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Publication Number:  FHWA-HRT-15-080    Date:  February 2016
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-15-080
Date: February 2016


Synthesis and Evaluation of The Service Limit State of Engineered Fills for Bridge Support


In this chapter, methods that are widely accepted and routinely used to calculate immediate and long-term settlement of shallow foundations of bridges, vertical deformation of GRS abutments, and lateral displacement of GRS abutments are evaluated. Available methods for long-term deformations of shallow foundations on granular soils are also presented.

4.1 Methods for Immediate Settlement of Shallow Foundations of Bridges on Granular Soils

Various methods are available to calculate the immediate (elastic) settlement of shallow foundations. Das provided a critical review of 12 common methods on elastic settlement of shallow foundations on granular soil.(91) He grouped the methods into three categories: methods based on observed settlement of structures and full scale prototypes, semi-empirical methods based on a combination of field observations and theoretical studies, and methods based on theoretical relationships derived from the theory of elasticity. In this section, the following
five methods are presented and evaluated:

These five methods were evaluated in previous FHWA studies and a SHRP2 study.(3,12,10) The AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications recommends the use of the Hough method, which has the smallest coefficient of variance.(8,94) However, the Hough method is conservative by a factor of approximately two, which often leads to unnecessary use of deep foundations instead of spread footings to meet tolerable deformation criteria. FHWA recommends the use of the method proposed by Schmertmann because it is a rational method that considers not only the applied stress and its associated strain influence distribution with depth for various footing shapes but also the elastic properties of the foundation soils, even if they are layered. (See references 6, 7, 92, 93, and 10.)

Modified Schmertmann Method

To estimate settlements of footings in structural fills by the Schmertmann method, an assumption must be made about the standard penetration test (SPT) blow count for an SPT sampler to penetrate the second and third 6 inches into the subsoil (N-value) that is representative of the engineered fill.(92,93) The FHWA report, Spread Footings for Highway Bridges used an SPT N-value of 32 blows/ft (32 blows/0.305 m) corrected for overburden pressure as a representative value for estimating settlement in structural fills.(3) This SPT N-value corresponds to a relative density of approximately 85 percent at an overburden stress of about 2,000 psf (95.8 kPa) and approximately 97 percent RC based on the modified Proctor compaction energy.(3,18) Under such compacted conditions, and in the absence of other SPT data in structural fills, the settlement of a footing supported on structural fill can be estimated by using an assumed corrected SPT blow count ((N1)60) of 32. However, engineered fills are often compacted to a RC of 95 percent based on the modified Proctor compaction energy. For this case, (N1)60 of 23 is more appropriate.(18)

Based on the modified Schmertmann method, the immediate settlement of spread footing can be estimated by the equations found in figure 55 through figure 57.(93)

S subscript i equals the product of C subscript 1 times C subscript 2 times delta p times the summation for i equal to 1 to n for the product of open parenthesis H subscript i times open parenthesis I subscript z divided by the product of X times E subscript I closed parenthesis closed parenthesis.

Figure 55. Equation. Immediate settlement of spread footing based on modified Schmertmann method.


Si = Immediate settlement.
C1 = Correction factor for strain relief due to soil excavation for foundation embedment, which is defined in figure 56.
C2 = Correction factor to consider creep as the time-dependent increase in settlement for t time (i.e., number of years) after construction, which is defined in figure 57.
Δp = Net uniform pressure applied at the foundation depth.
Hi= Thickness of each soil layer.
Iz = Strain influence factor.
X = Factor used to determine the value of elastic modulus.
Ei = Elastic modulus of layer i in the vertical direction.

C subscript 1 equals 1 minus 0.5 times open parenthesis p subscript 0 divided by delta p closed parenthesis is greater than or equal to 0.5.

Figure 56. Equation. Correction factor to consider foundation embedment depth.


C subscript 2 equals 1 plus 0.2 times logarithm 10 of open parenthesis t open parenthesis years closed parenthesis divided by 0.1 closed parenthesis.

Figure 57. Equation. Correction factor to consider creep.


Hough Method

The original Hough method was used to estimate immediate settlement of embankments.(84) It was based on uncorrected SPT N-values and included recommendations for cohesionless as well as cohesive soils such as sandy clay and remolded clay, respectively. AASHTO modified the Hough method and used (N1)60 to eliminate the recommendations for sandy clay and remolded clay.(9,84) However, the settlements estimated by the modified Hough method are usually overestimated by a factor of 2 or more based on the data in the FHWA report, Spread Footings for Highway Bridges.(3) Such conservative estimates may be excessive with respect to the behavior of the structures founded within, under, or near the embankment. In cases where structures are affected by embankment settlement, more refined estimates of the immediate settlements are warranted.

In the Hough method, the immediate settlement of sand under a shallow foundation is calculated by taking the summation of settlement of subdivided layers of 10 ft (3.05 m) that are influenced by the foundation load. The settlement ( ΔH) of each soil layer is calculated using the following:

Delta H equals H subscript i times open parenthesis 1 divided by C closed parenthesis times logarithm 10 of the fraction of the summation of open parenthesis sigma prime subscript 0 plus delta times sigma prime subscript v divided by sigma prime subscript 0 closed parenthesis.

Figure 58. Equation. Immediate settlement of each soil layer based on Hough method.


C = Bearing Capacity Index.
σ'0 = Initial average effective stress of the subdivided soil layer.
Δσ'v = Vertical stress increase in the subdivided soil layer due to applied foundation load.

Peck and Bazaraa method

The Peck and Bazaraa method is based on the original Terzaghi and Peck empirical equation.(95,99) The SPT blow count is corrected for overburden pressure to reflect the relative density of the soil. The immediate settlement of a footing on sand is calculated as follows:

S equals the product of C subscript w times C subscript D times the fraction 2 times p divided by open parenthesis N subscript 1 closed parenthesis subscript 60 times open parenthesis the fraction B divided by B plus 0.3 closed parenthesis squared.

Figure 59. Equation. Immediate settlement of footing based on Peck and Bazaraa method.


S = Settlement of footing.
Cw = Water table correction factor at depth of B/2 below footing bearing level.
CD = Embedment correction factor.
p = Footing bearing pressure.

(N1)60 can be estimated using the equations in figure 60 and figure 61 as follows:

Open parenthesis N subscript 1 closed parenthesis subscript 60 equals the fraction 4 times N subscript 60 divided by 1 plus 0.04 times sigma prime subscript 0 for sigma prime subscript 0 less than or equal to 1,566 lb/ft2 (75 kN/m2).

Figure 60. Equation. SPT blow count corrected for overburden pressure less than or equal to 1,566 lb/ft2 (75 kPa)

Where N60 = Standard penetration number that is corrected based on the field conditions.

Open parenthesis N subscript 1 closed parenthesis subscript 60 equals the fraction 4 times N subscript 60 divided by 3.25 plus 0.01 times sigma prime subscript 0 for sigma prime subscript 0 greater than 1,566 lb/ft2 (75 kN/m2).

Figure 61. Equation. SPT blow count corrected for overburden pressure greater than 1,566 lb/ft2 (75 kPa)

Burland and Burbidge Method

The Burland and Burbidge method is an empirical relationship between average SPT blow count, foundation width, and foundation subgrade compressibility.(96) It is based on regression analysis of case studies. The immediate settlement of a footing on granular soil is given by the following:

S equals the product of f subscript s times f subscript l times f subscript t times open bracket open parenthesis q prime minus 2 divided by 3 times sigma prime subscript 0 closed parenthesis times B superscript 0.7 times I subscript c closed bracket.

Figure 62. Equation. Immediate settlement of a footing based on Burland and Burbidge method.


fs = Shape correction factor.
fl = Correction factor for thickness of sand or gravel layer.
ft = Time factor, used if t ³ 3 years.
q' = Average gross applied pressure.
Ic= Compressibility Index.

D’Appolonia Method

The D’Appolonia method is based on the elastic theory.(97,98) The immediate settlement of a footing on sand is given by the following:

S equals the product of p times B divided by M times mu subscript 0 times mu subscript 1.

Figure 63. Equation. Immediate settlement of a footing based on D'Appolonia method.

M = Modulus of compressibility of sand; it is determined using the empirical chart based on SPT results for both normally consolidated and over-consolidated sand; the SPT blow count in the chart is the average blow count in the depth B below the footing bearing level.(97)
μ0 = Embedment correction factor, using the chart by Christian and Carrier.(100)
μ1 = Correction factor for thickness of sand layer, using the chart by Christian and Carrier.(100)

4.2 Long-term Settlement of Shallow Foundations on Granular Soils

Long-term, or time-dependent, settlement of shallow foundations on granular soils is also known as “creep” or “secondary settlement.” Crouse and Wu conducted a study to examine the long-term (greater than 6 mo) performance of seven full-scale GRS walls in the United States and Canada.(101) The walls ranged from 15 to over 40 ft (4.6 to over 12.2 m) in height and typically included surcharge loads from earth fills or highway loads. The geosynthetics were geogrid or geotextiles, and the facing consisted of concrete modular blocks, panels, or exposed surface. The creep rate of reinforcement ranged from 0.4 to 0.7 percent, with one GRS wall at 1.5 percent. Although quantitative creep rate of the GRS walls was not reported, it was found that creep rate decreased with time at a decreasing rate.(102) Adams and Nicks conducted a full-scale study on the secondary settlement of four GRS piers.(27) The results indicate that secondary settlement does occur in granular material, but the amount with GRS is still within typical tolerable limits for bridges.

Empirical equations have been proposed by previous researchers to evaluate long-term settlement of granular soils due to creep. This section presents four methods. Due to the limited data on long-term settlement of shallow foundations on granular soils, evaluation of these methods was not conducted.

