4.6 to 21.8 percent. This was accompanied by an overall decrease in resin content from 35.4 to 26.6 percent although the curve shows an inflexion point at 2- to 3-percent acid. The content of cyclics shows a steady decline from 53.7 to 44.3 percent. There is some fluctuation in the level of saturates but overall, these remain almost unchanged.
    4. ABM-1: There is a 14.85-percent straight line increase in the heptane insoluble fraction from 4.3 to 19.15 percent. This is accompanied by a straight line decrease of 13.9 percent in the resin content from 38.6 to 24.7 percent. The levels of saturates and cyclics remain unchanged.
    5. B6317 Venezuelan Asphalt: The heptane insoluble fraction shows a steady increase from 12.8 to 24.9 percent. The resin content declined from 33.8 to 19.6 percent and showed a small inflection point at the 2-percent acid level.
    6. Four of the charts show a positive inflection point in the resin content, and this is accompanied by a negative inflection in the level of cyclics. Our experience with the Iatroscan® chromatographic technique has shown that the separation of saturates is straightforward and very reproducible. The separation of the cyclics and resins is much more difficult and subject to variation. Each data point in the charts is the average result of reading 10 Iatroscan® rods and so could reasonably be expected to show the true picture. Although four of the five charts show a decline in the level of cyclics with increasing acid, it cannot be assumed that they do actually decline. It may be some quirk with the technique. The level of the heptane insoluble fraction is not affected because it is not determined with the Iatroscan®. This fraction is removed before the Iatroscan® step and determined gravimetrically.
  4. The increase in the amount of heptane insoluble fraction is not necessarily accompanied by an equivalent increase in viscosity. ABM-1, which shows no increase in stiffness when modified with up to 1-percent of 115 percent phosphoric acid, also shows the same rate of increase in heptane insoluble fraction as the other asphalts but, up to the 1-percent acid modification level, at least this was found to be actually accompanied by a slight decrease in stiffness (figure 15 and chapter 3).
  5. The change in stiffness of the four SHRP reference binders when modified with phosphoric acid is shown in chapter 3. The sensitivity of the stiffness change to phosphoric acid addition found was AAK-1 > AAM-1 > AAD-1 > ABM-1. No correlation could be found between this phosphoric acid/stiffness sensitivity to any of the chemical characteristics published in SHRP-A-645 "SHRP Materials Reference Library: Asphalt Cements: A Concise Data Compilation."(5)


A small amount of the asphaltenes and heptane-insoluble fractions from the initial solvent separations was analyzed using the energy dispersive spectrometry attachment to the Amray scanning electron microscope. This is purely a qualitative test. It showed that the heptane-insoluble fraction contained phosphorus while the heptane-soluble maltene fraction contained none.

This was confirmed by Liquid State 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra. The spectrum for the heptane-insoluble fraction (asphaltenes) shown in figure 21 clearly shows the peak due to the presence of phosphorus. In figure 22, the NMR spectrum for the heptane-soluble fraction (maltenes) has no phosphorus peak.

This chart is a  plot of the nuclear magnetic resonance chemical shift in parts per million  versus peak intensity showing the peak caused by the presence of phosphorus.
Figure 21. Chart. NMR spectrum of heptane-insoluble fraction of phosphoric acid-modified asphalt.

This chart is a  plot of the chemical nuclear magnetic resonance chemical shift in parts per  million versus peak intensity, there is no phosphorus peak present.
Figure 22. Chart. NMR spectrum of heptane soluble fraction of phosphoric acid-modified asphalt.



Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000
Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center | 6300 Georgetown Pike | McLean, VA | 22101