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Publication Number:  FHWA-HRT-17-086    Date:  January 2018
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-17-086
Date: January 2018


Safety Evaluation of Multiple Strategies at Stop-Controlled Intersections

Chapter 7. Development of SPFs

This section presents the SPFs developed for each crash type. The SPFs support the use of the EB methodology to estimate the safety effectiveness of this strategy.(15) The research team developed negative binomial regression models to predict the number of crashes. In specifying a negative binomial error structure, the dispersion parameter, k, was estimated iteratively from the model and the data. For a given dataset, smaller values of k indicate relatively better models. The research team developed one SPF for each of the following intersection configurations:

The research team developed correlation matrices for variables and used them as guide for the SPF development process. This helped the research team avoid highly correlated variables in the models. The model development followed a process of forward selection for selecting variables with the best fit. The research team started with mainline and cross street traffic volumes and their variants (e.g., natural logarithm, ratio of cross street AADT, and mainline AADT). Other candidate explanatory variables were then added, one by one, to the model. The model was re-estimated and the goodness of fit was reevaluated with each variable addition.

The research team initially included annual adjustment variables (i.e., indicators for years 2005 to 2014) in the SPFs during the first iteration of model development. However, most of these variables did not result in statistically significant parameters or help improve the fit of the SPFs. The inclusion of annual adjustment variables also led to heavily under-predicted crashes for some years (i.e., small coefficients on the negative side and far from being well fit), especially for the later years that cover the after period. The team eventually decided to drop these annual adjustment variables from the models and considered another approach to account for the annual trend (discussed later in this chapter).

In some cases, the research team could not develop an adequate model for a specific crash type. In these cases, the team used the SPF for total crashes and adjusted by the proportion of the number of crashes for the given crash type in total crashes.

The definition of variables included in the final SPFs are as follows:

SPFs for 3 x 22 Intersections

The SPF for total crashes at three-legged intersections with two lanes on the mainline and two lanes on the cross street is shown in figure 11.

Total crashes for a 3 x 22 intersection equals ml_aadt to the power of the coefficient of mainline AADT times xst_aadt to the power of the coefficient of cross street AADT times e to the power of open parenthesis, the coefficient for urban/rural indicator times urban plus the intercept, close parenthesis.

Figure 11. Equation. Total crash SPF for 3 x 22 intersections.

Table 17 presents the total crash SPF parameters for three-legged intersections with two lanes on the mainline and two lanes on the cross street.

Table 17. SPF parameters for total crashes at 3 x 22 intersections.
Parameter Description Estimated Value Standard Error
β1 Coefficient of mainline AADT 0.285 0.049
β2 Coefficient of cross street AADT 0.081 0.025
β3 Coefficient for urban/rural indicator 0.270 0.068
β4 Intercept term –2.814 0.439
k Overdispersion parameter 0.128 0.032

The SPF for fatal and injury crashes at three-legged intersections with two lanes on the mainline and two lanes on the cross street is shown in figure 12.

The number of fatal and injury crashes for a 3 x 22 intersection equals the product of AADT to the power of the coefficient of total intersection AADT and e to the power of the intercept.

Figure 12. Equation. Fatal and injury crash SPF for 3 x 22 intersections.

Table 18 presents the fatal and injury crash SPF parameters for three-legged intersections with two lanes on the mainline and two lanes on the cross street.

Table 18. SPF Parameters for fatal and injury crashes at 3 x 22 intersections.
Parameter Description Estimated Value Standard Error
β1 Coefficient of total intersection AADT (mainline AADT + cross street AADT) 0.329 0.069
β4 Intercept term –3.641 0.614
k Overdispersion parameter 0.125 0.088

The SPF for rear-end crashes at three-legged intersections with two lanes on the mainline and two lanes on the cross street is shown in figure 13.

The number of rear-end crashes for a 3 x 22 intersection equals ml_aadt to the power of the coefficient of mainline AADT times xst_aadt to the power of the coefficient of cross street AADT times e to the power of open parenthesis, the coefficient for urban/rural indicator times urban plus the intercept, close parenthesis.

