U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations
Federal Highway Administration's Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) research and development program has produced a range of publications pertaining to the performance and use of UHPC.
Article Title | Author(s) | Publication Year | Location |
Ultra-High Performance Concrete: A State-of-the-Art Report for the Bridge Community | Henry Russell and Benjamin Graybeal | 2013 | FHWA-HRT-13-060 |
Article Title | Author(s) | Publication Year | Location |
Bond Characterization of UHPC Overlays for Concrete Bridge Decks: Laboratory and Field Testing | Zachary Haber, Jose Muñoz, Igor De la Varga, and Benjamin Graybeal | 2018 | Construction and Building Materials, V. 190, pp. 1045-1068 |
Ultra-High Performance Concrete for Bridge Deck Overlays | Zachary Haber, Jose Muñoz, Igor De la Varga, and Benjamin Graybeal | 2018 | FHWA-HRT-17-097 (TechNote) |
Emerging UHPC-Based Bridge Construction and Preservation Solutions | Benjamin Graybeal | 2017 | Proceedings, UHPFRC 2017, Montpellier, France, October 2017, 10 pp. |
Field Testing of an Ultra-High Performance Concrete Overlay | Zachary Haber, Jose Muñoz, and Benjamin Graybeal | 2017 | FHWA-HRT-17-096 |
Article Title | Author(s) | Publication Year | Location |
International Perspective on UHPC in Bridge Engineering | Benjamin Graybeal, Zachary Haber, Igor De la Varga, and Robert Spragg | 2020 | Journal of Bridge Engineering, V. 25, No. 11, 16 pp., DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0001630 |
Accelerated Construction of Robust Bridges through Material and Detailing Innovations | Benjamin Graybeal, Zachary Haber, Igor De la Varga, and Robert Spragg | 2018 | Proceedings, 9th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety, and Management, Melbourne, Australia, 8 pp. |
One Step Ahead: FHWA Investigates Commercially Available UHPCs | Zachary Haber, Igor De la Varga, and Benjamin Graybeal | 2017 | ASPIRE Magazine, Spring 2017, pp. 44–46 |
Pairing Prefabricated Bridge Elements with UHPC Connections | Benjamin Graybeal | 2016 | ASPIRE Magazine, Spring 2016, pp. 46–47 |
Ultra-High Performance Concrete | Benjamin Graybeal | 2011 | FHWA TechNote HRT-11-038 |
UHPC: A Bridge of the Future – A Solution Today | Benjamin Graybeal and Myint Lwin | 2010 | ASPIRE Magazine, Spring 2010, pp. 47–48 |
UHPC in the U.S. Highway Infrastructure | Benjamin Graybeal | 2009 | Proceedings of the International Workshop on Ultra High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concrete, Marseille, France, November 2009, p. 8. |
UHPC Making Strides | Benjamin Graybeal | 2009 | Public Roads, V. 72, No. 4, January-February 2009, pp. 17–21 |
Article Title | Author(s) | Publication Year | Location |
Development of Non-Proprietary Ultra-High Performance Concrete for Use in The Highway Bridge Sector (TechBrief) |
Kay Wille | 2013 | FHWA-HRT-13-100 |
Development of Non-Proprietary Ultra-High Performance Concrete for Use in The Highway Bridge Sector |
Benjamin Graybeal | 2013 | NTIS Report No. PB2013-110587 |
Article Title | Author(s) | Publication Year | Location |
Design and Construction of Field-Cast UHPC Connections | Benjamin Graybeal | 2019 | FHWA-HIF-19-011 |
Ultimate Behavior of Deck-to-Girder Composite Connection Details Using UHPC | Zachary Haber, Benjamin Graybeal, and Brian Nakashoji | 2020 | Journal of Bridge Engineering, V. 25, No. 7, 14 pp., DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0001574 |
Performance of Grouted Connections for Prefabricated Bridge Deck Elements | Zachary Haber and Benjamin Graybeal | 2019 | FHWA-HIF-19-003 |
Lap-Spliced Rebar Connections with Rebar Closures | Zachary Haber and Benjamin Graybeal | 2018 | ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, V. 23, No. 6, 12 pp. |
Adjacent Box Beam Connections: Performance and Optimization | Benjamin Graybeal | 2017 | FHWA-HRT-17-094 (TechNote) |
Adjacent Box Beam Connections: Performance and Optimization | Jiqiu Yuan, Benjamin Graybeal, Kevin Zmetra | 2017 | FHWA-HRT-17-093 (Report) |
Enhancing Shrinkage Properties and Bond Performance of Prefabricated Bridge Deck Connection Grouts: Material and Component Testing | Igor De la Varga, Zachary Haber, and Benjamin Graybeal | 2018 | ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, V. 30, No. 4, 2018, 12 pp |
New, Simplified Deck-to-Girder Composite Connections Using UHPC | Zachary Haber, Benjamin Graybeal, Brian Nakashoji, and Ariana Fay | 2017 | Proceedings, 2017 National Accelerated Bridge Construction Conference, Miami, December 2017, 10 pp. |
Bond of Field-Cast Grouts to Precast Concrete Elements (Click for PDF version.) |
Igor De la Varga, Zachary Haber, and Benjamin Graybeal | 2017 | FHWA Technical Note HRT-16-081 |
Performance of Different UHPC-Class Materials in Prefabricated Bridge Deck Connections | Zachary Haber and Benjamin Graybeal | 2016 | Proceedings. 2016 International Interactive Symposium on UHPC, Des Moines, Iowa, July 18–20, 2016 |
Evaluation of Bond of Reinforcing Steel in UHPC: Design Parameters and Material Property Characterization | Jiqiu Yuan and Benjamin Graybeal | 2016 | Proceedings. 2016 International Interactive Symposium on UHPC, Des Moines, Iowa, July 18–20, 2016. |
Full-Scale Testing of Shear Keys Details for Precast Concrete Box-Beam Bridge | Jiqiu Yuan and Benjamin Graybeal | 2016 | ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, V. 21, No. 9, 2016. |
Splice Length of Prestressing Strands in Field-Cast UHPC Connections | Benjamin Graybeal | 2015 | Materials and Structures, V. 48, No. 6, pp. 1831–1839. |
Dimensional stability of cementitious grouts in prefabricated bridge connections – Ensuring good performance | Igor De la Varga, Zachary Haber, and Benjamin Graybeal | 2014 | Concrete Bridge Views, Issue 78, September–October 2014 |
Ultra-high-performance concrete connections for precast concrete bridge decks | Benjamin Graybeal | 2014 | PCI Journal, V. 59, No. 4, 2014, pp. 48-62. |
Splice Length of Prestressing Strand in Field-Cast Ultra-High Performance Concrete Connections (TechBrief) |
Benjamin Graybeal | 2014 | FHWA TechBrief HRT-14-041 |
Splice Length of Prestressing Strand in Field-Cast Ultra-High Performance Concrete Connections (Report) |
Benjamin Graybeal | 2014 | NTIS Report No. PB2014-103454 |
Design and Construction of Field-Cast UHPC Connections (Click for PDF version.) |
Benjamin Graybeal | 2014 | FHWA Technical Note HRT-14-084 |
Bond Behavior of Reinforcing Steel in Ultra-High Performance Concrete (TechBrief) (Click for PDF version.) |
Jiqiu Yuan and Benjamin Graybeal | 2014 | FHWA TechBrief HRT-14-089 |
Bond Behavior of Reinforcing Steel in Ultra-High Performance Concrete (Report) (Click for PDF version.) |
Jiqiu Yuan and Benjamin Graybeal | 2014 | FHWA Report HRT-14-090 |
Construction of Field-Cast Ultra-High Performance Concrete Connections | Benjamin Graybeal | 2012 | FHWA TechNote HRT-12-038 |
Ultra-High Performance Concrete Composite Connections for Precast Concrete Bridge Decks (TechBrief) |
Benjamin Graybeal | 2012 | FHWA TechBrief HRT-12-042 |
Ultra-High Performance Concrete Composite Connections for Precast Concrete Bridge Decks (Full Report) |
Benjamin Graybeal | 2012 | NTIS Report No. PB2012-107569 |
Fatigue Response of an Ultra-High Performance Concrete Field-Cast Bridge Deck Connection | Benjamin Graybeal | 2011 | Transportation Research Record No. 2251, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2011, pp 93–100. |
Behavior of Field-Cast Ultra-High Performance Concrete Bridge Deck Connections Under Cyclic and Static Structural Loading (TechBrief) |
Benjamin Graybeal | 2010 | FHWA TechBrief HRT-11-022 |
Behavior of Field-Cast Ultra-High Performance Concrete Bridge Deck Connections Under Cyclic and Static Structural Loading (Full Report) |
Benjamin Graybeal | 2010 | NTIS Report No. PB2011-101995 |
Behavior of Ultra-High Performance Concrete Connections Between Precast Bridge Deck Elements | Benjamin Graybeal | 2010 | Proceedings of the Concrete Bridge Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, February 2010, p. 13. |
Article Title | Author(s) | Publication Year | Location |
Mechanical Behavior and Design Properties of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete | Rafic El-Helou, Zachary Haber, and Benjamin Graybeal | 2022 | ACI Materials Journal, V. 119, No. 1, pp. 181-194, DOI: 10.14359/51734194 |
Time-Dependent Properties of Ultrahigh-Performance Concrete: Compressive Creep and Shrinkage | Alireza Mohebbi, Benjamin Graybeal, and Zachary Haber | 2022 | Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, V. 34, No. 6, 15 pp., DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0004219 |
Electrical Resistivity Testing to Rapidly Assess the Durability of UHPC-Class Materials | Robert Spragg, Benjamin Graybeal, Naveen Saladi, Luca Montanari, and Igor De la Varga | 2022 | FHWA-HRT-21-095, DOI: 10.20949/1521681 |
Tension Testing of Ultra-High Performance Concrete | Benjamin Graybeal and Florent Baby | 2019 | FHWA-HRT-17-053 |
Using Formation Factor to Define the Durability of Ultra-High Performance Concrete | Robert Spragg, Igor De la Varga, Luca Montanari, and Benjamin Graybeal | 2019 | Proceedings, 2nd International Interactive Symposium on UHPC, June 2019, 11 pp., DOI: 10.21838/uhpc.9696 |
Shrinkage Cracking Propensity of Ultra-High Performance Concrete | Igor De la Varga, Robert Spragg, Rafic El Helou, and Benjamin Graybeal | 2019 | Proceedings, 2nd International Interactive Symposium on UHPC, June 2019, 11 pp., DOI: 10.21838/uhpc.9695 |
Properties and Behavior of UHPC-Class Materials | Zachary Haber, Igor De la Varga, Benjamin Graybeal, Brian Nakashoji, and Rafic El-Helou | 2018 | FHWA-HRT-18-036 |
Properties of Field-Cast UHPC-Class Materials | Zachary Haber, Igor De la Varga, and Benjamin Graybeal | 2017 | Proceedings, 2017 National Accelerated Bridge Construction Conference, Miami, December 2017, 3 pp. |
Fiber reinforcement influence on the tensile cracking strength of UHPFRC | Luis Felipe Maya Duque and Benjamin Graybeal | 2017 | Materials and Structures, DOI: 10.1617/s11527-016-0914-5 |
Material-Level Evaluation of Different Commercially-Available UHPC-Class Materials | Igor De la Varga, Zachary Haber, Jiqiu Yuan, and Benjamin Graybeal | 2016 | Proceedings of the. 2016 International Interactive Symposium on UHPC, Des Moines, Iowa, July 18–20, 2016 |
Fiber orientation distribution and tensile mechanical response in UHPFRC | Luis Felipe Maya Duque, Igor De la Varga, and Benjamin Graybeal | 2016 | Proceedings of the. 2016 International Interactive Symposium on UHPC, Des Moines, Iowa, July 18–20, 2016 |
Tensile Mechanical Response of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete | Benjamin Graybeal | 2014 | ASTM Journal of Advances in Civil Engineering Materials, V. 4, No. 2, 2014, pp. 62–74. |
Compression Testing of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete | Benjamin Graybeal | 2014 | ASTM Journal of Advances in Civil Engineering Materials, V. 4, No. 2, 2014, pp. 102–112. |
Development of Direct Tension Test Method for Ultra-High-Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concrete (Click for PDF version.) |
Benjamin Graybeal and Florent Baby | 2013 | ACI Materials Journal, V. 110, No. 2, March–April 2013, pp 177–186. |
Direct and Flexural Tension Test Methods for Determination of the Tensile Stress-Strain Response of UHPFRC | Benjamin Graybeal, Florent Baby, Pierre Marchand, and Francois Toutlemonde | 2012 | Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on UHPC, Kassel, Germany, March 2012, pp. 395–402. |
Compression Response of a Rapid-Strengthening Ultra-High Performance Concrete Formulation (TechBrief) |
Benjamin Graybeal | 2012 | FHWA TechBrief HRT-12-064 |
Compression Response of a Rapid-Strengthening Ultra-High Performance Concrete Formulation (Full Report) |
Benjamin Graybeal | 2012 | NTIS Report No. PB2012-112545 |
Simultaneous Structural and Environmental Loading of an Ultra-High Performance Concrete Component (TechBrief) |
Benjamin Graybeal | 2010 | FHWA TechBrief HRT-10-055 |
Simultaneous Structural and Environmental Loading of an Ultra-High Performance Concrete Component (Full Report) |
Benjamin Graybeal | 2010 | NTIS Report No. PB2010-110331 |
Flexural Response of Lightly Reinforced Ultra-High Performance Concrete Beams | Todd Meade and Benjamin Graybeal | 2010 | Proceedings of the 3rd fib International Congress, Washington, DC, May 2010, p. 17. |
Compressive Behavior of Ultra-High-Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concrete (Click for PDF version.) |
Benjamin Graybeal | 2009 | ACI Materials Journal, V. 104, No. 2, March–April 2007, pp 146–152. |
Cylinder or Cube: Strength Testing of 80 to 200 MPa (11.6 to 29 ksi) Ultra-High-Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concrete (Click for PDF version.) |
Benjamin Graybeal and Marshall Davis | 2008 | ACI Materials Journal, V. 105, No. 6, November–December 2008, pp 603–609. |
Durability of an Ultrahigh-Performance Concrete | Benjamin Graybeal and Jussara Tanesi | 2007 | ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, V. 19, No. 10, October 2007, pp. 850–854. |
Material Property Characterization of Ultra-High Performance Concrete | Benjamin Graybeal | 2006 | FHWA Report HRT-06-103 |
Practical Means for Determination of the Tensile Behavior of Ultra-High Performance Concrete | Benjamin Graybeal | 2006 | Journal of ASTM International, V. 3, No. 8, September 2006. |
Article Title | Author(s) | Publication Year | Location |
Flexural Behavior and Design of Ultrahigh-Performance Concrete Beams | Rafic El-Helou and Benjamin Graybeal | 2022 | Journal of Structural Engineering, V. 148, No. 4, 20 pp., DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0003246 |
Shear Behavior of Ultra-High Performance Concrete Pretensioned Bridge Girders | Rafic El-Helou and Benjamin Graybeal | 2022 | Journal of Structural Engineering, V. 148, No. 4, 13 pp., DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0003279 |
Interface Shear Behavior of Ultra-High Performance Concrete | Scott Muzenski, Zachary Haber, and Benjamin Graybeal | 2022 | ACI Structural Journal, V. 119, No. 1, 14 pp., DOI: 10.14359/51733008 |
Prestress Loss Model for Ultra-High Performance Concrete | Alireza Mohebbi and Benjamin Graybeal | 2022 | Engineering Structures, v. 252, 14 pp., DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2021.113645 |
Development of an AASHTO Guide Specification for Ultra-High Performance Concrete | Rafic El-Helou and Benjamin Graybeal | 2019 | Proceedings, 2nd International Interactive Symposium on UHPC, 9 pp., DOI: 10.21838/uhpc.9708 |
The Ultra Girder: A Design Concept for a 300-foot Single Span Prestressed Ultra-High Performance Concrete Bridge Girder | Rafic El-Helou and Benjamin Graybeal | 2019 | Proceedings, 2nd International Interactive Symposium on UHPC, 9 pp., DOI: 10.21838/uhpc.9707 |
Experimental study of strand splice connections in UHPC for continuous precast prestressed concrete bridges | Luis Felipe Maya Duque and Benjamin Graybeal | 2017 | Engineering Structures, V. 133, 2017, pp. 81-90. |
Splice Length of Prestressing Strands in Field-Cast UHPC Connections | Benjamin Graybeal | 2015 | Materials and Structures, V. 48, No. 6, pp. 1831–1839. |
Splice Length of Prestressing Strand in Field-Cast Ultra-High Performance Concrete Connections (TechBrief) |
Benjamin Graybeal | 2014 | FHWA TechBrief HRT-14-041 |
Splice Length of Prestressing Strand in Field-Cast Ultra-High Performance Concrete Connections (Report) |
Benjamin Graybeal | 2014 | NTIS Report No. PB2014-103454 |
Structural Behavior of a 2nd Generation Ultra-High Performance Concrete Pi-Girder (TechBrief) |
Benjamin Graybeal | 2009 | FHWA TechBrief HRT-09-069 |
Structural Behavior of a 2nd Generation Ultra-High Performance Concrete Pi-Girder (Full Report) |
Benjamin Graybeal | 2009 | NTIS Report No. PB2009-115495 |
Structural Behavior of a Prototype Ultra-High Performance Concrete Pi-Girder (TechBrief) |
Benjamin Graybeal | 2009 | FHWA TechBrief HRT-09-068 |
Structural Behavior of a Prototype Ultra-High Performance Concrete Pi-Girder (Full Report) |
Benjamin Graybeal | 2009 | NTIS Report No. PB2009-115495 |
Design, Fabrication, and Testing of a 2nd Generation Ultra-High Performance Concrete Pi Girder | Benjamin Graybeal | 2008 | Proceedings of the 3rd fib International Congress,Washington, DC, May 2010, p. 14. |
Fatigue Behavior of an Ultra-High Performance Concrete I-Girder | Justin Ocel and Benjamin Graybeal | 2007 | Proceedings of the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute National Bridge Conference, Phoenix, October 2007, p. 18. |
Structural Behavior of Ultra-High Performance Concrete Prestressed I-Girders | Benjamin Graybeal | 2006 | FHWA Report HRT-06-115 |
Article Title | Author(s) | Publication Year | Location |
Analysis of an Ultra-High Performance Concrete Two-Way Ribbed Bridge Deck Slab (TechBrief) | Hector Garcia and Benjamin Graybeal | 2007 | FHWA TechBrief HRT-07-055 |
Analysis of an Ultra-High Performance Concrete Two-Way Ribbed Bridge Deck Slab (Full Report) |
Hector Garcia and Benjamin Graybeal | 2007 | NTIS Report No. PB2007-112112 |
Article Title | Author(s) | Publication Year | Location |
Development of a Family of Ultra-High Performance Concrete Pi-Girders (TechBrief) |
Gang Zhang and Benjamin Graybeal | 2014 | FHWA TechBrief HRT-14-028 |
Development of a Family of Ultra-High Performance Concrete Pi-Girders (Full Report) |
Gang Zhang and Benjamin Graybeal | 2014 | NTIS Report No. PB2014-100626 |
Finite Element Analysis of Ultra-High Performance Concrete: Modeling Structural Performance of an AASHTO Type II Girder and a 2nd Generation Pi-Girder (TechBrief) |
Linfeng Chen and Benjamin Graybeal | 2010 | FHWA TechBrief HRT-10-079 |
Finite Element Analysis of Ultra-High Performance Concrete: Modeling Structural Performance of an AASHTO Type II Girder and a 2nd Generation Pi-Girder (Full Report) |
Linfeng Chen and Benjamin Graybeal | 2010 | NTIS Report No. PB2011-100864 |
Article Title | Author(s) | Publication Year | Location |
Dimensional Stability of Grout-Like Materials Used in Field-Cast Connections | Igor De la Varga, and Benjamin Graybeal | 2016 | FHWA Report HRT-16-080 |
Performance of Grouted Connections for Prefabricated Bridge Elements – Part I: Material-Level Investigation on Shrinkage and Bond | Igor De la Varga, Zachary Haber, and Benjamin Graybeal | 2016 | Proceedings of the 2016 PCI Convention and National Bridge Conference, Nashville, TN., March 1–5, 2016 |
Performance of Grouted Connections for Prefabricated Bridge Elements – Part II: Component-Level Investigation on Bond and Cracking | Zachary Haber, Igor De la Varga, and Benjamin Graybeal | 2016 | Proceedings of the 2016 PCI Convention and National Bridge Conference, Nashville, TN., March 1–5, 2016 |
Dimensional Stability of Grout-Type Materials Used as Connections between Prefabricated Concrete Elements | Igor De la Varga, and Benjamin Graybeal | 2015 | ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, V. 27, No. 9, 2015, pp. 1–10. |
Experimental Evaluation of Prefabricated Deck Panel Connections | Zachary Haber and Benjamin Graybeal | 2015 | Proceedings of the 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC., January 11–15, 2015 |