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Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations

This report is an archived publication and may contain dated technical, contact, and link information
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-10-071
Date: August 2010

Long-Term Pavement Performance Program Highlights: Accomplishments and Benefits 1989-2009


  1. Preserving and Maximizing the Utility of the Pavement Performance Database, by the Long-Term Pavement Performance Committee, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2009, p. 6.
  2. See https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/pavement/ltpp/stratplan/strategic.cfm.
  3. Key Findings from LTPP Analysis 1990–1999 (FHWA-RD-00-085), 2000, https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/pavement/pub_details.cfm?id=274, and Key Findings from LTPP Analysis 2000–2003 (FHWA-RD-04-032), https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/pavement/pub_details.cfm?id=213, 2004, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC.
  4. "Effects of Various Design Features on Rigid Airfield Pavement Design," Y-H Lee and S-T Yen, in Proceedings of the 27th International Air Transport Conference (CD), American Society of Civil Engineers, Washington, DC, 2002.
  5. "Assessing Variability of Surface Distress Surveys in Canadian Long-Term Pavement Performance Program," Stephen N. Goodman, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 1764, 2001, pp. 112–18.
  6. Study of LTPP Distress Data Variability, Volume I, Research Report, Long-Term Pavement Performance Program (FHWA-RD-99-074), G. R. Rada, C. L. Wu, R. K. Bhandari, A. R. Shekharan, G. E. Elkins, and J. S. Miller, Law PCS/Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC, 1999.
  7. "'Off-The-Wall' Pavement Distress Variability Study," J. F. Daleiden and A. L. Simpson, Transportation Research Record No. 1643, Pavement Management and Monitoring of Traffic and Pavements, 1998, pp. 621–70.
  8. "Profile Data Variability in Pavement Management: Findings and Tools from LTPP," Hao Yin, Shelley M Stoffels, and Charles A. Antle, in Proceedings of the 2006 Airfield and Highway Pavement Specialty Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA, 2006.
  9. "Use of LTPP Data to Verify the Acceptance Limits Developed for PennDOT Pavement Distress Data," V. P. K. Ganesan, S. M. Stoffels, J. Arellano, and D. Morian, in Improving Pavements With Long-Term Pavement Performance: Products for Today and Tomorrow (FHWA-HRT-06-109), Federal Highway Administration, 2006.
  10. "Quantification of Smoothness Index Differences Related to Long-Term Pavement Performance Equipment Type," R. W. Perera and S. D. Kohn, Soil and Material Engineers, Inc./Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC, 2005.
  11. Long Term Pavement Performance Project Laboratory Materials Testing and Handling Guide: Protocol P46, Resilient Modulus of Unbound Granular Base/Subbase Materials and Subgrade Soils, August 1996, www.fhwa.dot.gov/publications/research/infrastructure/pavements/ltpp/p46/p46.pdf.
  12. See https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/pavement/ltpp/rmodulus.cfm for information on obtaining these products.
  13. Protocol P07. Test Method for Modulus and Strength Tensile Test Device, Version 1.1, August 2001, www.tfhrc.gov/pavement/ltpp/pdf/ProtocolP07.pdf.
  14. "Investigations of Environmental and Traffic Impacts on 'Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide' Predictions," Sameh Zaghloul, Amr Ayed, Amir Abd El Halim, Nicholas P Vitillo, and Robert W. Sauber, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board No. 1967, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2006.
  15. "Performance of Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavements in the LTPP Program," S. D. Tayabji, C. L. Wu, and M. Plei, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Concrete Pavements, International Society for Concrete Pavements, 2001, www.concretepavements.org.
  16. "LTPP Data Analysis: Influence of Design and Construction Features on the Response and Performance of New Flexible and Rigid Pavements," K. Chatti, N. Buch, S. W. Haider, A. S. Pulipaka, R. W. Lyles, D. Gilliland, and P. Desaraju, prepared for National Cooperative Highway Research Program, June 2005, http://trb.org/publications/nchrp/nchrp_w74.pdf.
  17. NCHRP 20-50(3&4). Final Report, LTPP Data Analysis: Effectiveness of Maintenance and Rehabilitation Options, June 2002, http://gulliver.trb.org/publications/nchrp/nchrp_w47.pdf.
  18. "Lessons Learned from the Long-Term Pavement Performance Program and Several Recycled Sections in Texas," by Dar-Hao Chen, in Roadway Pavement Preservation (Transportation Research E-Circular, Issue No. E-C078) Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2005, pp. 70–84, http://onlinepubs.trb.org/onlinepubs/circulars/ec078.pdf.
  19. Implementation of Proven PCC Practices in Colorado, A. Ardani, Report CDOT-DTD-R-2006-9, Colorado Department of Transportation, Denver, CO, 2006.
  20. Development of a Comprehensive Plan for a Long-Term Bridge Performance Program: Final Report for DTFH60-05-RA-00105, Michael J. Chajes, Sue McNeil, Harry W. Shenton III, Dennis R. Mertz, Nii Attoh-Okine, Diane S. Kukich, and Melissa R. Williams, August 24, 2006, www.ce.udel.edu/cibe/projects/LTBPP%20Final%20Report.pdf.
  21. Available at http://www.cbo.gov/ftpdocs/85xx/doc8517/08-08-Infrastructure.pdf.
  22. https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/safetealu/index.htm.
  23. "Economic Benefits Resulting from Road Research Performed at MnROAD," Benjamin J. Worel, Maureen Jensen, and Timothy R. Clyne, presented at the Third International Conference on Accelerated Pavement Testing, October 2008, Madrid, Spain, p. 12.
  24. http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/biz/mats/pavement/Pavement%20Research%20Benefits.pdf.
  25. NCHRP Synthesis 381: Falling Weight Deflectometer Usage, A Synthesis of Highway Practice, National Cooperative Highway Research Program, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2009, p. 12.
  26. Available at http://www.trb.org/Publications/Blurbs/Preserving_and_Maximizing_the_Utility_of_the_Pavem_160696.aspx.
  27. Report No. FHWA-HRT-09-052, available at www.fhwa.dot.gov/pavement/pub_details.cfm?id=651.

