Impact of Design Features on Pavement Response and Performance in Rehabilitated Flexible and Rigid Pavements
Chapter 8. Study Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations
This chapter provides the findings and conclusions from
the analysis of preventive maintenance treatments and performance of different
pavement rehabilitation alternatives. Recommendations for future research are
provided at the end of the chapter.
Maintenance Treatments
The findings presented in this section are based on the
analysis of 81 SPS-3 flexible pavement sites and 34 SPS-4 rigid pavement
sections subjected to different preventive maintenance treatments. Most of the
flexible pavement sites were monitored for at least 4 years, and about
22 percent of the sites were monitored for 10 years or more. Most of the rigid
pavement sites were monitored for at least 4 years.
Preventive Maintenance Effectiveness for Flexible Pavements
From the analysis of SPS-3 sites, the following effects
of preventive maintenance treatments on pavement performance were observed:
- Of all of the SPS-3 treatments, only thin overlay was effective
in mitigating and delaying the progression of roughness; however, this
treatment was effective only for pavements in freeze zones, high traffic, or
poor condition.
- Thin overlay mitigated and slowed the progression of rutting
under all circumstances.
- Chip seal was more effective than slurry seal in wet freeze zones
but was only marginally more effective in dry freeze zones.
- There were no significant differences between slurry seal, crack
seal, and the no treatment control scenario with respect to rutting.
Fatigue cracking:
- Thin overlays and chips seals were more effective than slurry
seal and crack seal treatments in mitigating fatigue cracking.
- With respect to fatigue cracking, thin overlays performed better
than most other treatments if the pavement was in a freeze zone, in a wet
climatic region, subject to high traffic, or initially in poor condition.
Preventive Maintenance Effectiveness for Rigid Pavements
The study of the SPS-4 sites showed that the performance
of the joint/crack sealed sections and undersealed sections was not
significantly different from the performance of control sections. Additionally,
no meaningful difference between the two treatments was found. The analysis was
weakened by the small number of sites and only 4 years of performance history
that included recorded surveys with undersealing treatment. While 34 sites
included the survey measurements for joint/crack sealed sections, only 10 sites
had data for undersealed sections.
Flexible Pavements
The findings presented in this section are based on the
analysis of 18 SPS-5 rehabilitated flexible pavement experimental sites with
162 core test sections. Most of the sections were monitored for at least 9
Evaluation of Rehabilitation Strategies with Respect to
To analyze data from the SPS-5 experiment, a gradual
statistical analysis was used  in which the data from each site were analyzed first, followed by a consolidated
analysis of all sites simultaneously in search for general trends and broader
conclusions about pavement performance and its dependency on design features
and site conditions. The results obtained in the consolidated analysis mostly
agree with the results found in the individual site analyses. A summary of the
analysis findings with respect to major pavement performance indicators is provided
- Rehabilitation strategies with milling prior to overlay provided
better roughness
performance (i.e., smoother) for all site conditions.
- Strategies with thick overlays provided smoother pavements for
all site conditions.
- Strategies with virgin or RAP mixes had equivalent performance
when used under wet conditions.
- Strategies with RAP mixes provided smoother pavements when used
in dry conditions.
- Traffic level and freeze conditions did not impact roughness
performance ranking.
- Rehabilitation strategies with thin overlays performed better
than thick overlays in the short term. In the long term, the ranking of best
strategies was more evenly distributed for both thick and thin overlays.
- The ranking of best strategies was evenly distributed among the
two mix types (virgin and RAP) in the short term. In the long term,
rehabilitation strategies with virgin mixes were in the top ranking of
performance more frequently (lowest rutting), with the exception of fair
pavement surface under freeze conditions, which corresponded to
33 percent of all sites.
- Strategies with milling did not improve rutting performance more
than alternatives without milling.
- Surprisingly, the level of traffic did not affect rutting
performance of the selected rehabilitation strategies.
Fatigue cracking:
- Short-term fatigue cracking performance was not affected
significantly by any design features under any site conditions, which makes
sense because overlays were designed to minimize fatigue cracking in the short
- Rehabilitation strategies with thick overlays provided better
performance for fatigue cracking under all site conditions evaluated.