The modified Schmertmann method considered creep as the time-dependent increase in settlement after construction, as shown in figure 57.(92,93)

Terzaghi, Peck, and Mesri presented the following equation for settlement due to creep (Screep):(103)

S subscript creep equals open parenthesis 0.1 divided by q bar subscript c closed parenthesis times z subscript 0 times logarithm of the fraction of open parenthesis t subscript days divided by 1 day closed parenthesis.

Figure 64. Equation. Settlement due to creep.


q bar subscript c = Weighted mean value of measured static cone resistance of cone penetration test (qc) between z = 0 to z0, where z is depth from the ground surface, and z0 is the depth under consideration.

Wu reported the following creep rate equation by assuming a linear relationship between the log scale of creep rate and log scale of time:(102)

The derivative of epsilon subscript c with respect to t equals A times open parenthesis t closed parenthesis raised to the power of m.

Figure 65. Equation. Creep rate of shallow foundations.


εc = Creep strain (percent).
A = Reference creep rate; (dεc/dt) at t = 1 day (percent/day).
m = Creep modulus (equal to slope of log(dεc/dt) versus log(t) line; it may be obtained from PTs.

Briaud and Garland and Briaud proposed an expression of time-dependent settlement of footings in sand as follows:(104,105)

S times open parenthesis t closed parenthesis divided by s open parenthesis t subscript t closed parenthesis equals open parenthesis t divided by t subscript 1 closed parenthesis raised to the power of n.

Figure 66. Equation. Time-dependent settlement of footings in sand.


s(t) = Settlement at time t.
s(t1) = Settlement at time t1, where t1 is the reference time (1 min).
n = Time dependency exponent.

Briaud reported that the model identified in figure 66 fit well with a large-scale footing test and the n value typically varied from 0.005 to 0.03 for sands.(105,106) Briaud recommended obtaining site-specific n values by creep pressure meter testing.(105) If this is not available, a value of 0.03 seems conservative for sand in most cases.

4.3 Vertical Deformation of GRS Abutments

The approach for determining vertical deformation of a GRS abutment involves empirically finding the strain from an applicable PT curve.(32) The vertical strain of a GRS abutment is found from the intersection of the applied vertical stress due to the dead load and the PT design envelope for vertical strain. The vertical strain should be limited to 0.5 percent unless additional deformation is permitted.(32) The lateral strain can be then determined analytically assuming no volume change in the abutment.

The vertical displacement (ρ) of a GRS abutment with a strip footing is given by the equation in figure 67.(42) This equation is based on a solution for a relative displacement between the center of the strip footing and any arbitrary point assuming a constant stiffness with depth and a Poisson’s ratio of 0.5 for the GRS material.(107)

Rho equals 3 times q times b prime divided by 4 times pi time E subscript GRS times open bracket one-half times open parenthesis 1 plus the fraction a plus b prime divided by 2 all divided by b prime divided by 2 closed parenthesis times ln times open parenthesis fraction H squared plus open parenthesis a plus b prime divided by 2 closed parenthesis squared all divided by open parenthesis b prime divided by 2 closed parenthesis squared closed parenthesis plus one-half times open parenthesis 1 minus the fraction a plus b prime divided by 2 all divided by b prime divided by 2 closed parenthesis times ln times open parenthesis the fraction H squared plus a squared all divided by open parenthesis b prime divided by 2 closed parenthesis squared closed parenthesis plus H divided by a times tan superscript -1 times open parenthesis fraction a plus b prime all divided by H closed parenthesis plus fraction H divided by a times tan superscript -1 times open parenthesis fraction –b prime divided by H closed parenthesis closed bracket.

Figure 67. Equation. Vertical displacement of a GRS abutment with a strip footing.


π 3.1415926.
EGRS = Young’s elastic modulus of the GRS composite.
q = Applied pressure.
a = Setback distance between the face of the wall and the applied load.
b' = Width of facing block.

4.4 Lateral Displacement of GRS Walls and Abutments

This section presents six methods for calculating lateral displacement of GRS walls and abutments. It is noted that these methods apply to GRS walls and abutments only. Their applicability to MSE walls or abutments remains to be verified.

For the lateral deformations of MSE walls and abutments, the FHWA specification, Design and Construction of Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls and Reinforced Soil Slopes states the following:(37)

FHWA Method

Christopher et al. correlated the ratio of reinforcement length and wall height (L/H) with the lateral displacement of a reinforced soil wall during construction.(89) This method is referred to as the “FHWA method.” The FHWA method was developed empirically by determining a displacement trend from numerical analysis and adjusting the curve to fit with field-measured data. The method provides an estimate of the maximum lateral displacement. In this method, an empirically derived relative displacement coefficient ( δR ) was related graphically to L/H. Based on the graphical relationship, a fourth-order polynomial equation was derived for 0.3 < L/H < 1.175 shown in figure 68.(74)

Delta subscript R equals 11.81 times open parenthesis L divided by H closed parenthesis raised to the power of 4 minus 42.25 times open parenthesis L divided by H closed parenthesis raised to the power of 3 plus 57.16 times open parenthesis L divided by H closed parenthesis raised to the power of 2 minus 35.45 times open parenthesis L divided by H closed parenthesis plus 9.471.

Figure 68. Equation. Displacement coefficient of a reinforced soil wall.

The maximum lateral deformation ( δmax ) of a GRS wall is as follows:

Delta subscript max equals the product of delta subscript R times H divided by 250.

Figure 69. Equation. Maximum lateral deformation of a GRS wall with inextensible reinforcement (i.e., metallic reinforcement).


Delta subscript max equals the product of delta subscript R times H divided by 75.

Figure 70. Equation. Maximum lateral deformation of a GRS wall with extensible reinforcement (i.e., geosynthetic reinforcement).

Wu et al. stated that figure 70 has been corrected for a wall with a different height and surcharge.(74)

Geoservices Method

The Geoservices method relies on limit equilibrium analyses to calculate the length of the required reinforcement to satisfy a suggested factor of safety with regard to three presumed external failure modes (e.g., bearing capacity failure, sliding, and overturning).(108) The method provides a procedure for calculating the lateral wall displacement. The lateral displacement is calculated by first choosing a strain limit for the reinforcement. This strain limit is usually less than 10 percent and depends on a number of factors, such as the type of wall facing, the displacement tolerances, and the type of geosynthetic to be used as reinforcement. Concrete facing panels, for example, would not allow much lateral displacement without showing signs of distress. Therefore, a low strain limit (1 to 3 percent) should be selected.(74) Once the strain limit has been selected, the method assumes a distribution of strain in the reinforcement for calculating wall movement. The maximum horizontal displacement of a GRS wall or abutment, δmax, can be calculated as follows:

Delta subscript max equals the product of epsilon subscript d times L divided by 2.

Figure 71. Equation. Maximum horizontal displacement of a GRS wall or abutment based on Geoservices method.

Where εd = Strain limit.

Colorado Transportation Institute (CTI) Method

In a study for CTI, Wu proposed a service load-based design method, referred to as the CTI method, to determine the maximum lateral displacement of a GRS wall or abutment.(109) In most cases, the designer may select a design limit strain ( εd ) of 1 to 3 percent for the reinforcement for H less than or equal to 29.52 ft (9 m). δmax can be estimated by the following empirical equation in figure 72:

Delta subscript max equals the product of epsilon subscript d times open parenthesis H divided by 1.25 closed parenthesis.

Figure 72. Equation. Maximum lateral displacement of a GRS wall or abutment based on CTI method.

If δmax exceeds a prescribed tolerance for the wall, a smaller εd should be selected so that δmax of the wall will satisfy the performance requirement. Figure 72 applies only to walls with very small facing rigidity, such as wrapped-faced walls. Walls with significant facing rigidity have smaller maximum lateral displacement. For example, a modular block GRS wall has a δmax about 15 percent smaller than that calculated in figure 72.(74)

Jewell-Milligan Method

Jewell and Jewell and Milligan proposed a method for calculating wall displacement based on analysis of stresses and displacements in a reinforced soil mass.(110,111) This method only applies to a GRS wall with flexible facing (i.e., the rigidity of wall facing is ignored). Jewell and Milligan provided graphical relationships between a dimensionless displacement factor, Delta subscript h K subscript reinf divided by HP subscript base closed parenthesis and depth below crest of wall Zeta divided by H at various soils Φ and dilation angles. Where:(111)

δh = Lateral displacement of a GRS wall or abutment with flexible facing.
Kreinf = Stiffness of reinforcement.
Pbase = Reinforcement force at the base of the wall.
Z = Depth from the crest of the wall.

δh varies with wall depth, and δmax occurs in the middle of H. Based on the Jewell and Milligan method, Wu et al. derived the following analytical expression of the lateral displacement of a GRS wall:(74)

Delta subscript h equals open parenthesis 1 divided by 2 closed parenthesis times open parenthesis P subscript rm divided by K subscript reinf closed parenthesis times open parenthesis H minus z subscript i closed parenthesis times open bracket tan times open parenthesis 45 degrees minus psi divided by 2 closed parenthesis plus tan times open parenthesis 90 degrees minus phi subscript ds closed parenthesis closed bracket.

Figure 73. Equation. Lateral displacement of a GRS wall or abutment with flexible facing.


Prm = Maximum reinforcement force at depth of influence zone (zi).
Kreinf= Stiffness of the reinforcement.
Φds = Friction angle of soil based on direct shear test.
ψ = Dilation angle of soil.

Wu Method

Following the theory for the Jewell and Milligan method, Wu et al. proposed an analytical model for calculating the lateral movement of a GRS wall with modular block facing.(74) This method, referred to as the “Wu method,” considers the rigidity of wall facing. Figure 74 shows the lateral displacement of a GRS wall with modular block facing, and figure 75 shows the lateral displacement of a GRS wall with modular block facing while ignoring the effect of fiction between the back of the modular block and soil.

Delta subscript i equals 0.5 times open parenthesis fraction K subscript h times open parenthesis gamma subscript s times Z plus q closed parenthesis times S subscript v minus gamma subscript s times b prime times S subscript v times tan times delta times open parenthesis 1 plus tan times delta times tan times beta closed parenthesis all divided by K subscript reinf closed parenthesis times open parenthesis H minus Z closed parenthesis times open bracket tan times open parenthesis 45 degrees minus psi divided by 2 closed parenthesis plus tan times open parenthesis 90 degrees minus phi subscript ds closed parenthesis closed bracket.

Figure 74. Equation. Lateral movement of a GRS wall with modular block facing.


Δi = Lateral movement of a GRS wall with modular block facing.
Kh= Horizontal earth pressure coefficient.
γs = Unit weight of soil.
Z = Depth from the wall crest.
γb = Unit weight of modular block facing.
δ = Friction angle between modular block facing elements.
β = Friction angle between back face of wall and soil.

Delta subscript i equals 0.5 times fraction open parenthesis K subscript h times open parenthesis gamma subscript s times z subscript i plus q closed parenthesis times S subscript v minus open parenthesis gamma subscript b times b times S subscript v closed parenthesis times tan times delta all divided by K subscript reinf closed parenthesis times open parenthesis H minus z subscript i closed parenthesis times open bracket tan times open parenthesis 45 degrees minus psi divided by 2 closed parenthesis plus tan times open parenthesis 90 degrees minus phi subscript ds closed parenthesis closed bracket.

Figure 75. Equation. Lateral movement of a GRS wall with modular block facing (no friction between wall and soil).


Adams Method

Adams et al. presented a method for calculating lateral displacement of GRS abutments in response to a vertical load.(32) The method, referred to as the “Adams method,” conservatively assumes no volume change in a GRS abutment, which represents a worst-case scenario. The composite behavior of a properly constructed GRS mass is such that both the reinforcement and soil deform laterally together at the same strain. This composite behavior can be used to predict both the maximum lateral reinforcement strain and the maximum face deformation at a given load. The maximum lateral displacement of an abutment face can be estimated using figure 76. The lateral strain is then found using figure 77 and should be limited to 1 percent.(32)

D subscript L equals the product of 2 times b subscript q,vol times D subscript v all divided by H.

Figure 76. Equation. Lateral displacement of GRS abutments in response to a vertical load.


DL = Lateral displacement of GRS abutments in response to a vertical load.
bq,vol= Width of the load along the top of the wall (including the setback).
Dv = Vertical settlement in the GRS abutment.

Epsilon subscript L equals the ratio of D subscript L divided by b subscript q,vol which equals the ratio of 2 times D subscript v divided by H, which equals 2 times epsilon subscript v.

Figure 77. Equation. Lateral strain of GRS abutments in response to a vertical load.


εL = Lateral strain.
εv = Vertical strain at the top of the wall.

Note that figure 76 and figure 77 are based on the assumption of a triangular lateral deformation and a uniform vertical deformation; this assumption is based on observed deformation behavior of GRS.(32)

4.5 Evaluation of the Deformation Prediction Methods

In this section, experimental data in the literature are applied to the deformation prediction methods presented in this chapter for evaluation purposes. In the evaluation, bias (denoted as λ), which is defined as the ratio of the measured value to the predicted value, is analyzed as a statistical variable. A λ value of 1.0 represents the prediction is the same as the measured (observed) deformation.

The arithmetic mean of λ (μλ) can be calculated as follows:

Mu subscript lambda equals the summation of lambda subscript i divided by N subscript 0.

Figure 78. Equation. Arithmetic mean value.


μλ = Arithmetic mean of λ.
λi = Sampled λ value.
N0 = Total number (population) of values.

The standard deviation of λ (σλ) can be calculated as follows:

Sigma subscript lambda equals the square root of the summation of open parenthesis lambda subscript i minus mu subscript lambda closed parenthesis squared all divided by N subscript 0 minus 1.

Figure 79. Equation. Standard deviation.

The coefficient of variation (COV) of λ can be calculated as follows:

COV equals sigma divided by mu.

Figure 80. Equation. COV.


σ = Standard deviation.
μ = Mean value.

Immediate Settlement

Laboratory and field observations of immediate settlements are used to evaluate the five immediate settlement methods presented in this chapter. Table 14 shows the soil and foundation parameters of the case histories used in the evaluation.

Table 14. Soil and foundation parameters for the case histories.
of Soil
Depth from
Surface to
Table (m)
N Reference
Pier Designation in
the Reference
1 1.0 1.0 15.65 4.9 0.71 11.0 2,500–18,800 16–24 106 None
2 1.5 1.5 15.65 4.9 0.76 11.0 2,500–18,800 16–24 106 None
3 2.5 2.5 15.65 4.9 0.76 11.0 2,500–18,800 16–24 106 None
4 3.0 3.0 15.65 4.9 0.76 11.0 2,500–18,800 16–24 106 None
5 3.0 3.0 15.65 4.9 0.89 11.0 2,500–18,800 16–24 106 None
6 5.2 28.0 18.85 1.2 2.3 14.2 11,768 42* 112 Gentbrugge Ghent abutment
7 7.0 36.0 18.85 1.2 2.3 14.2 11,768 42* 112 Gentbrugge Brussels abutment
8 6.0 52.5 18.85 1.2 2.8 > zi 11,768 42* 112 Gentbrugge pier A
9 6.0 52.5 18.85 2.5 3.6 > zi 11,768 42* 112 Gentbrugge pier B
10 5.0 8.5 18.85 5.0 2.5 > zi 8,336 24* 113  
11 3.0 10.0 18.85 4.6 3.0 > zi 12,749 50* 114 Loopem pier
12 5.8 24 18.85 2.0 2.5 > zi 6,865 17* 112 Denys-Westrem abutment
13 2.6 21.0 18.85 2.0 2.0 > zi 6,276 9* 114 Denys-Westrem pier
1 ft = 0.305 m
1 kN/m3 = 6.37 lbf/ft3
1 kN/m2 = 20.89 lbf/ft2
* Indicates that the SPT blow count (N-value) corrected for overburden per Peck and Bazaraa.(94)
Hinc = Depth below footing to (relatively) incompressible stratum (Hinc > zi indicates that the incompressible layer is located below zi).

Modified Schmertmann Method

Table 15 lists the predicted and measured values of immediate settlements of shallow foundations and λ and standard normal variable (z) for each measured data point. Based on the results, the mean λ is 0.49, σ is 0.54, and COV is 1.10.

Table 15. Predicted and measured immediate settlements of shallow foundations using the modified Schmertmann method.
1 315.2 4.3 19.0 0.23 0
496.4 7.4 34.0 0.22 -0.19
2 235.6 3.1 18.6 0.17 -0.73
348.0 5.9 30.5 0.19 -0.61
444.9 10.6 41.7 0.25 0.29
3 188.2 2.4 20.0 0.12 -1.41
292.0 5.5 34.9 0.16 -0.87
395.8 10.2 51.1 0.20 -0.5
488.3 16.9 66.5 0.25 0.19
4 130.7 1.6 14.3 0.11 -1.75
390.7 11.4 56.6 0.20 -0.39
490.9 18.1 75.3 0.24 0.1
5 90.7 1.2 8.3 0.14 -1.2
194.7 3.6 22.9 0.16 -1.02
290.7 7.9 38.0 0.21 -0.29
390.9 14.9 55.1 0.27 0.39
487.3 25.9 72.6 0.36 0.5
6 95.8 9.9 6.1 1.62 1.41
7 131.7 11.9 12.1 0.98 0.87
8 158.0 7.9 14.4 0.55 0.61
9 214.5 4.1 18.8 0.22 -0.1
10 181.9 11.9 17.9 0.66 0.73
11 230.8 21.1 10.6 1.99 1.75
12 72.8 11.9 9.3 1.28 1.02
13 196.3 33.0 22.1 1.49 1.2
1 psi = 6.89 kPa
1 inch = 25.4 mm


Figure 81 shows the frequency of occurrence histogram of λ. The probability plot for λ is depicted in figure 82. The curve follows a lognormal distribution.

This column graph shows the frequency of occurrence histogram of bias (λ) for immediate settlements of shallow foundations using the modified Schmertmann method. The x-axis shows λ ranging from 0 to 3.5 and is divided into seven equal intervals. The y-axis shows frequency of occurrence from 0 to 20. The frequency of occurrence of   for this method equals 18, 3, 2, 2, 0, 0, and 0 corresponding to λ of 0 to 0.49, 0.50 to 0.99, 1.00 to 1.49, 1.50 to 1.99, 2.00 to 2.49, 2.50 to 2.99, and 3.00 to 3.50, respectively.

Figure 81. Graph. Frequency of occurrence histogram of λ for immediate settlements of shallow foundations using the modified Schmertmann method

This graph shows the probability plot for measured and predicted settlements using the modified Schmertmann method. The x-axis shows bias (λ) ranging from 0 to 2.5, and the y-axis shows standard normal variable (z) ranging from -2 to 2. Scattered data points are shown. The best fit line through the data points is a lognormal curve. The equation of this line is y equals 0.9659 times ln(x) plus 1.0974 with an R squared value of 0.8637.

Figure 82. Graph. Probability plot for measured and predicted settlements using the modified Schmertmann method


Any interpretations of the results in this study should consider that the number of measured data points is statistically small. With this limitation, it was observed that the low mean λ (0.49) of the modified Schmertmann method indicates this method is highly conservative, and the prediction method overestimates immediate settlement of a shallow foundation by a factor of 2.04. The relatively high COV value (1.10) indicates the method has relatively low reliability.

Hough Method

Table 16 lists the predicted and measured values of immediate settlement of shallow foundations as well as λ and z for each measured data point. Based on the results, the mean λ is 0.49, σ is 0.31, and COV is 0.63.

Table 16. Predicted and measured immediate settlements of shallow foundations using the Hough method.
Settlement (mm)
1 315.2 4.3 29.2 0.15 -1.75
496.4 7.4 38.7 0.19 -1.02
2 235.6 3.1 19.2 0.16 -1.2
348.0 5.9 25.4 0.23 -0.73
444.9 10.6 30.0 0.35 -0.29
3 188.2 2.4 10.4 0.23 -0.87
292.0 5.5 14.9 0.37 -0.19
395.8 10.2 18.9 0.54 0.5
488.3 16.9 22.1 0.76 0.87
4 130.7 1.6 6.2 0.26 -0.61
390.7 11.4 15.8 0.72 0.73
490.9 18.1 18.9 0.96 1.2
5 90.7 1.2 4.6 0.26 -0.5
194.7 3.6 9.2 0.39 -0.1
290.7 7.9 13.0 0.61 0.61
390.9 14.9 16.5 0.90 1.02
487.3 25.9 19.6 1.32 1.75
6 95.8 9.9 19.9 0.50 0.39
7 131.7 11.9 27.2 0.44 0.19
8 158.0 7.9 26.4 0.30 -0.39
9 214.5 4.1 29.5 0.14 -1.41
10 181.9 11.9 27.9 0.43 0.1
11 230.8 21.1 19.2 1.10 1.41
12 72.8 11.9 28.7 0.41 0
13 196.3 33.0 67.0 0.49 0.29
1 psi = 6.89 kPa
1 inch = 25.4 mm

Figure 83 shows the frequency of occurrence histogram of λ. The probability plot for λ is depicted in figure 84. The curve follows a lognormal distribution.

This bar graph shows the frequency of occurrence histogram of bias (λ) for immediate settlements of shallow foundations using the Hough method. The x-axis shows   ranging from 0 to 3.5 and is divided into seven equal intervals. The y-axis shows frequency of occurrence from 0 to 18. The frequency of occurrence of λ for this method equals 16, 7, 2, 0, 0, 0, and 0 corresponding to   of 0 to 0.49, 0.50 to 0.99, 1.00 to 1.49, 1.50 to 1.99, 2.00 to 2.49, 2.50 to 2.99, and 3.00 to 3.50, respectively.

Figure 83. Graph. Frequency of occurrence histogram of λ; for immediate settlements of shallow foundations using the Hough method


This graph shows the probability plot for measured and predicted settlement using the Hough method. The x-axis shows bias (λ) from 0 to 1.4, and the y-axis shows standard normal variable (z) from -2 to 2. Scattered data points are shown. The best fit line through the data points is a lognormal curve. The equation of this line is y equals 1.4185 times ln(x) plus 1.284 with an R squared value of 0.988.

Figure 84. Graph. Probability plot for measured and predicted settlement using the Hough metho


Any interpretations of the results in this study should consider that the number of measured data points is statistically small. With this limitation, it was observed that the low mean λ (0.49) of the Hough method indicates this method is highly conservative, and the prediction method overestimates immediate settlement of a shallow foundation by a factor of 2.04. The relatively low COV value (0.63) indicates the method has fair reliability. The overestimation of the Hough method agrees with the conclusion from the FHWA report, Spread Footings for Highway Bridges, which concluded that settlements estimated by the modified Hough method are usually overestimated by a factor of 2 or more.(3)

Peck and Bazaraa Method

Table 17 lists the predicted and measured values of immediate settlements of shallow foundations and λ and z for each measured data point. Based on the results, the mean λ is 0.79, σ is 0.77, and COV is 0.97.

Table 17. Predicted and measured immediate settlements of shallow foundations using the Peck and Bazaraa method.
Settlement (mm)
1 315.2 4.3 14.1 0.30 -0.87
496.4 7.4 22.6 0.33 -0.39
2 235.6 3.1 12.2 0.25 -1.02
348.0 5.9 18.3 0.32 -0.5
444.9 10.6 23.7 0.45 0
3 188.2 2.4 11.1 0.22 -1.41
292.0 5.5 17.5 0.31 -0.61
395.8 10.2 24.1 0.42 -0.19
488.3 16.9 29.9 0.57 0.19
4 130.7 1.6 7.8 0.21 -1.75
390.7 11.4 24.6 0.46 0.1
490.9 18.1 31.2 0.58 0.29
5 90.7 1.2 5.2 0.23 -1.2
194.7 3.6 11.8 0.31 -0.73
290.7 7.9 18.0 0.44 -0.1
390.9 14.9 24.5 0.61 0.39
487.3 25.9 30.8 0.84 0.5
6 95.8 9.9 4.7 2.11 1.41
7 131.7 11.9 7.1 1.68 1.02
8 158.0 7.9 7.0 1.13 0.87
9 214.5 4.1 10.1 0.41 -0.29
10 181.9 11.9 10.7 1.11 0.73
11 230.8 21.1 6.1 3.46 1.75
12 72.8 11.9 6.3 1.89 1.2
13 196.3 33.0 32.3 1.02 0.61
1 psi = 6.89 kPa
1 inch = 25.4 mm


Figure 85 shows the frequency of occurrence histogram of λ. The probability plot for λ is depicted in figure 86. The curve follows a lognormal distribution.

This bar graph shows the frequency of occurrence histogram of bias (λ) for immediate settlements of shallow foundations using the Peck and Bazaraa method. The x-axis shows λ  from 0 to 3.5 and is divided into seven equal intervals. The y-axis shows frequency of occurrence from 0 to 16. The frequency of occurrence of   for this method equals 14, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, and 1 corresponding to λ  of 0 to 0.49, 0.50 to 0.99, 1.00 to 1.49, 1.50 to 1.99, 2.00 to 2.49, 2.50 to 2.99, and 3.00 to 3.50, respectively.

Figure 85. Graph. Frequency of occurrence histogram of λ for immediate settlements of shallow foundations using the Peck and Bazaraa method


This graph shows the probability plot for measured and predicted settlement using the Peck and Bazaraa method. The x-axis shows bias (λ) from 0 to 4, and the y-axis shows standard normal variable (z) ranging from -2 to 2. Scatter data points are shown. The best fit line through the data points is a lognormal curve. The equation of this line is y equals 1.1183 times ln(x) plus 0.9348 with an R squared value of 0.9348.

Figure 86. Graph. Probability plot for measured and predicted settlement using the Peck and Bazaraa method


Any interpretations of the results in this study should consider that the number of measured data points is statistically small. With this limitation, it was observed that the less-than-unity mean λ value (0.79) indicates the Peck and Bazaraa method is a conservative prediction method, and the prediction method overestimates the settlement of a shallow foundation by a factor of 1.26. The COV value of 0.97 indicates the method has relatively fair reliability.

Burland and Burbidge Method

Table 18 lists the predicted and measured values of immediate settlements of shallow foundations and λ and z for each measured data point. Based on the results, the mean λ is 0.62, σ is 0.49, and COV is 0.79.

Table 18. Predicted and measured immediate settlements of shallow foundations using the Burland and Burbidge method.
Settlement (mm)
1 315.2 4.3 10.0 0.43 -0.1
496.4 7.4 15.7 0.47 0
2 235.6 3.1 9.9 0.31 -0.73
348.0 5.9 14.6 0.40 -0.39
444.9 10.6 18.7 0.57 0.29
3 188.2 2.4 11.3 0.21 -1.2
292.0 5.5 17.5 0.31 -0.61
395.8 10.2 23.8 0.43 -0.29
488.3 16.9 29.3 0.58 0.39
4 130.7 1.6 8.9 0.18 -1.75
390.7 11.4 26.6 0.43 -0.19
490.9 18.1 33.5 0.54 0.1
5 90.7 1.2 6.2 0.19 -1.41
194.7 3.6 13.3 0.27 -1.02
290.7 7.9 19.8 0.40 -0.5
390.9 14.9 26.6 0.56 0.19
487.3 25.9 33.2 0.78 0.87
6 95.8 9.9 6.6 1.50 1.41
7 131.7 11.9 11.2 1.06 1.2
8 158.0 7.9 11.1 0.71 0.61
9 214.5 4.1 15.0 0.27 -0.87
10 181.9 11.9 17.4 0.68 0.5
11 230.8 21.1 8.6 2.45 1.75
12 72.8 11.9 11.9 1.00 1.02
13 196.3 33.0 43.3 0.76 0.73
1 psi = 6.89 kPa
1 inch = 25.4 mm


Figure 87 shows the frequency of occurrence histogram of λ. The probability plot for λ is depicted in figure 88. The curve follows a lognormal distribution.

This bar graph shows the frequency of occurrence histogram of bias (λ) for immediate settlements of shallow foundations using the Burland and Burbidge method. The x-axis shows λ ranging from 0 to 3.5 and is divided into seven equal intervals. The y-axis shows frequency of occurrence from 0 to 14. The frequency of occurrence of λ for this method equals 13, 8, 2, 1, 1, 0, and 0 corresponding to   of 0 to 0.49, 0.50 to 0.99, 1.00 to 1.49, 1.50 to 1.99, 2.00 to 2.49, 2.50 to 2.99, and 3.00 to 3.50, respectively.

Figure 87. Graph. Frequency of occurrence histogram of λ for immediate settlements of shallow foundations using the Burland and Burbidge method


This graph shows the probability plot for measured and predicted settlement using the Burland and Burbidge method. The x-axis shows bias (λ) from 0 to 3, and the y-axis shows standard normal variable (z) ranging from -2 to 2.5. Scattered data points are shown. The best fit line through the data points is a lognormal curve. The equation of this line is y equals 1.4046 times ln(x) plus 0.967 with an R squared value of 0.9683.

Figure 88. Graph. Probability plot for measured and predicted settlement using the Burland and Burbidge method


Any interpretations of the results in this study should consider that the number of measured data points is statistically small. With this limitation, it was observed that the less-than-unity mean λ value (0.62) indicates that the Burland and Burbidge method is a conservative prediction method, and the prediction method overestimates the settlement of a shallow foundation by a factor of 1.64. The relatively low COV value (0.79) indicates the method has fair reliability.

