U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration |
Subject: | Action: Ferry Boat Program (FBP) FY 2023 Full Year Distribution of Funds [CFDA No. 20.205] |
Date: | May 17, 2023 |
From: | Peter Stephanos Director, Office of Stewardship, Oversight, and Management |
In Reply Refer to: |
HISM-40 |
To: | Brian R. Bezio Chief Financial Officer Division Administrators |
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (Public Law 117-58, also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law or BIL) authorizes funds for the formula based FBP program for the construction of ferry boats and ferry terminal facilities, in accordance with 23 United States Code (U.S.C.) 129(c) and 23 U.S.C. 147, both as amended by BIL. FBP funds are made available for eligible projects, through State or territorial transportation agencies, using the data contained in the most recent Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) National Census of Ferry Operators (NCFO). The State, through its Department of Transportation (DOT) in accordance with 23 U.S.C. 302, is the funds recipient and is responsible for administration of these funds. If the State DOT acts as a pass-through entity of Federal assistance, the State DOT maintains the pass-through responsibilities specified in 2 CFR 200.332. The State DOT may; 1) develop and administer a FBP project, 2) may assist Local Public Agencies (LPAs) in the development and administration of FBP projects (if provided for by the State DOT), or 3) they may transfer the FBP funds to an appropriate Federal agency.
The FHWA distributes FBP funds annually based on a formula contained in law. With this distribution, FHWA announces how much funding is available to each State for each ferry system. However, FHWA does not release the funds and obligation limitation until projects are ready to be obligated.
The nondiscretionary FBP funds are Highway Trust Fund (HTF) contract authority authorized under the BIL and made available for obligation under the obligation limitation provided in the Department of Transportation Appropriations Act, 2023, Title I of division L (Public Law 117-328). Under the provisions of Section 11102(f) of the BIL, Redistribution of Certain Authorized Funds, only the amount of funds for which obligation limitation is provided will be made available and the remaining funds will be distributed to the States. As a result, $98,336,000.00 of new Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 FBP HTF contract authority and obligation limitation are available for distribution.
BIL also provides an appropriation of $67,374,000.00 in general funds appropriated budget authority (GF ABA) for the construction of Ferry Boats and Ferry Terminal Facilities also administered under 23 U.S.C. 147.
In addition to the new authorization of FY 2023 funds, 23 U.S.C. 147(e) requires FHWA to withdraw and redistribute FBP funds that have not been obligated by the end of the third fiscal year following the year in which the funds were first distributed. Because of this redistribution process, an additional $5,810,177.90 of HTF contract authority and obligation limitation, is available for distribution in FY 2023.
In total, $171,520,177.90 of FBP funds are made available for FY 2023. The attached table (Attachment 1) shows the distribution of funds by State and ferry service. The FBP distribution formula is based on three elements: the number of ferry passengers (35%), number of vehicles carried (35%), and the total route nautical miles (30%). The FY 2023 distribution amounts were calculated with the data contained in the 2020 NCFO. States with at least one eligible entity that meets FBP requirements will receive at least $100,000 for each fiscal year, per 23 U.S.C. 147(f). The funds may only be used for eligible projects in the amount identified and may only be used on publicly owned terminals or boats, or as otherwise provided in BIL. The available funding will be posted at the FHWA Ferry Boat Program Website (https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/specialfunding/fbp/).
The listed ferry services operate either publicly owned vessels or utilize publicly owned terminal facilities, and otherwise meet the requirements of 23 U.S.C. 129, as amended by BIL. These publicly owned vessels or terminals are determined to be eligible for the FBP program funds based on the 2020 NCFO database and on follow-up reviews performed by FHWA divisions and State DOTs. Divisions should contact this office if they determine that a ferry service is not eligible for the program. The funds identified for such services will be redistributed to the remaining eligible services based on the statutory formula.