- Strategies with milling prior to overlay performed better to
mitigate development and propagation of fatigue cracking in all site
- In regions with a dry climate, alternatives without milling
performed as well as solutions with milling.
- Strategies with RAP mixes were better ranked for sites with low
Transverse cracking:
- There were no differences identified in short-term performance
among the rehabilitation strategies in freezing zones.
- Among the sites located in no-freeze zones, the remaining site
conditions did not have any impact on short-term performance.
- Strategies with virgin mixes and thick overlays ranked best for
long-term transverse cracking performance.
- Strategies with RAP mixes performed better than virgin mixes when
the site had low traffic and when the site had high traffic and a dry climate.
- Milling prior to overlay did not improve performance more than
without milling.
Longitudinal cracking (in wheel paths):
- Rehabilitation strategies with milling prior to overlay were consistently
better for improving performance than alternatives without milling.
- Strategies with virgin mixes were consistently better than
alternatives with RAP in sites located in wet climates.
- There was no difference in ranking between strategies with virgin
and RAP mixes in
dry conditions.
- Overlay thickness was not a significant factor affecting
performance associated with longitudinal cracking.
In terms of the effect of design features or construction
practices, the following conclusions were made:
Overlay thickness:
- Overlay thickness was the most influential design feature. Thick
overlays consistently performed better than thin overlays, as expected.
- The impact of thickness on performance was more evident in the
long term (more than
5 years) for most of the distresses. The exception was rutting, which had no
evidence suggesting that either thin or thick overlays provided less rutting.
- The analysis of milling prior to overlay suggested that replacing
the distressed portion of the surface layer improved the performance for the
majority of distresses commonly observed in flexible pavements.
RAP mixes:
- The majority of sites did not show significant differences in
performance between sections overlaid with virgin and RAP mixes. However, when
differences existed, they were mostly in favor of virgin mixes.
Evaluation of Rehabilitation Strategies with Respect to
Structural Responses
For evaluation of structural responses, a maximum FWD
deflection measured under the center of the load was used as a structural
response indicator. The study concentrated on evaluating FWD maximum
deflections against the average pavement performance during the service life of
SPS-5 sites. As with the analysis of pavement performance presented above, a
gradual statistical analysis was used beginning with the analysis of individual
sites, followed by a consolidated analysis of all sites simultaneously. The
results from the consolidated analysis supported the findings from the analysis
of individual sites. A summary of the analysis findings with respect to
structural response is as follows:
- Rehabilitation strategies with thick overlays provided the lowest
structural response independent of site conditions.
- Strategies with RAP mix overlays had the lowest structural
response in freeze regions, while strategies with virgin mixes presented lower deflections under
no-freeze conditions.
- Milling prior to overlay did not affect the structural response. In
fact, in no-freeze zones, strategies without milling presented lower
- When comparing wet and dry climates, pavement surface condition,
and traffic level, none had a significant impact on structural responses
associated with each rehabilitation alternative.
In terms of the effect of design features or construction
practices, the following conclusions were made:
Overlay thickness:
- Rehabilitation strategies with thick overlays had lower maximum
deflection values compared to alternatives with thin overlays, as expected.
RAP mixes:
- There were no differences in pavement response between strategies
using virgin and RAP mix overlays.
- Strategies with milling prior to overlay did not impact the
structural response more than alternatives without milling.
Evaluation of Structural Responses Immediately After
Rehabilitation and Future Performance
The objective of this evaluation was to identify trends
in the relationship between response measured after the rehabilitation and the
observed performance in subsequent years of the pavement's service life. Only
long-term performance was used for this analysis, which included performance
data of 5 years or more. The following summarizes the analysis findings:
- The trend between roughness and maximum deflection suggests that
roughness, as measured by IRI values, was positively related to the deflection
values measured after the rehabilitation of the pavement structure. The higher
the deflection after rehabilitation, the higher the IRI over the long term.
- The center load FWD deflection after the pavement's
rehabilitation did not provide adequate qualitative information about the
rutting performance predictions. The instantaneous FWD deflections could not be
associated with the material's behavior impacting performance for rutting.