D’Appolonia Method

Table 19 lists the predicted and measured values of immediate settlement of shallow foundations and λ and z for each measured data point. Based on the results, the mean λ is 1.11, σ is 0.85, and COV is 0.77.

Table 19. Predicted and measured immediate settlements of shallow foundations using the D’Appolonia method.
Settlement (mm)
1 315.2 4.3 4.4 0.98 0.29
496.4 7.4 6.9 1.07 0.5
2 235.6 3.1 5.0 0.62 -0.61
348.0 5.9 7.4 0.80 -0.19
444.9 10.6 9.5 1.12 0.61
3 188.2 2.4 6.8 0.35 -1.02
292.0 5.5 10.5 0.52 -0.73
395.8 10.2 14.3 0.71 -0.29
488.3 16.9 17.6 0.96 0.19
4 130.7 1.6 5.6 0.29 -1.75
390.7 11.4 16.6 0.69 -0.39
490.9 18.1 20.9 0.87 0
5 90.7 1.2 3.8 0.32 -1.41
194.7 3.6 8.1 0.44 -0.87
290.7 7.9 12.0 0.66 -0.5
390.9 14.9 16.2 0.92 0.1
487.3 25.9 20.2 1.28 0.73
6 95.8 9.9 5.4 1.83 0.87
7 131.7 11.9 5.8 2.05 1.02
8 158.0 7.9 9.4 0.84 -0.1
9 214.5 4.1 12.0 0.34 -1.2
10 181.9 11.9 11.3 1.05 0.39
11 230.8 21.1 6.2 3.40 1.75
12 72.8 11.9 3.6 3.31 1.41
13 196.3 33.0 14.1 2.34 1.2
1 psi = 6.89 kPa
1 inch = 25.4 mm


Figure 89 shows the frequency of occurrence histogram of λ. The probability plot for λ is depicted in figure 90. The curve follows a lognormal distribution.

This bar graph shows the frequency of occurrence histogram of bias (λ) for immediate settlements of shallow foundations using the D’Appolonia method. The x-axis shows  λ ranging from 0 to 3.5 and is divided into seven equal intervals. The y-axis shows frequency of occurrence from 0 to 12. The frequency of occurrence of λ  for this method equals 5, 11, 4, 1, 2, 0, and 2 corresponding to λ  of 0 to 0.49, 0.50 to 0.99, 1.00 to 1.49, 1.50 to 1.99, 2.00 to 2.49, 2.50 to 2.99, and 3.00 to 3.50, respectively.

Figure 89. Graph. Frequency of occurrence histogram of λ for immediate settlements of shallow foundations using the D’Appolonia method


This graph shows the probability plot for measured and predicted settlement using the D’Appolonia method. The x-axis shows bias (λ) ranging from 0 to 4, and the y-axis shows standard normal variable (z) ranging from -2 to 2. Scattered data points are shown. The best fit line through the data points is a lognormal curve. The equation of this line is y equals 1.3002 times ln(x) plus 1.664 with an R squared value of 0.9707.

Figure 90. Graph. Probability plot for measured and predicted settlement using the D’Appolonia method


Any interpretations of the results in this study should consider that the number of measured data points is statistically small. With this limitation, it was observed that the slightly higher-than-unity mean λ value (1.11) indicates the D’Appolonia method is a slightly unconservative prediction method, and the predicted immediate settlement is on average 91 percent of the actually measured settlement of a shallow foundation. The relatively low COV value (0.77) indicates the method has fair reliability.

Comparison of the Five Prediction Methods for Immediate Settlement of Shallow Foundation on Granular Soils

Table 20 summarizes the statistical analyses of the five prediction methods for immediate settlement of shallow foundation on granular soils. Any interpretations of the results in this study should consider that the number of measured data points is statistically small. With this limitation, it was observed that four of the five methods (modified Schmertmann, Hough,
Peck and Bazaraa, and Burland and Burbidge) overestimate immediate settlement, while the D’Appolonia method slightly underestimates immediate settlement. In comparison, the D’Appolonia method is the most accurate method with the mean λ the closest to unity and relatively small COV, followed by the Peck and Barazaa method and the Burland and Burbidge method. Both the modified Schmertmann method and the Hough method overestimate immediate settlement of shallow foundations on granular soils by a factor of approximately 2.

Table 20. Summary of the statistical analyses of the five prediction methods for immediate settlement of shallow foundations on granular soil, results from this study.
Peck and
Burland and
Mean λ 0.49 0.49 0.79 0.62 1.11
σ 0.54 0.31 0.77 0.49 0.85
COV 1.10 0.63 0.97 0.79 0.77

A similar FHWA study was conducted by Gifford to evaluate the five methods based on the observed deformations of 34 bridge foundations, and their statistical results are listed in table 21 for comparison.(3) With the acknowledgement of the statistically small data set, Gifford concluded the following:(3)

Table 21. Summary of the statistical analyses of the five prediction methods for immediate settlement of shallow foundations on granular soil, results from Gifford.(3)
Peck and
Burland and
Mean λ 0.74 0.69 1.21 1.14 1.33
σ 0.28 0.49 0.55 1.69 0.94
COV 0.38 0.70 0.45 0.79 0.7
*Based on 10 bridge foundations.
**Based on 24 bridge foundations.

Vertical Deformations of GRS Walls and Abutments

In this section, the empirical equation by Adams et al. for predicting vertical deformation of GRS walls and abutments is evaluated using field observation data.(32) To calculate the vertical displacement of a GRS wall, the composite Young’s modulus of the GRS wall (EGRS) is needed. The equation by Holtz and Lee is used to calculate the GRS composite Young’s modulus (see figure 91).(115) In deriving this equation for the GRS composite Young’s modulus, it is assumed that the stress-strain behavior of the soil and reinforcement follows Hooke’s Law and that the deformation of the composite material is uniform.

E subscript GRS equals E subscript R times fraction t subscript R divided by S subscript v plus E subscript s times fraction open parenthesis S subscript v minus t subscript R closed parenthesis all divided by S subscript v.

Figure 91. Equation. Elastic modulus of GRS composite


Es = Elastic modulus of soil.
tR= Thickness of reinforcement.

Since Sv - tRSv and ER = J/tR, where J is the stiffness of the reinforcement, then figure 91 can be simplified as follows:

E subscript comp is approximately equal to J divided by t subscript R times t subscript R divided by S subscript v plus E subscript s times S subscript v divided by S subscript v which is equal to J divided by S subscript v plus E subscript s.

Figure 92. Equation. Elastic modulus of GRS composite (modified equation)

Where Ecomp is the elastic modulus of GRS composite. Given q, b', a, H, and EGRS, the vertical displacement can be calculated using figure 67. Table 22 presents the parameters used for the evaluation.

Table 22. Abutment and GRS wall parameters in case histories.
No. H
Designations in
the References
1 4.65 0.15 0.91 0.2 62,731 70 Wall section A
2 4.65 0.15 0.91 0.2 62,669 70 Wall section B
3 4.35 1.5 1.0 0.3–0.6 20,253 75 Wall section nonwoven
4 4.35 1.5 1.0 0.3–0.6 20,653 75 Wall section woven
5 7.62 0.2 2.44 0.2 240,147 116  
6 5.9 1.35 3.81 0.4 62,700 63 Wall section 800
7 5.9 1.35 3.81 0.4 62,700 63 Wall section 400
8 4.5 1.35 3.81 0.4 62,700 63 Wall section 200
1 ft = 0.305 m
1 kN/m2 = 20.89 lbf/ft2


Table 23 lists the predicted and measured values of the vertical deformation predictions of GRS walls and abutments and λ and z for each data point. Based on the results, the mean λ is 7.31, σ is 5.73, and COV is 0.78.

Table 23. Predicted and measured vertical displacements of abutments and GRS walls.
1 100 14.4 1.9 7.58 0
200 32.7 3.9 8.38 0.11
300 55.4 5.8 9.55 0.43
400 75.5 7.8 9.68 0.55
2 100 25.6 1.9 13.47 0.97
200 58.9 3.9 15.10 1.15
300 103.1 5.8 17.78 1.38
400 158.9 7.8 20.37 1.73
3 50 3.5 3.2 1.09 -1.38
100 7.7 6.5 1.18 -1.15
150 50.6 9.7 5.22 -0.21
180 115.6 11.7 9.88 0.68
200 161.5 13.0 12.42 0.81
4 50 4.5 3.2 1.41 -0.81
100 18.2 6.3 2.89 -0.32
150 60.4 9.5 6.36 -0.11
180 95.8 11.4 8.40 0.21
200 113.0 12.7 8.90 0.32
5 195 5.1 2.2 2.32 -0.55
260 8.2 2.9 2.83 -0.43
6 115 3.0 5.4 0.56 -1.73
7 115 7.0 5.4 1.30 -0.97
8 115 7.0 4.6 1.52 -0.68
1 psi = 6.89 kPa
1 inch = 25.4 mm

Figure 93 shows the frequency of occurrence histogram of λ. The probability plot for λ is depicted in figure 94. The curve follows a lognormal distribution.

This bar graph shows the frequency of occurrence histogram of bias (λ) of vertical displacements of abutments and geosynthetic reinforced soil (GRS) walls. The x-axis shows λ from 0 to 21 and is divided into seven equal intervals. The y-axis shows frequency of occurrence from 0 to 10. The frequency of occurrence of λ for this method equals 9, 1, 5, 3, 2, 2, and 1 corresponding to   of 0 to 2.9, 3.0 to 5.9, 6.0 to 8.9, 9.0 to 11.9, 12.0 to 14.9, 15.0 to 17.9, and 18.0 to 21.0, respectively.