In addition to pre-BIL eligible use of FBP funding, the BIL amended 23 U.S.C. 147 to provide for the construction of ferry boats and ferry terminal facilities, including ferry maintenance facilities, whether toll or free, and the procurement of transit vehicles used exclusively as an integral part of an intermodal ferry trip. Additionally, BIL amended 23 U.S.C. 147(k) to provide an eligible entity may use FBP funds to pay the operating costs of the eligible entity. Privately owned or privately operated ferries are not eligible entities and do not meet the requirements of 23 U.S.C. 129(c). Additional guidance can be found in the Implementation Guidance for the Ferry Boat Program (FBP) as Revised by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/specialfunding/fbp/230421.cfm).
If a ferry operates between more than one State, the ferry service may elect to transfer funds to the appropriate State to implement an eligible project on the ferry system. States and ferry services should coordinate when selecting the projects. In these cases, the allocation request should include the State to which the funds are to be allocated or transferred. Funds may not be transferred among operators.
In accordance with 23 U.S.C. 147(b), the maximum Federal share for a project in any State or Puerto Rico under this program is 80%. In the case of a project to replace or retrofit a diesel fuel ferry vessel that provides substantial emissions reductions, the Federal share of the cost of the project may be up to 85 percent, as determined by the State (BIL Section 11117(b)(1)). The provision for increased Federal share to replace or retrofit a diesel fuel ferry vessel terminates on September 30, 2025 (BIL Section 11117(b)(2)). The maximum share in U.S. Territories is 100%. The sliding scale Federal share does not apply to this program. Other matching flexibilities such as donations and “soft match” may be considered. Guidance can be found at Federal-aid Essentials Matching or Cost Sharing Requirements (https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/federal-aidessentials/catmod.cfm?id=13).
FBP funds are available to eligible entities for three fiscal years following the fiscal year in which the funds were initially made available for allocation. FBP funds initially distributed in FY 2020 must be obligated by the end of FY 2023, and any unobligated funds remaining at the end of FY 2023 will be withdrawn and redistributed in FY 2024. FBP funds (HTF and general funds) distributed for FY 2023 that remain unobligated on September 30, 2026, will be withdrawn and redistributed in FY 2027 to eligible entities from which no funds were withdrawn. To minimize redistribution amounts the funds for each FY will be distributed in the following order: 1) FY 2019 and older redistributed funds, 2) HTF contract authority funds, and 3) GF ABA funds.
Requesting FBP Funding:
Please notify your State DOT that they may request allocation of these funds for projects ready to be obligated. When a project is ready to be obligated, and the division has confirmed that the ferry service and project are eligible, please submit an allocation request to this office to make the funds available in FMIS. The request for allocation (or transfer) of funds should include the following six items:
1) Identify the operator,
2) identify the FY and amount of the requested FBP funding,
3) identify the purpose for which the funds will be used,
4) provide confirmation that the ferry operation is eligible,
5) provide confirmation the project is eligible, and
6) provide confirmation the project is ready for obligation.
If the State DOT wants to transfer of FBP funds to another Federal agency for project implementation, in addition to the above six items, a form FHWA 1576 must be completed and submitted to this office, as well as confirmation from the receiving Federal agency the project is ready for obligation once the transfer is completed.
The contract authority FBP funds remain available until expended (23 U.S.C. 147(i)) but are subject to August redistribution. Therefore, allocations and transfers should not be requested until the project is ready for obligation. If a State DOT plans to obligate funds in a FY, those FBP funds must be allocated to the State DOT prior to August redistribution or our office must be notified to withhold obligation limitation from August redistribution for subsequent allocation. If our office does not have advance notice, the obligation limitation will be released, and we cannot allocate FBP funds after August redistribution. August redistribution spreadsheets are typically due from the division offices to the FHWA Office of Budget in mid-July. General funds are also available until expended but are not subject to August redistribution.
If there are any questions and for allocation of funds, please contact Omar Elkassed at (213) 894-6718 or by email at Omar.Elkassed@dot.gov.