Figure 13. Equation. Rear-end crash SPF for 3 x 22 intersections.

Table 19 presents the rear-end crash SPF parameters for three-legged intersections with two lanes on the mainline and two lanes on the cross street.

Table 19. SPF Parameters for rear-end crashes at 3 x 22 intersections.
Parameter Description Estimated Value Standard Error
β1 Coefficient of mainline AADT 1.033 0.092
β2 Coefficient of cross street AADT 0.093 0.040
β3 Coefficient for urban/rural indicator 0.378 0.119
β4 Intercept term –10.550 0.844
k Overdispersion parameter 0.351 0.082

The SPF for right-angle crashes at three-legged intersections with two lanes on the mainline and two lanes on the cross street is shown in figure 14.

The number of right-angle crashes for a 3 x 22 intersection equals AADT to the power of the coefficient of intersection AADT times e to the power of open parenthesis, the coefficient for ratio1 times ratio1 plus the coefficient for urban/rural indicator times urban plus the intercept, close parenthesis.

Figure 14. Equation. Right-angle crash SPF for 3 x 22 intersections.

Table 20 presents the right-angle crash SPF parameters for three-legged intersections with two lanes on the mainline and two lanes on the cross street.

Table 20. SPF parameters for right-angle crashes at 3 x 22 intersections.
Parameter Description Estimated Value Standard Error
β1 Coefficient of intersection AADT 0.264 0.109
β2 Coefficient for ratio1 = ln(xst_aadt)/ln(ml_aadt) 1.758 0.427
β3 Coefficient for urban/rural indicator 0.461 0.140
β4 Intercept term –5.101 1.015
k Overdispersion parameter 0.375 0.145

The research team could not develop a statistically significant model for nighttime crashes. The SPF for total crashes was used with an adjustment factor to predict nighttime crashes.

SPFs for 4 x 22 Intersections

The SPF for total crashes at four-legged intersections with two lanes on the mainline and two lanes on the cross street is shown in figure 15.

Total crashes for a 4 x 22 intersection equals ml_aadt to the power of the coefficient of mainline AADT times xst_aadt to the power of the coefficient of cross street AADT times e to the power of open parenthesis, the coefficient for urban/rural indicator times urban plus the intercept, close parenthesis.

Figure 15. Equation. Total crash SPF for 4 x 22 intersections.

Table 21 presents the total crash SPF parameters for four-legged intersections with two lanes on the mainline and two lanes on the cross street.

Table 21. SPF parameters for total crashes at 4 x 22 intersections.
Parameter Description Estimated Value Standard Error
β1 Coefficient of mainline AADT 0.227 0.030
β2 Coefficient of cross street AADT 0.082 0.025
β3 Coefficient for urban/rural indicator 0.081 0.050
β4 Intercept term –2.041 0.253
k Overdispersion parameter 0.169 0.028

The SPF for fatal and injury crashes at four-legged intersections with two lanes on the mainline and two lanes on the cross street is shown in figure 16.

The number of fatal and injury crashes for a 4 x 22 intersection equals ml_aadt to the power of the coefficient of mainline AADT times xst_aadt to the power of the coefficient of cross street AADT times e to the power of open parenthesis, the coefficient for urban/rural indicator times urban plus the intercept, close parenthesis.

Figure 16. Equation. Fatal and injury crash SPF for 4 x 22 intersections.

Table 22 presents the fatal and injury crash SPF parameters for four-legged intersections with two lanes on the mainline and two lanes on the cross street.

Table 22. SPF Parameters for fatal and injury crashes at 4 x 22 intersections.
Parameter Description Estimated Value Standard Error
β1 Coefficient of mainline AADT 0.106 0.048
β2 Coefficient of cross street AADT 0.086 0.042
β3 Coefficient for urban/rural indicator –0.165 0.079
Β4 Intercept term –2.005 0.398
k Overdispersion parameter 0.240 0.078

The SPF for rear-end crashes at four-legged intersections with two lanes on the mainline and two lanes on the cross street is shown in figure 17.

