U.S. Department of Transportation
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Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
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Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-13-060 Date: June 2013 |
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-13-060 Date: June 2013 |
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Ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) is an advanced construction material that affords new opportunities for the future of the highway infrastructure. The Federal Highway Administration has been engaged in research on the optimal uses of UHPC in the highway bridge infrastructure since 2001 through its Bridge of the Future initiative. This report presents the state of the art in UHPC with regard to uses in the highway transportation infrastructure. Compiled from hundreds of references representing research, development, and deployment efforts around the world, this report provides a framework for gaining a deeper understanding of UHPC as well as a platform from which to increase the use of this class of advanced cementitious composite materials. This report will assist stakeholders, including State transportation departments, researchers, and design consultants, to grasp the capabilities of UHPC and thus use the material to address pressing needs in the highway transportation infrastructure.
Jorge Pagán-Ortiz
Director, Office of Infrastructure
Research and Development
This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Transportation in the interest of information exchange. The U.S. Government assumes no liability for the use of the information contained in this document.
The U.S. Government does not endorse products or manufacturers. Trademarks or manufacturers’ names appear in this report only because they are considered essential to the objective of the document.
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The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) provides high-quality information to serve Government, industry, and the public in a manner that promotes public understanding. Standards and policies are used to ensure and maximize the quality, objectivity, utility, and integrity of its information. FHWA periodically reviews quality issues and adjusts its programs and processes to ensure continuous quality improvement.
Technical Report Documentation Page
1. Report No.
FHWA-HRT-13-060 |
2. Government Accession No. | 3 Recipient's Catalog No. | ||
4. Title and Subtitle
Ultra-High Performance Concrete: |
5. Report Date June 2013 |
6. Performing Organization Code | ||||
7. Author(s)
Henry G. Russell and Benjamin A. Graybeal |
8. Performing Organization Report No.
9. Performing Organization Name and Address Henry G. Russell, Inc. |
10. Work Unit No. |
11. Contract or Grant No. DTFH61-10-D-00017 | ||||
12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address
Office of Infrastructure Research & Development |
13. Type of Report and Period Covered
Final: 2011-2012 |
14. Sponsoring Agency Code HRDI-40 |
15. Supplementary Notes This report was developed by Henry G. Russell, Inc., under subcontract to Professional Service Industries, Inc., of Herndon, VA, as part of FHWA's "Support Services for the Structures Laboratories" contract. Ben Graybeal (FHWA) provided technical oversight/assistance and drafted portions of the final report. | ||||
16. Abstract
The term Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) refers to a relatively new class of advanced cementitious composite materials whose mechanical and durability properties far surpass those of conventional concrete. This class of concrete has been demonstrated to facilitate solutions that address specific problems in the U.S. highway bridge infrastructure. Initial material development research on UHPC began more than two decades ago. First structural deployments began in the late 1990s. First field deployments in the U.S. highway transportation infrastructure began in 2006. For this study, UHPC-class materials are defined as cementitious-based composite materials with discontinuous fiber reinforcement that exhibit compressive strength above 21.7 ksi (150 MPa), pre- and post-cracking tensile strength above 0.72 ksi (5 MPa), and enhanced durability via a discontinuous pore structure. The report documents the state of the art with regard to the research, development, and deployment of UHPC components within the U.S. highway transportation infrastructure. More than 600 technical articles and reports covering research and applications using UHPC have been published in English in the last 20 years, with many more published in other languages. The report includes information about materials and production, mechanical properties, structural design and structural testing, durability and durability testing, and actual and potential applications. The report concludes with recommendations for the future direction for UHPC applications in the United States. |