Accessing LTPP Information and Products

Accomplishments and Benefits Database: This document highlights the accomplishments and benefits of the LTPP program over the first 20 years of data collection. During development of this report, an extensive database of existing LTPP reports, products, and research results was compiled. The LTPP Literature Database can be accessed here: http://ltpp.org/user_corner.shtml.

FHWA LTPP Web Site: FHWA maintains an LTPP Web site to disseminate information resulting from the LTPP program. www.fhwa.dot.gov/Pavement/ltpp

LTPP Customer Support Service Center: LTPP data requests, technical questions, and data user feedback can be submitted to the LTPP Customer Support Service Center via email at LTPPinfo@dot.gov or by calling 202-493-3035.

LTPP Products Web Site: Many of the products mentioned in this document can be found online at the LTPP products Web site, which also contains online access to the LTPP database. www.ltpp-products.com

Materials Reference Library: More than 1,000 tons of sample materials are held at this site for research purposes. Included are pavement cores, asphalt cement, portland cement, aggregates, and other materials. www.ncenet.com/ltpp/mrl

Strategic Plan for LTPP Data Analysis: Since 1999, analysis of the LTPP data at the national level has been guided by the Strategic Plan for Data Analysis. The Strategic Plan was developed by the TRB Expert Task Group on LTPP Data Analysis, recommended by the TRB LTPP Committee, and adopted by FHWA as the basis for selecting LTPP analysis projects and evaluating progress in LTPP data analysis. www.fhwa.dot.gov/pavement/ltpp/stratplan/strategic.cfm

ASCE-LTPP International Contest on LTPP Data Analysis: The contest is designed to encourage university students, professors, and highway department engineers from around the world to get involved in using the LTPP database. www.fhwa.dot.gov/pavement/ltpp/contest.cfm

SPS Traffic Data Collection Pooled Fund Study: This study includes two phases. Phase I consists of assessing, evaluating, and calibrating the current weigh-in-motion and vehicle classification systems used to collect traffic data at SPS sites across the country. Phase II consists of installing and maintaining new weigh-in-motion equipment as necessary to ensure high-quality data collection. More information is available at www.fhwa.dot.gov/pavement/ltpp/spstraffic/index.cfm.



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