The number of rear-end crashes for a 4 x 22 intersection equals ml_aadt to the power of the coefficient of mainline AADT times xst_aadt to the power of the coefficient of cross street AADT times e to the power of the intercept.

Figure 17. Equation. Rear-end crash SPF for 4 x 22 intersections.

Table 23 presents the rear-end crash SPF parameters for four-legged intersections with two lanes on the mainline and two lanes on the cross street.

Table 23. SPF Parameters for rear-end crashes at 4 x 22 intersections.
Parameter Description Estimated Value Standard Error
β1 Coefficient of mainline AADT 1.133 0.080
β2 Coefficient of cross street AADT 0.130 0.057
β3 Intercept term –11.721 0.731
k Overdispersion parameter 0.869 0.172

The SPF for right-angle crashes at four-legged intersections with two lanes on the mainline and two lanes on the cross street is shown in figure 18.

The number of right-angle crashes for a 4 x 22 intersection equals AADT to the power of the coefficient of intersection AADT times e to the power of open parenthesis, the coefficient for ratio4 times ratio4 plus the coefficient for urban/rural indicator times urban plus the intercept, close parenthesis.

Figure 18. Equation. Right-angle crash SPF for 4 x 22 intersections.

Table 24 presents the right-angle crash SPF parameters for four-legged intersections with two lanes on the mainline and two lanes on the cross street.

Table 24. SPF parameters for right-angle crashes at 4 x 22 intersections.
Parameter Description Estimated Value Standard Error
β1 Coefficient of intersection AADT (Mainline AADT + Cross street AADT) 0.166 0.044
β2 Coefficient for ratio4 = (xst_aadt)/(ml_aadt) 1.397 0.329
β3 Coefficient for urban/rural indicator 0.172 0.066
β4 Intercept term –2.817 0.470
k Overdispersion parameter 0.266 0.051

The SPF for nighttime crashes at four-legged intersections with two lanes on the mainline and two lanes on the cross street is shown in figure 19.

The number of nighttime crashes for a 4 x 22 intersection equals ml_aadt to the power of the coefficient of mainline AADT times xst_aadt to the power of the coefficient of cross street AADT times e to the power of open parenthesis, the coefficient for urban/rural indicator times urban plus the intercept, close parenthesis.

Figure 19. Equation. Nighttime crash SPF for 4 x 22 intersections.

Table 25 presents the nighttime crash SPF parameters for four-legged intersections with two lanes on the mainline and two lanes on the cross street.

Table 25. SPF Parameters for nighttime crashes at 4 x 22 intersections.
Parameter Description Estimated Value Standard Error
β1 Coefficient for natural mainline AADT 0.153 0.058
β2 Coefficient of cross street AADT 0.100 0.050
β3 Coefficient for urban/rural indicator –0.217 0.095
β4 Intercept term –2.784 0.481
k Overdispersion parameter 0.459 0.119

SPFs for 3 x 42 Intersections

The SPF for total crashes at three-legged intersections with four lanes on the mainline and two lanes on the cross street is shown in figure 20.

The total number of crashes for a 3 x 42 intersection equals AADT to the power of the coefficient of intersection AADT times e to the power of open parenthesis, the coefficient for ratio3 times ratio3 plus the intercept, close parenthesis.

Figure 20. Equation. Total crash SPF for 3 x 42 intersections.

Table 26 presents the total crash SPF parameters for three-legged intersections with four lanes on the mainline and two lanes on the cross street.

Table 26. SPF parameters for total crashes at 3 x 42 intersections.
Parameter Description Estimated Value Standard Error
β1 Coefficient of intersection AADT (mainline AADT + cross street AADT) 0.356 0.056
β2 Coefficient for ratio3 =
xst_aadt/(xst_aadt + ml_aadt)
1.164 0.294
β4 Intercept term –2.950 0.548
k Overdispersion parameter 0.185 0.032

The research team could not develop a statistically significant model for fatal and injury crash SPF at three-legged intersections with four lanes on the mainline and two lanes on the cross street. The SPF for total crashes was used with an adjustment factor to predict the number of fatal and injury crashes.

The SPF for rear-end crashes at three-legged intersections with four lanes on the mainline and two lanes on the cross street is shown in figure 21.

The number of rear-end crashes for a 3 x 42 intersection equals AADT to the power of the coefficient of intersection AADT times e to the power of open parenthesis, the coefficient for urban/rural indicator time urban plus the intercept, close parenthesis.

Figure 21. Equation. Rear-end crash SPF for 3 x 42 intersections.

Table 27 presents the rear-end crash SPF parameters for three-legged intersections with four lanes on the mainline and two lanes on the cross street.

Table 27. SPF parameters for rear-end crashes at 3 x 42 intersections.
Parameter Description Estimated Value Standard Error
β1 Coefficient of intersection AADT (mainline AADT + cross street AADT) 0.345 0.115
β3 Coefficient for urban/rural indicator 0.289 0.121
β4 Intercept term –4.325 1.076
k Overdispersion parameter 0.799 0.162

The SPF for right-angle crashes at three-legged intersections with four lanes on the mainline and two lanes on the cross street is shown in figure 22.

The number of right-angle crashes for a 3 x 42 intersection equals AADT to the power of the coefficient of intersection AADT times e to the power of open parenthesis, the coefficient for ratio3 times ratio3 plus the coefficient for urban/rural indicator times urban plus the intercept, close parenthesis.

Figure 22. Equation. Right-angle crash SPF for 3 x 42 intersections.

Table 28 presents the right-angle crash SPF parameters for three-legged intersections with four lanes on the mainline and two lanes on the cross street.

Table 28. SPF parameters for right-angle crashes at 3 x 42 intersections.
Parameter Description Estimated Value Standard Error
β1 Coefficient of intersection AADT (mainline AADT + cross street AADT) 0.428 0.095
β2 Coefficient for ratio3 =
(xst_aadt)/(xst_aadt + ml_aadt)
2.582 0.439
β3 Coefficient for urban/rural indicator 0.180 0.092
β4 Intercept term –4.815 0.914
k Overdispersion parameter 0.411 0.084

The research team could not develop a statistically significant model for nighttime crashes. The SPF for total crashes was used with an adjustment factor to predict nighttime crashes.

SPFs for 4 x 42 Intersections

The SPF for total crashes at four-legged intersections with four lanes on the mainline and two lanes on the cross street is shown in figure 23.

Total number of crashes for a 4 x 42 intersection equals ml_aadt to the power of the coefficient of mainline AADT times xst_aadt to the power of the coefficient of cross street AADT times e to the power of open parenthesis, the coefficient for urban/rural indicator times urban plus the intercept, close parenthesis.

Figure 23. Equation. Total crash SPF for 4 x 42 intersections.

Table 29 presents the total crash SPF parameters for four-legged intersections with four lanes on the mainline and two lanes on the cross street.

Table 29. SPF parameters for total crashes at 4 x 42 intersections.
Parameter Description Estimated Value Standard Error
β1 Coefficient of mainline AADT 0.149 0.039
β2 Coefficient of cross street AADT 0.147 0.024
β3 Coefficient for urban/rural indicator 0.157 0.054
β4 Intercept term –1.878 0.402
k Overdispersion parameter 0.197 0.029

The SPF for fatal and injury crashes at four-legged intersections with four lanes on the mainline and two lanes on the cross street is shown in figure 24.

The number of fatal and injury crashes for a 4 x 42 intersection equals ml_aadt to the power of the coefficient of mainline AADT times xst_aadt to the power of the coefficient of cross street AADT times e to the power of the intercept.

Figure 24. Equation. Fatal and injury crash SPF for 4 x 42 intersections.

Table 30 presents the fatal and injury SPF parameters for four-legged intersections with four lanes on the mainline and two lanes on the cross street.