17. Key Words
UHPC, ultra-high performance concrete, fiber reinforced concrete, bridges, structural performance, mechanical performance, durability, applications |
18. Distribution Statement
No restrictions. This document is available through the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161. |
19. Security Classification Unclassified |
20. Security Classification Unclassified |
21. No. of Pages 171 |
22. Price |
Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72) | Reproduction of completed page authorized |
Symbol | When You Know | Multiply By | To Find | Symbol |
Length | ||||
in | inches | 25.4 | millimeters | mm |
ft | feet | 0.305 | meters | m |
yd | yards | 0.914 | meters | m |
mi | miles | 1.61 | kilometers | km |
Area | ||||
in2 | square inches | 645.2 | square millimeters | mm2 |
ft2 | square feet | 0.093 | square meters | m2 |
yd2 | square yard | 0.836 | square meters | m2 |
ac | acres | 0.405 | hectares | ha |
mi2 | square miles | 2.59 | square kilometers | km2 |
Volume | ||||
fl oz | fluid ounces | 29.57 | milliliters | mL |
gal | gallons | 3.785 | liters | L |
ft3 | cubic feet | 0.028 | cubic meters | m3 |
yd3 | cubic yards | 0.765 | cubic meters | m3 |
NOTE: volumes greater than 1000 L shall be shown in m3 |
Mass | ||||
oz | ounces | 28.35 | grams | g |
lb | pounds | 0.454 | kilograms | kg |
T | short tons (2000 lb) | 0.907 | megagrams (or "metric ton") | Mg (or "t") |
Temperature (exact degrees) | ||||
oF | Fahrenheit | 5 (F-32)/9 or (F-32)/1.8 |
Celsius | oC |
Illumination | ||||
fc | foot-candles | 10.76 | lux | lx |
fl | foot-Lamberts | 3.426 | candela/m2 | cd/m2 |
Force and Pressure or Stress | ||||
lbf | poundforce | 4.45 | newtons | N |
lbf/in2 | poundforce per square inch | 6.89 | kilopascals | kPa |
Symbol | When You Know | Multiply By | To Find | Symbol |
Length | ||||
mm | millimeters | 0.039 | inches | in |
m | meters | 3.28 | feet | ft |
m | meters | 1.09 | yards | yd |
km | kilometers | 0.621 | miles | mi |
Area | ||||
mm2 | square millimeters | 0.0016 | square inches | in2 |
m2 | square meters | 10.764 | square feet | ft2 |
m2 | square meters | 1.195 | square yards | yd2 |
ha | hectares | 2.47 | acres | ac |
km2 | square kilometers | 0.386 | square miles | mi2 |
Volume | ||||
mL | milliliters | 0.034 | fluid ounces | fl oz |
L | liters | 0.264 | gallons | gal |
m3 | cubic meters | 35.314 | cubic feet | ft3 |
m3 | cubic meters | 1.307 | cubic yards | yd3 |
Mass | ||||
g | grams | 0.035 | ounces | oz |
kg | kilograms | 2.202 | pounds | lb |
Mg (or "t") | megagrams (or "metric ton") | 1.103 | short tons (2000 lb) | T |
Temperature (exact degrees) | ||||
oC | Celsius | 1.8C+32 | Fahrenheit | oF |
Illumination | ||||
lx | lux | 0.0929 | foot-candles | fc |
cd/m2 | candela/m2 | 0.2919 | foot-Lamberts | fl |
Force and Pressure or Stress | ||||
N | newtons | 0.225 | poundforce | lbf |
kPa | kilopascals | 0.145 | poundforce per square inch | lbf/in2 |
Figure 1. Equation. Compressive strength gain at any age after casting from Graybeal
Figure 4. Graph. Tensile stress-strain response of UHPC
Figure 5. Graph. Idealized uniaxial tensile mechanical response of a UHPC
Figure 6. Equation. Concrete tensile strength approximations
Figure 7. Equation. Graybeal equation for UHPC modulus of elasticity
Figure 8. Equation. Graybeal equation for UHPC modulus of elasticity
Figure 9. Equation. Ma et al. equation for UHPC modulus of elasticity
Figure 10. Photo. Flexural test of an AASHTO Type II girder made of UHPC
Figure 11. Equation. Strength of columns
Figure 12. Equation. Shear strength of UHPC beams
Figure 13. Photo. Mars Hill Bridge, Wapello County, IA
Figure 14. Photo. Route 64 over Cat Point Creek, Richmond County, VA
Figure 15. Photo. Jakway Park Bridge, Buchanan County, IA
Figure 16. Illustration. Cross section of pi-shaped girder 56
Figure 17. Illustration. Cross section showing CIP UHPC connection between precast beams
Figure 18. Photo. Pedestrian bridge, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
Figure 19. Photo. Glenmore/Legsby pedestrian bridge, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Figure 20. Photo. Sakata-Mirai bridge, Sakata, Japan
Figure 21. Photo. Footbridge of Peace, Seoul, South Korea
Figure 22. Photo. Experimental precast pile made of UHPC
Table 1. Typical composition of Ductal®
Table 2. UHPC mix proportions of CRC by weight
Table 3. UHPC mix proportions from Teichmann and Schmidt
Table 4. UHPC mix proportions of Cor-Tuf by weight
Table 5. UHPC mix proportions for CEMTECmultiscale
Table 6. Parameters relevant to equation presented in figure 3
Table 7. Values of Poisson's ratio
Table 8. Values of coefficients of thermal expansion
Table 9. Range of UHPC material properties
Table 10. Reinforcement used in connections
Table 11. Measured transfer and development lengths
Table 12. UHPC properties used in finite element modeling
Table 13. Air-void system parameters
Table 14. UHPC applications in North America
Table 15. UHPC applications in Europe