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Implications of the Implementation of the MOBILE6 Emissions Factor Model on Project-Level Impact Analyses Using the CAL3QHC Dispersion Model

1. Summary of Objectives of Study

The release of MOBILE62 marked an important milestone in making available additional facility functional classes, increased number of vehicle classifications and improvements in emission estimates, now based principally on trip starts and length. However, the implication of how these and other changes will affect project-level analyses has not been explored. It is anticipated that the project-level analyst will require additional guidance in selecting MOBILE6 modeling options. In addition, most of the improvements in MOBILE6 have been directed at improving regional emission estimates, not project-specific estimates. Thus, the changes in MOBILE6 may inadvertently undermine the validity of the project-level assessment procedures.

The study has been designed to provide further insight on the implications of the use of MOBILE6 in project-level analysis. The project has three major objectives:

The principal findings from the study can be briefly summarized as:

Updated: 8/24/2017
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