Table 30. SPF parameters for fatal and injury crashes at 4 x 42 intersections.
Parameter Description Estimated Value Standard Error
β1 Coefficient of mainline AADT 0.100 0.055
β2 Coefficient of cross street AADT 0.089 0.037
β4 Intercept term –1.949 0.579
k Overdispersion parameter 0.272 0.075

The SPF for rear-end crashes at four-legged intersections with four lanes on the mainline and two lanes on the cross street is shown in figure 25.

The number of rear-end crashes for a 4 x 42 intersection equals ml_aadt to the power of the coefficient of mainline AADT times e to the power of open parenthesis, the coefficient for ratio3 times ratio3 plus the coefficient for urban/rural indicator times urban plus the intercept, close parenthesis.

Figure 25. Equation. Rear-end crash SPF for 4 x 42 intersections.

Table 31 presents the rear-end SPF parameters for four-legged intersections with four lanes on the mainline and two lanes on the cross street.

Table 31. SPF parameters for rear-end crashes at 4 x 42 intersections.
Parameter Description Estimated Value Standard Error
β1 Coefficient of mainline AADT 0.521 0.093
β2 Coefficient for ratio3 = xst_aadt/(xst_aadt + ml_aadt) 1.430 0.412
β3 Coefficient for urban/rural indicator 0.538 0.111
β4 Intercept term –6.372 0.880
k Overdispersion parameter 0.262 0.109

The SPF for right-angle crashes at four-legged intersections with four lanes on the mainline and two lanes on the cross street is shown in figure 26.

The number of right-angle crashes for a 4 x 42 intersection equals AADT to the power of the coefficient of intersection AADT times e to the power of open parenthesis, the coefficient for ratio4 times ratio4 plus the coefficient for urban/rural indicator times urban plus the intercept, close parenthesis.

Figure 26. Equation. Right-angle crash SPF for 4 x 42 intersections.

Table 32 presents the right-angle SPF parameters for four-legged intersections with four lanes on the mainline and two lanes on the cross street.

Table 32. SPF parameters for right-angle crashes at 4 x 42 intersections.
Parameter Description Estimated Value Standard Error
β1 Coefficient of intersection AADT (mainline AADT + cross street AADT) 0.123 0.067
β2 Coefficient ratio4 = (xst_aadt)/(ml_aadt) 1.660 0.324
β3 Coefficient for urban/rural indicator 0.205 0.077
β4 Intercept term –2.620 0.714
k Overdispersion parameter 0.375 0.065

The SPF for nighttime crashes at four-legged intersections with four lanes on the mainline and two lanes on the cross street is shown in figure 27.

The number of nighttime crashes for a 4 x 42 intersection equals AADT to the power of the coefficient of intersection AADT times e to the power of open parenthesis, the coefficient for ratio3 times ratio3 plus the coefficient for urban/rural indicator times urban plus the intercept, close parenthesis.

Figure 27. Equation. Nighttime crash SPF for 4 x 42 intersections.

Table 33 presents the nighttime SPF parameters for four-legged intersections with four lanes on the mainline and two lanes on the cross street.

Table 33. SPF parameters for nighttime crashes at 4 x 42 intersections.
Parameter Description Estimated Value Standard Error
β1 Coefficient of intersection AADT (mainline AADT + cross street AADT) 0.554 0.087
β2 Coefficient for ratio3 = xst_aadt/(xst_aadt + ml_aadt) 1.167 0.386
β3 Coefficient for urban/rural indicator –0.233 0.097
β4 Intercept term –6.062 0.825
k Overdispersion parameter 0.240 0.105

Before–After Adjustment Factors

SPFs may include annual factors to account for potential time trends, as discussed in the first section of chapter 5. In this study, however, the SPFs did not include yearly indicator variables because after numerous attempts, the research team could not achieve a reasonable level of statistical significance for these individual variables. The research team decided to account for the time trend by using an aggregate before-to-after adjustment factor. Instead of using annual adjustment factors (i.e., one for each year), the research team used a single adjustment factor to account for the difference (i.e., crash trend) between the before and after periods. Because SCDOT did not install the treatment at all sites in the same year, the installation periods varied. For this reason, the team calculated one adjustment factor for each installation period (i.e., all intersections for which treatments were implemented in 2009–2010 have the same adjustment factor). Using these adjustment factors, the assumption is that all safety effects of unknown or immeasurable factors (e.g., weather) do not differ among reference and treatment sites or across intersection configurations. These factors were calculated based on the observed and predicted crashes at all reference sites. Figure 28 shows the equation used to calculate the before-after adjustment factors.

