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Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations

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Publication Number:  FHWA-HRT-13-090    Date:  April 2016
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-13-090
Date: April 2016


MEPDG Traffic Loading Defaults Derived From Traffic Pooled Fund Study



This data dictionary contains descriptions for the tables and field names included in the appendix.

The following list contains brief descriptions of the tables present in the database:

Table 55. Field names and descriptions for tables "DEFAULT_AxlesPerTruck."
Field Name Data Type Description
classNumber NUMBER(2,0) Code indicating the 13-bin classification into which trucks have been grouped.
numberAxle NUMBER(1,0) Type of axle for which the values in the field "truckAxleConfig" apply.
truckAxleConfig NUMBER(2,2) Number of this type of axle for a vehicle in this class.


Table 56. Field names and descriptions for table "DEFAULT_NALS."
Field Name Data Type Description
VEH_CLASS NUMBER(2,0) Code indicating the 13-bin classification into which trucks have been grouped.
AXLE_GROUP NUMBER(1,0) Type of axle for which these percentage of axles apply.
NALS_CLUSTERS VARCHAR2(255) Code indicating the type of default NALS.
MEPDG_LG01 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 0-2,999 lb for single axles, 0-5,999 lb for tandem axles, and 0-11,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG02 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 3,000-3,999 lb for single axles, 6,000-7,999 lb for tandem axles, and 12,000-14,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG03 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 4,000-4,999 lb for single axles, 8,000-9,999 lb for tandem axles, and 15,000-17,999 lv for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG04 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 5,000-5,999 lb for single axles, 10,000-11,999 lb for tandem axles, and 18,000-20,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG05 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 6,000-6,999 lb for single axles, 12,000-13,999 lb for tandem axles, and 21,000-23,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG06 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 7,000-7,999 lb for single axles, 14,000-15,999 lb for tandem axles, and 24,000-26,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG07 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 8,000-8,999 lb for single axles, 16,000-17,999 lb for tandem axles, and 27,000-29,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG08 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 9,000-9,999 lb for single axles, 18,000-19,999 lb for tandem axles, and 300,00-32,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG09 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 10,000-10,999 lb for single axles, 20,000-21,999 lb for tandem axles, and 33,000-35,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG10 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 11,000- 11,999 lb for single axles, 22,000-23,999 lb for tandem axles, and 36,000-38,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG11 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 12,000- 12,999 lb for single axles, 24,000-25,999 lb for tandem axles, and 39,000-41,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG12 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 13,000- 13,999 lb for single axles, 26,000-27,999 lb for tandem axles, and 42,000-44,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG13 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 14,000- 14,999 lb for single axles, 28,000-29,999 lb for tandem axles, and 45,000-47,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG14 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 15,000- 15,999 lb for single axles, 30,000-31,999 lb for tandem axles, and 48,000-50,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG15 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 16,000- 16,999 lb for single axles, 32,000-33,999 lb for tandem axles, and 51,000-53,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG16 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 17,000- 17,999 lb for single axles, 34,000-35,999 lb for tandem axles, and 54,000-56,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG17 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 18,000- 18,999 lb for single axles, 36,000-37,999 lb for tandem axles, and 57,000-59,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG18 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 19,000- 19,999 lb for single axles, 38,000-39,999 lb for tandem axles, and 60,000-62,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG19 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 20,000- 20,999 lb for single axles, 40,000-41,999 lb for tandem axles, and 63,000-65,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG20 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 21,000- 21,999 lb for single axles, 42,000-43,999 lb for tandem axles, and 66,000-68,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG21 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 22,000- 22,999 lb for single axles, 44,000-45,999 lb for tandem axles, and 69,000-71,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG22 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 23,000-23,999 lb for single axles, 46,000-47,999 lb for tandem axles, and 72,000-74,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG23 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 24,000-24,999 lb for single axles, 48,000-49,999 lb for tandem axles, and 75,000-77,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG24 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 25,000-25,999 lb for single axles, 50,000-51,999 lb for tandem axles, and 78,000-80,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG25 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 26,000- 26,999 lb for single axles, 52,000-53,999 lb for tandem axles, and 81,000-83,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG26 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 27,000-27,999 lb for single axles, 54,000-55,999 lb for tandem axles, and 84,000-86,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG27 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 28,000-28,999 lb for single axles, 56,000-57,999 lb for tandem axles, and 87,000-89,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG28 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 29,000-29,999 lb for single axles, 58,000-59,999 lb for tandem axles, and 90,000-92,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG29 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 30,000- 30,999 lb for single axles, 60,000-61,999 lb for tandem axles, and 93,000-95,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG30 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 3,1000-31,999 lb for single axles, 62,000-63,999 lb for tandem axles, and 96,000-98,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG31 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 32,000- 32,999 lb for single axles, 64,000-65,999 lb for tandem axles, and 99,000-101,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG32 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 33,000-33,999 lb for single axles and 66,000-67,999 lb for tandem axles.
MEPDG_LG33 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 34,000-34,999 lb for single axles and 68,000-69,999 lb for tandem axles.
MEPDG_LG34 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 35,000-35,999 lb for single axles and 70,000-71,999 lb for tandem axles.
MEPDG_LG35 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 36,000-36,999 lb for single axles and 72000-73999 lb for tandem axles.
MEPDG_LG36 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 37,000-37,999 lb for single axles and 74,000-75,999 lb for tandem axles.
MEPDG_LG37 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 38,000-38,999 lb for single axles and 76,000-77,999 lb for tandem axles.
MEPDG_LG38 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 39,000-39,999 lb for single axles and 78,000-79,999 lb for tandem axles.
MEPDG_LG39 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 40,000-40,999 lb for single axles and 80,000-81,999 lb for tandem axles.
Description VARCHAR2(255) Description for codes used in NALS_CLUSTERS field.
Recommended_Road_Usage VARCHAR2(255) Description indicating the recommended road usage for each default NALS.


