U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
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Washington, DC 20590
Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations
This report is an archived publication and may contain dated technical, contact, and link information |
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-15-080 Date: February 2016 |
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-15-080 Date: February 2016 |
In the evaluation of five widely used methods of estimating immediate settlement of shallow foundations on granular soils, it was observed that four of the five methods (modified Schmertmann, Hough, Peck and Bazaraa, and Burland and Burbidge) overestimate immediate settlement, and the D’Appolonia method slightly underestimates immediate settlement. In comparison, the D’Appolonia method is the most accurate method with the mean λ the closest to unity and relatively small COV, followed by the Peck and Barazaa method and the Burland and Burbidge method. Both the modified Schmertmann method and the Hough method overestimate immediate settlement of shallow foundations on granular soils by a factor of approximately 2. It is noted that this conclusion is based on measured data whose population may be statistically small.
In the evaluation of six prediction methods for lateral displacements of GRS abutments and walls, it was concluded that the Adams method is the most accurate method for predicting the maximum lateral displacement of GRS walls and abutments with the mean λ the closest to unity and small COV. The Jewell-Milligan method is a conservative and relatively accurate method for predicting the lateral displacement of GRS walls and abutments with negligible facing rigidity. For predicting the displacement of GRS walls and abutments with CMU facing block, the CTI method may also be used, although it may overestimate lateral deformations by a factor of 1.69 with a relatively high COV. It is noted that this conclusion is based on measured data whose population may be statistically small.
Currently, there is only one method available in estimating elastic vertical deformation of GRS abutments and walls; it is an empirical equation proposed by Adams et al.(32) This method uses the composite Young’s modulus of the GRS composite. Although the field observation data that are used to evaluate this empirical method show that this method is highly unconservative, it should be noted that the accuracy of the prediction method depends on the accurate determination of the composite Young’s modulus, which lacks in the literature. It should also be noted that this conclusion is based on measured data whose population may be statistically small.
Based on the synthesis of the literature and current guidelines and methods on bridge supports using engineered fills, the following knowledge gaps and data needs for bridge supports using engineered fills were identified: