U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
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Washington, DC 20590
Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations
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Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-12-030 Date: August 2012 |
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-12-030 Date: August 2012 |
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The data used for this model included SPS sections that had 28-day cylinder test results. The data included 42 sets of results after averaging the 28-day cylinder strength for each site and for each mix design.
All material properties discussed in the section, Data Used in PCC Models, in chapter 5 of this report were evaluated to verify if they co-vary with the predicted variable. The first statistical procedure was a Cp analysis wherein various submodels were considered for fit using ANOVA, and the resulting Cp and R2 values are provided at the end of the SAS® analysis. The results are listed by SAS® in order of the resulting Cp value. Also provided in the results are the number of variables (regressors) used in each model and a listing of the variables. The Cp analysis results are shown in table 16 for the 28-day cylinder strength model.
The Cp analysis summary indicates that 42 observations were read. There were missing data for certain PCC mix parameters. For example, the amount of coarse aggregate in the mix design and the amount of fine aggregate in mix design were missing in 13 cases, while the information on admixtures was missing in 21 cases. A summary indicates that only 21 observations had values for all variables considered in the model. Using a subset of 21 datasets, the potential prediction models created produced the R2 values as listed in the table. The model form used for the analysis was as follows:
A0 = Model intercept determined through the regression.
A1 through An = Regression coefficients.
x1 through xn = Parameters included in each submodel.
These results do not imply that all models listed in table 16 are feasible models. Cp and R2, as explained earlier, do not indicate whether the parameters included in the model, or submodel in this case, are significant, exhibit multicollinearity, or physically explain the trend. Each submodel suggested by the Cp analysis needs to be further evaluated and verified individually.
Number of Parameters in Model |
Cp |
R2 |
Variables in Model |
4 |
1.0058 |
0.8184 |
w_c cementitious Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design Fine_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
4 |
1.2802 |
0.8143 |
cementitious AVG_UNIT_WT_W_c Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design Fine_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
2 |
1.5747 |
0.7493 |
cementitious Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
3 |
1.807 |
0.7761 |
cementitious Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design Fine_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
4 |
1.8277 |
0.806 |
w_c MASm15pct_W_c Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design Fine_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
3 |
1.8478 |
0.7755 |
w_c cementitious Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
3 |
2.0836 |
0.7719 |
cementitious AVG_UNIT_WT_W_c Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
5 |
2.2057 |
0.8305 |
w_c cementitious FM Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design Fine_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
3 |
2.3622 |
0.7677 |
w_c Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design Fine_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
4 |
2.4771 |
0.7962 |
cementitious MASm15pct_W_c Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design Fine_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
5 |
2.4789 |
0.8264 |
cementitious FM AVG_UNIT_WT_W_c Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design Fine_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
4 |
2.5453 |
0.7952 |
w_c FM Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design Fine_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
3 |
2.5577 |
0.7647 |
cementitious MASm15pct_W_c Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
5 |
2.7348 |
0.8225 |
w_c cementitious MASm15pct_W_c Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design Fine_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
5 |
2.9597 |
0.8191 |
w_c cementitious AVG_UNIT_WT_W_c Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design Fine_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
5 |
2.9672 |
0.819 |
w_c cementitious AVG_UNIT_WT2 Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design Fine_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
5 |
2.97 |
0.819 |
w_c cementitious AVG_UNIT_WT Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design Fine_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
5 |
2.9955 |
0.8186 |
cementitious AVG_UNIT_WT2 AVG_UNIT_WT_W_c Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design Fine_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
5 |
3.0046 |
0.8185 |
cementitious AVG_UNIT_WT AVG_UNIT_WT_W_c Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design Fine_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
5 |
3.04 |
0.8179 |
w_c MASm15pct_W_c FM Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design Fine_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
4 |
3.1679 |
0.7857 |
cementitious FM Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design Fine_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
5 |
3.2171 |
0.8152 |
cementitious MASm15pct_W_c AVG_UNIT_WT_W_c Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design Fine_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
3 |
3.4873 |
0.7507 |
cementitious FM Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
5 |
3.4917 |
0.8111 |
AVG_UNIT_WT2 MASm15pct_W_c AVG_UNIT_WT_W_c Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design Fine_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
5 |
3.4928 |
0.8111 |
w_c AVG_UNIT_WT2 MASm15pct_W_c Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design Fine_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
5 |
3.4971 |
0.811 |
w_c AVG_UNIT_WT MASm15pct_W_c Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design Fine_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
5 |
3.5058 |
0.8109 |
cementitious MASm15pct_W_c FM Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design Fine_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
5 |
3.5095 |
0.8108 |
AVG_UNIT_WT MASm15pct_W_c AVG_UNIT_WT_W_c Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design Fine_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
2 |
3.5215 |
0.7199 |
w_c cementitious |
5 |
3.5431 |
0.8103 |
w_c MASm15pct_W_c AVG_UNIT_WT_W_c Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design Fine_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
3 |
3.5548 |
0.7496 |
cementitious AVG_UNIT_WT2 Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
3 |
3.5574 |
0.7496 |
cementitious AVG_UNIT_WT Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
4 |
3.6023 |
0.7792 |
FM AVG_UNIT_WT_W_c Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design Fine_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
3 |
3.6744 |
0.7478 |
AVG_UNIT_WT_W_c Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design Fine_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
2 |
3.711 |
0.717 |
cementitious MASm15pct_W_c |
4 |
3.7405 |
0.7771 |
w_c cementitious AVG_UNIT_WT2 Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
4 |
3.7435 |
0.777 |
cementitious AVG_UNIT_WT2 AVG_UNIT_WT_W_c Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
4 |
3.7458 |
0.777 |
MASm15pct_W_c AVG_UNIT_WT_W_c Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design Fine_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
4 |
3.7472 |
0.777 |
w_c cementitious AVG_UNIT_WT Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
4 |
3.7504 |
0.7769 |
w_c cementitious AVG_UNIT_WT_W_c Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
4 |
3.757 |
0.7768 |
cementitious AVG_UNIT_WT AVG_UNIT_WT_W_c Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
4 |
3.7817 |
0.7765 |
w_c cementitious FM Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
4 |
3.8069 |
0.7761 |
cementitious AVG_UNIT_WT Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design Fine_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
4 |
3.807 |
0.7761 |
cementitious AVG_UNIT_WT2 Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design Fine_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
4 |
3.8079 |
0.7761 |
w_c cementitious MASm15pct_W_c Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
2 |
3.9079 |
0.7141 |
cementitious AVG_UNIT_WT_W_c |
4 |
4.0157 |
0.7729 |
cementitious FM AVG_UNIT_WT_W_c Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
4 |
4.034 |
0.7726 |
w_c AVG_UNIT_WT_W_c Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design Fine_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
6 |
4.0832 |
0.8324 |
w_c cementitious MASm15pct_W_c FM Coarse_Aggregate_Mix_Design Fine_Aggregate_Mix_Design |
Table 17 to table 20 show examples of submodels evaluated in the selection of the optimized model for the prediction of 28-day compressive strength of PCC cylinders. This procedure typically involves an iterative process and specifically evaluates the following aspects: