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Project Profile: Crenshaw / LAX Transit Corridor Project

Crenshaw/LAX Transit Corridor Project

photo credit: Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority


Los Angeles, California

Project Sponsor / Borrower

Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LACMTA or Metro)

Program Areas

Alternative Project DeliveryProject FinanceValue CaptureTIFIA

Value Capture Techniques Sales Tax Districts

Light Rail Transit


Located in Southwest Los Angeles, the Crenshaw/Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) Transit Corridor Project consists of the construction of an 8.5-mile light rail transit (LRT) line with eight transit stations (with off-street parking), the procurement of a minimum of up to 28 light rail vehicles, and the construction of a full service maintenance facility. Sponsored by Metro, the project is being developed in partnership with the Crenshaw Project Corporation, a State of California nonprofit mutual benefit corporation.

The Crenshaw/LAX Line will extend from the Metro Expo Line at the intersection of Exposition Boulevard and Crenshaw Boulevard and merge with the Metro Green Line at the existing Aviation/LAX Station. The alignment is composed of a double-tracked right-of-way consisting of sections at-grade in-street, at-grade within railroad right-of-way, aerial, and below-grade guideway sections. It will connect downtown and the Westside region of the City of Los Angeles (via the Expo Line) with the South Bay region of Los Angeles County. An interim intermodal transit connection to LAX will be constructed at the Aviation/Century Station. The project will serve the cities of Los Angeles, Inglewood, Hawthorne, and El Segundo and portions of unincorporated Los Angeles County. It will include two park-and-rides, roadway and landscaping improvements, and the new Southwestern Yard maintenance facility with the capacity to service and store up to 70 light rail vehicles using the new Crenshaw/LAX Line and existing Green Line.

According to Metro, the Crenshaw/LAX Line will offer alternative transportation options to congested roadways providing significant environmental benefits, economic development and employment opportunities throughout LA County. Riders will have easier connections within the Metro Rail system, municipal bus lines and other regional transportation services. TIFIA financing allows for the realization of these benefits at an estimated financing cost savings of approximately $87 million.


$2,058 million (YOE, includes environmental planning, construction, right-of-way, light rail vehicles, professional services, and contingency)

Funding Sources

Federal Funds

  • TIFIA loan - $545.9 million
  • TIGER II grant - $13.9
  • Other federal funds - $219.1 million

State Funds

  • Proposition 1B general obligation bonds - $178.1 million
  • Other state funds - $2.4 million

Local Funds

  • Measure R sales tax - $661.1 million
  • Proposition C sales tax - $199.7 million
  • Local agency funds - $187.5 million
  • Proposition A sales tax revenue bonds - $50.4 million
Project Delivery / Contract Method


Private Partner

Design-builder (transit corridor) - Walsh-Shea Corridor Constructors

  • Walsh Construction Company
  • J.F. Shea Construction. Inc.
  • HNTB Corporation
  • L.K. Comstock National Transit, Inc.
  • Arup
  • L.A. Urban League

Design-builder (Southwestern Yard maintenance facility) - Hensel Phelps/Herzog

Rolling stock - Kinkisharyo International

Project Advisors / Consultants

To the Project

  • Hatch Mott MacDonald - Preliminary engineering; EIR/EIS preparation
  • Metro Builders & Engineers Group - Utility relocation


  • TIFIA Legal Advisor - Hawkins, Delafield & Wood, LLP
  • TIFIA Financial Advisor - Infrastructure Management Group, Inc.


Duration / Status

Design-build notice to proceed issued September 2013.

Construction began January 2014.

Revenue service estimated to begin October 2019.

TIFIA Credit Assistance

Direct Loan - $545.9 million

Financial Status

The TIFIA credit agreement was executed on September 28, 2012.

Interest repayment is expected to start in 2020, and principal repayment is expected to start in 2021; final loan maturity is expected to occur in 2034.

  • Approximately 80 percent of the project budget is funded from voter-approved sales tax measures devoted to transportation, some of which pays back the TIFIA loan.
Related Links / Articles

Metro Project Website

Crenshaw/LAX Transit Corridor Map

March 2016 Quarterly Project Status Report


Anthony Crump
Construction Relations Manager
Tel: (323) 903-4152

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