STATE | OPERATOR | Eligible | FY 2023 HTF Distribution (Contract Authority and Obligation Limitation) | FY 2023 Redistribution of FY 2019 and Prior Years (Contract Authority and Obligation Limitation) | FY 2023 GF Distribution (Appropriated Budget Authority) | FY 2023 Total Available for Allocation |
AK | Alaska Marine Highway System | Publicly owned U.S. Term. & Vessels | $20,369,184.00 | $1,225,683.00 | $13,870,752.00 | $35,465,619.00 |
Ketchikan Gateway Borough | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $243,090.00 | $0.00 | $165,866.00 | $408,956.00 | |
Inter-Island Ferry Authority | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $176,156.00 | $10,720.00 | $119,988.00 | $306,864.00 | |
ALASKA Totals | $20,788,430.00 | $1,236,403.00 | $14,156,606.00 | $36,181,439.00 | ||
AL | Alabama DOT (Ferry Operator: Hornblower Marine Services Global Maritime) | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $194,536.00 | $12,632.00 | $132,717.00 | $339,885.00 |
ALABAMA Total | $194,536.00 | $12,632.00 | $132,717.00 | $339,885.00 | ||
AS | Department of Port Administration - American Samoa Government | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $499,355.00 | $30,014.00 | $340,035.00 | $869,404.00 |
AMERICAN SAMOA Total | $499,355.00 | $30,014.00 | $340,035.00 | $869,404.00 | ||
AR | Arkansas Department of Transportation (ArDOT) | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $100,000.00 | $5,772.00 | $100,000.00 | $205,772.00 |
ARKANSAS Total | $100,000.00 | $5,772.00 | $100,000.00 | $205,772.00 | ||
CA | Catalina Express | Publicly owned Term. only | $670,477.00 | $41,398.00 | $456,806.00 | $1,168,681.00 |
The Catalina Flyer | Publicly owned Term. only | $129,384.00 | $7,943.00 | $88,141.00 | $225,468.00 | |
Golden Gate Bridge Highway and Transportation District | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $1,449,416.00 | $91,929.00 | $988,049.00 | $2,529,394.00 | |
Angel Island - Tiburon Ferry Company | Publicly owned Term. only | $35,846.00 | $2,272.00 | $24,435.00 | $62,553.00 | |
Blue and Gold Fleet | Publicly owned Term. only | $180,873.00 | $0.00 | $123,279.00 | $304,152.00 | |
CALTRANS/ Ca Dept. of Transportation | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $36,284.00 | $0.00 | $24,766.00 | $61,050.00 | |
San Francisco Bay Area Water Emergency Transportation Authority (WETA) | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $1,508,531.00 | $93,715.00 | $1,027,910.00 | $2,630,156.00 | |
Long Beach Transit | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $44,165.00 | $2,742.00 | $30,094.00 | $77,001.00 | |
Island Packers Corp. | Publicly owned Term. only | $616,439.00 | $37,197.00 | $419,796.00 | $1,073,432.00 | |
Delta Ferry Authority (Previously Jersey Island Ferry) | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $17,087.00 | $1,096.00 | $11,654.00 | $29,837.00 | |
Chemehuevi Indian Tribe | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $141,743.00 | $8,993.00 | $96,625.00 | $247,361.00 | |
Humboldt County Public Works | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $1,283.00 | $79.00 | $874.00 | $2,236.00 | |
Alcatraz Cruises | Publicly Owned Terminal Only | $980,017.00 | $62,295.00 | $668,096.00 | $1,710,408.00 | |
CALIFORNIA Totals | $5,811,545.00 | $349,659.00 | $3,960,525.00 | $10,121,729.00 | ||
CT | Connecticut DOT Bureau of Public Transportation | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $100,000.00 | $0.00 | $100,000.00 | $200,000.00 |
CONNECTICUT Total | $100,000.00 | $0.00 | $100,000.00 | $200,000.00 | ||
DE | Delaware DOT | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $100,000.00 | $1,919.00 | $100,000.00 | $201,919.00 |
DELAWARE Total | $100,000.00 | $1,919.00 | $100,000.00 | $201,919.00 | ||
FL | St. Johns River Ferry - (HMS Ferries, Inc.) | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $474,269.00 | $31,223.00 | $323,681.00 | $829,173.00 |
Yankee Freedom III, LLC | Publicly owned Term. only | $267,903.00 | $16,204.00 | $182,451.00 | $466,558.00 | |
Caladesi Island Ferry Service | Publicly owned Term. only | $50,103.00 | $0.00 | $34,150.00 | $84,253.00 | |
National Park Service (Fort Matanzas) | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $28,462.00 | $1,810.00 | $19,403.00 | $49,675.00 | |
Pensacola Bay Cruises | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $50,460.00 | $3,080.00 | $34,371.00 | $87,911.00 | |
FLORIDA Totals | $871,197.00 | $52,317.00 | $594,056.00 | $1,517,570.00 | ||
GA | State of Georgia, Department of Natural Resources | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $32,965.00 | $0.00 | $22,460.00 | $55,425.00 |
Savannah Belles Ferry | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $208,142.00 | $13,251.00 | $141,899.00 | $363,292.00 | |
Cumberland Island National Seashore (Lang's Seafood, Inc., as concessionaire) | Publicly owned Term. only | $45,426.00 | $0.00 | $30,950.00 | $76,376.00 | |
GEORGIA Totals | $286,533.00 | $13,251.00 | $195,309.00 | $495,093.00 | ||
HI | Expeditions | Publicly owned Term. only | $106,035.00 | $0.00 | $72,245.00 | $178,280.00 |
National Park Service/United States Navy | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $591,753.00 | $37,699.00 | $403,428.00 | $1,032,880.00 | |
HAWAII Total | $697,788.00 | $37,699.00 | $475,673.00 | $1,211,160.00 | ||
IL | Calhoun Ferry Company | Publicly owned Term. only | $244,698.00 | $0.00 | $167,007.00 | $411,705.00 |
Rock Island County Metropolitan Mass Transit District | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $24,372.00 | $1,494.00 | $16,603.00 | $42,469.00 | |
Illinois Department of Transportation | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $1,224,204.00 | $79,954.00 | $835,279.00 | $2,139,437.00 | |
City of Grafton | Publicly owned Terminals only | $26,315.00 | $0.00 | $17,954.00 | $44,269.00 | |
ILLINOIS Totals | $1,519,589.00 | $81,448.00 | $1,036,843.00 | $2,637,880.00 | ||
KY | Valley View Ferry Authority | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $93,679.00 | $6,172.00 | $63,936.00 | $163,787.00 |
U.S. DOI – Mammoth Cave National Park | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $366,344.00 | $24,089.00 | $250,014.00 | $640,447.00 | |
Augusta Ferry Authority | One publicly owned terminal. | $65,907.00 | $0.00 | $44,978.00 | $110,885.00 | |
Butler County Fiscal Court | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $54,160.00 | $0.00 | $36,966.00 | $91,126.00 | |
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet - Cumberland River Ferry | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $211,555.00 | $13,952.00 | $144,391.00 | $369,898.00 | |
KENTUCKY Totals | $791,645.00 | $44,213.00 | $540,285.00 | $1,376,143.00 | ||
LA | Plaquemines Parish Ferry Department | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $834,402.00 | $0.00 | $569,487.00 | $1,403,889.00 |
St. Mary Parish Council | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $17,602.00 | $0.00 | $12,011.00 | $29,613.00 | |
Louisiana Department of Transportation | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $1,686,382.00 | $110,984.00 | $1,150,917.00 | $2,948,283.00 | |
New Orleans Regional Transit Authority | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $456,538.00 | $30,069.00 | $311,585.00 | $798,192.00 | |
LOUISIANA Totals | $2,994,924.00 | $141,053.00 | $2,044,000.00 | $5,179,977.00 | ||
MA | Boston Harbor Cruises LLC (as MBTA's public ferry transportation provider) | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $697,860.00 | $43,669.00 | $475,591.00 | $1,217,120.00 |
Woods Hole Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket Steamship Authority | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $1,971,529.00 | $127,333.00 | $1,344,802.00 | $3,443,664.00 | |
MASSACHUSETTS Totals | $2,669,389.00 | $171,002.00 | $1,820,393.00 | $4,660,784.00 | ||
MD | Wicomico County - Road Division | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $100,000.00 | $0.00 | $100,000.00 | $200,000.00 |
MARYLAND Total | $100,000.00 | $0.00 | $100,000.00 | $200,000.00 | ||
ME | Casco Bay Island Transit District | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $436,090.00 | $27,501.00 | $297,260.00 | $760,851.00 |
State of Maine | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $574,781.00 | $36,466.00 | $391,904.00 | $1,003,151.00 | |
Town of Frye Island Ferry Service | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $142,067.00 | $9,383.00 | $96,969.00 | $248,419.00 | |
MAINE Totals | $1,152,938.00 | $73,350.00 | $786,133.00 | $2,012,421.00 | ||
MI | Charlevoix County Transportation Authority | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $113,958.00 | $7,499.90 | $77,773.00 | $199,230.90 |
Eastern U. P. Transportation Authority | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $883,810.00 | $58,179.00 | $603,186.00 | $1,545,175.00 | |
Grand Island Ferry Service | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $2,676.00 | $168.00 | $1,823.00 | $4,667.00 | |
The Isle Royale Line | Publicly Owned Terminals Only | $83,926.00 | $5,051.00 | $57,151.00 | $146,128.00 | |
Isle Royale National Park | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $466,500.00 | $28,045.00 | $317,664.00 | $812,209.00 | |
Manitou Island Transit, Inc | Publicly Owned Terminal Only | $88,992.00 | $5,367.00 | $60,603.00 | $154,962.00 | |
Beaver Island Transportation Authority | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $125,117.00 | $7,599.00 | $85,219.00 | $217,935.00 | |
Plaunt Transportation Company Inc. | Publicly Owned Terminals Only | $38,136.00 | $2,391.00 | $25,995.00 | $66,522.00 | |
Mackinac Island Transportation Authority (MITA) (Operated by Star Line Mackinac Island Passenger Service) | Publicly Owned Terminals Only | $369,554.00 | $23,213.00 | $251,871.00 | $644,638.00 | |
MICHIGAN Totals | $2,172,669.00 | $137,512.90 | $1,481,285.00 | $3,791,466.90 | ||
MN | Grand Portage-Isle Royale Transportation Line, Inc. | Publicly owned Term. only | $1,760,819.00 | $105,842.00 | $1,199,030.00 | $3,065,691.00 |
MINNESOTA Total | $1,760,819.00 | $105,842.00 | $1,199,030.00 | $3,065,691.00 | ||
MO | National Park Service - Akers Ferry *See Note 1 |
Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $4,000.00 | $90.00 | $4,000.00 | $8,090.00 |
Ste. Genevieve - Modoc Ferry Inc. *See Note 1 |
Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $62,000.00 | $1,575.00 | $62,000.00 | $125,575.00 | |
Mississippi County Port Authority *See Note 1 |
Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $34,000.00 | $851.00 | $34,000.00 | $68,851.00 | |
MISSOURI Totals | $100,000.00 | $2,516.00 | $100,000.00 | $202,516.00 | ||
MS | Ship Island Excursions *See Note 1 |
Publicly owned Term. only | $96,000.00 | $0.00 | $96,000.00 | $192,000.00 |
Warren County Board of Supervisors *See Note 1 |
Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $4,000.00 | $0.00 | $4,000.00 | $8,000.00 | |
MISSISSIPPI Totals | $100,000.00 | $0.00 | $100,000.00 | $200,000.00 | ||
MT | Chouteau County *See Note 1 |
Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $53,000.00 | $0.00 | $53,000.00 | $106,000.00 |
Blaine County Road Department *See Note 1 |
Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $47,000.00 | $0.00 | $47,000.00 | $94,000.00 | |
MONTANA Totals | $100,000.00 | $0.00 | $100,000.00 | $200,000.00 | ||
NC | N.C. Department of Transportation Ferry Division | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $1,792,749.00 | $115,875.00 | $1,222,935.00 | $3,131,559.00 |
NORTH CAROLINA Total | $1,792,749.00 | $115,875.00 | $1,222,935.00 | $3,131,559.00 | ||
NJ | Cape May - Lewes Ferry | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $635,408.00 | $0.00 | $433,530.00 | $1,068,938.00 |
New York Waterway | Publicly owned Term. only | $1,635,664.00 | $103,713.00 | $1,115,006.00 | $2,854,383.00 | |
Statue Cruises | Publicly owned Term. only | $3,322,968.00 | $211,687.00 | $2,265,434.00 | $5,800,089.00 | |
Billy Bey Ferry | Publicly owned Term. only | $175,514.00 | $11,134.00 | $119,646.00 | $306,294.00 | |
NEW JERSEY Totals | $5,769,554.00 | $326,534.00 | $3,933,616.00 | $10,029,704.00 | ||
NY | Fire Island Ferries Inc. | Publicly owned Terminals only | $184,377.00 | $11,665.00 | $125,681.00 | $321,723.00 |
Fishers Island Ferry District | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $106,800.00 | $0.00 | $72,841.00 | $179,641.00 | |
North Ferry Company Inc. | Publicly owned Terminals only | $1,504,971.00 | $99,102.00 | $1,027,127.00 | $2,631,200.00 | |
New York City DOT Ferry Division | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $5,984,791.00 | $381,283.00 | $4,080,137.00 | $10,446,211.00 | |
South Ferry Inc. | Publicly owned Terminals only | $1,310,435.00 | $86,347.00 | $894,376.00 | $2,291,158.00 | |
Trust for Governor's Island (Previously HMS Ferries, Inc.) | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $316,788.00 | $0.00 | $215,997.00 | $532,785.00 | |
Empire State Development, Erie Canal Harbor, Queen City Bike Ferry (Previously Empire State Development, Erie Canal Harbor Devel. Corp. (ECHPC)) | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $15,598.00 | $0.00 | $10,639.00 | $26,237.00 | |
NYC Ferry | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $775,549.00 | $48,894.00 | $528,617.00 | $1,353,060.00 | |
NEW YORK Totals | $10,199,309.00 | $627,291.00 | $6,955,415.00 | $17,782,015.00 | ||
OH | Put-in-Bay Boatline Co. | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $262,272.00 | $16,105.00 | $178,670.00 | $457,047.00 |
OHIO Total | $262,272.00 | $16,105.00 | $178,670.00 | $457,047.00 | ||
OK | Central Oklahoma Transportation and Parking Authority | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $100,000.00 | $1,391.00 | $100,000.00 | $201,391.00 |
OKLAHOMA Total | $100,000.00 | $1,391.00 | $100,000.00 | $201,391.00 | ||
OR | Clackamas County Department of Transportation and Development | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $109,702.00 | $7,231.00 | $74,873.00 | $191,806.00 |
Marion County Department of Public Works | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $632,660.00 | $0.00 | $431,738.00 | $1,064,398.00 | |
OREGON Totals | $742,362.00 | $7,231.00 | $506,611.00 | $1,256,204.00 | ||
PR | Puerto Rico Maritime Transport Authority | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $632,656.00 | $40,228.00 | $431,332.00 | $1,104,216.00 |
PUERTO RICO Total | $632,656.00 | $40,228.00 | $431,332.00 | $1,104,216.00 | ||
RI | Conanicut Marine Services, Inc. | Publicly owned Term. only | $14,152.00 | $882.00 | $9,644.00 | $24,678.00 |
Rhode Island Fast Ferry | Publicly owned Term. only | $188,245.00 | $11,351.00 | $128,193.00 | $327,789.00 | |
A & R Marine Corporation, DBA Prudence & Bay Islands Transport | Publicly owned Term. only | $59,118.00 | $3,810.00 | $40,323.00 | $103,251.00 | |
The Block Island Ferry (Interstate Navigation | Publicly owned Term. only | $443,986.00 | $27,927.00 | $302,638.00 | $774,551.00 | |
Rhode Island Department of Transportation | Publicly owned Term. only | $195,343.00 | $11,785.00 | $133,028.00 | $340,156.00 | |
RHODE ISLAND Totals | $900,844.00 | $55,755.00 | $613,826.00 | $1,570,425.00 | ||
SC | Fort Sumter Tours/Spiritline Cruises | Publicly owned Term. only | $180,848.00 | $11,424.00 | $123,272.00 | $315,544.00 |
SOUTH CAROLINA Total | $180,848.00 | $11,424.00 | $123,272.00 | $315,544.00 | ||
TN | Tennessee Department of Transportation | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $139,382.00 | $9,135.00 | $100,000.00 | $248,517.00 |
TENNESSEE Total | $139,382.00 | $9,135.00 | $100,000.00 | $248,517.00 | ||
TX | Harris County | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $474,255.00 | $31,205.00 | $323,667.00 | $829,127.00 |
Texas Department of Transportation | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $7,094,047.00 | $465,898.00 | $4,841,181.00 | $12,401,126.00 | |
TEXAS Totals | $7,568,302.00 | $497,103.00 | $5,164,848.00 | $13,230,253.00 | ||
UT | UDOT Charles Hall Ferry | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $100,000.00 | $898.00 | $100,000.00 | $200,898.00 |
UTAH Total | $100,000.00 | $898.00 | $100,000.00 | $200,898.00 | ||
VA | Transportation District Commission of Hampton Roads | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $79,332.00 | $0.00 | $54,082.00 | $133,414.00 |
Virginia Department of Transportation | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $1,904,917.00 | $0.00 | $1,299,945.00 | $3,204,862.00 | |
VIRGINIA Totals | $1,984,249.00 | $0.00 | $1,354,027.00 | $3,338,276.00 | ||
VI | Transportation Services of St. John Inc. | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $168,710.00 | $10,602.00 | $114,986.00 | $294,298.00 |
Varlack Ventures, Inc. | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $95,817.00 | $5,994.00 | $65,299.00 | $167,110.00 | |
VIRGIN ISLANDS Totals | $264,527.00 | $16,596.00 | $180,285.00 | $461,408.00 | ||
WA | Colville Confederated Tribes (Inchelium-Gifford Ferry) | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $181,765.00 | $11,965.00 | $124,052.00 | $317,782.00 |
Pierce County Public Works | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $499,931.00 | $32,773.00 | $341,158.00 | $873,862.00 | |
Skagit County Department of Public Works | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $355,037.00 | $23,319.00 | $242,289.00 | $620,645.00 | |
Washington State - Eastern Region | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $90,764.00 | $5,948.00 | $61,937.00 | $158,649.00 | |
Whatcom County Public Works Department | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $446,974.00 | $29,440.00 | $305,058.00 | $781,472.00 | |
Kitsap Transit | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $488,514.00 | $30,333.00 | $332,869.00 | $851,716.00 | |
Washington State Ferries | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $21,861,982.00 | $1,433,339.00 | $14,918,651.00 | $38,213,972.00 | |
Wahkiakum County | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $90,758.00 | $5,953.00 | $61,935.00 | $158,646.00 | |
King County Department of Transportation, Marine Division | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $223,563.00 | $14,097.00 | $152,381.00 | $390,041.00 | |
WASHINGTON Totals | $24,239,288.00 | $1,587,167.00 | $16,540,330.00 | $42,366,785.00 | ||
WV | City of Sistersville *See Note 1 |
Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $42,000.00 | $373.00 | $42,000.00 | $84,373.00 |
Blennerhassett Island Historical State Park - Island
Belle Sternwheeler *See Note 1 |
Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $58,000.00 | $469.00 | $58,000.00 | $116,469.00 | |
WEST VIRGINIA Totals | $100,000.00 | $842.00 | $100,000.00 | $200,842.00 | ||
WI | Wisconsin Department of Transportation, SW Region | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $428,866.00 | $0.00 | $292,684.00 | $721,550.00 |
Cassville Car Ferry/ Cassville Tourism | Publicly owned Term. & Vessels | $19,435.00 | $0.00 | $13,259.00 | $32,694.00 | |
WISCONSIN Totals | $448,301.00 | $0.00 | $305,943.00 | $754,244.00 | ||
Grand Total | $98,336,000.00 | $5,810,177.90 | $67,374,000.00 | $171,520,177.90 |
Note 1: The State DOT will coordinate the distribution of funds for eligible projects with the operators listed.