Fatigue cracking:
- No statistically significant trend was found between fatigue
cracking performance and center load FWD deflection.
Transverse cracking:
- Higher values of transverse cracking were found when the pavement
had higher center load FWD deflections.
Longitudinal cracking:
- No significant correlation was found between longitudinal
cracking and center load deflection.
Rehabilitated Rigid Pavements
Findings presented in this section are based on the
analysis of 14 SPS-6 rehabilitated rigid pavement sites, specifically 8 JPCP
and 6 JRCP. Most of the sections were monitored for at least 6 years. The
findings from the analysis are described separately for JPCP and JRCP sites.
Evaluation of JPCP Rehabilitation Strategies with Respect to Performance
The results from the statistical analysis led to the
following conclusions with respect to major pavement performance indicators,
total cracking and IRI:
Total cracking:
- Rehabilitation strategies without overlays were the most
effective to mitigate cracking development and propagation. Specifically, HMA
overlays over jointed concrete pavements exhibited more total cracking than
when the pavement was not overlaid.
- Saw and seal (when counted as an existing crack) showed more
total cracking than other alternatives, but the control of reflection cracks
(through sawing and sealing) was the design goal for this alternative. The
smoothness of sawed and sealed overlays was similar to other overlays of
similar thickness.
- Crack/break and seat of JPCP had no significant effect in
reducing the amount of cracking, since it performed similarly to the 4-inch
(102-mm) overlay over noncracked JPCP (with both minimum and maximum
- The three alternatives without overlays, no treatment control
scenario, minimum restoration, and maximum restoration, were found to be the
best choices (i.e., reduced total cracking) for both short-term and long-term
- Crack/break and seat with 4-inch (102-mm) overlays was the best
alternative among those which involved overlays to reduce cracking.
- The sawed and sealed joints did not deteriorate significantly on
these sections, and they became an effective control of reflection cracking. If
they were counted for total cracking, the sawed and sealed sections would have
shown similar performance to other HMA overlays.
- Rehabilitation strategies with HMA overlay were significantly
smoother than treatments without overlay for both the short term and long term.
- The best alternative to improve roughness performance was the
thicker overlay alternative crack/break and seat with 8-inch (203-mm) overlays.
This alternative also has the highest cost.
- Crack/break and seat with 8-inch (203-mm) overlays and minimum
restoration with 4-inch (102-mm) overlays (without crack/break and seat) were statistically
equivalent and were found to be the best alternatives for most of the scenarios
evaluated when both short-term and long-term roughness performance were
- Crack/break and seat with 4-inch (102-mm) overlay was among the worst
alternatives to improve roughness performance.
- Saw and seal alternative provided similar smoothness to other 4-inch
(102-mm) overlays.
It should be noted that the best performance alternative
may not be the lowest cost alternative. Selection of a rehabilitation
alternative must also consider the cost and long-term maintenance.
The analysis of impact of site conditions led to the
conclusion that different climate regions and surface conditions did not have a
significant impact on roughness and total cracking performance for the rehabilitation
strategies included in the SPS-6 JPCP experiment.
of PCC Restoration Prior to Overlay
The impact of PCC restoration preoverlay treatments on
performance of overlaid sections was investigated in the JPCP sites of the
SPS-6 experiment. Transverse cracking was the only distress for which
statistical differences were found between the four treatments. The conclusions
from this study were as follows:
- The best alternative to limit the development and propagation of
transverse cracking among all options with 4-inch (102-mm) overlays was
crack/break and seat.
- Minimum and maximum restorations had an equivalent impact on
short-term transverse cracking performance.
The analysis of impact of site conditions led to the
following additional conclusions:
- Statistical differences in performance of overlaid sections were
observed only for transverse cracking and short-term roughness when individual
site characteristics were considered.
- The rankings of best treatments prior to overlay remained the
same regardless of site characteristics (i.e., surface condition or climate
- There was no impact on performance due to variations in surface
condition prior to rehabilitation or the climatic region where the LTPP site
was located.
- Minimum, maximum, and saw and seal restorations provided the best
short-term roughness performance, but there was no difference between the
rehabilitation alternatives for long-term performance. Specifically, for the
long term, these three restorations showed the same roughness.
- Crack/break and seat and minimum restoration were the best
alternatives to mitigate the development and propagation of transverse cracking
in the long term.
Effect of PCC Restoration Without Overlay
Three sections in each SPS-6 site did not receive overlays
as part of their rehabilitation strategies. These sections were used to
evaluate the impact of PCC restoration on performance. The small number of
sections available for this study significantly reduced the power of the
analysis and the chances of finding statistical differences among the treatment
No statistical differences in performance were found for short-term performance.
The only performance indicator that showed statistical differences between the
treatments was long-term roughness. From the analysis of long-term roughness,
the findings supported by the statistical analysis were as follows:
- The maximum restoration treatment produced the smoothest pavement
over the long term.
- The minimum restoration treatment produced the second smoothest
pavement over the long term.
- The no treatment control section, which received no
rehabilitation, was the roughest pavement over the long term, as expected.
An attempt was made to evaluate the impact of site
conditions on performance; however, the results were not statistically
Evaluation of JRCP Rehabilitation Strategies with Respect
to Performance
Similar to JPCP findings, the results of the JRCP
analyses suggested that rehabilitation strategies with HMA overlays improved
roughness performance, while strategies without overlays were better at improving
total cracking development and propagation. The main conclusions were
as follows.
Total cracking:
- Rehabilitation strategies without overlays were the best when
considering total cracking.
- Saw and seal, when counted as cracking, had the highest total
cracking among all options evaluated. However, the sawed and sealed joints
remained in reasonably good condition over time.
- Crack/break and seat of JRCP had no significant effect on
reducing the amount of cracking since it performed similarly to the 4-inch
(102-mm) overlay over noncracked JRCP (with minimum and maximum restoration).
- Rehabilitation strategies with overlay had significantly better
roughness performance (i.e., were smoother) than treatments without overlay.
- Minimum and maximum restorations with overlays were the best
strategies to improve short-term performance for roughness.
- For long-term performance, the best alternative was the thick
overlay alternative crack/break and seat with 8-inch (203-mm) overlays.
The sawed and sealed joints did not deteriorate
significantly on these sections, and they became an effective control of
reflection cracking. If they were removed from total cracking, the sawed and
sealed sections would have shown similar performance to other HMA overlays.
Effect of PCC Restoration Prior
to Overlay
The impact of PCC restoration treatments on the
performance of overlaid sections was investigated in JRCP sites of the SPS-6
experiment. Transverse cracking was the only distress for which statistical
differences were found between the four treatments. The conclusions from this
study were as follows:
- Crack/break and seat was the best alternative for short-term
- Minimum and maximum restorations had an equivalent impact on
short-term performance.
- The best alternatives to limit the development and propagation of
transverse cracking in the long term were crack/break and seat and minimum
- Saw and seal prior to overlay when counted as cracks had the highest
total cracking among all options evaluated in the SPS-6 experiment.
The sawed and sealed joints did not deteriorate
significantly on these sections, and they became an effective control of
reflection cracking. If they were removed from total cracking, the saw and
sealed sections would have shown similar performance to other HMA overlays.
Effect of PCC Restoration Without
Three sections in each SPS-6 site did not receive an
overlay as part of their rehabilitation strategies. These sections were used to
evaluate the impact of PCC restoration on performance. Distresses common to
rigid pavements were used as performance measures. The only performance
indicator that showed statistical differences between the treatments was
short-term transverse reflection slab cracking. The findings from this
statistical analysis were as follows:
- The maximum restoration treatment and the control section had
statistically equivalent performances for short-term transverse slab cracking.
- The minimum restoration treatment provided the worst transverse
slab cracking performance.
- The small number of sites limited the statistical findings in
this study.
Evaluation of Rehabilitation Strategies with Respect to
Structural Responses
FWD deflections were used as the response measure of the
pavement structure. Deflections at the center of the slab and at the transfer
joints were used in this study. JPCP and JRCP structures were evaluated
independently. Sections that received an HMA overlay were monitored like
flexible pavements, and deflections at the center of the lane were used.