Figure 93. Graph. Frequency of occurrence histogram of λ of vertical displacement of abutments and GRS walls


This graph shows the probability plot for measured and predicted vertical displacements of abutments and geosynthetic reinforced soil (GRS) walls. The x-axis shows bias (λ) ranging from 0 to 25, and the y-axis shows standard normal variable (z) ranging from -2 to 2. Scattered data points are shown. The best fit line through the data points is a lognormal curve. The equation of this line is y equals 0.8291 times ln(x) minus 1.3031 with an R squared value of 0.9337.
R2 = Coefficient of determination.

Figure 94. Graph. Probability plot for measured and predicted vertical displacement of abutments and GRS walls


Any interpretations of the results in this study should consider that the number of measured data points is statistically small. With this limitation, it was observed that the high mean λ value (7.31) indicates this prediction method for vertical deformations of GRS walls and abutments is unconservative. It should be noted that the accuracy of this method is affected by the accuracy in determination of the Young’s modulus of the composite material. Since the proposed equation by Holtz and Lee (see figure 91) is associated with simplifying assumptions, its accuracy also depends on the accurate estimation of Young’s moduli of the reinforcement and soil.(115) Any error in these estimations may lead to error in the prediction results.

Lateral Displacements of GRS Walls and Abutments

In this section, field observations of lateral displacements of GRS walls and abutments are applied to the six methods presented previously to evaluate their conservativeness, accuracy, and reliability. Table 24 presents the parameters used for the evaluation.

Table 24. Abutment and GRS wall parameters in case histories.
Facing Type Reference
Designations in
the References
1 3.6 2.5 0.6 41(DS) 11 CMU 71 Wall 1
2 3.6 2.5 0.6 41(DS) 11 CMU 71 Wall 2
3 3.6 2.5 0.9 41(DS) 11 CMU 71 Wall 3
4 4.0 3.0 0.4 32(DS) 14 Wrap around 117 N/A
5 6.0 3.6 0.6 40(PS) 11 CMU 118 Wall 1
6 6.0 3.6 0.6 30(PS) 11 CMU 118 Wall 2
7 6.0 3.6 0.6 30(PS) 11 CMU 118 Wall 3
8 6.0 3.6 0.6 20(PS) 11 CMU 118 Wall 4
9 4.0 3.0 0.4 33(TT) 3 Wrap around 119 N/A
10 3.6 2.5 0.6 41(DS) 11 CMU 76 Wall 5
11 5.3 2.0 0.5 40 10 Wrap around 120 N/A
12 7.62 3.2–4.4 0.2 CMU 116 N/A
13 4.35 1.3–3.6 0.3–0.6 CMU 75 Woven wall
14 4.35 2.7–3.6 0.3–0.6 CMU 75 Nonwoven wall
15 5.9 8–12 0.4 CMU 63 Wall section 800
16 5.9 8–12 0.4 CMU 63 Wall section 400
17 4.5 8–12 0.4 CMU 63 Wall section 200
18 4.65 3.15 0.2 CMU 70 Wall section A
19 4.65 3.15 0.2 CMU 70 Wall section B
1 ft = 0.305 m
— Indicates the values are not provided.
DS = Direct shear test.
PS = Plain strain test.
TT = Triaxial test.
N/A = No wall designation was provided.


FHWA Method

Table 25 lists the predicted and measured values of the lateral displacements of GRS walls and abutments and λ and z for each data point. Based on the results, the mean λ is 0.12, σ is 0.10, and COV is 0.83.

Table 25. Predicted and measured maximum lateral displacements of GRS walls at EOC using the FHWA method.
1 5.2 48.4 0.11 0.11
2 7.9 48.4 0.16 0.6
3 6.0 48.4 0.12 0.35
4 15.7 50.6 0.31 1.34
5 3.2 94.6 0.03 -0.6
6 8.4 94.6 0.09 -0.35
7 1.2 94.6 0.01 -1.34
8 2.6 94.6 0.03 -0.91
9 5.1 50.6 0.10 -0.11
10 12.8 48.4 0.26 0.91
1 inch = 25.4 mm


Figure 95 shows the frequency of occurrence histogram of λ. The probability plot for λ values using the FHWA method is depicted in figure 96. The curve follows a lognormal distribution.

This bar graph shows the frequency of occurrence histogram of bias (λ) for the lateral displacements of geosynthetic reinforced soil (GRS) walls and abutments using the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) method. The x-axis shows λ ranging from 0 to 1 and is divided into six intervals. The y-axis shows frequency of occurrence from 0 to 4.5. The frequency of occurrence of λ for this method is equal to 4, 4, 1, 1, 0, and 0 corresponding to   of 0 to 0.09, 0.10 to 0.19, 0.19 to 0.29, 0.30 to 0.39, 0.40 to 0.49, and 0.50 to 1.0, respectively.

Figure 95. Graph. Frequency of occurrence histogram of λ for the lateral displacement of GRS walls and abutments using the FHWA method


This graph shows the probability plot for measured and predicted lateral displacement of geosynthetic reinforced soil (GRS) walls using the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) method. The x-axis shows bias (λ) from 0 to 0.35, and the y-axis shows standard normal variable (z) from -2 to 1.5. Scattered data points are shown. The best fit line through the data points is a lognormal curve. The equation of this line is y equals 0.7919 times ln(x) plus 1.9556 with an R squared value of 0.9412.

Figure 96. Graph. Probability plot for measured and predicted lateral displacement of GRS walls using the FHWA method.


Any interpretations of the results in this study should consider that the number of measured data points is statistically small. With this limitation, it was observed that the lower-than-unity mean λ (0.12) of the FHWA method indicates the method is highly conservative, and the predictions significantly overestimate the lateral deformations by a factor of 8.33. The relatively low COV value (0.83) indicates a fair reliability of this method.

Geoservices Method

Table 26 lists the predicted and measured values of the lateral displacements of GRS walls and abutments and λ and z for each data point. Based on the results, the mean λ is 1.38, σ is 1.59, and COV is 1.15.

Table 26. Predicted and measured lateral displacements of GRS walls and abutments using the Geoservices method.
z Notes
1 3.3 1.5 0.7 2.11 0.84 Results are
obtained at EOC
2.7 5.1 2.4 2.12 0.98
2.1 5.2 3.0 1.74 0.55
1.5 5.0 8.9 0.56 -0.35
0.9 3.7 7.4 0.51 -0.5
0.3 2.4 6.9 0.34 -1.06
2 3.3 6.3 4.5 1.39 0.40 Results are
obtained at EOC
2.7 8.0 5.9 1.35 0.30
2.1 6.4 6.9 0.93 0.11
1.5 4.7 12.3 0.38 -0.98
0.9 3.8 9.9 0.39 -0.91
0.3 1.2 7.2 0.17 -1.46
3 3.1 2.1 9.4 0.22 -1.33 Results are
obtained at EOC
2.2 6.0 8.7 0.69 -0.25
1.3 5.2 8.4 0.62 -0.3
0.5 2.1 6.6 0.32 -1.14
4 3.6 0.8 0.0 N/A N/A Results are
obtained at EOC
2.8 9.8 7.2 1.36 0.35
2 15.7 9.6 1.64 0.45
1.2 8.6 0.9 9.56 2.09
0.4 13.1 6.0 2.18 1.14
9 3.6 0.2 0.2 1.33 0.25 Results are
obtained at EOC
2.8 5.1 7.3 0.67 -0.21
2 4.2 9.6 0.44 -0.78
1.2 2.3 3.0 0.76 0.02
0.4 2.8 6.0 0.47 -0.60
10 3.3 3.9 5.0 0.78 0.07 Results are
obtained at EOC
2.7 9.9 13.4 0.74 -0.07
2.1 11.4 15.9 0.72 -0.11
1.5 12.6 13.4 0.94 0.16
0.9 8.1 16.4 0.49 -0.55
0.3 1.9 6.3 0.30 -1.23
11 4.5 81.5 47.5 1.72 0.5 Results are
obtained under
84 kPa of applied
4 82.1 44.0 1.87 0.66
3.5 82.7 42.5 1.95 0.72
3 78.2 44.0 1.78 0.60
2.5 71.1 33.5 2.12 1.06
2 60.3 28.5 2.12 0.91
1.5 45.1 21.5 2.10 0.78
1 31.5 11.0 2.86 1.23
0.5 18.9 6.5 2.91 1.33
12 6.5 8.0 2.1 3.81 1.60 Results are
obtained under
131 kPa of applied
5.9 8.0 2.6 3.08 1.46
5.1 14.0 2.2 6.36 1.79
13 3.8 83.3 111.3 0.75 -0.02 Results are
obtained under
190 kPa of applied
2.6 57.7 46.6 1.24 0.21
1.5 21.6 30.2 0.71 -0.16
0.6 7.2 15.7 0.46 -0.66
14 3.8 106.7 244.2 0.44 -0.72 Results are
obtained under
190 kPa of applied
2.6 96.9 182.2 0.53 -0.45
1.5 21.8 53.6 0.41 -0.84
0.6 0.9 8.8 0.10 -1.79
15 2.4 1.1 19.8 0.06 -2.09 Results are
obtained under
115 kPa of applied
4 4.0 23.8 0.17 -1.60
4.8 4.0 7.4 0.54 -0.40
1 ft = 0.305 m
1 inch = 25.4 mm
1 psi = 6.89 kPa
N/A = not applicable since the predicted value is zero.


Figure 97 shows the frequency of occurrence histogram of λ. The probability plot for λ value obtained based on the result of the Geoservices method is depicted in figure 98. The curve follows a lognormal distribution.

