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ACTT Workshop: Montana
January 26-28, 2004, Missoula, Montana

[Archived] Appendix C (continued): Skill Set Reporting Forms

Environment Skill Set

Environment Team Members
Carol Adkins, FHWA
Christie McOmber, MDT
Joanne Bigcrane, CSKT
Dave Scott, Vermont Department of Transportation
Amanda Hardy, WTI
Dave Hill, MDT
Dale Becker, CSKT
Mary Price, CSKT
Darin Grenfell, FHWA - Montana
Pat Basting, MDT
Dale Paulson, FHWA - Montana
Janet Camel, CSKT
Lesly Tribelhorn, MDT
(Short Name)
(Detailed Description)
Implementation Details
(Barriers, Skill Set Coordination, etc.)
On-site Resource Decision Makers - Environmental Coordination and Compliance Team
  • Have resource representative(s) on site, with authority to make decisions for changes that may come up during construction.
  1. Concern: Lack of authority or ability to make changes to mitigation, permits (Tribal, 404, NPDES, etc.). Possibility of having ranges of flexibilities for changes.
  2. Positive: Improved implementation of wetland mitigation and other mitigation commitments.
  3. Use of computers, Faxs, digital cameras, etc. to improve communications and decision making.
  4. Develop reporting process and decision making tree to track changes and decision making.
On-site Restoration Specialist
  • Specialists with wetlands, construction, MDT and agency coordination experience; Specific expertise in stream and wetland restoration and construction.
  1. Not a trainee.
  2. Consultant or MDT (paid by MDT).
  3. Regular coordination like weekly meetings with Project Managers.
  4. Define level of authority.
Specifying Contractor Experience
  • Special Provisions describing proven specific stream and wetland construction and restoration experience (3-5 years of experience; length of stream restoration, actual specific project examples).
  1. Prequalification of contractors.
  2. Other areas of mitigation besides streams and wetlands.
  3. Coordination between Agency oversight versus construction quality.
Specific CSKT specialists identified and available
  • CSKT cultural, wetlands, fisheries, etc. specialists to be identified and available to MDT and contractor(s) for coordinations and decision making.
  1. Not a trainee.
  2. Consultant or MDT (paid by MDT).
  3. Regular coordination like weekly meetings with Project Managers.
  4. Define level of authority.
Fines or disincentives for violating "do not disturb" areas
  • "Do Not Disturb Area" will be clearly marked and a special provision identifying fines for violations.
  1. Incentive for not disturbing "Do Not Disturb Area"s.
  2. Restriction on bidding next project if violations in "Do Not Disturb Area."
  3. Fees and/or incentives for superior environmental implementation and quality.
Environmental Preconstruction Conference
  • Hold a mandatory preconstruction conference to discuss ROD and MOA commitments and special provisions.
  1. MOA, ROD, permits.
  2. Specific specialists to develop special provisions. Consensus between three governments on special provisions.
Recording Log of Existing Conditions
  • Use of photo log and other recording of existing conditions for cultural and other important tribal sites.
Detour span requirements
  • Permits may require detours to allow critter crossings or span widths.
  1. Permitting Issue.
Changes in cut slope construction
  • Changes in slopes can impact vegetation, cultural sites.
  1. MOA limits clearing and grubbing to construction limits (?)
Specify Construction Equipment in Specific Areas
  • Identify and use equipment that will reduce impacts to vegetation.
  1. Work with.
Identify MDT and CSKT Liaison and Project Team
  • With 2004 construction, time is nearly past for identifying, training and preparing key personnel to manage these projects.
  1. Need Liaisons identified now so that they have time to prepare for construction and coordination for this Key Note project.
Utilities Need to be Clear on Environmental
  • Utilities may not be sufficiently prepared to be knowledgeable of MOA and environmental commitments, and to relocate utilities accordingly.
  1. Utility companies may have difficulty coordinating permits with MOA and environmental commitments.
  2. Insufficient MDT personnel to coordinate utility issues for this large project.
Design and Permit Temporary Facilities Prior to Letting
  • Input, review and concurrence from appropriate agencies for design and permitting of temporary facilities (detours, pipes, work structures, staging areas, etc.).
  1. Some past positive experience by MDT.
  2. Consider standard practices, available equipment, span lengths, etc. for temp. Structures.
  3. Coordination with construction sequencing.
  4. Coordination with Construction and Innovative Contracting Skills sets.
Alternative Bridge Abutment Construction
  • Avoid in-stream activities through use of alternative bridge abutment construction.
  1. No or little in stream disturbance.
No Waiver of Specification Limiting Areas of Disturbance  
  1. Eco berms or other erosion devices that can be used and left in place (unlike silt fence).
Finalize Revegetation Agreement
  • This agreement needs to be completed to improve revegetation of impacted areas.
  1. Specialist to be identified.
  2. Identify planting salvage areas.
  3. Potential Utility impacts.

