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Project Profile: I-75 Roadway Expansion (iROX)

I-75 Roadway Expansion (iROX)

photo credit: HDR, Inc.


Collier and Lee Counties, Florida

Project Sponsor

Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT)

Program Areas

Alternative Project Delivery




The iROX project involved the expansion of I-75 through Collier and Lee counties in Florida. The project had several components:

  • Resurfacing and widening of 30 miles of I-75 from four lanes to six lanes from Golden Gate Parkway in Collier County to Colonial Blvd. in Lee County; addition of 12-foot travel lane and 10-foot paved shoulders
  • Reconstructing the Immokalee Road interchange in Collier County
  • Coordination with adjacent projects in the corridor including the Regional Traffic Management Center/ITS project, Lee County Estero Parkway extension bridge, I-75/Bonita Beach Rd interchange and I-75 from Colonial Blvd. to SR 82 widening

The six lanes opened one year ahead of schedule, and the I-75/Immokalee Road Interchange opened nine months ahead of schedule.


$458 million

Funding Sources

Federal funds - $340 million

State Growth Management Funds (GMR) - $81.6 million

State Transportation Regional Incentive Program (TRIP) funds - $4.9 million

State funds (excluding GMR and TRIP) - $26.3 million

Local funds - $4.9 million

Project Delivery / Contract Method

DBF (design-build-finance)

Private Partner

ACCI/API - Joint venture of Anderson Columbia Co. and Ajax Paving Industries

Project Advisors / Consultants

HDR - Design and construction services

Metric Engineering - Construction engineering and inspection


Not available

Duration / Status

Notice to proceed issued in June 2007. Ground breaking occurred in October 2007. Widening to six lanes opened ahead of schedule in December 2009. The I-75/Immokalee Road Interchange reached final acceptance in September 2010.

Financial Status

Closed. The joint venture began receiving payments from FDOT in October 2007, at first on a monthly basis and then on a quarterly basis after August 2008 when the initial funding ran out. Approximately $380 million was paid out during the project's construction period and $78 million after completion. The last payment to the contractor occurred in October 2011.

  • Project would have been procured as nine separate design-bid-build projects when originally conceived, but when Florida's P3 law was amended in 2004, relaxing legislative approvals, a DBF approach was pursued.
  • First DBF project in the state.
Related Links / Articles

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Florida DOT District 1
Public Information Office
Tel: (239) 225-1900

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