This bar graph shows the frequency of occurrence histogram of bias (λ) for the lateral displacement of geosynthetic reinforced soil (GRS) walls and abutments using the Geoservices method. The x-axis shows λ from 0 to 10 and is divided into eight intervals. The y-axis shows frequency of occurrence from 0 to 35. The frequency of occurrence of   for this method is equal to 31, 11, 8, 2, 0, 0, 1, and 1 corresponding to   of 0 to 0.99, 1.0 to 1.99, 2.0 to 2.99, 3.0 to 3.99, 4.0 to 4.99, 5.0 to 5.99, 6.0 to 6.99, and 7.0 to 10.0, respectively.

Figure 97. Graph. Frequency of occurrence histogram of λ for the lateral displacement of GRS walls and abutments using the Geoservices method


This graph shows the probability plot for measured and predicted lateral displacement of geosynthetic reinforced soil (GRS) walls using the Geoservices method. The x-axis shows bias (λ) ranging from 0 to 12, and the y-axis shows standard normal variable (z) ranging from -3 to 3. Scattered data points are shown. The best fit line through the data points is a lognormal curve. The equation of this line is y equals 0.9332 times ln(x) plus 0.1368 with an R squared value of 0.9761.

Figure 98. Graph. Probability plot for measured and predicted lateral displacement of GRS walls using the Geoservices method


Any interpretations of the results in this study should consider that the number of measured data points is statistically small. With this limitation, it was observed that the greater-than-unity value of the mean λ (1.38) indicates the Geoservices method is an unconservative prediction method, and the predicted lateral displacement is on average 72 percent of the actually measured lateral displacements. The relatively high COV value (1.15) indicates a relatively low reliability of this method.

CTI Method

Table 27 lists the predicted and measured values of the lateral displacements of GRS walls and abutments and λ and z for each data point. Based on the results, the mean λ is 0.59, σ is 0.64, and COV is 1.08.

Table 27. Predicted and measured maximum lateral displacements of GRS walls using the CTI method.
z Notes
1 3.3 1.5 1.4 1.07 1.33 Results are
obtained at EOC
2.7 5.1 4.7 1.09 1.46
2.1 5.2 5.9 0.88 1.06
1.5 5.0 17.3 0.29 -0.4
0.9 3.7 14.4 0.26 -0.72
0.3 2.4 13.5 0.18 -1.33
2 3.3 6.3 8.7 0.72 0.78 Results are
obtained at EOC
2.7 8.0 11.5 0.70 0.60
2.1 6.4 13.4 0.48 0.11
1.5 4.7 23.8 0.20 -1.14
0.9 3.8 19.3 0.20 -1.06
0.3 1.2 13.9 0.09 -1.79
3 3.1 2.1 18.3 0.11 -1.6 Results are
obtained at EOC
2.2 6.0 16.8 0.36 -0.21
1.3 5.2 16.3 0.32 -0.35
0.5 2.1 12.8 0.16 -1.46
4 3.6 0.8 0 N/A N/A Results are
obtained at EOC
2.8 9.8 15.4 0.64 0.4
2 15.7 20.5 0.77 0.91
1.2 8.6 1.9 4.53 2.09
0.4 13.1 12.8 1.02 1.23
9 3.6 0.2 0.3 0.67 0.5 Results are
obtained at EOC
2.8 5.1 15.6 0.33 -0.3
2 4.2 20.5 0.20 -0.91
1.2 2.3 6.4 0.36 -0.16
0.4 2.8 12.8 0.22 -0.84
10 3.3 3.9 5.4 0.72 0.72 Results are
obtained at EOC
2.7 9.9 14.5 0.68 0.55
2.1 11.4 17.2 0.66 0.45
1.5 12.6 14.5 0.87 0.98
0.9 8.1 17.7 0.46 -0.02
0.3 1.9 6.8 0.28 -0.50
11 4.5 81.5 190.0 0.43 -0.11 Results are
obtained under
84 kPa of applied
4 82.1 176.0 0.47 0.07
3.5 82.7 170.0 0.49 0.16
3 78.2 176.0 0.44 -0.07
2.5 71.1 134.0 0.53 0.30
2 60.3 114.0 0.53 0.25
1.5 45.1 86.0 0.52 0.21
1 31.5 44.0 0.72 0.66
0.5 18.9 26.0 0.73 0.84
12 6.5 8.0 7.3 1.10 1.10 Results are
obtained under
131 kPa of applied
5.9 8.0 8.8 0.91 1.14
5.1 14.0 7.6 1.84 1.79
13 3.8 83.3 180.4 0.46 0.02 Results are
obtained under
190 kPa of applied
2.6 57.7 104.2 0.55 0.35
1.5 21.6 77.7 0.28 -0.55
0.6 7.2 36.6 0.20 -1.06
14 3.8 106.7 398.2 0.27 -0.6 Results are
obtained under
190 kPa of applied
2.6 96.9 338.5 0.29 -0.45
1.5 21.8 121.0 0.18 -1.23
0.6 0.9 22.6 0.04 -2.09
15 2.4 1.1 3.2 0.34 -0.25 Results are
obtained under
115 kPa of applied
4 4.0 15.2 0.26 -0.66
4.8 4.0 16.4 0.24 -0.78
1 ft = 0.305 m
1 inch = 25.4 mm
1 psi = 6.89 kPa
N/A = not applicable since the predicted value is zero.

Figure 99 shows the frequency of occurrence histogram of λ. The probability plot for λ value obtained based on the result of the CTI method is depicted in figure 100. The curve follows a lognormal distribution.

This bar graph shows the frequency of occurrence histogram of bias (λ) for the lateral displacement of geosynthetic reinforced soil (GRS) walls and abutments using the Colorado Transportation Institute (CTI) method. The x-axis shows λ from 0 to 5 and is divided into 10 equal intervals. The y-axis shows frequency of occurrence from 0 to 35. The frequency of occurrence of λ for this method is equal to 31, 17, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, and 1 corresponding to   of 0 to 0.49, 0.50 to 0.99, 1.00 to 1.49, 1.50 to 1.99, 2.00 to 2.49, 2.50 to 2.99, 3.00 to 3.49, 3.50 to 3.99, 4.00 to 4.49, and 4.50 to 5.00, respectively.

Figure 99. Graph. Frequency of occurrence histogram of λ for the lateral displacement of GRS walls and abutments using the CTI method


This graph shows the probability plot for measured and predicted lateral displacement of geosynthetic reinforced soil (GRS) using the Colorado Transportation Institute (CTI) method. The x-axis shows bias (λ) from 0 to 5, and the y-axis shows standard normal variable (z) from -4 to 4. Scattered data points are shown. The best fit line through the data points is a lognormal curve. The equation of this line is y equals 1.1667 times ln(x) plus 0.9919 with an R squared value of 0.9581.

Figure 100. Graph. Probability plot for measured and predicted lateral displacement of GRS walls using the CTI method


Any interpretations of the results in this study should consider that the number of measured data points is statistically small. With this limitation, it was observed that the lower-than-unity mean λ (0.59) indicates the CTI method is a conservative prediction method, and it overestimates the lateral deformation by a factor of 1.69. The relative high COV value (1.08) indicates a relatively low reliability of this method.

Jewell-Milligan Method

Table 28 lists the predicted and measured values of the lateral displacements of GRS walls and abutments and λ and z for each data point. Based on the results, the mean λ is 0.74, σ is 0.59, and COV is 0.80.

Table 28. Predicted and measured lateral displacements of GRS walls and abutments using the Jewell-Milligan method.
z Notes
4 3.6 0.79 6.0 0.13 -1.28 Results are
obtained at EOC
2.8 9.8 14.0 0.70 0.25
2.0 15.7 16.7 0.94 0.67
1.2 8.6 14.2 0.61 0
0.4 13.1 6.4 2.05 1.28
9 3.6 0.2 5.9 0.03 -1.65 Results are
obtained at EOC
2.8 5.1 13.8 0.37 -0.67
2.0 4.2 16.4 0.26 -0.84
1.2 2.3 14.0 0.16 -1.04
0.4 2.8 6.3 0.44 -0.52
11 4.5 81.5 36.1 2.26 1.65 Results are
obtained under
84 kPa of applied
4 82.1 62.6 1.31 1.04
3.5 82.7 82.1 1.01 0.84
3 78.2 94.8 0.82 0.52
2.5 71.1 98.0 0.73 0.39
2 60.3 94.2 0.64 0.13
1.5 45.1 83.2 0.54 -0.13
1 31.5 62.3 0.51 -0.25
0.5 18.9 39.1 0.48 -0.39
1 ft = 0.305 m
1 inch = 25.4 mm
1 psi = 6.89 kPa

Figure 101 shows the frequency of occurrence histogram of λ. The probability plot for λ value obtained based on the results of theJewell-Milligan method is depicted in figure 102. The curve follows a lognormal distribution.

This bar graph shows frequency of occurrence histogram of bias (λ) for the lateral displacement of geosynthetic reinforced soil (GRS) walls and abutments using the Jewell-Milligan method. The x-axis shows λ ranging from 0 to 3 and is divided into six equal intervals. The y-axis shows frequency of occurrence from 0 to 9. The frequency of occurrence of λ for this method is equal to 7, 8, 2, 0, 2, and 0 corresponding to   of 0 to 0.49, 0.50 to 0.99, 1.00 to 1.49, 1.50 to 1.99, 2.00 to 2.49, and 2.50 to 3.00, respectively.

Figure 101. Graph. Frequency of occurrence histogram of λ for the lateral displacement of GRS walls and abutments using the Jewell-Milligan method


This graph shows the probability plot for measured and predicted lateral displacement of the geosynthetic reinforced soil (GRS) walls using the Jewell-Milligan method. The x-axis shows bias (λ) from 0 to 2.5, and the y-axis shows standard normal variable (z) from -3 to 2. Scattered data points are shown. The best fit line through the data points is a lognormal curve. The equation of this line is y equals 0.856 times ln(x) plus 0.5622 with an R squared value of 0.9019.

