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Project Profile: City of Killeen Street Maintenance Fee

Construction workers laying concrete

Source: City of Killeen, Texas


City of Killeen, TX

Project Sponsor / Borrower

City of Killeen

Program Areas

Value Capture

Value Capture Techniques Transportation Utility Fees

Local Road


To fund street system maintenance, the City of Killeen, Texas established a street maintenance fee, which is based on the use of the street system by residential and commercial properties. It is billed monthly through City utility bills, and revenue is placed in a street maintenance fund to be used solely for maintaining the street system.

The street maintenance fee is $1.70 per single-family home, per month and is billed monthly through City utility bills. The fee can and will be adjusted for other types of properties. (See Street Maintenance Fee Ordinance for specific property type calculations.)

The revenue is placed in a street maintenance fund to be used solely for maintaining the street system. It may not be used for construction or reconstruction of streets. The City Council adopted the Street Maintenance Fee Ordinance December 11, 2018. Implementation took approximately six months and fee collection began in July 2019 with a credit to the user's utility bill the same month in order to raise awareness before the fees were implemented in August 2019.


FY 19 $1.6M to be collected throughout the year. Seed money of $330,000 was set aside from the year before to fund the project before the street maintenance fee monies are collected.

Funding Sources

Street Maintenance Fee for a $1.6M annual increase to address only the street maintenance deficit.

Project Delivery / Contract Method


Private Partner


Project Advisors / Consultants

City of Killeen, Texas



Duration / Status


Financial Status / Financial Performance

The fee is expected to generate $1.6 million each year to be added to the general fund allocation of about $330,000 for street maintenance.

  • Innovative funding for street maintenance program.
  • Ensure property owners or occupants are paying their fair share to maintain City roads
Related Links / Articles

Jonathan Locke
Executive Director of Finance
(254) 501-7730

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