Notes recorded, but not entered into form:

SKILL SET INTERMINGLING (with Environment Skill Set)

Facilitator - Jim Walther, MDT
Note Taker - Jim Mitchell, MDT
Topics to Coordinate:

  • Staging areas: Preapproved areas (wetland mitigation sites), team approach to identify upland areas or other areas that can be used; Use of hard surfaces to reduce mud tracking; Old borrow sites used for contractor borrow, staging or plant operations, then reclaim and use for restoration credit; Old borrow sites used for storing plants
  • Sequence of operations: Bull Trout and stream restoration
  • Fall lettings: Bull Trout and stream restoration; Removal of old Jocko River structure (Need Special Provision)
  • Project Oversight Team (TDC - Construction Members Added); And have Fast track resolution process- STRONG RECOMMENDATION FROM SEVERAL ACTT GROUPS; RECOMMEND TDC Determine Oversight Team and Resolution Process; Resolution Team to work out specifications for rewards and working out conflicts; Dispute resolution; Weekly coordination meetings and feedback back and forth with contractor/MDT/CSKT: NEED IT NOW!
    • EPM
    • CSKT EPM
    • Resolution Process Developed and agreed upon between three governments
    • Wetland and Stream Restoration Specialist
    • Traffic Control Specialist
    • CSKT Cultural and Resource Rep. (MOA - May need funding assistance of tribal staff)
    • Revegetation Specialist (MDT funded)
  • Dust control on predetermined haul roads
  • Workshop
  • Separate contracts for stream restoration, wetlands and landscaping (wetland, urban and rural revegetation/landscaping)
  • Detours and shifted alignments impacts to sensitive areas
  • Specification and pay item for cleaning equipment to address Whirling Disease

Facilitator - Lloyd Rue, FHWA MT
Note Taker - Glen Cameron, MDT
Topics to Coordinate:

  • Alternate Routes - Have a contingency plan in place for issues such as air quality, coordination with maintenance, CSKT
  • Barriers to wildlife - Long lengths are not desirable; not sure how much length of concrete barriers or silt fence will be used

Facilitator - Greg Hahn, MDT
Note Taker - Linda Martin, MDT
Topics to Coordinate:

  • Utility conflicts with "Do Not Disturb" areas still need to be coordinated; MDT to fence "DND" areas
  • Endorsed a US 93 Corridor Management Team
  • Team to be set up: Utility reps, MDT utilities, CSKT and Environmental Rep.
  • Time Critical: Vegetative agreement approved (Joe H. and Loran Frazier); Vegetation needs to be harvested now, to be used in 2004.

Facilitator - Lisa Vanderheiden, MDT
Note Taker - Jaime Helmuth, WTI
Topics to Coordinate:

  • PR with why the project is the way it is? Focus on the positive aspects of the project. Highlight importance and benefits of critter crossings, mitigating wetlands, limited access, reduced delays, accelerated construction
  • Keep two lane operations at all time - Can this be done through the narrow canyon area?

Facilitator - Rich Jackson, MDT
Note Taker - Bob Burkhardt, FHWA MT
Topics to Coordinate:

  • Surcharge of settlement areas

Facilitator - Lisa Durbin, MDT
Note Taker - Gene Kaufman, FHWA MT
Topics to Coordinate:

  • Qualified Contractors For: stream restoration, wetlands (on site and adjacent mitigation), and revegetation/landscaping; (seeding and erosion control); Separate Contracts
    • Job Orders
    • Special Provisions for prequalification of contractors
    • Environmental Quality Stewardship Incentives
  • Job Order Contracting (2 year increment contracts) for erosion control, seeding, and landscaping (Doug Wilmot)
  • A+B+Q, where Q would include quality environmental stewardship
  • Incentives for environmental stewardship; Cannot Be Done - Will take legislation for "Q" part; could use A+B for award, plus an incentive for "Q" for quality environmental stewardship; A+B plus best value bidding; A+B plus prequalification through specifications
  • Preconstruction Development Team: For Environmental/Innovative and Construction Special Provisions
  • Innovation: Use three people (construction, environmental and innovative contract specialists) to develop special provisions (or review existing drafts) for incentive on environmental stewardship, level of quality for wetland and stream restoration and landscaping features; incentive versus disincentive; Incentive could include mitigation sites, miscellaneous work
  • Pre-bid: Consider changes to PS&E from Constructability Reviews and Pre-bid meeting
  • Short list or prequalify contractors for stream restoration, wetlands, and landscaping; Take state legislation to prequalify contractors; Cannot prequalify for award basis; So, use a short list and special provision to specify quality and experience generally

STRUCTURES [Dale & Dave]
Facilitator - Ted Burch, FHWA MT
Note Taker - John Miller, FHWA MT
Topics to Coordinate:

  • Structure heights, beam depths, wildlife crossing; Temporary facilities should be designed and permitted prior to bid letting. Some construction activities adjacent to structures are likely necessary
  • In stream work
  • Permitting of temporary facilities prior to bid letting; Project permitting is still in progress
  • Structures: Let one or more structures as separate contracts from roadway contracts

Pile driving precautions to seal potential draining of prairie pot holes

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Updated: 02/20/2020
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000