Table 57. Field names and descriptions for table "SITE_SPECIFIC_AxlesPerTruck."
Field Name Data Type Description
STATE_CODE NUMBER(2,0) Numerical code for state or province. U.S. codes are consistent with Federal Information Processing Standards.
SHRP_ID VARCHAR2(255) Test section identification number assigned by the LTPP Program. Must be combined with STATE_CODE to be unique.
classNumber NUMBER(2,0) Code indicating the 13-bin classification into which trucks have been grouped.
numberAxle NUMBER(1,0) Type of axle for which the values in the field "truckAxleConfig" apply.
truckAxleConfig NUMBER(1,2) Number of this type of axle for a vehicle in this class.


Table 58. Field names and descriptions for table "SITE_SPECIFIC_NALS."
Field Name Data Type Description
STATE_CODE NUMBER(2,0) Numerical code for state or province. U.S. codes are consistent with Federal Information Processing Standards.
SHRP_ID VARCHAR2(255) Test section identification number assigned by the LTPP Program. Must be combined with STATE_CODE to be unique.
VEH_CLASS NUMBER(2,0) Code indicating the 13-bin classification into which trucks have been grouped.
AXLE_GROUP NUMBER(1,0) Type of axle for which these percentages of axles apply.
MEPDG_LG01 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 0-2,999 lb for single axles, 0-5,999 lb for tandem axles, and 0-11,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG02 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 3,000-3,999 lb for single axles, 6,000-7,999 lb for tandem axles, and 12,000-14,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG03 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 4,000-4,999 lb for single axles, 8,000-9,999 lb for tandem axles, and 15,000-17,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG04 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 5,000-5,999 lb for single axles, 10,000-11,999 lb for tandem axles, and 18,000-20,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG05 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 6,000-6,999 lb for single axles, 12,000-13,999 lb for tandem axles, and 21,000-23,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG06 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 7,000-7,999 lb for single axles, 14,000-15,999 lb for tandem axles, and 24,000-26,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG07 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 8,000-8,999 lb for single axles, 16,000-17,999 lb for tandem axles, and 27,000-29,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG08 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 9,000-9,999 lb for single axles, 18,000-19,999 lb for tandem axles, and 30,000-32,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG09 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 10,000- 10,999 lb for single axles, 20,000-21,999 lb for tandem axles, and 33,000-35,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG10 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 11,000- 11,999 lb for single axles, 22,000-23,999 lb for tandem axles, and 36,000-38,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG11 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 12,000- 12,999 lb for single axles, 24,000-25,999 lb for tandem axles, and 39,000-41,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG12 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 13,000- 13,999 lb for single axles, 26,000-27,999 lb for tandem axles, and 42,000-44,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG13 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 14,000- 14,999 lb for single axles, 28,000-29,999 lb for tandem axles, and 45,000-47,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG14 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 15,000- 15,999 lb for single axles, 30,000-31,999 lb for tandem axles, and 48,000-50,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG15 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 16,000- 16,999 lb for single axles, 32,000-33,999 lb for tandem axles, and 51,000-53,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG16 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 17,000- 17,999 lb