3D Engineered Models for Construction Introduction and Module Descriptions
These modules, developed by FHWA, are now being delivered through the Transportation Coordination Curriculum Council (TC3) Training Store (training.transportation.org). The TC3 is a technical service program within AASHTO that focuses on developing training products for technical staff in the areas of construction, maintenance, and materials.
This training continues to be offered at no cost by the TC3. Users must register for AASHTO e-affiliation at the links below.
- Overview
Module 1: Introduction to 3D Engineered Models for Highway Transportation
Module 1 introduces and defines 3D engineered modeling. It also explains how advanced 3D modeling offers improvements over traditional 2D methods to deliver projects within schedule and budget with better quality from concept to completion. This first module is divided into three lessons. They are:
- Lesson 1: What are 3D Engineered Models?;
- Lesson 2: Applications in Highway Transportation; and
- Lesson 3: Implementation Lessons Learned.
After completing this module, participants will be able to explain the benefits of 3D modeling, list examples of 3D modeling currently in use, explain how the application of 3D modeling differs in various project delivery methods, describe quality control techniques at all stages of project delivery, describe how workflow with 3D models differs from 2D design, and describe the current practices in Civil Integrated Management (CIM).
Registration Link: https://training.transportation.org/item_details.aspx?ID=2690
Module 2: Surveying and 3D Engineered Models
Module 2 explains how 3D engineered modeling utilizes improved survey technologies for efficient design and construction. This module is divided into four lessons. They are:
- Lesson 1: Overview of Surveying Equipment and Techniques;
- Lesson 2: Surveying with the use of GPS, Lasers, Total Stations, and other Tools;
- Lesson 3: Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE); and
- Lesson 4: Building the 3D Engineered Model.
Upon completion of these lessons, participants will be able to list recent events in the history of surveying and mapping technology, explain how site and project constraints dictate which type of survey technology is used, describe the order of magnitude costs for the equipment, explain the training needs of high-tech equipment, list the requirements to utilize global positioning systems (GPS), explain how terrestrial scanning and mobile LiDAR equipment works, match the right technology to the right application, explain and define SUE, and explain the purpose of the digital terrain model (DTM).
Registration Link: https://training.transportation.org/item_details.aspx?ID=2691
Module 3: 3D Engineered Models in Highway Design
Module 3 explains how advanced 3D engineered modeling enables intelligent design analysis, improves quality, and expedites downstream deliverables. This module is divided into four lessons. They are:
- Lesson 1: Applications of 3D Engineered Models in Design (Design Analysis);
- Lesson 2: Office Workflow and Process Elements;
- Lesson 3: Design and Coordination Process; and
- Lesson 4: Quality Assurance with 3D Modeling.
After completing this module, participants will be able to describe how 3D engineered models provide clear design intent to downstream users, explain the capabilities of 3D modeling software, explain how 3D engineered models facilitate project communication, discuss good practices on data management and coordination with contractor associations, identify techniques used for visualizing problem areas during the design process, and describe how visualizing the project in 3D and simulating the project can greatly reduce the amount of errors and lead to a higher quality of construction.
Registration Link: https://training.transportation.org/item_details.aspx?ID=2692
Module 4: Applications of 3D Engineered Models in Highway Construction and Quality Assurance
Module 4 explains how 3D engineered modeling expedites concept to completion, reduces rework, increases safety, and decreases risk. This training is divided into four lessons. They are:
- Lesson 1: 3D Applications in Highway Construction;
- Lesson 2: Constructability Review;
- Lesson 3: Automated Machine Guidance (AMG) and Control Systems; and
- Lesson 4: Quality Assurance in Construction with 3D Engineered Modeling.
Upon completion of the module, participants will be able to explain how survey, 3D design, and construction techniques are used in modern highway construction, discuss the benefits of performance-based specifications and utilizing AMG technology, explain how the use of 3D design and construction techniques can be applied to as-built documentation and tied to GIS databases and systems, describe how cost and schedule information can be incorporated into the 3D engineered model, explain the challenges and benefits of implementing 4D and 5D modeling into a project, identify the different types of equipment and their inputs used in AMG, list strategies for overcoming site-specific challenges, and discuss how increased accuracy results in an improved project delivery.
Registration Link: ttps://training.transportation.org/item_details.aspx?ID=2693