There were limitations due to the amount of data
available, especially after the data were grouped by pavement structure type
and surface. Because of the small sample size (eight sites), the statistical
power of the analysis was low, and no statistical differences were found in the
pavement response of JPCP structures.
The only analysis that provided some statistically
meaningful results was the evaluation of maximum deflection at the center lane
of overlaid JRCP structures. The results suggested that crack/break and seat
significantly increased the overall deflections measured on the pavement
surface. The remaining treatments interchangeably provided equivalent maximum
deflection magnitudes. These results were expected since crack/break and seat was
an alternative in which the concrete slab was reduced to smaller pieces
resulting in lower stiffness, and this increased the maximum deflection at the
center of the slab.
Evaluation of Structural Responses Immediately After
Rehabilitation and Future Performance
The objective of this study was to identify trends in the
relationship between response measured immediately after the rehabilitation and
the observed performance in the subsequent years of the pavement's service life.
LTE between slabs and maximum deflection at the center of the slab were used
when the surface remained concrete slabs after rehabilitation. Maximum
deflection at the center of the lane was used when the surface changed to HMA
after rehabilitation.
LTE Versus Performance in JPCP
Only transverse slab cracking exhibited a clear trend
with LTE values in no overlaid JPCP sections, indicating that as the efficiency
of the load transfer increased, the amount of transverse slab cracking
decreased. This trend suggested that good load transfer joint restoration was
important to mitigate the development and propagation of slab cracking.
Maximum Deflection at Center of
Slab Versus JPCP Performance
The trend between performance based on roughness and deflection
measured at the center of the slab suggested that the higher the deflection,
the smoother the JPCP over time. This trend was not what would normally be
expected. The level of slab cracking also showed an inverse trend with maximum
deflection measured at the center of the slab. The trend suggested that slabs
with higher deflections under FWD loading were less likely to develop cracking.
A possible explanation was that stiffer subgrades resulted in higher slab
curling and warping stresses, which led to increased slab cracking. This same
result was found in MEPDG.(1) While stiffer foundations reduced axle
load stresses, they increased curling and warping stresses, which often tended
to dominate cracking.
Faulting was also investigated, and the observed trend
suggested that faulting was inversely proportional to deflection measured at
the center of the slab. High deflection values yielded low faulting, although
the trend was weak and depended on only one or two points. There was no logical
explanation for this result.
Maximum Deflection at Center of
Lane Versus Performance of Overlaid JPCP
For sections that received an overlay as part of the
rehabilitation strategy, there was a clear indication that overlaid JPCP with
high deflections were more likely to become rougher pavements in the long term
compared to sections with low deflection values.
Overlaid JPCP sections with high center lane deflections
were more likely to experience higher rutting than sections with low deflection values. Since all rutting
occurred in the HMA layer, the cause for this result was not explainable unless
the HMA was so soft that it contributed significantly to the total deflection. Normally,
nearly all deflection was in the foundation for JPCP.
The fatigue cracking trend suggested that high fatigue
cracking was expected when deflection values were high. High longitudinal
cracking values were observed when maximum deflections at the center of the
lane were low, which indicated that the pavement structure was less deformable
and more susceptible to surface tensile stresses, which was an important
contributor to the development and propagation of longitudinal cracking.
Response Versus Performance in
The investigation of possible trends between response and
performance in JRCP structures did not result in any meaningful conclusions. Different
performance measures were analyzed against LTE, maximum deflection at the
center of the slab, and maximum deflection at the center of the lane; however,
no relevant conclusion was determined.
from MEPDG Analyses
MEPDG analysis was used to compare MEPDG-predicted
performance of rehabilitated pavement sections with field-measured data and to verify
current calibration against predictions of rehabilitated pavement structures. The
following summarizes the findings from the
MEPDG analysis.
The findings for the roughness model are as follows:
- The roughness models for flexible pavements and rigid pavements
provided good overall predictions of rehabilitated sections with and without
HMA overlay.
- There was some bias in the predictions, which could be addressed
with local or revised general calibration. The model had a tendency to
underpredict roughness for rigid pavement sections with IRI values above  9.50
ft/mi (1.8 m/km). This bias was more characteristic of sections located in dry
and freeze regions.