Figure 102. Graph. Probability plot for measured and predicted lateral displacement of GRS walls using the Jewell-Milligan method


Any interpretations of the results in this study should consider that the number of measured data points is statistically small. With this limitation, it was observed that the lower-than-unity mean λ (0.74) indicates the Jewell-Milligan method is a conservative prediction method, and it overestimates lateral deformation by a factor of 1.35. The relative low COV value (0.80) indicates the method has fair reliability.

Wu Method

Table 29 lists the predicted and measured values of the lateral displacements of GRS walls and abutments and λ and z for each data point. Based on the results, the mean λ is 0.24, σ is 0.12, and COV is 0.50.

Table 29. Predicted and measured lateral displacements of GRS walls and abutments with modular block facing using the Wu method.
z Notes
1 3.3 1.5 4.7 0.3191 0.56 Results are
obtained at EOC
2.7 5.1 13.8 0.3696 1.18
2.1 5.2 18.4 0.2826 0.42
1.5 5.0 18.7 0.2674 0.32
0.9 3.7 14.5 0.2552 0.19
0.3 2.4 5.9 0.4068 1.49
1 3.3 9.3 40.7 0.2285 0.11 Results are
obtained at 30 kPa
of applied pressure
2.7 7.2 43.3 0.1663 -0.37
2.1 6.5 41.5 0.1566 -0.42
1.5 5.2 35.3 0.1473 -0.61
0.9 3.3 24.5 0.1347 -0.83
0.3 1.4 9.1 0.1538 -0.46
1 3.3 31.6 88.9 0.3555 0.89 Results are
obtained at 70 kPa
of applied pressure
2.7 31.3 82.0 0.3817 1.27
2.0 25.6 70.8 0.3616 1.1
1.5 15.5 56.1 0.2763 0.37
1.1 11.1 45.9 0.2418 0.15
0.5 4.7 23.5 0.2000 -0.11
2 3.3 6.27 9.4 0.6670 2.12 Results are
obtained at EOC
2.7 7.98 27.5 0.2902 0.46
2.1 6.41 36.8 0.1742 -0.32
1.5 4.68 37.3 0.1255 -1.1
0.9 3.83 29.0 0.1321 -0.96
0.3 1.22 11.9 0.1025 -1.49
2 3.3 11.4 81.8 0.1394 -0.71 Results are
obtained at 30 kPa
of applied pressure
2.7 11.5 86.6 0.1328 -0.89
2.0 10.5 81.9 0.1282 -1.03
1.5 7.1 69.1 0.1027 -1.37
1.1 8.0 58.6 0.1365 -0.77
0.5 3.9 32.0 0.1219 -1.18
2 3.3 46.5 177.3 0.2623 0.28 Results are
obtained at 70 kPa
of applied pressure
2.7 57.9 164.3 0.3524 0.77
2.0 50.6 140.7 0.3596 1.03
1.4 37.0 110.9 0.3336 0.66
1.1 32.6 91.8 0.3551 0.83
0.5 15.8 46.1 0.3427 0.71
3 3.1 2.07 9.2 0.2250 0.06 Results are
obtained at EOC
2.2 6.00 20.2 0.2970 0.51
1.3 5.24 20.0 0.2620 0.24
0.5 2.14 10.4 0.2058 -0.02
10 3.3 3.9 8.2 0.4756 1.83 Results are
obtained at EOC
2.7 9.9 24.0 0.4125 1.64
2.1 11.4 32.0 0.3563 0.96
1.5 12.6 32.5 0.3877 1.37
0.9 8.1 25.2 0.3214 0.61
0.3 1.9 10.3 0.1845 -0.19
10 3.3 10.4 69.5 0.1496 -0.51 Results are
obtained at 30 kPa
of applied pressure
2.7 10.6 74.1 0.1430 -0.66
2.1 7.8 71.1 0.1097 -1.27
1.5 6.1 59.9 0.1018 -1.64
0.8 3.5 37.7 0.0928 -1.83
0.5 1.7 25.7 0.0661 -2.12
10 3.3 27.5 151.0 0.1821 -0.24 Results are
obtained at 70 kPa
of applied pressure
2.7 29.7 140.9 0.2108 0.02
2.1 25.0 122.6 0.2039 -0.06
1.5 18.3 96.5 0.1896 -0.15
0.8 10.1 57.1 0.1769 -0.28
0.5 5.4 36.6 0.1475 -0.56
1 ft = 0.305 m
1 inch = 25.4 mm
1 psi = 6.89 kPa


Figure 103 shows the frequency of occurrence histogram of λ. The probability plot for the λ value obtained based on the result of the analytical model is depicted in figure 104. The curve follows a lognormal distribution.

This bar graph shows the frequency of occurrence histogram of bias (λ) for the lateral displacement of geosynthetic reinforced soil (GRS) walls and abutments using the Wu method. The x-axis shows λ from 0 to 1 and is divided into five intervals. The y-axis shows frequency of occurrence from 0 to 14. The frequency of occurrence of   for this method is equal to 5, 13, 3, 1, and 0 corresponding to λ of 0 to 0.19, 0.20 to 0.39, 0.40 to 0.59, 0.60 to 0.79, and 0.80 to 1.00, respectively.

Figure 103. Graph. Frequency of occurrence histogram of λ for the lateral displacement of GRS walls and abutments using the Wu method


This graph shows the probability plot for measured and predicted lateral displacement of geosynthetic reinforced soil (GRS) walls using the Wu method. The x-axis shows bias (λ) from 0 to 0.8, and the y-axis shows standard normal variable (z) from -2.5 to 2. Scattered data points are shown. The best fit line through the data points is a lognormal curve. The equation of this line is y equals 1.9418 times ln(x) plus 2.5393 with an R squared value of 0.9648.

Figure 104. Graph. Probability plot for measured and predicted lateral displacement of GRS walls using the Wu method


Any interpretations of the results of this study should consider that the number of measured data points is statistically small. With this limitation, it was observed that the lower-than-unity mean λ (0.24) indicates the Wu method is a conservative prediction method, and it overestimates lateral deformation by a factor of 4.17. The low COV value (0.50) indicates the method has good reliability.

Adams Method

Table 30 lists the predicted and measured values of the lateral displacements of GRS walls and abutments and λ and z for each data point. Based on the results, the mean λ is 1.13, σ is 0.41, and COV is 0.36.

Table 30. Predicted and measured lateral displacements of GRS walls and abutments with modular block facing using the Wu method.
z Notes
11 84 82.7 73.4 1.13 -0.10 None
12 131 14.3 15.2 0.94 -0.29 None
13 0 8.6 11.4 0.75 -0.50 Results are
obtained at EOC
14 0 11.1 15.3 0.73 -0.74 Results are
obtained at EOC
15 115 10 5.6 1.79 1.43 None
16 115 9 12.7 0.71 -1.02 None
17 115 7 16.0 0.44 -1.43 None
18 207 23.4 16.3 1.44 0.74 None
475 57.3 41.8 1.37 0.50
19 214 36.4 27.5 1.32 0.29 None
317 57.8 45.4 1.27 0.10
414 113.4 69.2 1.64 1.02
1 psi = 6.89 kPa
1 inch = 25.4 mm


Figure 105 shows the frequency of occurrence histogram of λ. The normal probability plot for λ value obtained based on the results of the Adams method is depicted in figure 106. The curve follows a normal distribution.

This bar graph shows the frequency of occurrence histogram of bias (λ) for the lateral displacement of geosynthetic reinforced soil (GRS) walls and abutments using the Adams method. The x-axis shows   from 0 to 2.4 and is divided into six equal intervals. The y-axis shows frequency of occurrence from 0 to 4.5. The frequency of occurrence of λ for this method is equal to 0, 4, 2, 4, 2, and 0 corresponding 0 to λ of 0.39, 0.40 to 0.79, 0.80 to 1.19, 1.20 to 1.59, 1.60 to 1.99, and 2.00 to 2.40, respectively.

Figure 105. Graph. Frequency of occurrence histogram of λ for the lateral displacement of GRS walls and abutments using the Adams method


This graph shows the probability plot for measured and predicted lateral displacement of geosynthetic reinforced soil (GRS) walls using the Adams method. The x-axis shows bias (λ) ranging from 0 to 2, and the y-axis shows standard normal variable (z) ranging from -2 to 2. Scattered data points are shown. The best fit line through the data points is a linear line. The equation of this line is y equals 2.0236 times x minus 2.2801 with an R squared value of 0.9759.

Figure 106. Graph. Probability plot for measured and predicted lateral displacement of GRS walls using the Adams method


Any interpretations of the results of this study should consider that the number of measured data points is statistically small. With this limitation, it was observed that the slightly higher-than-unity mean λ (1.13) indicates the Adams method is a slightly unconservative prediction method, and the predicted lateral displacement is on average 88 percent of the actually measured lateral deformation. The low COV value (0.36) indicates the method has good reliability.

Comparison of the Six Prediction Methods for Lateral Displacement of GRS Abutments and Walls

Table 31 summarizes the statistical analyses of the six prediction methods for lateral displacement of GRS abutments and walls. The Adams method is the most accurate method for predicting the maximum lateral displacement of GRS walls and abutments with the mean λ the closest to unity and small COV. The Jewell-Milligan method is a conservative and relatively accurate method for predicting the lateral displacement of GRS walls and abutments with negligible facing rigidity. For predicting the displacement of GRS walls and abutments with CMU facing block, the CTI method may also be used, although it may overestimate lateral deformations by a factor of 1.69 with relatively low reliability.

Table 31. Summary of the statistical analyses of the six prediction methods for lateral displacements of GRS abutments and walls.
Mean λ 0.12 1.38 0.59 0.74 0.24 1.13
σ 0.10 1.59 0.64 0.59 0.12 0.41
COV 0.38 1.15 1.08 0.80 0.50 0.36



Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000
Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center | 6300 Georgetown Pike | McLean, VA | 22101