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Publication Number:  FHWA-HRT-14-094    Date:  February 2015
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-14-094
Date: February 2015


Synthesis of Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil (GRS) Design Topics


As part of the design of conventional cantilever and gravity retaining walls with relatively rigid footings, overturning failure is commonly checked to determine whether the design meets the required margin of safety. This check typically consists of taking moments of all the stabilizing forces acting on the free body of the wall system about the toe (e.g., Point O for a cantilever wall shown in figure 6) and comparing them with the moments for the destabilizing forces about the same point. The required margin of safety for overturning is typically specified in the relevant code of practice.

The  diagram shows the forces that typically enter into the check for overturning  calculations of a cantilever retaining wall. The forces include the active  lateral thrust, the opposing passive lateral thrust, and the downward weight of  the wall and soil above the footing.
Figure 6. Drawing. Free body diagram, cantilever wall system for overturning calculations.

An alternative means of assessing the overturning potential of retaining walls has been proposed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, (USACE).(51) Rather than comparing the stabilizing and destabilizing moments, the overturning criteria are based on a minimum base area in compression, i.e., limiting the amount of footing "liftoff." This technical synopsis examines the purpose and theoretical justification of this design component.


For a wall supported on a rigid concrete footing, the amount of footing liftoff is determined from its bearing pressure diagram. If R and Rv are the resultant force and vertical component of the resultant force, respectively, acting on the free body of the wall system per unit length, the bearing pressure diagram can be determined for several possible resultant force locations. Key to this evaluation is the estimation of the maximum (σ max) and minimum (σ min) bearing pressures, calculated using the equations shown in figure 7 and figure 8:

The equation  shows the calculation of sigma subscript max as equal to the sum of the  quotient of R subscript v divided by A plus the quotient of Mc divided by I.
Figure 7. Equation. Estimated maximum bearing pressure, σ subscript max.

 The equation  shows the calculation of sigma subscript min as equal to the difference between  two quotients. The first quotient is R subscript v divided by A. From that quotient is subtracted the  quotient Mc divided by I.
Figure 8. Equation. Estimated minimum bearing pressure, σ subscript min.

A equals the footing area, which is the footing width, B, per unit length for a plane strain problem. The distance from the centroid of footing to extreme fiber is c, which equals B/2. I is the moment of inertia of footing, and equals B3/12 per unit length. M is the moment about the footing centroid, and equals Rv times e, e being the eccentricity of the resultant force from the footing centroid. After simplifying, the equations in figure 7 and figure 8 become the equations in figure 9 and figure 10:

The equation  shows the calculation of sigma subscript max as equal to the product of the  quotient of R subscript v divided by B multiplied by the sum of 1 plus the quotient of 6e divided by B.
Figure 9. Equation. Simplified estimated maximum bearing pressure, σ subscript max.

The equation  shows the calculation of sigma subscript min as equal to the product of the  quotient of R subscript v divided by B multiplied by the result of 1 minus the quotient of 6e divided by B.
Figure 10. Equation. Simplified estimated minimum bearing pressure, σ subscript min.

For no footing liftoff, σmin must be ≥ 0. By setting σmin equal to 0 in the equation in figure 10, it can be seen that the resultant force acting on the free body of the wall system must lie within the middle third of the footing; i.e., eB/6.

As shown in the equation in figure 11, the point of action of the resultant force from the toe (χR) is calculated by simply summing the moments about the toe of all the forces acting on the free body of the wall system and dividing by the vector sum of the vertical force components acting on the footing (Rv).

The equation shows the calculation of chi subscript R as equal to the sum of the moments  about the toe divided by R subscript v.
Figure 11. Equation. Resultant force from the toe, χ subscript R.

If the resultant force acts within the middle third, the bearing pressure diagram is trapezoidal and 100 percent of the footing is in compression; i.e., no liftoff (see figure 12). If the resultant force acts on the middle third point, the bearing pressure diagram is triangular and spans the entire footing width (figure 13). There is still no footing liftoff in this case. If the resultant force acts outside the middle third but within the footing, the bearing pressure diagram is also triangular but the span of the triangle is less than the footing width. The remaining portion of the bearing pressure diagram is negative; i.e.,σmin < 0 (figure 14). The portion of the footing that is outside the triangular bearing pressure diagram (i.e., when σ < 0) is in a state of tension or liftoff. Clearly, it is undesirable to allow any footing liftoff except perhaps during temporary live loading or during extreme events such as earthquakes.