The findings for the rutting model are as follows:
- This model needs further enhancement to more accurately predict
permanent deformation in HMA overlay over flexible and rigid pavements before it can be
used with overlaid pavements.
- The model overpredicts performance of HMA overlays over
crack/break and seat restored rigid pavements
- The model underpredicts performance of HMA overlays for saw and
seal and minimum and maximum restorations prior to overlays.
- MEPDG considers the cracked/broken PCC layer as new granular base
layer. Permanent deformation is predicted for the new layer and even the
subgrade, which is normally the cause of the overprediction of total rutting
identified in this study.
The finds for cracking models for HMA overlays are as
- The cracking models for HMA overlays (particularly the empirical
reflection cracking) need further enhancement to provide more accurate
- The models for fatigue cracking (new and reflective) and
longitudinal cracking were not capable of predicting consistent and comparable
performance with measured values.
- MEPDG did not predict transverse cracking in any of the SPS-5 or SPS-6
sections; however, some transverse cracking was measured during surveys.
The following list provides suggestions for future
research to further build on the knowledge gained from this study.
Researchers could monitor or create a new LTPP experiment
to examine new and rehabilitated sections, including the following focus areas:
- Monitor rutting for flexible pavements, focusing on trenching and
forensic studies to measure the contribution of individual layers to total
- Develop a means to assess and gather data on reflective cracking
to obtain data to calibrate improved models to incorporate in MEPDG.
- Monitor response and performance data to develop or improve MEPDG
- Add new rigid pavement sections to the experiment to monitor
undersealing of
rigid pavements. The sample size used in this analysis was too small to obtain
any meaningful conclusions.
- Review LTPP procedures to measure fatigue cracking of
rehabilitated sections. There is evidence that cracking for such conditions was
mostly associated with the propagation of cracks from the existing pavement
prior to the overlay.
Another possible research plan includes future
improvements of MEPDG models, including the following:
- Reassess the impact of existing conditions prior to overlay on
MEPDG models for IRI. In general, MEPDG underpredicts IRI levels for poor
surface conditions and thin overlays, particularly with RAP mixes.
- Use LTPP data to reduce bias on IRI estimates for aged pavements.
In general, MEPDG overpredicts IRI for the control sections.
- Revise MEPDG models. MEPDG analysis results for IRI of SPS-6
sections with no overlays presented some bias. In general, the MEPDG models
underpredict the IRI level, particularly for sections with maximum restoration.
It is recommended to revise the MEPDG models for such conditions to remove
bias, particularly for pavements with restoration procedures and pavements
located in freeze zones. In general, MEPDG overpredicts rutting for sections
rehabilitated with crack/break and seat alternatives. MEPDG models can be
improved if the bias is removed with revised models or with improved
calibration based on LTPP data for such sections. Except for crack/break and
seat, MEPDG estimates for rutting on sections with overlays are underpredicted.
The MEPDG models for such conditions should be revised or recalibrated to
existing bias.
- Improve the MEPDG empirical model for reflective cracking through
calibration efforts based on results obtained in this study. Two issues need to
be addressed in the future. The first is how fatigue, longitudinal, and
transverse cracking may be masked by reflective cracking. It was difficult to
separate reflective cracking from other types of cracking during the survey
measurements. The attempt to incorporate every type of cracking in the analysis
conducted in this study was not very successful, particularly due to the
possible confusion when measuring individual types of cracking and due to the
poor performance of reflective cracking models in MEPDG. Revised models and
procedures to identify reflective cracking during the surveys can help improve
MEPDG estimates for cracking of rehabilitated sections of both flexible and
rigid pavements.
The recommendations for technology
transfer are as follows:
- Develop publications based on findings of this study that can be
distributed to the industry to help engineers find the best maintenance
treatment or rehabilitation alternatives for their specific conditions.
- Promote use of SPS-5 and SPS-6 data and findings to improve local
and general calibration for MEPDG analysis of rehabilitated pavement sections.
- Make MEPDG input data from this project available to users for
local calibration of MEPDG models.