for single axles, 34,000-35,999 lb for tandem axles, and 54,000-56,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG17 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 18,000- 18,999 lb for single axles, 36,000-37,999 lb for tandem axles, and 57,000-59,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG18 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 19,000-19,999 lb for single axles, 38,000-39,999 lb for tandem axles, and 60,000-62,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG19 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 20,000-20,999 lb for single axles, 40,000-41,999 lb for tandem axles, and 63,000-65,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG20 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 21,000-21,999 lb for single axles, 42,000-43,999 lb for tandem axles, and 66,000-68,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG21 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 22,000-22,999 lb for single axles, 44,000-45,999 lb for tandem axles, and 69,000-71,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG22 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 23,000-23,999 lb for single axles, 46,000-47,999 lb for tandem axles, and 72,000-74,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG23 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 24,000-
24,999 lb for single axles, 48,000-49,999 lb for tandem axles, and 75,000-77,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG24 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 25,000-25,999 lb for single axles, 50,000-51,999 lb for tandem axles, and 78,000-80,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG25 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 26,000-26,999 lb for single axles, 52,000-53,999 lb for tandem axles, and 81,000-83,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG26 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 27,000-27,999 lb for single axles, 54,000-55,999 lb for tandem axles, and 84,000-86,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG27 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 28,000-28,999 lb for single axles, 56,000-57,999 lb for tandem axles, and 87,000-89,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG28 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 29,000- 29,999 lb for single axles, 58,000-59,999 lb for tandem axles, and 90,000-92,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG29 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 30,000-30,999 lb for single axles, 60,000-61,999 lb for tandem axles, and 93,000-95,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG30 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 31,000-31,999 lb for single axles, 62,000-63,999 lb for tandem axles, and 96,000-98,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG31 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 32,000-
32,999 lb for single axles, 64,000-65,999 lb for tandem axles, and 99,000-101,999 lb for tridem and quad axles.
MEPDG_LG32 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 33,000-33,999 lb for single axles and 66,000-67,999 lb for tandem axles.
MEPDG_LG33 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 34,000-34,999 lb for single axles and 68,000-69,999 lb for tandem axles.
MEPDG_LG34 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 35,000-35,999 lb for single axles and 70,000-71,999 lb for tandem axles.
MEPDG_LG35 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 36,000-36,999 lb for single axles and 72,000-73,999 lb for tandem axles.
MEPDG_LG36 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 37,000-37,999 lb for single axles and 74,000-75,999 lb for tandem axles.
MEPDG_LG37 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 38,000-38,999 lb for single axles and 76,000-77,999 lb for tandem axles.
MEPDG_LG38 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 39,000-39,999 lb for single axles and 78,000-79,999 lb for tandem axles.
MEPDG_LG39 NUMBER(3,14) Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 40,000-40,999 lb for single axles and 80,000-81,999 lb for tandem axles.


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