Pavement Publications - Concrete Pavements
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Publication Title | Publication Year | FHWA # |
FHWA Demonstration Project for Enhanced Durability of Asphalt Pavements through Increased In-place Pavement Density, Phase 3 [Primary Topic: Materials-Asphalt] |
2020 |
FHWA Demonstration Project for Enhanced Durability of Asphalt Pavements through Increased In-place Pavement Density, Phase 2 [Primary Topic: Materials-Asphalt] |
2019 |
Florida I-10 Precast Concrete Bridge Approach Slab Demonstration Project [Primary Topic: Materials-Concrete] |
2018 |
Field Reference Manual for Quality Concrete Pavements [Primary Topic: Pavement Construction] |
2013 |
Freeze-Thaw Resistance of Concrete With Marginal Air Content [Primary Topic: Materials-Concrete] |
2006 | FHWA-HRT-06-117 |
Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers Fourth Edition [Primary Topic: Pavement Recycling] |
2003 | FHWA-IF-03-019 |
FHWA Mobile Concrete Laboratory
Transferring Advanced Concrete Technology To Our Partners [Primary Topic: Pavement Testing] |
2000 |
Fast-Track Paving: Concrete Temperature Control and Traffic Opening Criteria for Bonding Concrete Overlays, Volume III: Addendum to the HIPERPAV User's Manual [Primary Topic: Rigid Pavement] |
1999 | FHWA-RD-99-200 |
Full-Scale Accelerated Testing of Ultra-Thin Whitetopping Pavements [Primary Topic: Pavement Rehabilitation] |
1999 | FHWA-RD-99-087 |
Fast-Track Paving: Concrete Temperature Control and Traffic Opening Criteria for Bonded Concrete Overlays, Volume II: HIPERPAV User's Manual [Primary Topic: Rigid Pavement] |
1998 | FHWA-RD-98-168 |
Fast-Track Paving: Concrete Temperature Control and Traffic Opening Criteria for Bonded Concrete Overlays, Volume I: Final Report [Primary Topic: Rigid Pavement] |
1998 | FHWA-RD-98-167 |
FHWA-SHRP Showcase Workshop on Alkali-Silica Reactivity in Highway Structures [Primary Topic: Materials-Concrete] |
1995 |
Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers [Primary Topic: Pavement Recycling] |
1995 |
Full-Depth Repairs [Primary Topic: Pavement Rehabilitation] |