U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
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Washington, DC 20590
Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations
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Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-15-019 Date: May 2015 |
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-15-019 Date: May 2015 |
A brief overview of the current approach for collection, processing, and storage of data to represent climate conditions at each test site is presented in this chapter. This discussion is limited to the methodology to include continuous long-term data stored in the climate module for all test sections because this was the objective of this portion of the study.
Virtual Weather Station Concept
To develop climate statistics to represent site conditions at each test site, LTPP developed the “virtual” weather station (VWS) concept. Because LTPP test sections are rarely located near an OWS, a method was needed to interpolate data from nearby sites over the required duration of the test section life. The methodology LTPP selected was to call the statistical climate data interpolated from nearby OWS a VWS.
The selection of the OWS to form the statistical basis for a VWS is a critical consideration. The objective of the OWS selection process was to identify weather measurement locations that are expected to be representative of conditions at the VWS site and that satisfy the data needs of the intended application. Some of the factors taken into consideration in the LTPP OWS selection process included the following:
The OWS selection method used by the LTPP program developed over time. It began with definition of a perfect weather station to describe the climate at LTPP test sections. The “perfect” weather station had to be within 5 mi and include data equivalent to a first order weather station.(7) In theory, only one perfect weather station is needed to describe the weather events occurring at a pavement test section location that can account for events affecting the performance of the test pavement structure. When it became apparent that no perfect weather stations existed for the LTPP test sections at the start of the program, the following OWS selection process was used based on first-order and cooperative weather stations in the United States. First-order weather stations are those maintained by the National Weather Service (NWS) that operate 24 hours a day with frequent data collection intervals collecting variables such as temperature, precipitation, surface pressure, humidity, wind speed and direction, cloud cover, snow depth, visibility, and solar radiation; cooperative weather stations generally collect only temperature and/or precipitation at less frequent intervals, and collection is performed by volunteers. Equivalent categories of weather stations were also applied to available data from Canada. The following OWS selection process used by the LTPP program emerged over time:
As it turns out, based on LTPP experience, there is no such thing as a perfect weather station. As is subsequently explained, all weather measurement instrumentation requires continual monitoring, evaluation, and maintenance to provide reasonable data. This is compounded by secondary issues related to time conventions, equipment calibrations, and changes in measurement equipment over time.
Using the selected representative OWSs, LTPP used a VWS interpolation methodology based on a 1/R2 “gravity” model for combining data from up to five nearby weather stations. As illustrated conceptually in figure 1, the interpolated value for data element V for day m at the VWS location is determined from the data elements Vmi recorded at each of the k OWSs on day m as seen in figure 2 in which Ri is the distance of weather station i from the VWS location at the project site. In figure 1, OWS3 is highlighted to represent the closest first-order weather station. As subsequently explained, 95 percent of the daily VWS weather statistics for wind and humidity are based on only one OWS, which is typically a first-order weather station.
The LTPP VWS interpolation methodology does not directly account for elevation differences between the measurement locations and project site. This is the reason that the selection criteria for the OWSs included a limit to the difference in elevation to the VWS site. (Note: The VWS algorithm in the MEPDG is very similar to that used by LTPP except that it does include an elevation correction using the temperature lapse rate.)
The LTPP climate data obtained from external sources are stored in the CLM module in the pavement performance database (PPDB). A two-tiered data storage structure is used. The first tier contains raw and processed data from OWSs selected for use in computing the second tier VWS statistics.
Figure 1. Illustration. Illustration of VWS concept.
Figure 2. Equation. Gravity model equation.
All of the table names in the CLM module start with CLM as the first three-letter prefix. In the table relationship figures in this part of the report, the CLM prefix has been omitted for presentation convenience.
Figure 3 illustrates the organization of the CLM_OWS tables contained in the PPDB. Only the CLM_OWS_LOCATION table is distributed as a part of the LTPP Standard Data Release (SDR). All of the other CLM_OWS_* tables shown in this figure are stored centrally on the LTPP PPDB database server and are disseminated by request only. The data obtained from the United States and Canadian climate data sources, National Climate Data Center (NCDC) and Canadian Centre for Climate (CCC), respectively, are split into four data types and stored by time period, i.e., daily, monthly, and annual. This format was implemented in 2004 as part of the 2005 data release to address data discrepancies found in the raw data from NCDC.
