U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
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Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations
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Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-12-030 Date: August 2012 |
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-12-030 Date: August 2012 |
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The primary engineering material properties considered for indepth evaluation in this study were those required for pavement analysis and design using the MEPDG. The MEPDG considers the effects of a comprehensive set of material properties in the structural design of JPCP and CRCP. Its capability to consider strength, modulus, thermal, and other materials properties is the foundation for designing for performance under traffic loads and climatic conditions. Also, the MEPDG procedure can accommodate various material types and uniquely model each material’s response to load, temperature, and moisture and predict their effects on performance. Therefore, the research approach was to develop a list of material properties that likely could be estimated based on the availability of data in the LTPP database and the needs of the MEPDG performance prediction models.
The MEPDG adopts a hierarchical input level scheme to accommodate the designer’s knowledge of the input parameter. Inputs can be provided at three different levels. Level 1 inputs represent the greatest knowledge about the input parameter and typically are obtained from a project-specific data collection or test effort. Level 2 represents a moderate level of knowledge of the input parameter and is often calculated from correlations with other site-specific data or a less expensive measure. Level 3 represents the least knowledge of the input parameter and is based on “best-estimated” or default values. For example, level 1 data for concrete flexural strength would involve a flexural beam test, level 2 would be a flexural strength value estimated using a compressive strength test and correlation to flexural strength, and level 3 would be a default value for concrete strength used by a particular SHA. Most agencies have adequate information in their materials and construction quality databases to develop agency-specific default values for immediate implementation of the MEPDG (based on current knowledge and surveys conducted by Rao et al.).(10)
During the development of the MEPDG, the need for correlation equations to determine some input values was recognized. Many designs must be created years in advance of construction, and little is known of the exact materials that will be used. However, it is highly desirable to have the best estimates of these inputs possible based on available information. The MEPDG therefore supports the use of level 2 or 3 data in the absence of level 1 laboratory test data. This adaptability is critical to the model types developed in this study and is further discussed in chapter 5 of this report.
Table 1 provides a list of major material types considered in the MEPDG. Bolded information reflects the material types that are relevant in this project. Each material type requires a variety of material inputs (not all easily available) during local calibration efforts and after the procedure is implemented. As an example, the various PCC material-related inputs considered by the MEPDG are presented in table 2 under the following three categories:
Table 1. Major material types for the MEPDG.(2)
Asphalt Materials:
PCC Materials:
Chemically Stabilized Materials:
| Non-Stabilized Granular Base/Subbase:
Subgrade Soils:
Note: Bolded information reflects the material types that are relevant in this project.
Table 2 reflects the additional significance of other material engineering properties beyond strength properties for PCC materials in the analysis process. As an example, while concrete modulus of rupture (MR) was the main material input for the AASHTO 1993 rigid pavement design procedure (along with the modulus of elasticity), the MEPDG allows correlations through level 2 inputs with compressive strength and requires other volumetric properties such as shrinkage, CTE, specific heat, and thermal conductivity for analysis.(12) In addition, strength parameters that are used in the analysis include compressive strength, modulus of elasticity, and tensile strength for CRCP. The modulus of elasticity has a much greater effect on performance with the MEPDG than with the AASHTO 1993 procedure. In other words, the MEPDG offers a framework to optimize mix designs to balance a range of strength, modulus, CTE, shrinkage, and other engineering properties for improved performance.(13)
Table 2. PCC material inputs beyond strength considered by the MEPDG for JPCP and CRCP.
Material Inputs Required for Critical Response Computations | Material Inputs Required for Distress/Transfer Functions | Material Inputs Required for Climatic Modeling |
*Estimated from compressive strength, cement type, curing type, cement content, and w/c ratio.
**Estimated from cement content and mean monthly temperatures at the project location.
Likewise, unbound materials are characterized by material parameters that account for the changing stress state in the material with seasonal changes in moisture conditions in a specific location. The gradation of the soil, maximum dry density, and optimum moisture content are key inputs to the procedure.