This figure  depicts the resultant force acting within the middle third of the footing of a  cantilever retaining wall, or where e is less than B divided by 6. The  bearing pressure diagram is trapezoidal. Sigma subscript max equals the product  of the quotient of R subscript v divided by B multiplied by the sum of 1 plus the quotient of 6e divided by B. Sigma subscript min equals the product of the quotient of R subscript v divided by B multiplied  by the result of 1 minus the quotient of 6e divided by B.
Figure 12. Drawing. Bearing pressure diagram, resultant force within middle third.

This figure  depicts the resultant force acting exactly at the middle third of the footing of  a cantilever retaining wall. The bearing pressure diagram is triangular. Sigma  subscript max equals q, which is the  quotient of 2 times R subscript v divided by B. Sigma subscript min equals 0.
Figure 13. Drawing. Bearing pressure diagram, resultant force on middle third.

This figure  depicts the resultant force acting outside the middle third of the footing of a  cantilever retaining wall, or where e is greater than B divided by 6. The  bearing pressure diagram consists of two triangles. One triangle represents the  portion of the footing that is compressing the soil. Sigma subscript max equals  the quotient of 2R subscript v divided by the quantity 3 times chi  subscript R. The second triangle  represents the portion of the footing that has lifted from the soil; that is,  the footing is in tension and the pressure diagram is triangular but with  negative stresses. At the base of this triangle, sigma subscript min equals the  product of sigma subscript max times the quotient of the difference of 3 times chi  subscript R minus B divided by 3  times chi subscript R.
Figure 14. Drawing. Bearing pressure diagram, resultant force outside middle third.

The area of the footing in compression can be calculated by first computing the resultant ratio, RR, as shown in the equation in figure 15:

The equation  shows the calculation of the resultant ratio RR as equal to the quotient of chi subscript R divided by B.
Figure 15. Equation. Resultant ratio, RR.

The percent area of footing in compression (Afc) can be estimated as shown in the equation in figure 16:

The  figure has two equations. The first equation shows the calculation of A subscript fc in percent as equal to 100 when the quotient of chi subscript R divided by B is greater than one third and less than one half. The second  equation shows the calculation of A subscript fc in percent as equal to the product of 300 times the resultant ratio RR, or the quotient of 300 chi  subscript R divided by B, when the quotient chi subscript R divided by B is less than one third.
Figure 16. Equation. Percent area of footing in compression, A subscript fc (in percent).

It follows that the percent area of footing experiencing liftoff is 100 percent minus Afc.

If the resultant force acts at the toe of the footing, the wall is on the verge of overturning; i.e., the destabilizing moment is just equal to the stabilizing moment and there is no margin of safety available. If the resultant force acts outside the footing, the wall will overturn. The USACE requires that, in designing for earthquake protection, the resultant force must lie within the footing for retaining walls.(51) The various possible scenarios described above are summarized in table 3.

Table 3 . Resultant force location and impact on safety against overturning, base area in compression, and bearing pressure diagram.

Resultant Force Location

Safety Against Overturning

Base Area in Compression, Afc

Bearing Pressure Diagram

Within middle third

Very safe

100 percent

Trapezoidal and positive over entire footing width B

On middle third point


100 percent

Triangular and positive over entire footing width B

Outside middle third but within footing

Margin of safety diminishes as resultant pushes towards toe but stabilizing moment is still ≥ overturning moment

0 percent < Afc < 100 percent

Triangular and positive over front portion of footing; triangular and negative over back portion of footing

On footing toe

No margin of safety; i.e., stabilizing moment = overturning moment

0 percent

Negative over entire footing width B except at toe where σmax → +

Outside footing

Unsafe. Will overturn

0 percent

Negative over entire footing width B


In this section, a simple methodology is presented to determine when liftoff will control. Figure 17 depicts the simple case of the lateral (Ea is horizontal because the wall friction δ is assumed to be 0) and vertical (W) forces acting on a rectangular wall with a rigid base.

The drawing shows the forces that  typically enter into the check for overturning calculations of a rectangular  retaining wall with zero wall friction. The forces include the active lateral  thrust, E subscript a, and the downward weight, W, of the wall. The vector sum  of these two forces is the resultant force, R, with a point of action at a  distance e from the centroid of the base.
Figure 17. Drawing. Forces on a rectangular rigid wall.

The two forces-lateral and vertical-can be represented by a single resultant force, R, which is acting at an offset e from the centroid of the wall base. This eccentricity can be estimated by decomposing the resultant force into the vertical and horizontal (not shown) components at the base and summing moments about the centroid of the wall base as shown in the equation in figure 18:

The equation shows the calculation of the product of R subscript v times e as equal to the  product of e subscript A times the quotient of H divided by 3.
Figure 18. Equation. Vertical component of resultant force at offset e, Rve.

Rv is the vertical component of the resultant force, whose moment about the centroid of the wall base is not zero as opposed to the horizontal component. Therefore, the equation in figure 19 follows.

The equation shows the calculation of the force e as equal to the quotient of the  product of e subscript a times H divided by 3 times R subscript v.
Figure 19. Equation. Force e.

The factor of safety against overturning can be obtained by summing moments about the toe as shown in the equation in figure 20:

The equation shows three  solutions for F. For each solution, F equals the quotient of two terms. In  the first solution, the numerator term is the quotient of WB divided by 2. The denominator term is the quotient of the  product of e subscript A times H divided by 3. In the second solution, the numerator term is the  quotient of the product of R subscript v times B divided by 2. The denominator term is  the quotient of the product of e subscript A times H divided by 3. In the third solution,  the numerator is B, and the  denominator is 2e.
Figure 20. Equation. Safety factor, F.

Solving the equation in figure 20 for B gives the equation shown in figure 21:

The equation shows the  calculation of B as equal to 2 times e times F.
Figure 21. Equation. Footing width, B.

For liftoff to occur, the condition shown in figure 22 must be satisfied.

B is less than six times e.
Figure 22. Equation. Value of footing width B for liftoff to occur.

By inspecting the equations in figure 21 and figure 22, it can be determined that liftoff occurs when the factor of safety against overturning is less than 3; i.e., liftoff is not an issue when the overturning factor of safety exceeds 3. This criterion is only true when no surcharge loads are acting on top of the wall. When surcharge loads act on top of the wall (as is the case in a GRS IBS), then the factor of safety against overturning for no liftoff will be less than 3. How much less than 3 depends on the magnitude of the load on top of the wall and its point of action.


This photo shows  that geosynthetic reinforced soil walls can even be built with a negative  batter and yet be stable. This wall was constructed in Colorado.
Source: R.K. Barrett and A.C. Ruckman
Figure 23. Photo. First negative batter GRS wall constructed in Colorado for the CDOT. (59)

This photo shows that geosynthetic  reinforced soil walls can even be built with a negative batter and yet be  stable. This wall was constructed in New Zealand.
Source: R.K. Barrett and A.C. Ruckman
Figure 24. Photo. GRS wall in New Zealand with a negative. (59)

This photo shows that geosynthetic  reinforced soil walls can even be built with a negative batter and yet be  stable. This wall was constructed and load tested as shown in Japan.
Source: R.K. Barrett and A.C. Ruckman
Figure 25. Photo. Research on negative batter GRS walls in Japan. (59)


Table 4 offers key points relating to the need to limit the eccentricity in the design of GRS walls.

Table 4 . Key points relating to the need to limit the eccentricity in the design of GRS walls.

Points that argue for the need for a limiting eccentricity criterion

Points that argue against the need for a limiting eccentricity criterion

It is prudent to consider a limiting eccentricity criterion.

The check that the bearing pressure meets the bearing capacity criterion requires σmax to be less than the bearing capacity with an adequate margin of safety. Because σmax increases with increasing eccentricity, it implies that the eccentricity will be automatically limited by imposing a limit on the bearing capacity.

GRS walls can be less wide at the base than GMSE walls according to different design methods (Adams et al., and Berg et al., respectively), and hence, the factors of safety pointed out by Koerner in GMSE structures may not be as high for GRS walls. (6,2,57)

Flexible reinforcing elements (e.g., geotextiles) do not reinforce the soil by any interaction involving bending or shear across their cross-sectional area. They merely interact with the soil by absorbing axial tension. Consequently, the base of GRS walls cannot be considered rigid. While overturning is a valid failure mechanism for walls with rigid bases, GRS walls cannot fail by overturning because bending moments cannot transfer to the toe of such a flexible system. Moreover, it is questionable whether the methodology and equations presented herein apply to a reinforced soil wall system with flexible bases.

Even when the equations presented herein are used, Koerner points out that the factor of safety against overturning for geotextile reinforced walls is typically high.(57)

FHWA 1997 guidelines require limiting the eccentricity of the resultant force only for the sake of limiting lateral deformation. It may be implied that lateral deflection increases with increasing eccentricity but such correlations are not readily available to decide on an acceptable eccentricity value for design.

Barrett showed that GRS walls with negative batters have performed very well.(58,59)

GMSE = Geosynthetic Mechanically Stabilized Earth
GRS = Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil

Clearly, checking for limiting eccentricity is generally prudent. However, such a check is based on theories that really do not apply to flexible base systems. The check is intended as a failure mechanism that is feasibly impossible in a GRS and thus should be discontinued.


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