Figure 3. Illustration. LTPP parsing, QC checks, and data flow relationships among the CLM_OWS* tables obtained from external data sources.
Only the OWS_LOCATION and OWS_data-type_DAILY tables are subjected to automated LTPP QC checks because they are used in the computation process for the CLM_VWS tables contained in the SDR. The four data types include precipitation, temperature, wind, and humidity. The OWS monthly and annual tables are not subject to LTPP QC checks. These tables have been used in the past by the LTPP engineering staff to perform reasonableness checks on the results of the VWS monthly and annual tables. In essence, the monthly computations from the OWS sources are compared with those computed from the VWS daily data when a new data upload is performed.
Figure 4 illustrates the CLM VWS computational structure relationships. OWSs are linked to pavement test sections through a process that considers their locations relative to the test section locations. The results of this selection process are contained in the VWS_OWS_LINK table, which controls which OWS data are included in each VWS statistic. The SPS_GPS_LINK and SITE_VWS_LINK tables are used to associate CLM_VWS statistics with collocated test sections at project sites with more than one test section. The dashed arrows in figure 4 show the hierarchical statistical summaries based on level E data from the underlying temporal statistics. Level E means that the data have passed all of the automated LTPP QC checks.
Figure 4. Illustration. LTPP CLM VWS computational relationship structure.
After the VWS daily tables are created, the VWS monthly tables are computed. The monthly tables are computed using daily data that have passed all of the daily data QC checks. In addition to the checks on the daily tables, the monthly data table calculations are subjected to QC checks on the number of valid days in each month’s daily data. Likewise, annual statistics are based on the monthly statistics and subjected to QC checks related to the number of valid days in the year for which data for each data type is available.
The data in CLM_VWS_* tables contained in the SDR includes all data at all levels of RECORD_STATUS. While only level E data are used to compute the higher-level temporal aggregation statistics, data failing the QC checks were retained for research purposes.
The derived monthly and annual climate statistics and indices computed from the daily data are shown in table 1. In addition to common statistical descriptive measures, the LTPP CLM module includes the following climate indices:
Table 1. Derived climatic data statistics and computed indices stored in the LTPP database.
Data Element |
Monthly |
Annual |
Average | Std. Dev. | No. of Days | Value | Average | Std. Dev. | No. of Days | Value | |
Mean temperature | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Maximum temperature | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Minimum temperature | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Absolute maximum temperature | X |
X |
Absolute minimum temperature | X |
X |
Number of days above 90 °F | X |
X |
Number of days below 32 °F | X |
X |
Freeze index | X |
X |
X |
X |
Freeze–thaw cycles | X |
X |
X |
X |
Maximum humidity | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Minimum humidity | X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Total precipitation | X |
X |
X |
X |
Number of intense precipitation days (daily precipitation > 0.5 inches) | X |
X |
Number of wet days (daily precipitation > 0.01 inches) | X |
X |
Total snowfall | X |
X |
X |
Number of snow covered days | X |
Mean wind speed | X |
X |
X |
X |
Maximum wind speed | X |
X |
X |
X |
Std. Dev. = Standard Deviation |
Issues with Legacy LTPP Climate Data Approach
The legacy LTPP program approach to general climate statistics for test sections dates back to technology available in 1991. Over time, LTPP has pursued an active and informed approach to provision of climate data statistics that has altered and adapted to changing technology. The following are some difficulties, limitations, and issues with this approach that the program has attempted to deal with over the last 20 years and that represent future challenges to its legacy approach:
Figure 5. Graph. Percentage of OWSs represented in each daily VWS statistic by number of OWSs.
These issues are not criticisms of the LTPP program; they merely reflect the issues and challenges that all infrastructure research projects requiring sit- specific climate data have faced over the last 20 years. Even today, using ground-based weather data observations has some of these same issues.
The next chapter of this report contains a summary of climate data sources that are available to meet emerging needs of the modern generation of infrastructure design and performance prediction engineering models.