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Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations

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Publication Number:  FHWA-HRT-16-007    Date:  January 2016
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-16-007
Date: January 2016


Long-Term Bridge Performance (LTBP) Program Protocols, Version 1

Field Visit Protocols (FLD)

Onsite Pretest Activities (OP)

Field Data Collection (DC)

Data Storage (DS)

Site Preparedness Protocols (SP)

FLD-OP-SP-001, Site Preparation

Long-Term Bridge Performance Program Logo

Site Preparation
LTBP Protocol #: FLD-OP-SP-001


Data Collected

1.1 None. This protocol provides guidance for site preparation to facilitate onsite data collection activities.  


Onsite Equipment and Personnel Requirements

2.1 Equipment:  
2.1.1 PRE-PL-LO-004, Personal Health and Safety Plan.  
2.1.2 Pencil, sketch pad, and clipboard.  
2.1.3 Hand water sprayer.  
2.1.4 Brooms.  
2.1.5 Water-soluble paint for marking areas where travel should not occur (if necessary).  
2.2 Personnel:  
2.2.1 PRE-PL-LO-005, Personnel Qualifications  



3.1 Site visit: A site visit to the bridge should precede any visual inspection, nondestructive evaluation (NDE), and/or material sampling data collection. A site visit includes the following:  
3.1.1 Verifying bridge structure number, girder type, and wearing surface (untreated or treated deck).  
3.1.2 Identifying access requirements.  
3.1.3 Identifying equipment needed for field data collection.  
3.1.4 Identifying staging areas for contractor equipment, parking, and live load trucks for testing.  
3.1.5 Determining site-specific concerns to address.  
3.1.6 Cleaning the top of the bridge and preparing the structure for data collection.  
3.1.7 Identifying areas for instrumentation (if applicable).  
3.1.8 Marking areas for sensors and data acquisition equipment with water-soluble paint.  
3.1.9 Marking any location where equipment cannot travel.  
3.2 Cleaning:  
3.2.1 Certain NDE techniques require the deck to be clear of any large debris and accumulations of dirt and sediment. Underside access requires that any large undergrowth be eliminated if possible.  
3.2.2 Request, through appropriate channels, that the bridge owner provide deck cleaning and underbrush trimming before the test.
If prior trimming or cleaning is not possible, obtain approval from the bridge owner to clean the bridge deck the night before testing (inclusive of traffic control), or leave time for cleaning during data collection.
3.3 Prewetting: Due to the use of water-soluble paint marking the grid on the deck, only prewet the deck with a hand sprayer immediately in front of the resistivity test.  


Data Collection Table

4.1 None.  


Criteria for Data Validation

5.1 None.  



6.1 This protocol provides guidance on the details of a site visit to the bridge before any data collection begins.  
6.2 Staging areas are areas either on, adjacent, below, or otherwise nearby the bridge designated for specific purposes. For a full field data collection effort, staging areas accommodate visual inspection, NDE, and material sampling.  
6.3 Identify and clear parking areas with local law enforcement per PRE-PL-LO-007, Communication and Coordination Plan. Include parking for personnel transportation, access equipment, and equipment transportation in the plan. The parking area provides easy access via vehicle to both the underside and topside of the bridge and allows for safe travel on foot to the bridge. Parking areas must not infringe upon private property or local businesses without permission from the owner.  



7.1 LTBP Protocols:  
7.1.1 PRE-PL-LO-004, Personal Health and Safety Plan.  
7.1.2 PRE-PL-LO-007, Communication and Coordination Plan.  
7.2 External: None.  




Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000
Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center | 6300 Georgetown Pike | McLean, VA | 22101