The MEPDG also requires the input of construction and field-specific parameters that are critical to performance. These construction or site features are not restrictive to a particular material, but they are associated with specific material index properties, climatic conditions, and construction practices. For example, base erodibility is a function of base material properties such as the strength of the base layer, the amount of fines, and site conditions such as the level of precipitation and traffic load repetitions.
The calibration of the rigid pavement distress models utilized several inputs from levels 2 and 3 based on the best information available from literature and LTPP databases. The following is a partial list of correlations used in the MEPDG models:
A preliminary list of material properties was prepared for developing predictive models based on inputs required for the MEPDG and their level of significance in performance prediction as well as their importance during the design, construction, or pavement management phases. The materials are classified broadly as PCC materials, stabilized materials, and unbound materials. Note that unbound materials include both coarse-grained and fine-grained soils, which have different mechanical behavior in response to applied stress states. The preliminary material properties are listed in table 3 through table 5 for PCC, stabilized, and unbound materials. These tables list all input variables, identify the conventional source of data for SHAs, and indicate whether a predictive model can be developed for the parameter.
Table 3. PCC material properties and rigid pavement design features considered for generating predictive models.
Material Property |
Constant or Time Dependent |
Source |
Recommended Test Protocol or Data Source |
Predictive Model Possibility Yes(Y)/ No(N) |
Project Stage: Design (D), QC/QA (C), or Pavement Management (PM) |
Level of Significance for Performance |
Rehabilitation of New PCC Slabs |
Compressive strength |
Time dependent |
Test |
AASHTO T 22(17) |
Y |
D, C, PM |
High |
Elastic modulus |
Time dependent |
Test |
ASTM C 469(18) |
Y |
D, PM |
High |
Poisson’s ratio* |
Constant |
Test |
ASTM C 469(18) |
N |
D |
Low |
Flexural strength |
Time dependent |
Test |
AASHTO T 97(19) |
Y |
D, PM |
High |
Indirect tensile strength (CRCP only) |
Time dependent |
Test |
AASHTO T 198(20) |
Y |
D |
High |
Unit weight* |
Constant |
Test |
AASHTO T 121(21) |
N |
D, C |
Medium or high |
Air content* |
Constant |
Test |
AASHTO T 152(22) or AASHTO T 196(23) |
N |
C |
Medium (affects durability) |
Constant |
Test |
AASHTO TP 60(24) |
Y |
D, PM |
High |
Surface shortwave absorptivity*,** |
N/A |
Estimate |
MEPDG default(2) |
N |
D |
Low |
Thermal conductivity*,** |
N/A |
Test |
ASTM E1952(25) or MEPDG default(2) |
N |
D |
Low |
Heat capacity*,** |
N/A |
Test |
ASTM D2766(26) or MEPDG default(2) |
N |
D |
Low |
PCC zero-stress temperature |
N/A |
Estimate |
MEPDG model(2) |
Y |
D, PM |
Medium (JPCP); high (CRCP) |
Ultimate shrinkage* |
Time dependent |
Estimate |
MEPDG predictive model(2) |
Y |
D, PM |
Medium (JPCP); high (CRCP) |
deltaT in JPCP and CRCP design** |
Time dependent |
Estimate |
MEPDG calibrated with default (-10 °F)(2) |
Y |
D, C, PM |
High |
Erosion in CRCP design** |
Time dependent |
Estimate |
MEPDG predictive model(2) |
Y |
D |
High |
EI for JPCP design** |
N/A |
Estimate |
MEPDG recommendation for base type(2) |
Y |
D |
Medium |
Rehabilitation of Existing PCC Slabs |
Compressive strength |
Time dependent |
Test |
AASHTO T 22(17) (extracted cores) |
Y |
D, C, PM |
High |
Elastic modulus |
Time dependent |
Test |
ASTM C 469(18) (extracted cores) |
Y |
D, PM |
High |
ASTM D 4694(27) (NDT deflection testing) |
Poisson’s ratio* |
Constant |
Test |
ASTM C 469(18) (extracted cores) |
N |
D |
Low |
Flexural strength |
Time dependent |
Test |
AASHTO T 97(19) (extracted beam) |
Y |
D, PM |
High |
N/A = Not applicable. *Parameter was not selected for model development. **Considered a design feature input to rigid pavement design process.
Table 4. Chemically stabilized materials properties considered for generating predictive models.
Material Type |
Material Property |
Constant or Time Dependent |
Source |
Recommended Test Protocol or Data Source |
Predictive Model Possibility Yes (Y)/ No (N) |
Project Stage: Design (D), QC/QA (C), or Pavement Management (PM) |
Level of Significance for Performance |
Lean concrete and cement-treated aggregate |
Elastic modulus |
Constant |
Test |
ASTM C 469(18) |
Y |
D, PM |
Medium-high |
Flexural strength (for HMA pavement) |
Constant |
Test |
AASHTO T 97(19) |
Y |
D, PM |
Medium-high |
Lime-cement-fly ash |
Resilient modulus |
Time dependent |
Estimate |
MEPDG predictive model(2) |
Y |
D, PM |
Medium-high |
Resilient modulus |
Time dependent |
Test |
AASHTO T 307(28) |
Y |
D, PM |
Medium-high |
Lime stabilized soil |
Resilient modulus |
Time dependent |
Estimate |
MEPDG predictive model(2) |
Y |
D, PM |
Medium-high |
All above material types |
Unconfined compressive strength |
Time dependent |
Test |
MDTP, AASHTO T 307(28) |
Y |
D, C, PM |
Medium-high |
Table 5. Unbound material properties considered for generating predictive models.
Material Property |
Constant or Time Dependent |
Source |
Recommended Test Protocol or Data Source |
Predictive Model Possibility Yes (Y)/ No (N) |
Project Stage: Design (D), QC/QA (C), or Pavement Management (PM) |
Level of Significance for Performance |
Resilient modulus determined using two options: |
Time dependent |
Test |
AASHTO T 307(28) or NCHRP Project 1-28A(29) |
Y |
D, C, PM |
High |
1. Regression coefficients k1, k2, and k3 for the constitutive model that defines resilient modulus as a function of stress state |
Resilient modulus = f(bulk stress, major principal stresses, octahedral shear stress, normalizing stress) |
2. Determine resilient modulus for expected in-place stress state from laboratory tests |
Model coefficients are different for coarse-grained and fine-grained soils |
N/A |
Estimate |
No standard test; use default values. |
N |
D |
Low |
Maximum dry density* |
Constant |
Test |
AASHTO T 180(30) |
N |
D, C |
High |
Optimum moisture content* |
Constant |
Test |
AASHTO T 180(30) |
N |
D |
High |
Specific gravity* |
Constant |
Test |
AASHTO T 100(31) |
N |
D |
Low |
Saturated hydraulic conductivity* |
Constant |
Test |
AASHTO T 215(32) |
N |
D |
Medium |
Soil water characteristic curve parameters* |
N/A |
Test |
AASHTO T 99, T 100, and T 180(33,31,30) |
N |
D |
High |
Rehabilitation of Existing Pavement and Properties of Soil to Be Left In-Place |
Modulus (backcalculated) |
Time dependent |
Test |
ASTM D 4694(27) and D 5858(34) |
N |
D |
High |
Poisson’s ratio* |
Time dependent |
Estimate |
MEPDG default(2) |
N |
D |
Low |
N/A = Not applicable. *Parameter was not selected for model development.
In selecting the material properties that require predictive models, the following factors were considered:
Accordingly, several variables in table 3 to table 5 were not selected for model development.
The selected parameters from table 3 to table 5 as well as predictive models to estimate their values were the focus of the literature review performed in this study. The literature review sought to identify independent variables (index properties) that could be used to determine the values of the selected material parameters. A list of index properties that can serve as independent variables in the prediction models is provided at the end of chapter 3.