The adjustment factor equals observed subscript after divided by predicted subscript after all over observed subscript before divided by predicted subscript before.

Figure 28. Equation. Before–after adjustment factor calculation.


Adj_Factor = the factor for adjusting the difference between the before and after period.

Obs_before = observed number of crashes at reference sites during the before period.

Predbefore = predicted number of crashes at reference sites during the before period (calculated by SPF).

Obs_after = observed number of crashes at reference sites during the after period.

Predafter = predicted number of crashes at reference sites during the after period (calculated by SPF).

Table 34 to table 38 present the before–after adjustment factors for each installation time frame and crash type.

Table 34. Before–after adjustment factor for total crashes.
Installation Year(s) Observed Crashes—Before Observed Crashes—After Predicted Crashes—Before Predicted Crashes—After Adjustment Factor
2009 3,894 4,321 3,648 4,540 0.892
2009–2010 3,894 3,426 3,648 3,634 0.883
2010 4,774 3,426 4,552 3,634 0.899
2010–2011 4,774 2,641 4,552 2,724 0.925
2011 5,669 2,641 5,458 2,724 0.934
2011–2012 5,669 1,759 5,458 1,814 0.934
2012 6,454 1,759 6,368 1,814 0.957
Table 35. Before–after adjustment factor for fatal and injury crashes.
Installation Year(s) Observed Crashes—Before Observed Crashes—After Predicted Crashes—Before Predicted Crashes—After Adjustment Factor
2009 1,346 1,462 1,251 1,559 0.872
2009–2010 1,346 1,124 1,251 1,248 0.837
2010 1,660 1,124 1,562 1,248 0.848
2010–2011 1,660 871 1,562 936 0.876
2011 1,998 871 1,874 936 0.873
2011–2012 1,998 557 1,874 623 0.838
2012 2,251 557 2,186 623 0.868
Table 36. Before–after adjustment factor for rear-end crashes.
Installation Year(s) Observed Crashes—Before Observed Crashes—After Predicted Crashes—Before Predicted Crashes—After Adjustment Factor
2009 912 1,144 909 1,119 1.019
2009–2010 912 943 909 895 1.050
2010 1,122 943 1,132 895 1.063
2010–2011 1,122 727 1,132 668 1.098
2011 1,323 727 1,356 668 1.115
2011–2012 1,323 487 1,356 440 1.133
2012 1,539 487 1,583 440 1.137
Table 37. Before–after adjustment factor for right-angle crashes.
Installation Year(s) Observed Crashes—Before Observed Crashes—After Predicted Crashes—Before Predicted Crashes—After Adjustment Factor
2009 1,695 1,887 1,585 1,974 0.894
2009–2010 1,695 1,512 1,585 1,580 0.895
2010 2,065 1,512 1,979 1,580 0.917
2010–2011 2,065 1,171 1,979 1,185 0.947
2011 2,440 1,171 2,373 1,185 0.961
2011–2012 2,440 772 2,373 789 0.951
2012 2,781 772 2,768 789 0.974
Table 38. Before–after adjustment factor for nighttime crashes.
Installation Year(s) Observed Crashes—Before Observed Crashes—After Predicted Crashes—Before Predicted Crashes—After Adjustment Factor
2009 1,049 1,096 956 1,188 0.841
2009–2010 1,049 857 956 951 0.821
2010 1,286 857 1,193 951 0.836
2010–2011 1,286 652 1,193 713 0.849
2011 1,525 652 1,430 713 0.858
2011–2012 1,525 416 1,430 475 0.822
2012 1,730 416 1,669 475 0.846
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